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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21099810 No.21099810 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21099842

wtf is staking lol wheres the vampires?

>> No.21099849

Why we are waiting so long for staking?

>> No.21099876

BAND will outperform LINK anyway

>> No.21099875

The US government will tax your staking rewards


>> No.21099897

For eth2 apparently, but it’s on testnet so we might get staking sooner than we thought

>> No.21099921

We all know

>> No.21099935

Then you should just buy band to cover for your sex change surgery you tranny
Duh, are you retarded?

>> No.21100394

well duh

>> No.21100876

does nobody care about staking?

>> No.21101632


>> No.21101714

$25-35. Depending on what else they have in the works and announced we could go higher. If shut really takes off who knows, I mean at $10 we’re at 3.5B cap. We all know this has the potential to easily be $10-15B by end of year but a lot depends on smartcon and if they just use the same ole fucking slides

>> No.21101716

No industry use to warrant it yet.

>> No.21101752

there is now.

>> No.21101761

Unironically this could bev people’s last chance to buy under $10

>> No.21101782

Smartcon seems pretty big tho.

>> No.21101813

Do you think we will actually have staking before eoy?

>> No.21101814
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They haven’t started.

>> No.21101856

Who dis Rory?

>> No.21101911

It’s steaking and requires steak knives

>> No.21101923


>> No.21101971

itll probably crash

>> No.21101994

Yeah but itll be at like 15% which is as low as you can get (its essentially a dividend)

>> No.21102030
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>> No.21102060

I agree. Chainlink is a bubble. It rose to $10 inorganically and and also too fast

>> No.21102093

Are trannies human?

>> No.21102778

But of a big enough value to warrant network staking.

>> No.21102814

People keep posting this interview as if it's real

>> No.21102845

Once mobius (MOBI) comes out of stealth. Chainlink is going to 0. You heard it here first.

>> No.21102978

It stated inorganically suppressed for an entire year. We should've hit $10 december 2019

>> No.21103011

Here's a link to the fake interview

>> No.21103026

Not all anons here are from US.

>> No.21103027

Oracle is integrating link. And soon swift
Maybe you’re just a brainlet

>> No.21103197

Guys, we are in Decentralized Finance and we have Tor. How do I just bypass all this god damn taxing

>> No.21103248

there's probably ways but none i'd feel safe in doing

>> No.21103347
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>getting taxed on crypto gains

>> No.21103417

are we really gon keep getting pummelled up the ass by SAMS COCK? i thought decentralized finance was to esxape all this BS

>> No.21103552
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>"Staking rewards, similar to a farmer cultivating produce and selling it at market, should be assessed for taxation when they are sold: we don't tax an apple when it is plucked from a tree or a tomato fresh off the vine," said Mangiero in a statement.

Literal farming analogy.

>> No.21103619

Because at the moment Sergei spends over $50m each month to run the oracle network and there is literally zero possibility that the market picks up that bill

>> No.21103629

i heard this before and it makes so much more goddamn sense
tax when it's sold not when it's created

>> No.21103746

Yeah it makes a ton of sense, which is why it wont happen. I certainly hope I'm wrong though. Ill take some link stacking free of tax (until I sell, if i do).

>> No.21104086

i plan to hold to sell the staking gains, but fuck link being worth 100 bucks and charged with staking income when it could dive in price to 60 and i have to sell more to make up for the difference when fundamentally nothing is different

>> No.21104125


>> No.21104217

fck I laughed at this..