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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 68 KB, 356x438, ethpumptime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2108656 No.2108656 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here /biz/ were going to 150$ tonight!

>> No.2108657

Goddamn right we are.

I'm still all in on this as always.

>> No.2108664

god damn i wish i had more than 1 eth

this shit is going to be fucking valuable

>> No.2108755
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>> No.2108777

Fuck yeah bizbros

Just bought ten more when it was around 90

>> No.2108824
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Realistically, what kind of price can we expect by the end of this month?

>> No.2108829

I say 125

>> No.2108839

>tfw bought 5k worth at $82


>> No.2108840
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What does /biz/ think of ETC?

>> No.2108849
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1000$ after google is announced the partner in two days

>> No.2108852

inconsistent coin that preys on the ignorance of the asian market for gains

pump and dump status for me

>> No.2108855

As soon as this gets back to the price I goyed myself into I am getting out.

>> No.2108859

Bought 100 coins at $1 fuck a 401k

>> No.2108870

we'll see a small rebound for double peaks, maybe .00385-.00389ish

>> No.2108879


>> No.2108888
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>> No.2108903

Yeah pretty sure it was early this year too

>> No.2108913

Nice dude, I bought 50 at 18 and it started me on this journey. Nice job.

I bought some more this week as well. Fuck a ROTH

>> No.2108916

Got 0.555 ETH
who poorfag here

>> No.2108928

>mfw 0.01 ETH
Just testing bot strategies

>> No.2108930

finally someone i have more ETH than

>> No.2108949


>> No.2108959
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Annnnnd it's over.

>> No.2109024
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>> No.2109049

Hahaha holy fuck

>> No.2109061

how did you come to this conclusion?

>> No.2109158
File: 5 KB, 208x250, 1494731502151s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw didnt listen to /biz/ and didnt buy Ethereum by the boatloads

i should just fucking kill myself

>> No.2109165
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>> No.2109178

I just dropped 500 dollars to buy more ETH because I'm suicidal and don't care about my life anymore. I was supposed to save my money to finally get a car but I just don't care anymore. It's a win win situation. I lose all my money and off myself with dad's shotgun or i go to the moon.

>> No.2109181

dont buy at ATH you silly goose

>> No.2109192

Who gives a shit too late anyways

>> No.2109194

It's always the ATH.

>> No.2109202

No we aren't.
Don't get me wrong, I hold ETH as well and routinely margin trade it. What you're seeing now are mini-pumps. Think of them as tremors in a disaster movie in Act 1. You know, where all the warning signs are there but ultimately ignored.

Act 2's peak pump comes in 3 days time when we see an influx and pump on a scale similar to mid-march. Where $120 becomes the new normal and it peaks around $150. I'll be going long (again) when ETH unwinds over then next 12-18 hours.

>> No.2109203

Too late already did.

>> No.2109213
File: 115 KB, 245x375, tito BOOTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had 30 eth

sold 28 to buy xrp at its ath

so this im celebrating 6.66% of my starting investment rising

how long before the other 93.33% begins making me a whopping profit
how long before i can start celebrating

>> No.2109222

He's referring to a comment made in a presentation referencing the second round of EEA member announcement.
>"It's basically the who's who of the world"

People inferred that the next lot of members to be announced will include Google and Tesla

>> No.2109227

Reminder three months ago there wasn't a single eth thread now this board is overwhelmed with paid eth shills

Do your duty and




>> No.2109236

>inb4 it's kentucky fried chicken and fleshlight

>> No.2109238


>> No.2109239
File: 279 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-05-18-23-56-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put in 4.5k to this lot total

>> No.2109242
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>he missed out on the next bitcoin

>> No.2109249
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>> No.2109257

>yfw you think ETH is the next BTC

>> No.2109264

I dunno, you usually see a double peak on these things is all, all trading is ultimately patterns.

>> No.2109279

Where can I learn to identify these patterns? Hoping to find a book that will teach me how to invest successfully

>> No.2109294

>yfw there are people ITT who don't realize ETH is the next BTC

>> No.2109298

>3 months agO

ETH has been shilled here for fucking ages.

>> No.2109371

ETH has been shilled here since at least Jan 2016.

>> No.2109437
File: 98 KB, 436x610, fat ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey friendo, maybe consider donating alms to the poor? Thank you :^) don't kill yourself either, we're all getting lambos


>> No.2109454
File: 264 KB, 2048x1152, 1469559942594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you held for over a month and crawled out of a 300 dollar hole

Got out at 7.20 I am glad I did I am never doing that again someone else is holding my bags now what a relief.

>> No.2109474

THIS is why you fucks that say >tfw missed out on buying BTC when it was only $1 fucking deserve to lose every penny you earned.

>> No.2109486

i have the exact same attitude except instead of ETH its with everything

>> No.2109513

me too thnx


please don't kill yourself though anon. stick with /biz/ and we'll all make a shit ton of money together and our lives will get better. just hold on.

>> No.2109573

Just bought 1000 eth, I intend to invest 1K of my money every month until I hit 100 eth, then slow down until POS release and get in early on that.

>> No.2109918

No fuck you normalcunt

>> No.2109952

What's the current thinking on when POS is going to drop?

>> No.2109954


>> No.2109955

You're money isn't worth shit leaf

>> No.2110609

when can/should I sell? Trying to sell it for btc so I can buy some shitcoins. Only have about $50 in ETH anyway

>> No.2110618

FUCK IT BUY UP BOYS 200 by the end of the month screen cap this