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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.21086447


.01g scale
large glass bowls
large spoons
large stock pot
plastic bags
soap mold - search web for inspiration
parchment paper
hand blender/mixer


makes 12x 4oz bars
14oz tallow
10oz olive oil
8oz coconut oil
4.1oz sodium hydroxide (lye)
12.2oz distilled water

1. Combine all the fats and oils in the stock pot over medium low heat until melted and uniform consistency is achieved. Remove from heat and cool to between 100-110F

2. Safety first: goggles, gloves, long sleeves/pants. Mix the lye and the water, stir until dissolved. It will be hot from the chemical reaction. Allow to cool to between 100-110F. If the oils and lye are not cooled to the same range, you can fill your sink with the hottest water from the tap to raise the temperature again.

3. Line the mold with parchment paper

4. When both lye and fats/oils are between 100-110F, carefully pour the lye water into the pot of fats/oils. Using the blender or mixer, mix for 1-2 minutes and then let rest for 4-5 minutes. Repeat mixing and resting until a thin trace is achieved; you will know you have reached trace when the mixture is still a thin liquid, but a spoonful of it dribbled back in leaves a visible trail in the mixture. If the trail is raised from the surface and the mixture is thickening, you've gone a little too far, pour into your mold immediately. If it's as thick as pudding, you're way over. If this happens, don't worry, the batch isn't ruined.

5. Pour mixture into mold and cover with a lid, cutting board, or similar. Insulate it with the blanket/towel. You may need to use the spatula if your trace is too thick.

6. After 24 hours, remove the soap from the mold. If it seems too soft when trying to remove it, wait another 24 hours. Cut the soap into approximately 12 equally sized bars. Cure the bars for 4-6 weeks, turning at least once per week.

>> No.21086485


>> No.21086490
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>> No.21086517

do you ever cum on your silver

>> No.21086559

I came here to stack and learned how to make soap instead. Thanks /biz/?

>> No.21086565

why is 4chin full of degenerate weirdos?
go away freak

>> No.21086581
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Silver going to $20 tonight. Very sad. Soon your pet rocks will be valueless.

>> No.21086608

I didn't say *I* liked to cum on silver. I just asked if you did since you own a sex doll and all.

>> No.21086634

god I'd be hard as fuck if it did

>> No.21086653

This is what real silver sounds like. If you ding two coins together like this and they don't make that sound they are suspect.

>> No.21086663
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It means I buy more fag

>> No.21086706


Nobody try to convince this person otherwise. He doesn't deserve it.

>> No.21086781


Soap is a genuine asset, and a single batch of soap can last a person for two years - the average expenditure on soaps and body washes averages nearly $60 per person per year. The ingredients at scale cost under $10 per batch. These bars can be sold for $4 for a basic bar all the way to $10-12+ for fancy scented and swirled/patterned bars. You can keep one bar from each batch and make profit on over 50% of each batch. This will result in an over $5000 net profit per year, for an initial investment of under $300 and approximately 2 hours of time per week.

The jew fears the home soapmaker.

>> No.21086788

If you have about $300 to dump into some PM, due to FOMO, would you go silver ounces or fractional gold?

I got some FOMO bad bros help me out.

>> No.21086834

for $300 i'd start my soapmaking business

>> No.21086846


>> No.21086864
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Please let this happen

>> No.21086883
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>Silver going to $20 tonight
Thanks Jews!
time to buy some more

>> No.21086890


for $300, 1oz silver rounds

>> No.21086901
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>MFW /biz/ accidently corners the market on 2019-2020 US Mint collectibles in a single night.

>> No.21086931

Thanks friends.

>> No.21086947

It did this last week few dollars more to go before round 1 dumpalooza

>> No.21086974

Soap lasts forever? For alot of my preps and things like that I've been looking specifically for things with basically no expiration date to them, I know honey lasts forever and that's a good prep, obviously canned foods lasts as long as I'd need them to, what are some things I'm not thinking of that will last a lifetime? Obviously skills and knowledge is a big one people lack as well

>> No.21086983
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>> No.21087013


>> No.21087016
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>Be me
>Have huge silver horde
>Going to create a private all girls christian school that puts chemicals in the food and water that makes the girls more prone to becoming lesbians.
>I want to rule over such a place with a iron but fair fist watching as girls who are suddenly extremely attracted to other girls are relentlessly attacked with christian dogma about the sins of homosexuality and pre marriage intercourse. The idea is to make them mentally strong virtuous young women who are die hard christian maidens who can dispel the devils temptations. Only I am the devil

The only sport the girls will be allowed to perform is ballet, I can just imagine it now, dozens of chemically brainwashed lesbian highschool girls forced into dance next to each other in ballet dresses whilst under the supervision of a nun.

>> No.21087036

It could theoretically last forever if you kept the humidity correct. Realistic shelf life is probably 3-5 years. Some people get shrinkwrap machines which extends the shelf life by a lot, presumably.

>> No.21087065

Me too. Fuckin Frankie Diamonds.

>> No.21087083

the german knows how to make soaps efficiently though, idont see the value

>> No.21087110

honestly for prepping i would just go for the jew chemical shit which really will last forever and can be easily watered down.

Soapmaking is more of an innawoods/self sufficiency type of hobby

>> No.21087113

Thanks friend.

>> No.21087120

I'd watch this anime

>> No.21087128

I prefer to make my soap out of the same material I make my lampshades out of

>> No.21087129

Cold process soap made at scale is still more expensive than a home batch because of the economics of business. You also get more control over the end product, it's like buying a pc vs building your own.

>> No.21087139

holy shit that cat can dance

>> No.21087145

How many ATB coins did everyone order tonight?

>> No.21087160

I have simpler taste, for me that will be whore and coke, a lot

>> No.21087163
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Yall have never lived if you never had this soap.

>> No.21087180


>> No.21087192

wow look at mr moneybags here. what, too good for the FWTDHWATQADs?

>> No.21087205
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>1980 peak silver was $50
>apparently you could only actually buy it for $40
>$125 inflation adjusted
>mfw people unironically wanting to sell anything at $50 or even lower

>> No.21087209

My rocks are backed by SLV, they're secure

>> No.21087212
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How much did it cost to field a roman legion for a day?

There have been various answers

>> No.21087227


dr bronners is based. Not jew soap. But you can easily make your own peppermint soap by following the above directions and adding 1oz of peppermint essential oil at the time your mixture comes to trace (step 4)

>> No.21087229

Let it.
Crash now & know its the only thing worth any form of currency that matters once world fiat crashes.

>> No.21087231

I thought you could make soap from ash and fat? Who needs all that other nonsense?

>> No.21087251

silver, unfortunately

>> No.21087261
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>>that puts chemicals in the food and water that makes the girls more prone to becoming lesbians.
Yeah okay but how? You know what chemicals do this?
Pro-tip there aren't any because homosexuality is a psychological disorder not a chemical imbalance or anything related to the environment

>> No.21087269

Sir, Im going to need you to jump on the based lawn mower 1000 as these kiddo's need to be woken up at 9:00AM when the market crashes.

>> No.21087286
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suffer not, the Jew within your Lodge

>> No.21087290

I'll just put aphrodisics in the food and since there are no males on the campus other than me they will after each other.

>> No.21087292
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Pic related was my last purchase of 2019 before the crash and massive bull run

>> No.21087296

A-are we recovering???? Is the crash over?

>> No.21087298

Ash is a source of sodium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide reacts with lipids to form alcohol and salt of fatty acid aka soap. So yes, ash and animal fat is the root of soapmaking and human cosmetics

>> No.21087309
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women are already more prone to homosexual behavior and it can be induced by way of media and/or culture.
It makes survival easier in a harem and allows women to engage in sexual acts to entice men without involving other men and causing a violent situation.

>> No.21087321
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Reich based and master race pilled

>> No.21087346
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>> No.21087360

Wtf is supposed to mean ?

>> No.21087368

So after all the dust settles, what will the new average price of silver be for a while? It was ~$15 in between this bull run and the last, ~$10 in the early 2000s and ~$5 before that, so should silver be maybe $25 after this bull run is over, will that be the new normal?

>> No.21087370

Enough to make the San Antonio coin go out of stock.

>> No.21087374

Or they'll all just go after you
Or watch porn
Reminder that women are far more frigid then men and can go years without masturbation
Some of them just live sex less lives because they've decided careers are their life goal
Doubt it'll work friendo

>> No.21087376

anything else can make soap out of besides animal fat?

>> No.21087394

Probably depends on how the economy recovers or not. If it recovers, it could go down, if the economy goes to crap, expect silver to moon.

>> No.21087398

god dammit i was going to order some

>> No.21087412

>women are already more prone to homosexual behavior
Idk about this
They are more prone to try to entice men with homosexual behaviour though

Though inducing mental disorders through media and culture I suppose is probably what's already going on irl
So it might work, but I doubt it would be easy to pin down

>> No.21087430

There’s still others available

>> No.21087437
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>if it recovers

>> No.21087462

Anything is possible anon ;)

>> No.21087469

Oh they'll be out there.
They never really go away, they just come back $30-80 higher priced...

>> No.21087477

Formerly Well To Do Housewives And Their Questionably Aged Daughters

>> No.21087483

I'd COOM and max out all available leverage from banks and family to all in silver

>> No.21087495


>They would have to give away metals

Would love for it to happen

>> No.21087498
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>> No.21087521

Gold hit resistance at 2070 and dropped back to the new support of 2050 this is extremely bullish

>> No.21087560
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it's a boarding school and their will be no electronics allowed at the school.
>Go after me

Nope I will be to busy doing headmaster stuff and I would never do anything lewd with my students that is disgusting.

>> No.21087588
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Okay what's wrong with SLV exactly?
I saw about a month ago ppl talking about pan man's list of miners and others saying they were good?
Was SLV one of the ones pan man mentioned? Or is SLV not a mining company?
If not what's wrong with SLV and good about mining companies?

>> No.21087601

Just getting in early because this is so important so that I can repeat this from the last thread because of the urgency of speculation compounding FOMO/FUD

"SOAP and SOAPJ will get delisted due to Force Majuere soon, and the people here who are foolishly washing their hands with them will lose everything as they should. This video will explain it all to you in detail but only if you watch it, in detail and with active learning


you should be doing either one or both or all or neither or just some of five things,

1) Buying soapmaking ingredients to hold in your filthy mitts, if you can't give yourself lye burns with it ala Fight Club IT DOES NOT COUNT

2) Buying the FAT and LYE stocks at the naturopathic market. This is important!

3) Shorting Ivory Soap, Irish Spring and other so called bars of soap. THEY ARE REALLY JUST DETERGENT

Mr Clean interviewed over a hundred people in the dickwashing industry for his book "The Big Suds Dud," and, when he would ask each one how many real bars of soap there are for each uncircumcised penis, he never got an answer lower than 277."


>> No.21087629
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What happens when gold hits 3k or 4k and normies get priced out? Will silver really go crazy at that point?

>> No.21087677
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So glad i could coin the soap jew for my 2nd fav board.

>real talk lads
been stacking since 2013
I have 523 oz
half in bar (10s kilos) rounds
half in various government mintage (2coins each year)

i am really thinking about dumping 200 of bars at $65

and half of my government mintage shit at 85+/- will will i still get 10-15% premiums for them at that price?

>> No.21087683

batbois are out of stock though

>> No.21087701

Yes that’s why silver over performs gold. But this time it won’t matter because real rates are so low that hedge funds are trying to protect their cash by buying gold and they have so much capital they don’t care what the price is

>> No.21087703

Are you telling me we have dirty freemasons in /pmg/?

>> No.21087710

we may live to see silver gold parity.

>> No.21087715
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Yes, there are lots of natural oils that can be used in soapmaking. Vegan soaps is its own premium category. You can create your own mixture of oils by calculating the

The formulation of an oil mixture suitable for soapmaking involves calculating saponification values i.e. the fat:lye ratio. If you're interested in learning about the real chemistry behind the process, check out "Scientific Soapmaking" by Kevin M Dunn.

LMAO, I love this place

>> No.21087767

SLV doesn't exist. It's the promise of (((financial experts))) on a stake of Silver which may or may not exist, and should it be discovered it doesn't, would pay you out in fiat and get a slap on the wrist, if even that. Miners hypothetically have actual Silver in the ground of which they can extract and sell for profit, whether that profit is measured in fiat, gold, crypto or whatever means of exchange is deemed worthwhile in the unknown future going forward.

>> No.21087791

>what's wrong with SLV exactly?
Counterparty risk, nothing else really.
>ppl talking about pan man's list of miners and others saying they were good?
yes, the listed miners are speculated to be good
>Was SLV one of the ones pan man mentioned? Or is SLV not a mining company?
It is not
>If not what's wrong with SLV and good about mining companies?
SLV may not actually have silver. As an anon in /smg/ had artfully stated
>you're picking up nickles in front of a steamroller
you might end up seeing your SLV go to zero based on the number of contracts that exist. It's speculated that there are too many.
>what's good about mining companies
they're mining companies, and like any other stock, you're buying shares. There's no question regarding whether or not what you're holding in your brokerage account has backing. There's nothing to back, you have the share. Almost like when you buy physical. You have it. It's in your hand. Unless someone takes it from you, there's no question.

>> No.21087798


What’s with all the soap talk?

>> No.21087806
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My lists of miners are just suggestions for people to look into, backed by their discoveries or previous stability. SLV is Ishares Silver Trust, which is not a mining company.

>> No.21087828

This is an interesting sentiment. There are a lot of people that are on the boat you are on. I sort of think it's never going to happen like that. There are so many mentally deranged, mentally damaged and out right sick people that would stand in the mobs way... the mob you speak of. Just yesterday I somehow watched a small bit of a Rick Ross mansion tour. I don't know who Rick Ross is and what his talent is but he's about as black as you can get and I'm guessing he's not a brain surgeon, bridge engineer, farmer, teacher, machinist, accountant, truck driver, server or anything that actually makes the economy go. As a lowly 5th world creature peering into America I don't understand your BLM and economic meltdown while this black has a mansion that took a huge amount of work to make (even if it is shitty American construction). There are just so many parasites not only on the American productive class but on the world. I occupy a lowly spot unable to ever imagine to afford a Rick Ross mansion, and I'm not biter or upset by that, but I look at my boss that has run a business for decades and actually does a huge amount of good for the world and he's never going to afford that... actually no one I know is even approaching the wealth of American niggers. So do you real;ly think the American nigger is going to let go of slaving you? Letting you revolt and make order if what you think is your house?

>> No.21087833

yea was about to ask about that whats with soap?

>> No.21087834

you could invest $300 in silver and maybe you 3x your money in a year, whoopee. Or you could invest $300 to start your soapmaking business and have $5000 profit plus a huge stock of soap in your bathroom. The choice is yours.

>> No.21087849

Why not put Aurcana?

>> No.21087867

Wtf thanks for the info,was about to buy some SOAPJ but this changed my mind

>> No.21087886

>selling your soap for fiat funny money

>> No.21087898

Frens which online broker allows to buy AUN.AX, I'm from yuroop and can't find anything.

>> No.21087900

I made this one before they were brought up actually. I do miss some companies or projects thats why I ask you guys to point them out to me to have a look at.

>> No.21087903

I see gold hittibg 2100 by tomorrow afternoon desu

>> No.21087930

I see no reason why not, this pullback was needed

>> No.21087937
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Thanks friends
I'll definitely not be buying SLV
Even if I thought it might be a good idea it sounds way too risky

>> No.21087950
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Dunno about Rome but UK stats are pic. 1 shiling = 5.2g silver

>> No.21087953
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un washed heathen how dare you speak of the craft. a light unto the world

>> No.21087954

Anon, that was me you replied to.
I think its ok that you dont understand.
I cant go into details for you given the length & time it would eat up here. They would just end up trying to move us over to /pol/ or something.

In short America has been conditioned by modernism & secularism to move into a communist regime change.
That change is very well on its way of which is using race as the the starting point along with covd-19 "security" measures.
The best thing I can say is look into the history of how china & Russia became communist & you will see how much this resembles the U.S right now. The select few are propped up to mouth pieces & will at least be promised to retain their wealth or are in pursuit of gaining wealth through complete take over.

>> No.21087955

Good choice

>> No.21087965

buy ATB 5 ozs off the us mint website, i want the mint worker to spit coffee all over his monitor at the sheer width of order volume

>> No.21087966

Umm I meant just AUN I guess

>> No.21087976
File: 224 KB, 1663x791, 581F6E64-0EBF-46E6-ADEE-766AB40298E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the Soap Jew charges you extra shekels

>> No.21087982

Ok, I bought 9k shares of them recently, average of .70 CAD. Feeling bullish on them. Thanks for the info you put out here fellow leaf, I wish you the best.

>> No.21087990

Cant tell if ironic.
Freemasonry is just satanism as Pike points out.
Now I know the glowies are in this thread.


>> No.21087999

Lmao I want to
Broke atm though unfortunately

>> No.21088013
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>expecting soap to go for anything less than four mercs in post mad max
Soap is the patrician option.
>While you were taking showers
>When you were washing your penis
>While you bathed after going to the gym
>And now that the lye is on fire
>and you have sweat in your asscrack,
>you have the audacity to come to me for help?

>> No.21088029

I hope so because I want another 2kg

>> No.21088043

Thanks soap bro. Just ordered some tallow. Gonna get the rest of the stuff at the grocery store tomorrow. My Home Depot has lye crystals.

>> No.21088055

Don't listen to him, this is probably the pullback now before it explodes again.

>> No.21088075
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>> No.21088079


>> No.21088092

Going to buy a small safe to put my first silver and gold that should be coming in the mail next week, any recommendations on brands or anything about safes i should look out for ? I cant afford a large one nor do i have enough stuff to fit in a big one, I've heard some are easier to break into than others. Any tips ?

>> No.21088103

usmint has them at about 35 per ounce right now.

>> No.21088107
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It just keeps going UP

>> No.21088115


We at the first stages of mainstream notice now.

>> No.21088122
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>> No.21088126

Whoa buddy, don't you know that you're breaking sec rules? You could be sued by every anon you fudded just now.

>> No.21088132

>dips 30 cents

>> No.21088138

those are the frosty ones,and they are oos

>> No.21088140

Damn I have like 52 years of salary of a British private in silver.

>> No.21088153
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alternatives that anons tend to enjoy are PSLV and PHYS. of course, /pmg/ will always vouch for physical. DYOR, SLV has the benefit of being incredibly liquid with tight spreads. A lot of anons use it for day trading. the anti-physical shills are right that you can definitely make money using SLV, but action of PSLV might give you a good sense for sentiment right now.

>> No.21088167

Based stink dick prepper.

>> No.21088171

You're right, they're oos, my mistake.

>> No.21088189
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Soap is just the beginning, this is a movement.

>> No.21088229

I'm not trying to introduce /pol/ here. I certainly don't understand the already extravagant wealth pf people that clearly don't merit it and from people that are apparently oppressed. I know of a doctor that gave up to be a gardener because their take home was better because their insurance was ridiculously high, I know of a number of engineers gave up for various reasons and did their own really ridiculous shit because the take home was better and less stress. All of them enjoy the fact they no longer really help anyone like they did previously. I have many more examples. It's really easy to point at the yellow peril or communist threat or whatever has been cooked up as the eternal boogeyman by the west. This is connected to money in a very real way. I think that if hard money was in play things would be different. But I suppose it doesn't matter if you think you are slipping into a communist like world due to some large conspiracy. In that new paradigm how is gold and silver going to save you?

>> No.21088231

Under the Securities Exchange Act, Rule 14a-9 was enacted to prohibit false (physical) silver premiums. Rule 14a-9 states:

No premium subject to this regulation shall be made by means of any proxy statement, form of proxy, notice of meeting or other communication, written or oral, containing any statement which, at the time and in the light of the circumstances under which it is made, regardless of any futa, miner, Sprott ETF, or junior miner, which, at the time and in the light of the circumstances under which it is made, is false or misleading with respect to SLV being real silver …

Under federal securities laws investors and others harmed by owning FAKE (physical) silver and paying premiums can file civil lawsuits to recover their losses.
This is actually breaking US Law.

>> No.21088238
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can we expect this, but now in USD?

>> No.21088244
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What if Pan Man is a larper?

>> No.21088256
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Luciferians get the pyre.

>> No.21088288
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>> No.21088298
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no worries, all ive done for the last 6 hours is hunt silver

>> No.21088319

Believe what ever you want to, I post here for fun and because some of you like the stuff I post.

>> No.21088324

Why on earth has USD gotten so strong relative to other fiats? Or is it a matter of other fiats going into the shitter faster than us?

>> No.21088325
File: 242 KB, 2099x889, gold price argentina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can expect this type of chart eventually except in USD or whatever currency your nation uses.

>> No.21088342

yes, we BRR, they BRR faster and harder to impress jpow

>> No.21088344

I dont think we are going to get very far here anon. Communism is just one side of the coin. No amount of wealth saves anyone. Gold & silver is money in any country even if a single country fails. There's a clear opposition movement thats been brewing on the back burner for a generation to move back to the gold standard. Even then the gold standard is somewhat of an excuse to not let people buy & trade with gold & silver. Any country coming out of economic collapse may have little value on anything other than food, water, shelter, health, etc., but the following generation will produce a monetary system that will take on gold & silver.

Look at what iSIS did. They minted gold currency yet were still trading on the daily for supplies & things for their war.

>> No.21088361
File: 658 KB, 1500x1125, DSCF1437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still contemplating getting another drill because of these sliver prices, what do you guys think? Pic related is 9k but comes with everything needed. Doesnt need a permit for this size either. Could really come in handy.

>> No.21088362

I was hoping we were at the first sell off stage since miners are doing bad

>> No.21088370

Foreign trade is generally denominated in USD... Everyone needs USD to trade outside their economic zone.

>> No.21088376
File: 2.33 MB, 1332x1940, QUAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine stacking soap instead of the nectar of the gods. is it coincidence that honey is GOLD? i dont fucking think so.
>pay two merc dimes for a FWTDHWAHQUADBJ
>paint the milfs tits with my cum
>feeling generous
>drizzle a 1/4oz of honey on top before her QUAD licks it up
>looks at me like this
>"please sir, i want some more"

>> No.21088379

The mainstream explanation is "cleanest shirt in the basket", but the true reason is US imperialism maintaining the power of USD in currency exchange markets through global banking cartel. Cost of our inflation is exported to other countries and devalues their currency by making them hold our debt/bonds that will become worthless through inflation.

>> No.21088394

As someone who used to rob folks, please dont get a safe that can be carried away or pulled up with a crow bar.

Jesus christ. You might as well paint dollar signs and a big red X on it.

>bury it in your backyard. At night

>> No.21088406

FEDS are just a bunch of crypto zionists loyal to britian in many reguards & their own world mastery plan. They just shoved US debt onto other nations banks they controlled. Whether that be artificial fiat loans in exchange for trade deals or raw resources. An international web of debters creates control for the spider kings spinning the FED web.

>> No.21088410

This. A safe is just "X marks the spot" for a burglar

>> No.21088412

How about if you live in an apartment?

>> No.21088423

There are technical reasons. Lots of USD needs to be repatriated to cover and it's not in USD. A super strong USD will kill the American economy.

>> No.21088443

i didn't stack lead bros...
>tfw turbo cucked state
>tfw not in better state yet

As a fledgling entrepreneurial faggot, i'll ask if it will help you scale up and if you want to/are able to scale up. I'd make sure to consider its utility/employability. If 9k is steep, i'd say pleasure should take a back seat.

>> No.21088448

Bury in your parents garden at night

You mean it will kill the ability to inflate away our debts that we trade to other countries for real imported goods

>> No.21088451

What if the safe is about 200kg due to the weight of the safe and the metal inside it? I should be safe right? I thought you would need to some special equipment to move it and definitely if you wanted to lift it into a van.

>> No.21088457

Safety deposit box, dumb ass.

Or a box in the closet with all your Christmas ornaments.

>> No.21088465

it's not too late to stack soap though

>> No.21088472

Just make sure it doesn't fall through the apartment floor

If you don't hold it, you don't own it

>> No.21088487

400lb is nothing for a dolly

>> No.21088498

>Safety deposit box, dumb ass.
Not that anon, but giving a bank your PM's?
Bad idea.
Hesitant to even give any quantity to the armed security division corporations that do nothing but guard your gold & silver supplies.

>> No.21088515
File: 294 KB, 1303x882, It Begins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling you're a bit late. We're seeing it now.

>> No.21088524

Based soap stacker.
stack any drilling equipment for water?

>> No.21088528

Tools are always good to have especially in capable hands. They also keep their value in inflationary environments, if you can afford it I would go for it.

>> No.21088532

Well, they don't even store your fake paper digital currency, without loaning it, in a way that you can withdraw it so why would you trust them to hold your physical PMs in a safety deposit box either

>> No.21088538

>buy 20 oz silver eagles from X dealer
>buy 20 oz silver eagles from alibaba for $5
>buy 1 oz gold perth mint bar from X dealer
>buy 1 oz gold perth mint bar from wish.com
>repeat for every single order online or in person at LCS

Have a dummy stack and keep it in your safe. Keep the real shit in several locations hidden away.

>> No.21088548

They'll keep their value as long as the power stays on

>> No.21088555

I already have a bigger more effective drill, however to operate it I need to put up bonds and get permits. My main silver / gold hard rock project in Northwest BC is permitted at I think 150k for the drilling and more for the roads and other work that would go in. If I wanted to scale up, paying for that kind of bonds on multiple projects would be out of my league.
A small drill like this however, does not require permitting or bonds to be operated on a claim. It doesnt go as deep as my big one, but could be very handy on any number of the smaller claims I just staked recently. Two guys can operate it easily.

>> No.21088559
File: 129 KB, 1600x1200, rare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.21088562

Making good quality soap requires distilled water so if needed you could build a solar still to purify rainwater.

>> No.21088574

So better off if i just hide it then huh, thanks for the insight i guess it saves me the expense of buying one now

>> No.21088576

Considering you're Pan Man than yes I say go for it. You know what you're doing here. Thats light enough to strap onto your ATV none the less.

I wish I could mine with you when you post things like this sometimes.

>> No.21088590

>tfw 1.5oz gold, 100oz silver
a-am I gonna make it in the new world?

>> No.21088614

If i somehow knew I could make 100k with untraceable PM, all you need is a strong chain, a stolen truck and a box truck.

Break in, chain it to truck, pull the safe through the wall. Drag it to the box truck, load it and then torch the stolen truck.

You're probably okay unless you're posting your stack on social media

>> No.21088616

I just think people are pulling their gold & silver out right now because they're afraid the banks will foreclose & size assets.

Any other time than yeah a bank safety deposit box is great.

>> No.21088618

You should plan for more immediate problems first, like shaping the outcome of the new world and guiding people close to you into a position of power in it.

>> No.21088634

my only concern is getting parts for gear like this can be a pain sometimes, but your right its the perfect size for a guy like me. I ll probably go have a look at it in a few days, its just down the road in Williams Lake.

>> No.21088644
File: 1.47 MB, 353x448, 1586309658054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>however to operate it I need to put up bonds and get permits
Given a better sense of the use of the term permit... as a guy from a US State that likes to fumble around with permits and licenses because they feel like they are above the law and more important and holy than thou*, this now seems like a no brainer buy. If corona has had any affect on your ability to get bonded or permits, i'd go for it. the reduced liability via bonds & removing a bit of the state factor makes it much more attractive to me.
>*Redditors are complaining that some counties now need to be nudged by lobbying groups to push gun licenses through. it's sickening.

>> No.21088648

Nah I just want a little farm and to live the simple life with a young women to breed with

>> No.21088653


Safety deposits in traditional banks are a very low priority for them and not a good idea. If your shit mysteriously vanishes (it happens), unless you bought some insurance you are SOL.

Dedicated vault business are probably better but still, they're an obvious and easy target for a gov confiscation order, unlike going door to door and confronting armed owners. Roll the dice if you wish.

Best solution is hiding it and keeping you mouth shut. Even in an apartment there are plenty of good non-obvious places that a thief would not be practically able to check. Needless to say, under your mattress is not one.

>> No.21088655

Yes, but rain may scarce in some areas.
But needless to say you already sound prepared to at least have a back up plan to store some water. You're farther ahead than most people.

>> No.21088659

We can’t be sure yet whether the dollar is going to tank but survive, or collapse completely. That could be the difference between a x10 moon and a x100 moon right there.

>> No.21088661
File: 491 KB, 1125x1648, 10A0CCF2-6363-4427-95CB-711F1A41C800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryptofag here. I feel like a dumbass. Listened to you faggots and I bought fuckin silver at ATH like a fuckin brainlet. I shouldnt have put my money into this shitcoin its already dropping. FML, anon... let me borrow your sharpie after you take your pic.

>> No.21088688

unironically you'll make your money back in a week. Foaming hand soap is already sold out everywhere.

>> No.21088690

is it a manufacturer? If not than just try talking them down to 6.5K if not less. You're in the mountains. People arent exactly always rolling bank over there.

>> No.21088696

>Needless to say, under your mattress is not one.
that's where the dummy box goes.

>That could be the difference between a x10 moon
let's pray for this.

>> No.21088697

You just secured a place for your entire family in the citadel good job

>> No.21088709

San Antonio coin premiums are & always will be crazy high.

>> No.21088711

I have a small stack of nartzee silver treasure. 2 reichsmark coins and they are filthy and most were stored for years in PVC so they have gone blue and sticky. Can I clean them or will it ruin some vague numismatic value they have?

>> No.21088717

Imagine being so impatient that you are angry and disappointed when the rate of growth falls to 0.5% for one day even though it’s gone up 60% over the past few months. NGMI

>> No.21088726

Holy shit i'm glad I told you anons about it, the wagies coming in to work tomorrow are gonna be busy!

>> No.21088750

its not the paperwork really thats at issue, its just so expensive to file. The bonds can get quickly out of hand (plan for 110k but end up needing 500k). I understand why they do it, to stop jippo guys like myself from abandoning fucked up projects by holding our money hostage but come on there has to be a limit.

>> No.21088759

JM had them earlier.

>> No.21088763

No its a rebuild of a boyles brothers Heli 1 Xray drill. Your on the right path I was thinking of offering 7k and seeing where that gets me.

>> No.21088778

>Cost of our inflation is exported to other countries and devalues their currency by making them hold our debt/bonds that will become worthless through inflation
And just like that, what a world reserve currency is clicks in my mind thanks to some anon on the interwebz.

Thank you sir.

>> No.21088781

hey pan man, I got some nuggets that are only 8k, is that normal? I thought almost everything was 18k.

Like out of 3 g of nuggets 2 were 8-10k and one was 13k, is that normal?

>> No.21088782
File: 42 KB, 1091x351, weak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only getting more expensive to short. This drop was much weaker than the last one.

Jamie D? You OK bud? Starting to lose a little steam huh?

>> No.21088786

You will be thanking us in 2 months from now & a year from now.

>> No.21088795

I don't know what bonding you need for your line of work, but bonding in itself is usually a bitch and a real fucking pain (a risk too because if you can't get bonded, you can't use the other equipment!). Definitely changed my tune really quick.

>> No.21088814


I'd hide it in two, maybe three places so on the off chance you got hit, it wouldn't be so bad. Most criminals are just happy to take a 'win' and get out of there.

However, if you post pictures of your stack or dumb shit like that on a public Facebook page/groups then you ought to invest in a gun not a safe.

>> No.21088828

As of now, do you think silver will rise over the weekend? or crab?
(specifically this short time frame)

>> No.21088829
File: 20 KB, 400x300, Zote-soap-5ad22bcd312834003601b578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ. This soap is vastly superior. Makes excellent catfishbait.

>> No.21088835

Thanks anon everyone is a faggot except you. I am about to pay off the credit card and buying MOAR. I have $100k and it either goes back into crypto or which should I go again? More silver or should I go gold?

>> No.21088854

Buy platinum.

>> No.21088857
File: 67 KB, 800x623, 1464132844485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you absolute fucking madman, you actually did it, i didnt believe, but you did it. for real. welcome to the club anon. asahi jackets come in next week

>> No.21088859

It’s happening again

>> No.21088866

That's for doing your laundry.

>> No.21088884



>> No.21088888

You could corner the 2019 ATB coins and become a mini hunt brother if you really want to.

>> No.21088894

Trying to figure out if I should sell my August 21 calls on market peak

>> No.21088901

what the--- I pass this one up all the time.
This isnt anti-bacterial is it?

>> No.21088907

sell at the top? why suggest something so foolish. We hold until 90% of our gains have evaporated

>> No.21088924
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 1506963729306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking quints
Bank of Pan Man inbound

>> No.21088929

It's for doing your laundry. Not for bathing.

>> No.21088932
File: 3.32 MB, 4000x3000, SANY0363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if Pan Man is a larper?
I've been working in the mining industry all my life and have done a shitload of hobby placering.

Pan Man knows his shit. You can't fake that.
You can pretend to be a lot of things on the internet, but knowledgeable is not one of them.

>> No.21088933
File: 283 KB, 960x886, 1591021366264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to do it now. >>21088888

There's a lot of repeating digits tonight...

>> No.21088936

That's what I'm thinking, that the $30 is going to hit tomorrow during trading hours, and I can cash out my calls; then re-enter back longer time frame calls on the consolidation over the weekend

>> No.21088942

nuggets can be all sorts of different gold grades, its actually fairly rare to get them over 18k, gold in my district is unusually pure too. got photos of these nugs? Either way your lucky to have them, I am actually pretty put out i havent picked any good nuggets this season.

>> No.21088946
File: 63 KB, 1395x767, 7 8 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CME update. They managed to shed a few more contracts for September after all that effort but still over 660,000,000 ounces standing for delivery.

>> No.21088958

holy shit that get!

>> No.21088962

That amount of silver capital means you should be moving to Puerto Rico very soon. Leave enough on the plate to move down to Puerto Rico for 8 months to capitalize on some silver/gold sales.

>> No.21088974

checked and illuminati pilled
silver bouncing back

>> No.21088987
File: 2.04 MB, 5184x3888, Honey Stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be happy about what you did, you bought the most undervalued asset in the history of finance.


>> No.21088989

How high do you think Platinum will get?

>> No.21088997

Well that was a quick dip
Really hope it isn't the last before $35, otherwise I'm fucked.

>> No.21089009
File: 256 KB, 1125x1068, C35BA620-4366-48D9-9C0A-9171977B1810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice digits faggot. Checked anon. I just bought MOAR silver. Let me pay off my credit cards I am maxing my limits. Once my balance is better I will go to apmex and buy several kilos since by that time the fuckin price will be decent on apmex since spot price will go down.

>> No.21089010

kek. yes, the jew fears the aryan soap maker.......

>> No.21089027

You can 100% bathe with it, some people swear by it for acne and treating cysts.

Has citronella or something in it bugs dont like, use it to wash sleeping bags as well.

>> No.21089063
File: 168 KB, 1080x990, Silver Stackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I could help, this will be you soon enough.

>> No.21089075
File: 7 KB, 165x225, step 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats it, cant do any better than that, mint worker is gonna sit down, pop his shitty 4:3 monitor on and just drop his coffee mug. hell stand up and just quit

>> No.21089078

I am trying but I cant wire funds to US Mint and they are maxxing $24999/credit card/day. I am going apmex or jmbullion but I want more BTCs.

>> No.21089080

Cheeeecked. ATB anons are gonna make it.

>> No.21089111

i'm loling at this image. Poor paco

>> No.21089121

>Buying 35,000 USD of tourist coins

I love the powerful autism in these threads.

>> No.21089122

With this stuff being so cheap I dont see why I cant take a chance on this like you're saying.
Even if it isn't going to be used for bathing than its still good for bartering with washing of clothes.


>> No.21089143

put it in silver. do your part to crash the (((system))) with no survivors.

>> No.21089156
File: 6 KB, 226x166, step 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saved these in december of 2010

>> No.21089169
File: 1.04 MB, 1536x2048, AF04FB06-ADB1-4F90-A5BC-285C9161915C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I gonna make it anon?

>> No.21089172

nice trips
meant this post for you

>> No.21089193

above its previous high in 08.

>> No.21089200

fuck missed this.

I have to put up 25k for a water bond, 100k for the drilling project its self and the other 25 goes into all sorts of smaller bonds and permit payments. The thing is if I do things right, than the gov gives me back the money plus interest, but if something goes wrong than the money to fix it comes out of the bonds.

>> No.21089204

I can't guarantee that however you will definitely be remembered in your family lineage. Either as a genius or a madman.

>> No.21089215

clear the silver out. you know it's the right thing to do.

>> No.21089251

100% yes, in less than 3 hours, you overtook my 2 year stack by ~450 oz, and what i find even better is that you paid 25$ shipping and potentially changed their website plans forever

>> No.21089276

>spot price will go down
anon, I...

>> No.21089277

You're going to make it brah.
This was it right here.
You will sell 1/4th of this & you will still live out the rest of the days on a farm in a solid home being able to travel while having private security.

Your family & extended family will wonder how your foresight had saved your entire lineage from impending doom of domestic threat & possible nuclear war. You have a second house closer to the city to confuse your enemies thinking you live there full time while having a bunch of useless aesthetic good in & around the house incase they try to loot it they're thrown off form your trail.

Anon move to Puerto Rico for 8 months & sell a little off to maximize gains on this with no tax. In a year from now this is going to blow up.

>> No.21089284
File: 10 KB, 492x248, Inflationpt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Above 4k? Very cool.

>> No.21089288

Anon's, how close is the end? I have a 60k limit on my cc. Should i blow it all on silver and never pay it back?

>> No.21089312

I rather get a couple of daytonas. At least that is in demand and I can sell them. Where the hell am I gonna sell all this silver? A small fraction I will be making collodial silver.

>> No.21089314

In the US, often times if someone gets bonded, they really cannot afford to fuck up because they'll have a lot of difficulty (or significant increases in cost) getting bonded again. I don't know how i feel about surety, but it's definitely some crap that I would want to fuck with as little as possible. Makes me think that that little guy might give you a lot of value in its flexibility and ability to help you avoid some headaches.
>t. insurance fag

>> No.21089334

anon, the coins you just bought are frosty and come in a felt pad collectors box,

>> No.21089336

Lol you believed us about silver mooning. How likely did that seem?
Look, dyor and youll probably find yourself a fan of platinum :)

>> No.21089341

>potentially changed their website plans forever
probably not

it's not like they paid today's spot for that silver. They make money either way.

>> No.21089346


hasten the collapse of the banking system if you do. You'll want to use a burner phone for a few years while the loan officers call, and you'll probably need to establish a new address where you don't receive any mail if you want this to actually work.

>> No.21089364

Nice digits. Yeah do some research. I had a spanish buddy introduce me to it. I like Castile to a point but I prefer zote. Like I said makes really good bait. Get it warm and mold it around a hook.

>> No.21089391
File: 110 KB, 453x450, 156165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ordered a shipping crate worth of these, and not one of those bitch ass pallets, a whole connex box

>> No.21089393

Anon dont do it.
Debt is slavery/
Just dont do it.

>> No.21089431
File: 3.08 MB, 3492x4656, IMG_20200724_182544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 3.2 gram total.

Bro got them I was asking u where to sell them before, and they tested the silvery ones at about 8k or less,

>> No.21089434
File: 101 KB, 1000x1000, that there is smell of green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stack soap weekly anon.
We barter stackers have to stick together.

>> No.21089436
File: 373 KB, 2000x2000, 1582996342130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironic, because I am the only Platinum info poster on this board and I did and published all the research for the last couple months, even before the crash. I only asked your opinion for kicks.

>> No.21089450
File: 18 KB, 246x436, 60kOfGoose.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does everyone think on this?

>> No.21089482

30$ too much

>> No.21089487

is that in maplecoins or fedbucks

>> No.21089488

Too expensive.
At that price start buying kilos while they are here.

>> No.21089496


>> No.21089499

>im the only one who knows about platinum
thats cool. hopefully you actually bought some, and arent larping.

>> No.21089548
File: 2.18 MB, 2823x2117, kinophants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of the posts a while back got me to order 1oz of plat. love my elephant coin it's so cool. elephants are so chill. thanks frens. copped it for $890 shipped.

>> No.21089585
File: 277 KB, 920x1445, Ptbottom6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you buy? I caught the bottom.

>> No.21089634

please dont say copped this is a classy thread

>> No.21089648

If you can afford a kilo just get a kilo bar. It's pretty much the only way to get silver economically in Aus right now.

>> No.21089649

That's super cool, I didn't even know such design existed. I bet it will fetch great premium one day. Platinum coins are extra rare.

>> No.21089651

The pawn shop doesnt care about the box and paper they will pay me less than spot price. I am donating those felt box and pieces of paper to goodwill for the anons that didnt make it that I wish did. At least one of these 5oz coins is going into the collodial silver generator

>> No.21089655
File: 1.12 MB, 1140x1156, jAJZbV8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill for sure say whatever the fuck i want faggot

>> No.21089669

much better

>> No.21089698

What's a good place to order silver online for leafs lads? Silvergoldbull keeps cancelling my orders

>> No.21089704

if its not beat to shit on the inside when i take a look at it I ll probably grab it. Not having to deal with bonds would be so much nicer.

>> No.21089718

When do you add the juice?

>> No.21089734

I have 60k to drop. 1kg bars are kind of gay. I want coins I can play with like scrooge mcduck.

>> No.21089739

i'll forward them for you just mail them to me

you mix the lye/water solution with the fats in step 4.

>> No.21089745

ah yes i remember, there nice looking gold. They are probably more silver in color because of silver content. I ve found nearly white nuggets before that were 90% Ag and only 10% Au. Still not bag bits for jewellery.

>> No.21089773
File: 1000 KB, 1000x562, 1586183093927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck Pan Man!

>> No.21089799

Then buy 10 or so fondlers and put the rest into kilo bars. You want the most ounces per dollar that you can get m8.

>> No.21089831

>You can literally just use a platinum bullion coin to make a platinum electrode to catalyze all sorts of useful chemical reactions when SHTF


>> No.21089832
File: 273 KB, 847x1130, XR62YXl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course! Only 1 toz of platinum, though!
I did not catch the bottom, but I believe I was close enough :)
Paid $1,200 leafbucks for it.

>> No.21089850

Make sure I get two of those jackets then.

>> No.21089882

seems legit

>> No.21089945

If your pawn shop doesn't give you spot find a new store, bullion dealers have buybacks above spot right now and you can even resell on ebay and make back the premiums.

>> No.21090007

Buy a 5oz ATB instead.

>> No.21090052
File: 484 KB, 1125x2238, DDFA4BB5-8419-45B8-800C-0B05930DB5E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Elaborate. You have my attention. Too much satoshis can fry your brain. Any other fuckin countries? Why do I have to move and live in Puerto Rico for 8 months? I want to visit Mcafee on his island and drink some daquiris

>> No.21090084

Hyperinflation is happening guys: https://youtu.be/eC0IVVfUubk?t=101

>> No.21090092
File: 775 KB, 978x1012, Bear9999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, 1oz is not much, but might be enought to flip it for 2oz gold in year or two. Also I love canadian wild life series.

>> No.21090093
File: 297 KB, 900x900, 0257F17B-4683-476B-B40A-A4F8A7278D8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know about silver spiking in currency crises
>know that USD is at risk
>still <5% net worth in silver, <5% in gold
I fucked up


Instead I asked you guys and you said something about buying silver or something.

>tfw net worth too low to justify spending money on plasticine pussy or prostitutes

>> No.21090102

IMPORTANTE!: >>21089901

>> No.21090113

>said something about buying silver
Buying JUNK silver

>> No.21090140

Overpriced, you can get the same design for less on the 1967 Canadian Cenntenial Dollar.

>> No.21090208

I tried that as a small business but it sucked. There's a lot of competition and margins are slim. Didn't lose money, but barely scraped by breaking even. Look for a road less traveled for your small business is my advice.

>> No.21090237

You need to add antioxidants to your soap if you want it to last. Rosemary Oleosin Extract is a common one.

>> No.21090277

Anon listen to >>21090113
The only time to buy is now.
I cant buy anything but junk silver right now, but if you get at least 1K to drop than do it. Also dont buy with credit.

>> No.21090293
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>> No.21090356
File: 286 KB, 906x777, Screenshot_2020-08-07 Silver Quarters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two down, three to go (2019s).

>> No.21090379
File: 563 KB, 1412x1059, BPV5GHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of what im hoping for, desu. Id have more, but ive said previously that the silver/gold memes make me so comfy. So a majority of my $ is in silver/gold. Platinum seems lonely. Not enough platinum chads.
>my bears are only 1/2 oz
I love the wildlife series, too! I'm currently looking for one of the silver dollars, this anon >>21090140 mentions. However, I do just like most animal coins.

>> No.21090413

>$30 per ounce premiums included
That's... pretty fucking good considering the current situation.

>> No.21090421
File: 267 KB, 456x622, Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 3.14.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to sleep.
If doubles than we are going to wake up with a dip to $24.00.

If trips than we are going on a gold standard with Trump.

>> No.21090432

1972 48% gain
1973 60% gain
1979 434% gain
1993 39% gain
2006 46% gain
2009 57% gain
2010 80% gain
2020 50% gain

Only 8 out of the last 52 years has silver gained >40%
Only 4 out of the last 52 years has silver gained more than it has gained already this year

Only 1 saw the gains at the rate that we are currently seeing: 1979
>By 1979, investors and other market participants had come to the strong conviction that the silver market was facing a severe shortage of metal, and that prices were likely to rise sharply at some point.
>By the final quarter of 1979, silver prices had risen to levels between $15.00 and $25.00 per ounce. At these levels several physical market forces combined to act against higher prices. Additionally, the two major U.S. futures exchanges that traded silver at the time took steps to force those with margined long positions to liquidate their positions.
>silver prices should be adjusting upward to compensate for these inflationary trends

History repeats itself..

>> No.21090439
File: 254 KB, 1137x528, Screenshot_2020-08-07 America the Beautiful Quarters 2019 Silver Proof Set.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with the way premiums are going, these are unironically the next target. The five coins combined is one troy oz:
Denomination: Quarter
Finish: Proof
Composition: 99.9% silver
Weight: 6.343 grams
Diameter: 0.955 inch (24.26 mm)
Edge: Reeded
Mint and Mint Mark: San Francisco – S

>> No.21090516
File: 68 KB, 720x540, 117340137_2913927435403603_2966359137671926381_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O things are looking good for Fireweed Zinc, they just closed a new major private placement of $5.2 million https://fireweedzinc.com/news-media/news/release/index.php?content_id=181

>> No.21090545

Anons what is thsi site? I am so tired right now but I might as well buy that set right there before sleeping.

having a hard time finding that link again

>> No.21090577

Mines suck to work at but are also kind of interesting.

>> No.21090586

I bought one of these as well as the 4 available 5oz coins.

>> No.21090609

So whats up with spot price? An anon in the earlier thread said that wed touch 30 then dump to 25 and then moon hard. Looks like thats happening?

>> No.21090616


You want the 2019 5oz while they last, unless you can get a better deal vs. spot price (which might be possible with the dip, check shops before pulling the trigger).
The 5 quarters set is still overpriced for 1oz, needs to raise more before it's worth it.

>> No.21090650

why not use credit? just don't pay it back or work out a $2 a month payment plan. when did 4chan get so cucked?

>> No.21090660

I am not a 100% sure but its likely more meddling by the big guys. I dont bother anymore trying to guess were prices will go day by day. To many things are getting fiddled with to be accurate.

>> No.21090680

It's a drug that's losing it's zing.

>> No.21090695

>just don't pay it back or work out a $2 a month payment plan
you've never defaulted on a debt I'm guessing.

they will sue you rather than work with you just because they can'. If they know you're fucking with them they'll force you into bankruptcy just on principle.

>> No.21090738

>This is connected to money in a very real way
We dont have money, it's currency. And that currency is being manipulated by a central planner. There. That's the problem.

>> No.21090748

Should I buy some of these or pay slightly more to buy a comfy kilo bar? I really want a kilo and am worried they’ll all be sold out by next paycheck when I can have both.

>> No.21090770

Night all I have holes to dig tomorrow.

>> No.21090783

Nighty-night pan man! Dream of gold earned by hard work!

>> No.21090789

and you end up with gold and silver or bitcoin or whatever. ok, and?

>> No.21090812

This I blew my load on some mercs earlier this week or I would scoop some up

>> No.21090811

have fun tomorrow!

>> No.21090855
File: 691 KB, 2048x1466, NpaIpim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thought on Palladium? I never done any research on it.

>> No.21090857

Still bullish longtern?

>> No.21090874

What's the price of a kilo in Singapore RN? Those are where kilos are considered good delivery bars, I think in the US it's 400.00 oz bars.

Singapore's way more cozy.

Checked....it's around 1100.00...If it dips by the next pay period I'll make a last grab.

>> No.21090945

Why does silver feel like shit? The 1 oz coins just have a bad hand feel and seem way too light.

Gold feels good though.

>> No.21090955

suddenly I really want a batboi...
(but still, those fucking krakens...)

>> No.21090958

The COMEX is literally falling apart as we speak. If this actually happens the spike up would be one of the biggest seen in history in any asset class.


>> No.21090992

mostly used in car exhausts so I wouldnt touch it, price is still too high

>> No.21091034

Too volatile in price for me to feel comfy holding. I liked the thought of having it, so I only bought the 1 gram
>1oz feels heavier than 1oz
i think i understand what youre trying to get at, though; its denser.

>> No.21091039

Thanks anon.
Lets see what silver looks like tomorrow.
I dont like spending so much on shipping when Im only ordering one. Might as well just buy 15 at this point.

>> No.21091046

They will sell out their official stack and then make trillions on their hidden stack owned by some other daughter company that they accumulated while driving price to nothing last decade.

>> No.21091108

Is SLV tied up with COMEX?

I want to go long on calls and try to use this to my advantage but i dont want to be left with nothing if SLV gets looted when COMEX goes tits up.

>> No.21091113

>five ounce silver coin
Lmfao this wouldve been a ten ounce coin last year.

>> No.21091165

Holding ounces in your possession out of the system is the ultimate long call.

>> No.21091225

Where do you put them if you have a lot?

>> No.21091232

>why not use credit?
For one my doubles matching...
>Also dont buy with credit.

You're going to run into trouble anon.
Credit is something you fall back onto when you have to, not when it is convent. Its emergency resources.

>Puerto Rico
>8 months?
Its close to 190 days where you have to be stationed over there to avoid gold & silver tax penalties or liabilities. A few other anons were talking about this last week in the threads.
Thats about 2 extra months to ensure you have some padding in case something goes wrong like there has been a tropical storm or something weird cutting you off from the mainland. Its 6.3 months you're over there to be able to sell. Find someone you can absoltley sell to like JB Bulion.

Do the research in advance before going down there though. The biggest gold & silver players have already moved down there given they are going to sell a lot of their PM assets off knowing they're going to get around the taxes.

its only Puerto Rico you can do this in anon.
It very late, but keep coming here on the the PM threads. One anon already is making plans to move down there. We can discuss this later. I am not sure I'll be back here tomorrow, but just look on their online law website. Its all there. Do a quick google search even.

>> No.21091252

Reminder that iron is the most precious metal lads. Don’t forget to lift while you stack.

>> No.21091263
File: 11 KB, 500x313, xh4MM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hole or a boat.

>> No.21091382

Not wrong.
/PMG? is made pretty much of...
/Christian/ Thread, /fit/, /k/, & /pol/aks all rolled into one.

>> No.21091383

Why would you just put it in a hole? Why not get a safe?

>> No.21091410



>> No.21091458

You get a safe, you make breathing holes, and you fill it with bees. Then you bury the silver in your backyard.