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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21061506 No.21061506 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you guys in on $Brr yet? one of the top wallets here, and in 4 days we have gone from .0024 to .015 and holding strong at .009. Get in now /biz/ before this hits .50.
get in now before burn tonight, make profit with me

>> No.21061530

website brr.finance
uniswap 0x49f941FA7f5731fe302068d79c8604C24C5E7196
discord- Jh5KzX

>> No.21061557

were gonna make it brro

>> No.21061566
File: 302 KB, 584x427, 4ahdyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21061630

how the fuck does it even work
the site doesnt explain shit

>> No.21061676

They burn a certain number of coins every night.

>> No.21061688
File: 883 KB, 500x288, BRRaoh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a deflationary token, price goes up through it's life as supply burns. AS LONG AS YOU HOLD, weak hands not allowed

>> No.21061711

Oh cool, so it is a daily burn. I was worried it was going to be something stupid like a bi-weekly burn or something.

What are your thoughts on swinging BRR? Think it's worth it, or just hodl?

>> No.21061710

and the price goes up because supply vanishes?
sounds like a scam then

>> No.21061773

then don't get in on the profit retard. what coin isn't a scam besides btc?

>> No.21061809

nigga its a coin with NO value, are you retarded

>> No.21061826

ok then why am i 5x now?

>> No.21061855

because retards got memed into buying it, and you know it

>> No.21061864
File: 96 KB, 1783x674, Screenshot_2020-08-06 Uniswap Interface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof, i started with 7 eth

>> No.21061894

why would u put 7 eth into this lmao based retard

>> No.21061911

you slimy faggot
he makes money tricking innocent anons into buying into a meme

>> No.21062003

get left behind fags. that's the world now. also DYOR it's not a scam

>> No.21062006

All this fud
You faggots have had 4 days to get a bag, it's not our fault you're retarded.
See you at $1, hitting .05 TONIGHT.

>> No.21062032

SCAM sorry fren

>> No.21062051

Threw in 1 eth just for the memeworthy website.

>> No.21062064

>DYOR it's not a scam
at least be honest about it you sack of shit
YOU are making threads pushing this shit and just want to squeeze money out of poor anons

>> No.21062068

Obvious blatant scam. Anythibt calling itself "free money" is by definition a scam. Literal pump amd dump, some of you will make great profit and most of you will be financially ruined.

>> No.21062075

>what coin isn't a scam besides btc?
are you...serious?

>> No.21062103

someone lost out big it sounds like. Fud

>> No.21062126

>and most of you will be financially ruined
losing 1 eth financially ruined pick one

>> No.21062140

yes, this is the kind of people we have to deal with

>> No.21062142

so much fud. see you at $1

>> No.21062158

Anytime you call out a price. '5 CeNtS bY tOnIGhT', you literally sound really dumb. You're literally pulling that out of your ass.

>> No.21062184

I tried, you are all going to lose out. and when this hits .50 you'll still scream scam. when it hits $1, you'll be crying

>> No.21062218

Do you actually believe that?

>> No.21062240

unironically to most based project this year

>> No.21062249

yes, don't be fooled by fud. we will hit that when the dapp launches

>> No.21062260

they're easy to see through, fortunately. Look for the patterns..

>> No.21062281

You do realize the only reason your holdings are going up is that people like it enough to buy into the idea, right?

Yet here you are bragging about how early you were and how you hold >1mil BRR bought for 7ETH. Yeah... that's kind of off-putting for people who haven't bought in yet. They'll just say fuck it, I'm too late anyway, on to the next opportunity. So, quiet you.

>> No.21062300

You actually think I'll be investing in this?

>> No.21062346

god damn samefag, your posts are filled with fud>>21062260

>> No.21062400

get more scared weak hands

>> No.21062494

who let this boomer in here?

go buy gold or something, stop hanging around here

>> No.21062500

So many layers to your stupidity, not even sure how to unravel it anymore...

>> No.21062513

yeah ok fuck your meme coin, it's not gonna make it

>> No.21062552

oh no a weak hand appeared
it fainted

>> No.21062553

hes the top 7 holder, of course he wants people to buy into it so he gets more money
its all a big scam
the funny thing is, he is so bad at marketing, that HE is the reason people dont buy into it

>> No.21062604

more fud means were on to something brros

>> No.21062619

fucking kek

>> No.21062659

no... it actually means you're fucked.

>> No.21062776

oh, we don't need you, and so far it only seems like a couple people in this thread don't want to make it.
ships leaving tonight for this buy in price

>> No.21062842

Everything in crypto is a "scam." Retards called Ethereum a scam. The CEO of Blockstream just called it a Ponzi yesterday. Some people just can't be helped.

See you from the moon, retards

>> No.21062851

Does your butthole ever get tired of doing the talking?

>> No.21062914

You're comparing Ethereum to brr... LMAO. You're not helping your cause..

Everything in crypto is a scam? no.. its definitely not. Maybe to retards, I could see that actually.

The CEO of Blockstream called brr a ponzi scheme? LOL again, you're just digging yourself a hole of stupidity..

>> No.21062953

you cant take these people seriously, they would say anything to scam more people
just remove the bookmark and go into another thread mate

>> No.21062985

He called Ethereum a ponzi, brainiac.

>> No.21063007

also make more people aware that its a scam, if we can save one anon, it will be worth it
also it makes brrfagt seethe because fewer people means less money

>> No.21063044

Dude, if you don't want to 10x your ETH, fine by me lmao

>> No.21063183

I already made my moves today and sitting comfy, so I'm just letting newbie anons see for themselves that this coin is a scam.

You're right though, they will say anything, but its all so recycled? 5 cents by tonight, everything is a scam, gonna miss the moon, don't get left behind, blah blah blah brain damage

>> No.21063260

I just keep buying the dips and getting mad gains. Not really a dump scam for at least a few weeks. There's a dapp coming out in a week.

>> No.21063275

'weakhands' is a fantastic redflag. Thanks for saying it. So you want anons to hold so you can dump on them.

>> No.21063298

Great share your positions, we will meet back here tomorrow see how you performed vs BRR

Money where your mouth is, Satoshi

>> No.21063304

I understand. Do your thing. If you know what you're doing, you can make money on most coins. But I don't want broke anons investing in this.

>> No.21063341

Same, I love you bro.

>> No.21063344

I'm good on sharing my positions. What's your price expectation 12 hours from now? We'll just use that as a marker.

>> No.21063387
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>> No.21063445

Literally just two anons jerking themselves off over how they're the only ones who know it's a scam.
You can keep saying that all you want but I guarantee that you've said that about every other fucking coin the blew up.

>> No.21063493

You can guarantee that? I can't tell if you're selling brr or used cars.

>> No.21063952

Yes I can guarantee that, you fuckers are poor as hell so you've never had the ETH to take a risk on a meme coin.
Inevitably they blow up and you seethe so you fud them all because you don't want to be left out, but you can't join in the first place so you try and keep as many people out as possible.
Much like a nigger you drag down anyone who wants to make gains because you can't make them yourself
So fuck off and stay poor, I want more.