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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 560x346, intuition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21106765 No.21106765 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I never see people talking about using their intuition on this board? Over the last year, I've tried to get better and better at listening to my intuition, even if what it's telling me seems illogical. Pretty much 100% of the time, my intuition turns out to be correct. Lately I've been focusing on using my intuition while trading, and I've realized the same is true - nearly 100% of the time, my intuition was right.

Does anyone else here focus on their intuition as the path to success?

>> No.21106850

>Why do I never see people talking about flying pink unicorns here?
>I’ve started paying attention to pink unicorns and it helped me trade better
Are you fucking retarded?
Define what “intuition“ really is beyond “a hunch” and then get back to me.

>> No.21107046

I think this thread won't make it far but this is actually the most interesting thing I've seen posted on 4chan in a long time. I have thought about this before too. My intuition is also always right from what I can remember, even though I act against it many times. I think you are right, there is a way to train yourself to find out what is intuition and what is being influenced by outside factors. Just a small example, I was going to sell eth at 384 this morning because I noticed it was going down. I felt intuitively that it was the right choice, but I waited and it went down to 364 quickly. I should have listened to myself. This happens all the time in trading crypto and stocks, but more importantly, has happened my whole life with almost every decision I've ever made. I especially have vivid memories of times I went against my intuition, going somewhere I wasn't supposed to, hanging out with someone I shouldn't have, doing something at the wrong time, all things with terrible consequences that could have been avoided if I had just listened to my intuition.

>> No.21107047


>> No.21107052

>never see people talking about using their intuition on this board?
that's because /biz is mostly autistic. intuition is the very thing that they lack. autism is actually a gut problem - google gut/brain connection. no lie.

>> No.21107088

confirmation bias, might as well go read some horoscopes while you're at it.

>> No.21107101

vapid materialist detected

>> No.21107126

Most people aren’t ready to talk about that yet. Even after everything we said about link becomes true, they’ll still think it was just luck.

>> No.21107221

Bought link because I always follow my intuition. Still don't know what it does.

>> No.21107527

Get this. I literally dreamed this crash was coming the other night. Next day I get distracted from this vision and I Sell cause I realise I can do leveraging if I buy back in the isolated margin account. Then it goes up and Im thinking well good, maybe itll dump tmr like my dream. Doesnt, just dips back to previous level then I miss my chance as it rises higher and then back down halfway. Me now 2 days later not taking heed of the warning decide to make a risky buy thinking the market is on the up.

Then it crashes down in the exact same pattern I saw and I had to pull my funds and lose $185 to prevent liquidation. Im kicking myslef in that I saw exactly what was going to happen but then didnt trust in it and got FOMO'd like a noob. Its like fate, you can see the future but still walk right into it. I feel a bit delerious now desu.

>> No.21107702

>I literally dreamed this crash
What "crash" retard? Are you new? The market goes up and down. "crash"! Do you know what that word means?

>> No.21107743

no the exact shape of the curve on the chart. It was uncanny.

>> No.21108233

Same, I was about to put 100k on ampl during the first flash crash to 60 cents because knew it would fly back up to a dollar. But I logically played it safe. That night priced hit 1.34. missed out on a hundred k....I cussed myself out in the car.

>> No.21109072

no I don't believe in those, retard

>> No.21109255

My intuition told me to buy VRA

>> No.21109284

Have you been on /x/? kek I see this shit everyday.

>> No.21109287

I bought LINK ico with all my crypto I had at that time ~20k eur. followed my intuition. then panic-sold everything when it dipped to 25 cent. I really enjoyd spending those ~27k eur.

>> No.21109411
File: 100 KB, 826x506, 1569396270381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people here are shut-in NEETs, and other societal rejects, who are completely detached from nature/the universe, and by extension themselves. They're about as intuitive as the shit I took this morning. Effective intuition requires the optimization of health in all of its dimensions: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental. Most people on this board are akin to pic related.

>> No.21109423

>using my intuition while trading, and I've realized the same is true - nearly 100% of the time, my intuition was right.
Are you sure this is not just some hindsight bias? i.e. are you actually trading on intuition and youvare consistently profitable?
I tend to think I have a pretty good intuition for link price from checking my portfolio multiple times a day for 3 years, but I never swing and this morning I thought I'd be down a bit but instead I was up a bit - so it's prolly nothing

>> No.21109479

Intuition doesn't feature any kind of panic or negative states of being. You simply have a low/worthless state of being, and you should be beaten to death with a baseball bat unless you change for the better. Facts.

>> No.21109529
File: 31 KB, 600x300, stjsjjjr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. NEET who is detached from the forces of nature

>> No.21109557

This. The gut microbiome is essential for optimal health.

>> No.21109665

The problem with this shit is when you try to use your intuition and it doesn't work, you'll just blame 'not being in the zone' for why it didn't work. But when it does work, you'll attribute it to your intuition. There is no outcome where you trust your intuition, shit goes awry, and then you blame your intuition for it. This shit is confirmation bias as fuck.

>> No.21109777

bump, intuition is the unconscious providing the brain with a conclusion to a very difficult optimization problem, it moves in logic beyond what is set in language

>> No.21109804
File: 96 KB, 744x605, johnchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rejected trips of truth
You haven't experienced intuition, so how can you speak to what it is? Real intuition is a gutteral, primal "uh-huh" or "uh-uh" that you feel in the pit of your stomach (when your healthy and in alignment with the divine). Look into Human Design and learn about your respective gates/channels. Only a portion of the global population has intuition in this capacity, as determined by their "type" in Human Design.

>> No.21109835
File: 153 KB, 900x900, 1594074626446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed trips of truth.

Take notes, buddy.

>> No.21110333

I feel intuition all the time, I just don't enshrine it like you do. My gut feeling has been wrong about things plenty of times. Shit my gut feeling about LINK was to run far away, my greed overrode my gut feeling though and I'm better off for it.

You'll just tell me the times where I felt intuitively about something and it was wrong didn't REALLY involve my intuition. Because you're a cognitively biased schizo goalpost mover.

>> No.21110431

You're speaking the truth that your gut/intuition doesn't serve you well, and that is because you're not healthy/in alignment. Read >>21109411

>> No.21110521

My intuition has been telling me to sell every fucking dip since 3 months ago, my system/rules tell me to hold. Guess which one makes me money.

>> No.21110580

Fucking magic realist dumbass nigger cunt. It's exactly like I said. If intuition doesn't serve someone well then by your measure, it wasn't really intuition. You realize how fucking retarded and unfalsifiable that shit is? Do you appreciate how there is no contrary argument or set of facts in the universe that someone could present to you that could convince that you're actually wrong, when you use that kind of swiss cheese logic? You smoothbrain schizo faggot.

>> No.21110588

Most probably don't have a good enough intuition that it is worth listening too...
Combine that with the inability to seperate emotion from logic and it's game over

>> No.21110643

I should have sold STA and bought DIA and many other things.
Intuition is your subconscious telling you things, the so called 6th sense is actually a highly cognitive side of the brain which calculates way faster than the conscious and can go as far as detect earthquakes and other cataclysms or great boons.
Sadly your subconscious is also an asshole that refuses to rationalize so if you're dumb as fuck then you're dead.

>> No.21110664

this thread needs 42 to ruin it

>> No.21110741

Checked. This. End thread.

>> No.21110769
File: 148 KB, 1359x995, 14507176772479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. You answered it yourself. You don't have intuition. Tell me how I know you look like pic related

>> No.21111090

I use my intuition all the time on here. It doesn't take long to spot who is posting genuinely, and who is fudding. The great long posts which seethe with anger are actually too easy. Whoever writes these has no clue about basic human psychology, yet they waste hours every week on this dross.
The better ones sow some doubt, but even they give themselves away in one way or another.

>> No.21111173

because i'm a coward beta male. my intuition hits unprecedented levels of gtfo quick instantly when the slightest bit of anxiety creeps in. over the years i've gotten good at ignoring it but if i listened to it 90% of the time i wouldn't live.

>> No.21111816

the thing about intuition is, you have to develop it, and you're gonna fail a lot until your intuition about certain things becomes good, like a brain pattern being developed.

>> No.21111943

I had a strong feeling we would have a dump last night yet I did nothing. I had a dream a few nights ago where I was being chased by a huge, terrifying grizzly bear. All I did was hide but my friends were fighting the bear. Maybe this is symbolic for my unwillingness to capitalize on bearish market movements.

>> No.21112000

I think that in something as fucked up as crypto the only option noobs have is to look at the charts and gain a sense of what it looks like when it's about to go up and when it's about to go down.

>> No.21112076

This. Thread is full of /x/ tier idiots.

Also checked Heil Hitler

>> No.21112127

Read Jung

>> No.21112223

All of my trades are intuitive; I literally intuited Bitcoin, Ethereum & Chainlink's undiscovered value, and felt it like a strong emotion, restlessly researching before buying anyway, sleeping like a baby afterwards.

>> No.21112281

Someone needs to edit that /pol/ humor comic about the Canadian poster except swap it with /biz/ and 42

>> No.21112650

I intuited that 8.5 was a good point to dump link. Obviously 10 would have been better, but I am happy not to hold any.