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21116233 No.21116233 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21116298

I hear QuadrigaCX is good.

>> No.21116349
File: 25 KB, 473x500, pHenlo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21116360

they make it very easy to just hodl

>> No.21116379


Good one

>> No.21116509

Honestly, just go right to coinmetro

>> No.21116525

only buy bitcoin in person so you know you're getting what you paid for

>> No.21116535


>> No.21116556

use shakepay to deposit $

>> No.21116584

deposit $ into shakepay with interac etransfer

then buy eth/btc and send coins to a major exchange (binance, kucoin, etc)

>> No.21116704


why use shakepay? why shouldnt i just buy from (binance etc). or are fees are cheaper with shakepay

>> No.21116916

i think shakepay is the easiest way to get into crypto for canadians since you can do interac etransfer (which i think you can't with binance)

but i haven't tried binance, so i don't know..

>> No.21117055

Shakepay has the lowest feea and its simple. Also, when using an exchange like CB or binance, it's cheaper to send btc or eth than it is to send fiat. Therefore use shakepay as a buffer btw any major exchange and your bank. Shakepay is also CDN so if your money goes poof you can drive up to Toronto and deliver a knuckle sandwich to them

>> No.21117095

They are cheap mein neger. If you buy $1000 of Bitcoin you get $987 worth. It's the fastest and
least jewish option. Now since I helped and didn't meme you gotta send your btc to binance and market buy my link bags right now.

>> No.21117155

Shakepay or coinberry. Shake pay is cheaper, coinberry has better sell prices if you need to convert back to CAD.

>> No.21117761


got 20k to spend on eth link btc tonight. should i use blockfolio also?

>> No.21117808

yea blockfolio is the most popular app to track your coins

>> No.21117846

paytrie is a lowkey good on/off ramp that not many know of yet, but its all Stable coins, so you can exchange cad for usdc/usdt/dai etc, and do what you want with it

>> No.21118283

Do NOT send the $20000 all at once unless you want the cra knocking on your shit. Spread it over a few days/weeks