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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21104900 No.21104900 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21104916

corona wave 2. i'm all out.

>> No.21104949

who cares

>> No.21104952

they are giving you ONE LAST CHANCE. This message will self destruct in 11 pages

>> No.21104960

Always happens. Crypto is a scam. Bitcoin shits the bed and everything goes down.

>> No.21104982

because you are not supposed to make money

>> No.21105001

Bitcoin has the most market dominance in crypto so when it moves up or down every crypto pretty much follows

>> No.21105026

weekend dip

>> No.21105030

>why this happening?
because it shakes out newfags

>> No.21105106

unironically this

you'll learn, newfag. dips are predictable.

>> No.21105123

beacause some crackhead ODed and kicked the bucket while being arrested, momments after commiting a crime

now the whole Dumbfucksland is in decline

>> No.21105155

expect 30% drop from the recent highs before reaccumulation/stagnation period then lift off September

>> No.21105189

Ballsy move. At least buy back for cheap. Things will stil go higher in the long run

>> No.21105213

I think his idea is that it will dip further.

>> No.21105267

thank you for the replies

i have about $3,300 in initial investment. mostly in BTC and LINK. still up $100 after this dip (so far)

i dont plan on selling or running away, but I don't think i'll be investing anymore since losing this money would be a pretty big hit for me

>> No.21105350

Because you're bad and you've been bad
You single handedly destroyed millions
I hope you're going to take responsibility now that you've made everyone pregnant

>> No.21105384
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im so sorry

>> No.21105414

Don’t worry it’s only chinese new year
People sell for gifts

>> No.21105459

This. When it hits bottom its yr last chance to buy cheap

>> No.21105825

Ever since everything started being backed by USDT, it’s the institutions that make money not the normie retail fags.

>> No.21105889

Because I bought

>> No.21105903

How could you do this to us?

>> No.21105998

Elites are already going off planet something big is coming.

This is just a glipse of whats to come.



>> No.21106043

Last chance to buy in before the Golden bull breaks loose.

>> No.21106062


Global Reboot.


>> No.21106099

wen coin go up then coin habe to go downs fren

>> No.21106174

I have new chainlink for you. Its called DIA. Its an oracle coin, better than chainlink, just starting its shot for moon. Go buy while you can. This msg will selfdesteuct in 24 hours.

>> No.21106219
File: 1.21 MB, 1194x844, FREE FALLIN'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you think you're buying the dip...

>> No.21106223

I really am getting tired of newfags with lunch money having panic attacks all over this board everytime they lose a couple hundred bucks. Try being me. I am literally homeless and living in my car with 73 dollars in my bank account and I have six figures tied up in this but yet you don't hear me whining when I lose tens of thousands in an hour.

>> No.21106246
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>> No.21106266

You sound like a legend mate.

>> No.21106270

Holy shit dude are you mentally ill or something?

>> No.21106296

This is some schizophrenic shit

>> No.21106300

30% cash with suicide stack already finished lets GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.21106302


>Why are we not going up in a straight line forever, wtf???????

>> No.21106306

Typical bogdanoff response to my purchase. Nothing to see here

>> No.21106340

Get some help dude look at yourself. Your Monopoly money is worth ACTUAL money. Get yourself out of the gutter before you lose that security and end up killing yourself

>> No.21106351

No I'm just going to make it.

>> No.21106435

I have been aware of the weekend dips for a while now. But what is the direct cause of it?

>> No.21106476

I’m not necessarily doubting that, but shit, pull 30k out, get an apartment and a job.

>> No.21106482
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bought more XRP during this dip!

>> No.21106489

Because you bought

>> No.21106505

Anyone else unable to trade on binance?

>> No.21106549
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>> No.21106553

things go higher in the LONG RUN dipshit

>> No.21106581

>not sacrificing everything in his life to put every single penny in crypto to max out chances of making it

>> No.21106679

Don’t listen to the normies
You’ll be rich in a handful of years

>> No.21106725

Jews jewing Jews while attacking whites on behalf of Jews who worship whites because king Jew was killed by the Jews for ditchjng Jews for whites whkm he made the new Jews.

>> No.21106758

If you’re a newfag don’t make threads. Lurk more and you’ll find the answer to your questions. The reason for today is literally just a normal correction after 3 months of absurd pumping...

>> No.21106770

>get an apartment instead of waiting a little longer and being able to buy the entire apartment complex

Also I have a job. Its just that 75 percent of my paychecks go to coins and 25 percent goes to the dollar menu and gas.

>> No.21106806

fucking based

>> No.21106878

its people like you that are funding my lifestyle of never having a job and buying shitcoins and selling them for living expenses when they get pumped

>> No.21106907
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ill do as i please dumb bitch. fuck you gonna do about it pussy??

>> No.21106916

normans selling after the whales pumped during the week. of course, normans cant dump much and whales will carry us to the moon and beyond

>> No.21106995

I will send you a postcard from my island in a year. What is your mom's address?

>> No.21107017

Because i want to buy more. So i told to Uncle Jew to dupm the market.

>> No.21107045

its just settling. two weeks ago bitcoin couldn't crack 11k and now even with a hard dip it's still above.
it just bounced back to 11.4, likely people are waiting for ~11k or ~10.9 to buy which begins another arm.

>> No.21107078


>> No.21107190
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Because of people like this.
Nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.21107200

really nothing anon, just relax itll be alright.

>> No.21107202

extremely based


>> No.21107231

I remember when people only woke up on -15% drops/rise
Guess all the newfag third worlders are scared that their 100 bucks investments might get eradicated

>> No.21107318
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Why are you so rude? Are you just trying to make this place worse than it already is?

>> No.21107351

im sorry

>> No.21107465

Bruh this is every other day in crypto

>> No.21107483
File: 63 KB, 960x906, 0654AA8B-EFA1-436B-9D05-224205D3DCE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continue to laugh at your retardation

>> No.21107550

nice dr. evil comparison at the end to really hammer home the very serious and non-schizo point

>> No.21107605

what a fucking legend

>> No.21107625
File: 195 KB, 1000x750, 1451921465766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what is happening. Herd

A whale move in btc causes all the other coins to move. The vast majority 99.9%+ of trading on exchanges is done by bots who are constantly arbitraging the spot prices.They sense the drop in one market, then sell the same asset in another market that is relatively higher. When the asset falls some % on any market vs another argument, they then buy that asset and sell the relatively higher priced asset. In this way, arbitrage is the reason why prices are the same across all markets. Falling price of btc therefore causes all prices to fall. Conversely, rising btc price causes all "boats" to rise (the rising tide analogy).

Since all the alts are basically thinly traded, with thin order books, they tend to drop faster and deeper. As btc goes up against the pair, the bots tend to sell the alts for btc. This is the fundamental reason over time, alts will underperform btc, and momentum in these flows is why, sometimes, the entire market will devalue against btc at once, or alts severely overshoot to the downside. Btc's movements itself has a lot to do with action in leveraged markets like bitmex where liquidations force large buys and sells and many traders time their moves on these moves.

>> No.21107644

He is the only based one here. Best financial advice is to invest min half what you earn. This Chad is investing 75 percent. Screw the comfy life for a year. He knows what's coming and will make it.

>> No.21107804

Pay attention young anons, This anon is the the result of someone reading outside of 4chan.

>> No.21107821
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godspeed car anon
were all gonna make it

>> No.21107878

but arnt alot of tokens paired with ETH now?

>> No.21107945

Such will to power.

>> No.21107981

Welcome to crypto, newfag. It's called volatility, which is the name of the game when it comes to this space. Things randomly go up and down. Up 5% here, down 6% there, up 10% here, down 8% there. It's normal and just ends up being statistical noise in the long-run. You can't let it get to you.

>> No.21108051

fucking lol, watch when newfags like this see a real dip. 40% down they will be losing their minds and roping from being down on their 1k investment

>> No.21108070

this. fuck niggers, fuck jews, fuck trannies

>> No.21108147
File: 143 KB, 1080x1073, 1596479752318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weekend dip
>yfw it is literally wednesday
>mfw I'm retarded and thought it was wednesday
>mfw I have lost all concept of time

>> No.21108155

you are the normie who is mentally ill, hes going to make it with his stinkies. Im all in on crypto as well, not to the $73 extent but pretty close,since i get to live at gf parents home, wage and eat free tendies.

>> No.21108291

thank you for the educational post. saved

>> No.21108577
File: 71 KB, 1024x958, 1596654411006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fuckin dude.

>> No.21108773

>"buy the dip you dip"
>0 results


>> No.21108791


>> No.21108811

>RUN in my blood-red ID
What did God mean by this?

>> No.21109657

Do you mean why is the whole market dumping in tandem? Or do you mean why is the market dumping in the first place? The answer to the first is because BTC dumps then BTC pairs get triangularly arbitraged with fiat pairs. The answer to the second probably some key technical level was hit for bots.

>> No.21109685

Absolute legend

>> No.21109980

>This is not normal behavior, seek help.
t. Seething redditor

>> No.21110050

Also new. If this drop is in line with the movements of BTC, then aren’t the prices going to continue down for a while?

>> No.21110591


>> No.21110948

Yep. Simps cashing out some BTC so they can pay their onlyfans dues so their sweetie can go out tonight and get dicked by Chad.