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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21089379 No.21089379 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that Chainlink will absolutely never again get over $10? I have heard many people say this and the fud is really starting to get in to me.

>> No.21089385

shut up bitch

>> No.21089400

It is true, in the white paper it says that a chainlink token should cost no more than a cup of coffee.

>> No.21089404

I hope not because I bought today.

>> No.21089408

Nobody knows. It broke $10 twice in 6 hours so it might come back soon, who knows. Just chill

>> No.21089410

Being a link marine is all about having /ironhands/

stop being a pussy and get off biz if it worries you that much

>> No.21089411


>> No.21089420

Read the white paper

>> No.21089432

When you mongoloids will understand no one fucking knows about what the price is gonna do except whales. And we are on fucking 4chin, the average portfolio here is 100$

>> No.21089452

The FUD is true. Never again will link breach $10. Link will run off the Big Mac standard in which it will become an $8.50 stablecoin in order to buy McDonalds meals. Thank you money belly.

>> No.21089462

Pls show me where it says that. I looked at it and saw nothing about coffee

>> No.21089467
File: 28 KB, 500x354, C9AEDFD0-4317-42D6-BE98-A4F75FD8B696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes brass balls to hold link. Maybe you’re just not man enough

>> No.21089494

Just take our word for it pal. Biz wouldn’t lie to you.

>> No.21089501

The coffee meme is hillarious. If they read the white paper ....

>> No.21089520

Read the whole thing

>> No.21089537

Gotta be more specific. What page is it on ?

>> No.21089573

It's genius. You fool them into reading the white paper. They don't see it so they keep reading and you have enlightened a normie. Unless their IQ is under 100 you will just confuse them

>> No.21089582

Try page 6 section 9 or page 4 section 20

>> No.21089583

It will after dumping back to 5$. The only ones buying at the current price are fomo retards

>> No.21089587

Thought I would never eat ass again, but it happens

>> No.21089595

Imagine thinking you can make it without dyor

>> No.21089603

Nah it’s page 14 section 8 line 8

>> No.21089604

Basically if you're in the know- the tokens functionality is compromised if it goes too high in value, as noted in the white paper a value around a "cup of coffee" would be ideal otherwise it would be too expensive to be viable. Once above certain thresholds the team gradually releases some of their tokens (they hold 60%) back into the market. They do this to balance the price. So my advice is to you that if you're holding now you should sell. I swung my stack at 10.20 and I would like to buy it back at a discount.

>> No.21089630

I am retarded, send screenshot

>> No.21089650

Based, send screenshot

>> No.21089663

It’s right there I gave you the page numbers it should have a quote from Jack MeHoff (former CTO) right before it

>> No.21089671
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>> No.21089672

Sell at 10 wait for crash rebuy hold

>> No.21089680

Screen shot or ill buy more

>> No.21089684


>> No.21089709

You were just there. I think you're a bamboozler and I just bought 50 more

>> No.21090335
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>> No.21090675

Absolutly true and also jeffrey epstein didnt kill himself

>> No.21090782

Link is the way

>> No.21090804
