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21085374 No.21085374 [Reply] [Original]

Minimum requirements:

- 500 LINK stack
- Purchased LINK before it broke $10

Welcome to the OG Link whales.

>> No.21085384

15k reporting

>> No.21085558

fuck off moby dick

>> No.21085577

All linkies need to lose 40 lbs

>> No.21085626

I only hold chainlink and I'm 6'1 150lbs to lose 50lbs I'd need to into a concentration camp

>> No.21085713

Okay for real, whats a real whale though. Do we base it off of dollar value in which case you should probably have like over a mill, or what would be worth millions in Chainlink Endgame, I.E. 10000+

>> No.21085728

If that’s a whale I’m a goddamn alien

>> No.21085739

>500 link
Does the bar have to be this fucking low Jesus Christ? I’m a linklet and even I think this is ducking ridiculous.

Quit gatekeeping. 1k min. End of story.

>> No.21085779

That can be arranged

>> No.21085780
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>500 LINK

I own 20k LINK and Im a porpoise, get outta here with that shit

>> No.21085815

shit, can we lower it a bit? I think anything above 100 is worthy of whale status

>> No.21085819

I actually do need to lose that

>> No.21085851

it should be a requirement for linkies to work towards losing 40 lbs

>> No.21085890

10k is make it stack and that’s not even a whale.

>> No.21085896


>> No.21085935

>500 LINK


>> No.21085960

please be inclusive

>> No.21086000

Checked. Anon I'm 6'4" 260lb is this okay? I don't snack but I do drink like a fish

>> No.21086028

No, I'm in great shape and take good care of myself

>> No.21086064

2k whale here. Skipped this shitcoin in 2017/18/19 but bought in feb

>> No.21086089

lose 40 lbs

>> No.21086103

435 reporting in

>> No.21086114


I don't know what even to do.

>> No.21086117

please, no larping

>> No.21086202

None of these things are definition of OG.

>> No.21086257
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Treat yourself to a fancy milkshake. When was the last time you had a milkshake? Treat yourself.

>> No.21086323

940 link WHALE here. You better HOPE I don't fucking sell, not that I ever would. 1000 eoy

>> No.21086337


>> No.21086345

Too much sugar

>> No.21086432

Do we have to show up to the party with a new lambo or can I get one from the 90s with high mileage?

>> No.21086458

Skip it and get lean

>> No.21086491

:( please stop drinking. You should enjoy your life once you make it.

>> No.21086535

I'm dead serious. thanks a lot for making me sell with the toilet presentation fud faggot

>> No.21086577

65k link in since day 1

>> No.21086582
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>> No.21086595

I've been exercising I swear. Cant wait to travel again. I lose so much weight hiking and moving from place to place
Anon I only drink premium alcohol. I'm enjoying myself now because globohomo academia ruined my career.

>> No.21086660

30k since 2017 hows my life going to be?

>> No.21086719

This thread is unironically a glimpse into the future.

>> No.21087340

I have 3.2k.

I know I need about 7k more to actually be a whale in a few years..... and I also know it’s too late for me, I can’t wage cuck at my shit job fast up fast enough in time.

But, I’m not gonna kill myself. It’s not a stack to brag about on a forum that’s full of OGs who bought ETH @ $10. However, I consider my stack a lot for someone who recently discovered crypto.

>> No.21087458

literally exactly this

>> No.21087493

I’m insecure about my 1.2kz. It sounds like a lot to linklets here but that’s only 12000 usd. Pocket change. I have 18000 in the stocks thinking about just putting 1/2 of it in link but it depresses me that that won’t even get me 1000 more link

>> No.21087499

Not 40, but I could lose 25ish and be in good shape

>> No.21087507

>I need about 7k more to actually be a whale
not sure if trolling but 10k is nowhere near being a whale

>> No.21087580

there's no way I'm an OG Linkie. 1539 here. Still linklet. Only discovered crypto 3 months ago so what to do.

>> No.21087721


Yes, I’m trolling about actually thinking a 10k stack would be “whale,” but even your autism should have picked up on that. Jesus Christ, you’re reading responses to a thread where OP said a 500 link stack will make you “whale OG”.

>> No.21087769
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Could be worse, you could be me who only started yesterday
>21 LINK

>> No.21087811

$210 Billion Dollars

>> No.21088326

6’1 160lbs. I love you, skelly brother

>> No.21088377


13k baby dolphin here

>> No.21088402

>only 1000 LINK
>had 500k at one point
>sold at 60 cents
Happy I kept some but Jesus Christ it hurts.

>> No.21088421

You just started. Stop whining.

>> No.21088436

Stop typing like a girl

>> No.21088489

I’m 160lbs and any weight under 140 is pushing it. God damn I need to get back in shape.

>> No.21088571

1k absolute minimum. absolute.
>t. 1000.1 chainlink erc20 token holder