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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 109 KB, 1446x842, dextoolsscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21062293 No.21062293 [Reply] [Original]

The beta project is a mess, and it wouldn't be worth the cost of entry even if it had all the features they're aiming for. It's just a scraper from Uniswap's API with a nicer UI, and even then it doesn't have useful sort options yet. There will 100% be copycats in the coming days/weeks because it's not difficult to implement, at that point the tokens will be worthless.

But wait, there's more! Before that happens, the team will certainly dump their 100,000,000 unlocked tokens for 'promotion or hiring.' They hold 50% of the total supply and it says right on the website that they reserve the right to sell at any time to raise funds for the project. You will get dumped on if you buy into this scam.

>> No.21062375

bumping to warn the newfags

>> No.21062382

They're locked, retard. The 32k sold for marketing were from the deployer address.

>> No.21062444

never change biz

>> No.21062497

it says right on the website that they're not locked. there's also no mention of an unlock timeline for team members. because the tokens aren't locked.

>> No.21062818

Token rises and suddenly FUD starts at 4chan, where are you when this coin made a 20x in the last month? It's stupid, if the devs wanted to run with the money they would have done it already.

>> No.21062877

This is the first time in crypto i see a token with product that people love to use, check twitter, all top sites of crypto like icodrops using dextools charts...you can buy or not , use it or not , but the devs and product are top.

>> No.21062992
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You go right ahead anon

>> No.21063089


>> No.21063301

the product is cool, but they're going to ruin it by being greedy about the token model. the team will dump once the price gets too high to resist, but even besides that, it will stop appreciating once new user acquisition tapers off. and you know what will make new users stop signing up? when there are copycats with lower entry fees, which there will be soon

>> No.21063342

d-d-d-ont buy DEXT you guys

>> No.21063388

nice fud, sell faggots

>> No.21063425

>just use out shitty chart that's stuck on one timeframe bro

>> No.21063518

this, can't wait to see the copycats and especially uniswap itself to make those dumb chart and stuff itself.

>> No.21063525

exactly. I could literally code a better uniswap coin charter in an afternoon. in fact, I think I will. fuck this greedy cash grab

>> No.21063588

please do it, we need more competition on this.

>> No.21063714

he won´t do a shit... fudders just want to buy cheap before friday when the chart and the info will be delayed unless you hold 5k. panic buying then

>> No.21063732


>> No.21063780

lol exactly

>> No.21063903

litteraly what this man said

>> No.21063996
File: 122 KB, 1208x909, trust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think trustswap devs links dextools on the discord channel to follow the token because they are too lazy to code a tool in one afternoon?

>> No.21064031

I don't fucking care about your coin, give me 10$ per month or else

>> No.21064074

The project itself is not bad but its also not difficult to make or unique in anyway. All it has is first mover advantage.
Other people WILL copy what they did and provide maybe better services than them and could even make it completely free that would then make dextools literally worth zero.

>> No.21064313

exactly this. first mover advantage is all they have and they're ruining it by being greedy. it's already like $300 to get a basic account. and holding the tokens as a speculative investment is a terrible idea for so many reasons. not the least of which is that the devs hold 50% OF SUPPLY and can dump at any time. enjoy getting dumped on by mexicans

>> No.21064485

well you're forced to hold it to use their service instead of a cheap monthly subscription, too greedy isn't it. plus you're bond with them and no one knows how's the coins will perform in the future vs 50$ monthly subscription which you don't need to force hold their asset.

>> No.21065223

They're adding a timeframe changer for holders this week.

>> No.21065262

pretty cool but too expensive and pointless coin

>> No.21065308

I already fell for the trustswap and bzrx fud, not gonna fall for it this time. Suck start a 12 gauge OP.