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File: 44 KB, 270x382, 6DC32FEA-856B-4A70-9D67-BDDFC1EED01E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21079612 No.21079612 [Reply] [Original]

Coinbase EOM, $1 EOW


>> No.21080061

This trash isn't going anywhere but to 0 FUCK YOU AMPLEFORTH

>> No.21080395

Why do you think that?

>> No.21080405

Because I lost money and I'm angry and upset

>> No.21080408


>> No.21080471

At this point, you just have to hope there's some reason for a lot of people to buy and use AMPL as a stablecoin. But there isn't one.

>> No.21080492

Just a healthy correction desu

>> No.21080517

I'm pissed too. Could we create a new version that is more equitable and possibly better rebase mechanism (tweak frequency and percent)?

>> No.21080529

Yes that’s coming with governance

>> No.21080586
File: 30 KB, 389x363, oneworldonecurrency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. AMPL needs more on-ramps, so that it can be used in different DeFi products. When it reaches a stable MC, we will start to see what you are describing.

>> No.21080594

coinbase will lose any credibility they have left if they list this joke

>> No.21080619

it seems like a ponzi but going to $1 is literally its job so I think it will do that job.

10 IQ inspect element insert ketamine

>> No.21080732
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Name one asset that isn't a ponzi.

>> No.21081818
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>> No.21081902

What’s funny ?

>> No.21082277

I'm rooting for everyone in AMPL, charts are looking better today, I have hope for you guys.

>> No.21082335

Also what is a XMR wallet? Some guy asked for mine the other day and I have no idea what that even is. Is exodus an XMR wallet?

>> No.21082338


>> No.21082492

Monero wallet I believe , probably wanted to donate to you

>> No.21082737

>all these new fags
Hello boomers.

>> No.21082757

Lmao this is absolutely hilarious this is a $1 stable coin you people realize that right?

>> No.21082804

Who else survived the dump here? Percentage of supplywise I am up.

>> No.21082867
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>> No.21082896

And neither are you. Just saying the most retarded thing that you can think of make you feel like your clever?

>> No.21082946

Why does AMPL trigger you so hard?

>> No.21082951
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really ngmi

>> No.21082961

Don't worry senpai I've got some liquidity loaded up on uniswap so you can get out.

>> No.21083011

Uh oh I had a nerve you know what that means...neither of these people have anything intelligent to say so everything I said so far still stands. These are the kind of delusional idiots that want you I mean the lurkers here to buy their bags and that way they can get Rich off of them thinking that you're some kind of morons that way you'll keep buying. Don't prop up people like this stop investing in this project and get into a real coin that's actually making games and hasn't been dead for over 5 years now Lookers be warned

>> No.21083060

I'll humor you. Do you understand how an elastic supply works?

>Lmao this is absolutely hilarious this is a $1 stable coin you people realize that right?

Because your original post would seem to imply that you don't.

>> No.21083072
File: 69 KB, 1024x1023, IMG_3151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this is a hard coin to hold. Not only is the price in the shitter, but you can't even HODL because every day some of them disappear. It's like getting a cock in the ass and mouth at the same time. Feels bad man.

>> No.21083073

>every shitcoin tries to burn supply
>AMPL does 2% a day
AMPLchads win again

>> No.21083076

Well, here is my XMR address, just figured it out. Pic of my shit teeth with timestamp followed.


>> No.21083109

Clearly you don't understand You're only interest here is misleading people. if you actually looked at this project instead of spending only 30 minutes trying to figure out how you could rip other people off and you would know too. Absolutely get fucked

>> No.21083173

>Clearly you don't understand
I never demonstrated to anyone in this thread, how I think Ampleforth works.

You, however.. You just dodged my question.


>> No.21083195

Okay scammer

>> No.21083216
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One more

>> No.21083252
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>> No.21083256

>Okay scammer

So you don't understand it then? You are advising people on a matter that you know nothing about.

>> No.21083321

Nothing makes me comfier than to know all the people posting about midwit filters, being hyper-intelligent, future millionaires and whatnot have been utterly BTFO by this sub-$1 stablecoin and are just stuck bagholding. You niggers deserved it, cope as much as you like.

>> No.21083325

Oh no I'm advising people to not fall for your scam whatever will I do I feel so conflicted thank you you finally made me see the light I guess you lying to everybody and trying to steal their money isn't so bad after all! Go get wrecked it's an elastic coin with a set goal value. The only people who were going to make any money in this or they think they're going to make money in this are the ones that trick other people into buying it up over a dollar so that way they can attempt to get more coins than the dollar amount is worth. In other words people like you are trying to pray on others and get them to buy the ample coin over a $1 value because people like you are dumb enough to think that they're actually going to get more coins and not get rebased. which makes you one of the stupidest people ever heard of on the face of this planet

>> No.21083355

This is starting to piss me off, what exchanges actually offer this stuff? I can't seem to find a way in to these lesser-known coins

>> No.21083386

What am I lying to everyone about, you rambling mad-man?

>> No.21083397
File: 20 KB, 415x330, sent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn anon i hope you get that shit fixed

>> No.21083438

Playing the victim already? This is why I can't stand people like you. Get caught and all you start doing is back pedaling through your own shit

>> No.21083492

Keep squealing, it’s actually hilarious to see you cope

>> No.21083534

Don't simp for other men or other posters. But I'll go ahead and fuck your wife if you want me to, and you do

>> No.21083569

I don't even know what you're talking about. My mouth is legitimately fucked and I just want it fixed so I can eat again. If I ever make it I will donate a lot to people that post on this board that are in real need of money for health problems as my thank you to >>21083397. I can't really express how much I appreciate this, all I can do is promise I'll give back and support AMPL to the best of my ability so you guys can make it.

>> No.21083610

Sorry, I'm a schizo. Disregard my post. Been an emotional week for me.

>> No.21083614

if i was richer i'd give more
i had tooth pain before and i know it's one of the worst pains imaginable
i hope we all make it

>> No.21083637

Playing the victim? Are you actually reading my posts. Every time I press you on anything, you shift what you are talking about - because you don't know what you are talking about, you just don't want people to invest in this thing that you know nothing about!

Are you a real person?

>> No.21083636

Get well man I hope you get better, Right now is a really rough time out there for people

>> No.21083686

I love AMPL-bros, seriously. Everyone shits on you guys and its the only fudding on this board that gets to me. I know a lot of you are like me and wanted everyone involved to make it and its the hope I hold onto that AMPL succeeds so the good people that bought into it can afford nice things at some point in their lives.

>> No.21083693

I've tried to explain this to you so I'm just going to say that I can guarantee you that I'm more of a real person than you'll ever bebut there you go again playing the victim so it's just like I don't know man it's good to be right

>> No.21083743


Ok normie, keep coping with XAMP bags

>> No.21083786

Ampl is at the bottom, get the fuck in before you miss your second rocketship to the moon.

>> No.21083805

oh yeah my bad I guess you've never had a decent relationship in your life but don't you worry as soon as you do I'll be there to fuck them in front of you

>> No.21083827

Sure you will schizo

>> No.21083842

You're a good dude, I appreciate it. I go get my first root canal tomorrow followed by another on Monday which means my two worse teeth should be fine by then. All in all I'm looking at 10k in dental work in the next week then we come up with a plan for the other 3 teeth that have abscesses under them. Folks, brush and floss, this shit sucks.

>> No.21083856

As long as you get fixed up biz did good

>> No.21083920

How did they get into that state in the first place? Did you just never brush your teeth?

>> No.21083932
File: 98 KB, 422x437, hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've tried to explain this to you
No you haven't.

>but there you go again playing the victim
No I don't.

>I don't know man it's good to be right
>man it's good to be right
>it's good to be right

Damn. I think you might be trolling. If not, god bless (and help) you.

Anyway, here is a parting gift.

>> No.21083986

Was going to wait until the market cap was 200m before entering, but hell with it -- I'm throwing a 4 ETH into AMPL tonight just for fun. If it hits 200m, will add a few more. The community and hype behind this coin right now is enough to convince me. Good luck!

>> No.21084015

Bro literally everyone who talks about this coin is talking about how much they fucking hate its guts

>> No.21084020

I posted about it a week or so ago, but jist of it is grew up in abject poverty with incredibly shitty parents (dad killed himself while I was sleeping next to him on my tenth birthday, mom is a literal crackwhore) and I didn't learn how to take care of myself or my teeth until I was around 13 and by that point my adult teeth had already started rotting. That, along with my dad having genetically bad teeth doomed me to have horrible teeth that want to kill me.

>> No.21084081

Then it was someone else and read more I mean if you can read I understand it's very difficult for some people.

I'm not going to waste time responding to this, ample is an elastic currency with a set goal value meaning it's always going to drift towards a certain set amount. If you're a lurker and you're simply reading this and you need to understand to not buy into the scam that these people are trying to promote because they think that they're going to get more coins because people like you buy in over the dollar set value.no I'm not trolling I'm exposing you when all of the bullshit that you're posting here so that way people don't get drifted into your ficking scam. I guess you can't read though so I have to explain this individually to you too because you're incapable of absorbing any information that isn't spoon fed to you.

>> No.21084144

hey tooth anon i gave you a hard time in telegram. you seem like an okay dude and i could have been kinder. i'm rooting for you.

>> No.21084199


>> No.21084204
File: 106 KB, 843x821, theonlyfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your understanding is superficial at best. And I suspect you have no idea about the macro-economics of this project.

Let me explain:

Ampleforth is a primitive. What does that mean? Well, Ampleforth is not created to be used inside some specific ecosystem or pool (most cryptocurrency), it acts more like Bitcoin or Ethereum. It wants to be a base currency - a currency that is not correlated with the price movements of any of the other crypto currencies.

When Satoshi envisioned a ‘peer-to-peer electronic cash’ he seems to have not considered the implications of giving Bitcoin a fixed supply - you have probably heard before, that “there will only ever be 21 million Bitcoin” - this makes Bitcoin valuable, and unfortunately, it also makes it’s price very volatile, since people use it as digital gold. People hoard Bitcoin, because it’s deflationary nature incentivizes then to do so. One year, one BTC might be 10k - the next, 15k. Because of this Bitcoin is not a good medium of exchange either, and it is not a good financial vehicle to be used as collateral. In other words, it is *not* the “electronic cash” that Satoshi was trying to create. He even said in a forum post, that if there was some way his protocol could know data from the outside world, he could have made a better currency, by dynamically adjust the quantities of it.

Well, now we have a solution to this “getting data” problem - oracles.

Ampleforth is a currency that is trying to be the ‘electronic cash’ that Satoshi was trying to create. How is Ampleforth trying to achieve this? The main thing that makes the AMPL different, is that it’s supply is elastic. This means, that the price of the currency has a target zone which it is always trying to be inside - and it will adjust the distribution of it’s supply to get there.


>> No.21084212

Oh my God it's only one out of two oh my God I triggered him so hard

>> No.21084215

Its all good, I probably deserved it, I'm a bit of a retard sometimes. I hope you make it bro, most of you guys deserve it for trying to bring people you on the road to success.

>> No.21084217

What else does it do? Seems like you only understand one of its utilities.

>> No.21084228

this is now a tooth thread


>> No.21084253


The target zone is between 0.96 - 1.06 2019 USD (This value is CPI adjusted and gotten with an oracle).

To get to this target zone, every 24 hours, Ampleforth undergoes a “Rebase” event, where the entire supply of the currency is readjusted and redistributed. This means, that if the AMPL has had a 24 hour avg. price, higher than 1.06 - the currency is inflated, and everyone gets more AMPL. If the avg. price is under 0.96, the currency is deflated - and everyone has less AMPL. Both of these types of adjustments move the price towards it’s target zone by doing this. By making the currency less or more scarce, depending on the demand of it.

This is genius! Because of this mechanism, you now have a currency - that at a high market cap - will always have a stable price at around 1 USD, that cannot be inflated. Imagine if the US Fed prints a couple of trillion dollars today - and you hold USD. Well, now your USD is worth less, because there is more of it in circulation. If the USD worked like Ampleforth, then part of those trillions of dollars would be deposited straight into your account to reflect, that you own a certain percentage of the USD - and since there is now more of it in existence, you get more, so that your ownership percentage of the network isn’t diminished.

We now have a currency that is neither inflationary or deflationary - it is both! And at a stable price, when the market cap finds it’s supply/demand equilibrium.

This effectively means, that Ampleforth now becomes a currency with units that aren’t as volatile as the BTC - you are not incentivized to hoard them - the value of a single unit is relatively fixed.

Here is a crypto currency that has managed to move it’s volatility into it’s supply - and therefore it can be used as collateral in DeFi applications - and eventually, we can perhaps even use it as a base medium of exchange, like the USD. The AMPL is the next step in the natural evolution of money.


>> No.21084273

top kek, my roommate sang along to this, holy fuck I feel like a boomer cuz I'm a full 10 years older than her

>> No.21084283

Satoshi set out to create Bitcoin and in that he succeeded. anyone trying to improve on that formula adding things that don't need to be part of that formula I'm not here to defend Bitcoin though

>> No.21084312

rebased and repilled

>> No.21084355

And everyone who buys in over a dollar? I guess they absolutely don't matter man they're just sacrifices that are going to be led up to the podium at that point I mean you know I guess by your logic Satoshi didn't care about any of those people who were being absolutely scammed in this coin that you're trying to promote right?no cuz you don't care about those people The only thing you care about is your own bags and trying to sell before those other people can get out Don't bring Satoshi into this because you're probably the worst example of everything that he hated

>> No.21084379

I wish you all the best anon

>> No.21084393

I’m honestly wondering why you are so envious of AMPL’s success.

I actually know the answer, but I wonder if you do.

>> No.21084509

If team did not sold we would be at 2B already

What a backstab from those 2 ugly cocksuckers.

>> No.21084601

Thanks fren, you too.

>> No.21084769


>> No.21084796
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What do? Invest in elites

or listen to the schizo ITT that fantasizes about imaginary sex all day?

>> No.21084803

It won’t go up as long as ETH and BTC are mooning. Wait for ETH and BTC to correct

>> No.21084823


>> No.21084845

sent you some
it's still pending

>> No.21084852

We have truly become a new decoupled asset!

>> No.21084946

> Satoshi set out to create Bitcoin and in that he succeeded.
>I'm not here to defend Bitcoin though

That's probably for the best, because it would seem that you don't really possess in-depth knowledge of Bitcoin either. Satoshi set out to create an 'electronic peer-to-peer cash' (It is literally the title of the white paper) - but he/she/they ended up creating an asset that resembles gold more. Bitcoin will never be used a medium of transaction, because it's price is too volatile. Why? Well, if you had read my previous post, you would know that this is because Bitcoin is deflationary. It is a currency with a fixed supply.

>And everyone who buys in over a dollar? I guess they absolutely don't matter man they're just sacrifices that are going to be led up to the podium at that point

If you believe that the market cap of this project is going to keep climbing (which it has to, if it is to succeed), it literally does not matter what price you buy at. Sure, you can be wise and acquire more AMPL at lower prices, but the increases in price will eventually be redistributed to you too. I bought at 1.65 - and I am still VERY much in the green.

Again. Seems like you didn't really read my post. It's kind of a theme at this point.

This has been debunked. First of all, the team is not just two people - the foundation consists of 15 people.

The team didn't sell anything - all sells are handled by a third-party vendor to avoid conflicts of interest.

>> No.21084990
File: 1.72 MB, 300x437, how the heck are ya.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dogg

>> No.21084997

here you go everyone here is the length that these people will go to twist the facts to try to steal your money

>> No.21085042

All the content in my post is pure fact. Refute this.

>> No.21085073
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I don't want to be a fag but no one has ever been generous to me like this in my life. Really, thanks anon, if I somehow get a new grill because of you fuckers I'll let the people vote on what letter I get acid etched onto the bottom of my chompers.

>> No.21085118

you conveniently forgot before you even began the elastic supply is technically a stable coin so therefore anyone who purchases into this is only supporting the Apple above that set points that way you can sell off and make money off of other people being gullible. You should be incredibly thankful that I'm taking any time at all to try and explain this to you because you've obviously been brainwashed by this entire scheme. You're an absolute enemy of anybody who's trying to make a decent investment with their time and their money with their feeble tiny little lives. And you're here trying to steal it from them. you are not talking true facts you were trying to get people to buy in over the set price of an elastic stable coins so that way you can sell before they get a chance to. It doesn't matter if the price continues to go up over what it should be it's always going to stabilize back down and be rebased as people like you try to call it. I am absolutely done with you your scam your elicit attempts to steal other people's money.The only people making money off of this project are the ones who are selling before other people get the chance to it's a pump and dump by definition. but go ahead keep working and trying to rationalize this out keep trying to lie to people keep putting every little thing out there that you could think of so that way everyone will know how hard you're working to steal

>> No.21085126

Why the fuck is this shitcoin not stable as a stable coin should be?
It's marketed as ''it never dips too much it goes up a lot''... but in reality it dips a lot

>> No.21085162

Exactly and that's what it's designed to do no one is going to remember this project three or five years from now. A bunch of people buy in before it stabilizes back down to a dollar and everyone who sells above that limit makes a profit and then literally everyone else you got tricked into believing about it gets stuck holding those bags

>> No.21085218

You still haven’t answered why you are so envious of Ampleforths success . . .

>> No.21085250

You mean success you're trying to steal people's money? Dumb questions don't deserve answers

>> No.21085255

1.5 otw
pls get that shit fixed
and hold your ampies

>> No.21085275

It will become stable at a high market cap. If you had read the actual Ampleforth white paper, you would know that there is a period of high volatility before it finds it's supply/demand equilibrium.

>you conveniently forgot before you even began the elastic supply is technically a stable coin
>elastic supply is technically a stable coin
>stable coin

Know I know you didn't read the white paper. Fucking lol. I won't reply to you any more - but if anyone else is reading this conversation - it should be clear to you that this guy is a literal brainlet.

Read more here: https://www.ampleforth.org/basics/

>> No.21085355

Yeah and you're absolutely willing to trick anyone for the benefit of that equilibrium of yours, but listen here page shell I'm not actually getting paid to argue with you. You see that's a difference between us you know I actually care about people you're trying to scam them out of their money and get them to buy it to an equilibrium thing where they're willing to burn their monies that way you can try to come out on top whatever dude. I know I'm not going to get through to you I'm just hoping that the lurkers here will start to see what's actually going on and avoid you your scam or whatever you're getting paid here to try and do. You and your entire scheme can burn we are done there's obviously no way to get through a view and that's expected because I mean you're doing this for pay right? I don't care about your opinion I don't care about what you pretend to think here this is for the people who are reading this The ones who can actually read

>> No.21085445

>Jealous VC cuck mad nobody is buying his shitcoin scams on biz anymore

Did I get it right?

>> No.21085452

I had to pull out because I needed the money to pay for the two root canals this week and next, I didn't qualify for the care plan so it all has to come out of pocket. I'll keep you guys posted with my dental progress over the upcoming weeks, I really can't express my gratitude, just know that you're helping give someone the ability to eat again. I've been on a smoothie diet for the last month (I have to blend everything I eat, including any meat and carbs or it gets trapped and causes more abscesses).

>> No.21085849

>you would know that there is a period of high volatility before it finds it's supply/demand equilibrium
ok.... when equilibrium?
The algo should do it automatically

>> No.21085951

I just finished my root canal a couple of weeks ago. Shit is rough, I hope my tooth survives it over the next couple of months.

>> No.21085979

I've had 5 root canals in the last 5 years and only the first one I got has an abscess pool under it now, so as long as you don't have shit teeth you should be fine.

>> No.21085980

No one knows, equilibrium is when no more people enter or exit the market. But you profit masively when people enter the market.

>> No.21085985

>The algo should do it automatically

It does. But only in increments towards the target zone. Why is this? This is so the price doesen't over react to the way the market moves. You wan't AMPL to adapt it quantities on the background of general market TRENDS.

This will not happen at the current market cap, because it is too low. It is too easy to move the price at the moment. However, as soon as the market cap is in the billions - it will be a different story.

I found this resource for you:

This is Brandon lles, the co-creator of Ampleforth. Here he explains why the currency works the way that it does. I even set it up at the correct time-stamp for you.

>> No.21086017

I had a dead tooth that had an abscess pool under it for 12 years. That was the one i finally got a root canal for since the tooth started fracturing from being dead for so long. You should see the crazy bone loss under the tooth now on the xray.

>> No.21086036

This video also BTFO's all the AMPL clones that change the rebase mechanism.

It is a highly recommended watch for everyone.

>> No.21086098

Oh yes, only our scam is the one true valid one no one could ever try to do exactly what we've done with the exact same code that we've provided and be any more valid than we ever are

>> No.21086113

Yeah, I was eating some bread a few days ago and there was a hard piece of something in it, bit into it with one of my back right molars and it cracked the tooth right down the middle, hence my needing emergency dental work. My xrays are fucking grim dude. I'll ask my dentist if he can e-mail them to me but I basically need my entire mouth replaced and if I don't want my jaw to basically disintegrate he strongly suggested implants instead of dentures especially at my age. I know people with dentures and its the last thing I want. You can't tell from the pics but almost all of my molars have crowns and/or have been root canalled.

>> No.21086145

lucky you, i had to wait 6 months to get work on mine done due to Covid lockdowns. Was using pharmacy temp fillings to get by.

>> No.21086151

Why be such a rat eating thirdworlder. It went from 5m to 500m mc you garbage dump crawler. Everything corrects you dipshit paki.

>> No.21086209

Sorry anon, that really does suck. Dental work has been a life long battle for me, I've already spent close to 50k on dental work since I could afford to when I was 16. I bought my own crown molding and dental glue off of amazon recently, put a bit of clove oil in the hole and close it up for a few days. Until recently this has worked pretty well.

>> No.21086218
File: 86 KB, 211x227, teeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check it, that's all missing jaw bone

>> No.21086269

I feel for you man. I have this exact same damage all around my jaw on both the top and the bottom. It really sucks, my heart goes out to anyone with tooth problems because some people don't understand just how excruciating it is to live with bad teeth.

>> No.21086310

brb brushing my teeth

>> No.21086615

Good idea anon.

>> No.21087021


>> No.21087293

I think AMPL is almost done with its downtrend. You'll swing up, I have faith guys.

>> No.21087656

Eat up your losses and buy datamine dam, stake it and earn flux. As easy as printing money