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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 397x102, Screenshot 2020-08-05 at 21.24.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21047366 No.21047366 [Reply] [Original]

>leaked discord chats show a community of white supremacists entrenched in the Chainlink community who plan to use their future staking rewards to fund 'pro-white causes' and 'freedom of speech', with one anonymous user with over 250k LINK calling it a 'white ADL'

Yikes. You guys seriously dont own chainlink do you? This Zeus capital info is really making me reconsider my position

>> No.21047399

I lost my link private keys in the wash officer

>> No.21047412

I learned about this coin because a Haitian kept shilling me on it. He got in early. I saw his gains and got in around 7.70. Wish I got in sooner, but hondstly, people who believe this FUD don’t deserve to make it.

>> No.21047447

What did you expect? Link is /biz incarnate, the worst evil to flor through the world. Zeus capital is uironically saving us from an alt right wave

>> No.21047448

It’s actually true. Link is for retards. Going to zero

>> No.21047452

Ir was about dam time (?)

But people hate this much chain link, i could make a bussines selling turds and if for some reason someone don't like it they Will Say that i'm a quite supremacist

>> No.21047514

should we be selling? its at all time highs

>> No.21047648

nooooo goy only we get to have organizations that protect our interests. Shut it down!

>> No.21047818


Makes ya think, don’t it?

>> No.21048632
File: 1.47 MB, 480x848, 1596661099421.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the final chapter of The Dumbest Short in Crypto History dawns

Can't believe Simmy's not liquidated already

>> No.21049400

ok ok ok this is starting to get based

>t. black man with over 100k linkies

>> No.21049462
File: 563 KB, 888x885, 5B59241F-EE05-4A9F-9799-88A87249FE77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MSM picks up the headline to peddle some bullshit narrative
>Link moons and kickstarts the second bullrun

>> No.21049493
File: 230 KB, 726x720, 1482196509903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's incredibly bullish for CL
>stacking stinkies become a rallying cry for the white race
>all over the world whites start to buy CL as a silent sign of rebellion against the talmudic oppression and their white genocide agenda
>whites now have total control over CL, proof of stack become proof of race, whites-owned stores only accept CL tokens as payement
>this weed out the niggers and the spics, everything improve dramatically, amerisharts are happy ton consoom in peace once again, whites stores now make 200% more profit
>CL tokens are now worth $1,488
>every white-made innovation and invention is patented using chainlink oracle, locked far away from pajeets and stealing kikes
>this trigger the 5th industrial revolution
>tollgates only payable via chainlink are now barring the entry to hordes of needy and hungry shitskins from every white populated city/community
>every single democrat city is now a cesspool, disgusting admixtures of starving third worlders, brainwashed leftists (getting cannibalized) and their increasingly nervous jewish overlords
>meanwhile, in whites areas, everybody is making massive gains thanks to CL, making the token the most efficient redistribution of wealth method ever invented, btfoing the dying commies as a last humiliation
>now pets niggers, driven crazy by the hunger, are now raping and eating everything at sight, the kikes totally lost control over their golem, the 9000 trillion reparation package wasn't enough to calm the niggers down, they now all are multibillionaires but haven't any place lef to spend their dolla's, finally the surviving shlomos are leaving the already sunk ship of Neo-Wakanda (former LA) to try to parasite the whites once again
>tfw kikes have 0 chainlink to pay the toll
>left starving to death just in front of white citadels onto their pile of worthless amerishekels
>USA become once again the most prosperous nation on the planet, a special war court is created to judge kikes and race traitors

>> No.21049542

Based and capped

>> No.21049783

11.28 anon.

>> No.21049904
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>> No.21050178
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lmao so about two weeks?

Imagine hatching a brilliant business plan that centers around convincing a bunch of high-IQ rich autists that they were actually the victims of an elaborate, years-long scam, to slowly over years and years and years increase the value of a worthless shitcoin to Top 10 mcap, rather than the alternate explanation that the reason he's here all of a sudden because he's shorting link and is trying drive the price down

Imagine looking at the mass of pure sperg that is the LINK holder base and deciding that's the one to try to talk into selling. Imagine how rich he'd be if he'd just shorted XRP instead.

>> No.21050233

Link seems engieneered newfags gonna waste their money to make 60c because they dont understand MC

>> No.21050253

what the fuck? I was skeptical about link but after reading this I'm going all in. fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck shitskins and fuck jannies

>> No.21050282

Chekt and based. Plus green id

>> No.21050379
File: 35 KB, 800x415, 7C1F9DFB-9E28-47BE-9509-CDE711BA92A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If link CRASHES it starts the second bullrun. Think about the insane amount of ETH and BTC that would pump due to selloffs. That’s their plan. Screencap this.

>> No.21050409

Like a few percent


>> No.21050428

Based. This is why I got in.

>> No.21050435
File: 135 KB, 584x590, 80AF9C72-F5D1-4006-8C61-39D16EEA6548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do NOT own chainlink. After reading this I am now reconsidering my position

>> No.21050470

I hope they used the copypasta where the guy talked about how the only thing he cares about is black people not owning link.

>> No.21050923

you gotta be kidding me

>> No.21051793

>'freedom of speech'
Yipe, really? That's not something I want to be a part of. Market selling my stack.

>> No.21051833

Shitposting aside, that explosion is really fascinating. Why does the condensation wave only start to appear slightly after the explosion? Is it because the condensation is actually appearing in a wave of rarefaction following behind the compression wave?

>> No.21051849

where is that from op?

>> No.21051877

property at all, really

>> No.21051879

What the hell? I hate chainlink now!

>> No.21051889

I am a radical centrist and I hold Chainlink

>> No.21051931

That's like rad bro

>> No.21051981

>worst evil to flor through the world
>White people
Go back to plebbit. You are confusing whites with Jews.

>> No.21052055

I sold as soon as I read that chainlink was still running on a testnet. I’m happy to walk away with my profits. This is going straight down to 0.

>> No.21052241

Imagine anyone actually believing a fake company that tells them on twatter that free speech shouldn't be supported because fuck white people. lol

>> No.21052260

>muh freeze peach
That's a right-wing dog-whistle and you know it. Free speech isn't the same as inappropriate speech.

>> No.21052614

Oh, I'm sorry. Perhaps I should have mentioned I'm in America. We can say pretty much whatever we want unless it's an incitement to direct and imminent violence.
We can also be as pro-white as we want, despite the efforts of trannies and jews to shame us for wanting to exist.
Feels good, man.

>> No.21052633

you write like a cuck

>> No.21053003
File: 1001 KB, 500x281, 1596128837621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, i dont own any crypto, but after reading this article, i am honestly considering to buy xrp and link. please tell me link is a scam, i had the opportunity to buy at 1 dollar

>> No.21053041

Bullish af

>> No.21053056

wtf I love Linkies now.

>> No.21053079

The fud getting dumber, and the price rising higher unironically correlates pretty good. Nice try 1/10

>> No.21053117

.>plan to use rewards for pro-white causes and freedom of speech.
lol i am not even white and i am still on board.
literally pro-white causes brought us this age of technology, and provided us with so much food, entertainment and comfort that a king 300 years ago coulda dreamed of.
only by supporting white supremacy we can continue.

>> No.21053181


>> No.21053476

Come home white man