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2110392 No.2110392 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy 700+ eth over a year ago for $8 average.
>Eth crashes due to 'lol dao hack'.
>Sell for double my input, so still feel somewhat smug.
>Look at eth price 1 year later.
>Realize you jewed yourself out of 60k+ and counting.
>Realize i couldve had a completely different life by now.

Who else missed the coin bubble and feels like dying everyday?!

It hurts so fucking bad.

Tell us your stories to help me cope.

>> No.2110461

Same type of thing happened to me. Sold right at the foot of this rally thinking I would buy it back at a lower price. The the price never went lower. It shot up 6x.

I fucking die inside every time I read someone "made 30k off of crypto". It hurts my soul, hurts my soul to the very core. Worst of all I don't have any money anymore to invest, so I'm double poor.

I go to bed every single night wish I held. I hate myself so, so much. I am now going to have to work for years just to make what I could have made off of ethereum. My life could be so fucking much better if I was still holding ETH. I want to hold. I want to hold ETH for many years. Now I have to buy it at over $100. I have to save up to buy ether at over $100.

Like honestly, I feel like killing myself. I can't deal with the stress. Knowing I could have had so much money right now... seeing all these people on line making so much money effortlessly... that should have been me.... I really want to kill myself. All I think about at night is how fucking expensive ethereum is now.

It feels so, so horrible. No joke, I am close to going crazy and robbing a bank. I have thought about scamming people to make back what I could have won on ETH. I've thought about just going on a murder spree. Just sneaking around town slitting people's throats and or shooting them with a gun

>> No.2110471

Just watch biz for pump and dump shill threads on dead/scam coins and only buy if you can get in before the vertical climb. Set up a sell order at double price.

>> No.2110495
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>didn't believe in vitalik

>> No.2110563

I believed in him truly and deeply.

The price looking like it was pumping high for an ethereum convention. (It was at 14, doubling from $7 not to long before that, and before that I bought it at $12) I thought that after the convention was over there would be a huge sell off and the propped up prices would get knocked down.

I wanted to rebuy more ethereum at a lower price. But then it went to $15. I thought it must come back down. Then it went to $16 and $17 and I start freaking out. I can't buy now, think of all those gain I missed out on. Let me just wait until it gets back to the $14 range. And then it went to $18, $19. Should I just bite the bullet and re-buy? No! If I lock in this higher price now, that is the same as losing money basically. Then it went to $25, then $30, then $40, then $50. At this point I can not even stomach buying ethereum at this price. I never thought it would reach $50 for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS. But there it was... it already past me... and I missed it.

Now the thought of buying ethereum at $100 is so disgusting, so horrible and heart wrenching. You think I would know but know just to buy and hold and shut the fuck up. But Jesus... to make an investment now after its already gained 6x.... even if it goes up double from here, still that would have been 12x if I didn't sell!

I really want this pain to end, my family would never forgive me if I commited suicide. I've thought about killing my entire family so they would have to suffer my suicide but that would be impossible because my family is scattered all over the map. I just don't know what to do, I don't want to live anymore :( I'm fucking serious

>> No.2110584

>*wouldn't have to suffer my suicide

>> No.2110606

>had 130 bitcoins in 2013, bought at 70 dollar
>sold a few months later at the crash to 89
>"only" 15 bitcoin left

>buy 500 litecoin at 6 dollars or so
>ride this shit through 2 bubbles and never sell
>sold this bubble though

could have had a peaceful life by now, but i am only at 30k euro in crypto

>> No.2110611

why do people pump and dump cryptos with good technology behind them?

>> No.2110615

I had 4 million ripple and sold at 1k sat. If only I hold onto those.

>> No.2110624

It's not as though it's too late to make another go at it, there's still plenty of room for growth. Man the fuck up and focus on what you can still achieve instead of dwelling on what could have been.
>I've thought about killing my entire family so they would have to suffer my suicide
And what about all their friends and loved ones, jackass? You'd just be spreading grief to even more people your deranged fuck.

>> No.2110626

I know that feel senpai. I have never been so embittered and full of hate and destruction as ive been the past few months.

All my life i have wanted to be rich and succesfull and thats why i saved up money and went into crypto and traded stocks.

Everything was going great until the fucking dao got hacked and i saw my money dwindle overnight. I went from 20k to 10k in one week.

That hit me so hard that i was done with crypto and went into stocks. I made huge mistakes and now all i have left is 2k.

If it werent for the hack, i wouldve kept on holding eth since i believed in the technology. Everything that is happening now with eth is exactly as i had predicted. That 700 eth wouldve been worth 70k+ and i would have had a great life.

Its as if im cursed and am not allowed to succeed and be happy. I have to suffer. Every day is suffering.

>> No.2110634

Good tech means nothing if it's dead or unusable. Most people are retards and don't see that point though (see: RDD). If you took the time to research 5 minutes you would've seen the site, subreddit, wiki, youtube, etc. were all dead for months. It was delisted on polo for a reason. That's easy to shill on /biz/ and other places with shit like "IT'S BITCOIN FOR NORMIES" and "THE CAMWHORESSSS".

>> No.2110650

because all these coin has more or less similar tech. the difference is the whale backing them. The whale can wait for a year to pump it and we want the gains now and can't afford the wait.

>> No.2111114

for advanced crypto traders, add me on skype: cryptoanna

>> No.2111158
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owned 30 measly eth a week ago and sold 28 for ripple
then eth mooned and now you better believe in not letting go of this fucking xrp

>> No.2111206
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Such a sad tale

Please dont go on a killing spree

>> No.2111221

i like our resident anime poster

>> No.2111244
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Y-you too

>> No.2111394
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If I had not sold at the bottom after the DAO hack, I would be a millionaire today. But at least I held on to 2500 ETH so Ill have to wait till summer.

Feels bad man I really want to retire.

>> No.2111398

>sold 350 eth at € 40

now im trying to buy my way back to 300 eth and it hurts knowing i will have to actually get a job

>> No.2111838


You could have bought RDD at 5 sat and sold at 20 for massive gains. There will be more moons.

>> No.2111855

When is the next moon

>> No.2111883

invest in a new currency then you retard

>> No.2111908

ETH is going to surpass Bitcoin anon. It's going to do 10x from here before settling down again.

Seriously there's still time you fool.

>> No.2111932
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>Just sneaking around town slitting people's throats and or shooting them with a gun

What did he mean by this?

>> No.2111939

Stop trying to time the fucking market. If you believe in the underlying value then you just Buy and hold. It's very simple.

>> No.2111958


It's not too late. Get into XEM, XRP or GNT. Each are long holds, and will continue to rally.

>> No.2111961

>put $5,000 in BAT ICO
>close eyes for one year
>cash out $650,000 in summer 2018

Screencap this.

>> No.2111963

Hire a hitman squad to take all your family members out simultaneously. You can use your ETH gains to pay for the hitmen... oh wait

>> No.2111964

they will print just more ETH
or they will fork your money if they wish so
only few people control whole coin

>> No.2111977

This is why accumulate and hold is a better strategy than trading.

>> No.2112029

my story is the same as yours, OP. Except with that lol dao hack panic sell and just 500ETH. Yes, no need to point it out.
>I am a hodler, one man lambo wave and all around crypto billionaire.

>> No.2112142

exactly the same. sold all my eth after Dao hack when they were talking of hardforking.

bought back in at $35

not my first fuck up, probably not my last, but i don't worry about it.

>> No.2112212

there is no point being sad about this sort of thing. its like saying "omg if only i had chosen the winning lottery numbers to last nights lottery" or "if only id invested in apple back when they were a start up". you played it safe and that was smart. you made more money than if you hadnt invested in the first place

>> No.2112226



>> No.2112228

This. You didn't hold Netcoin or Comet either. But could you tell the difference compared to Ethereum or NEM ignoring the market price?

>> No.2112950

Not true. I believed in the tech behind eth and was all along expecting that it was going to be bitcoins closest competitor. The potential was insane and as such the growth they are going through now is well within what i had expected.

The only thing that i didnt expect was the cancerous dao hack which shattered peoples belief in eth. Part of me didnt want to reward the hacker, so i purposely withdrew everything. I regret that with a passion and hope the hacker gets one of the worst, most torturous deaths imaginable.

>> No.2113049

This is my idea

>> No.2113069

It's by far the best idea. The people are good, the idea is interesting, no way to lose.

>> No.2113094

Seek help.

>> No.2113733

mofo I invested £80 in bitcoins last week and now if I cashed it out I will have £200, all you have to do is trade your way up

>> No.2114205

>Missed 6x gains
>Doesn't realize the ride is JUST beginning, and automation is where ethereum is really going to shine
>wants to meet Tyrone in prison showers instead

Its hard to feel sorry for you

>> No.2115341

>If it werent for the hack, i wouldve kept on holding eth since i believed in the technology
eea members have stated the handling of the hack is how eth earned their trust, without the dao eth might have just plateaued around 20

280k is still pretty good

>> No.2115393

Cryptocurrencies kids, not even once. Did you really think you were doing anything but gambling?

>> No.2115466

I found out about ethereum back in 2014. I had JUST learned about bitcoin and I was looking for the next big thing. Vitalik fucking sold me. That autistic fuck! god i love him. Anyway, I only had 2 bitcoin at the time, which i had bought at like 800 bucks and it was now trading at around 500. It was dark days. Anyway, so i decided to throw .25 btc at the ICO. Igot me 500ETH. then literally the next day, i decided to throw another .25 at it for a grand total of 1000 eth.

I still have them pre-sale .json files and i haven't even imported them into mist. Im pretty sure i know the password! the files are in a tiny usb drive attached to my watch. I walk around with over 100 K on my wrist! lol (of course, it's encrypted.

I sat and watched the DAO hack, I sat and watched.

feels good DEsU

>> No.2115473

I lost like $5000 in 2014 from Bitcoin from the crash and the MtGox thing. BUT a year ago I threw in the rest of my $20k life savings into BTC. I was suicidal and didn't really care if I lost it all I was going to leave this world soon anyway. I want to go back in time and suck my own dick and tell me it's all going to be ok for making that decision and not ending it.

>> No.2115828

I panicked sold ltc while it was down and lost 4000$. Still came out ahead about a thousand but I immediately got out of the market and missed out on all these gains. Now coins are too expensive to even bother because I'd be risking thousands to make hundreds of dollars.
Being nervous and impulsive are bad traits for an investor. Its probably for the best.

>> No.2115883

Get a 0 apr credit card and max it out buying crypto on coinbase. Be sure to send it to gdax afterwords. Then just make payments on it while crypto skyrockets. If it continues to skyrocket.

I did this and it amplified my losses however.

Or you could get multiple credit cards use coinbase as a cash advance then send it to your bank and withdraw it. Take it to the casino and bet it all on black. if you lose kill yourself, if you win you're set for life.

>> No.2115898

how much do you have now?

>> No.2115914

Christ mayne, if dealing with crypto causes you this kind of stress, maybe you should get into some other kind of investing.

I lost out big when I sold my 1000+ monero at $1.60 a coin and it pumped soon thereafter, but I'm still in the game and I made a handsome profit with LTC. Don't stress the "potential" gains. Focus on your actual gains, instead.

Also, when people they they've "made" 30k, take those claims with a bit of salt. Usually, they mean their current holdings are 30k, and they haven't cashed-out yet.

>> No.2116037

Sold two eth today for dgb and xby feeling good.

>> No.2116946

By not fucking missing another one like DGB. Research it, you should see people going crazy about it on here.

It's forming a cup and handle right now, you should have a day or two to get on the rocket.

OP, because of stories like yours, I'm holding it until I get to six figures at the least.

>> No.2117144
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Here's a story




>> No.2117171

red pill me on memecoins. There are so many I never bothered to investigate them. Maybe it's about time

>> No.2117272


What price do you think DGB will taper off at ?