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21020747 No.21020747 [Reply] [Original]

Stopped buying ounces of weed and started stacking ounces of silver. Committed to the grind for a year, living below my means, accumulating crypto and silver and the gains are now clear in the green. Feels good biz. Patience pays. I'll be able to buy a house outright soon

>> No.21020785

sell signal

>> No.21020801

but im happy you stopped buying weed and hope you make it

>> No.21020847

sounds like you're on the road to making it anon

>> No.21020850

Did the same thing but with link. the funny thing is that once u have big enough stack u dont have to buy more with fiat u just wait. in the end its all going to weed anyways.

>> No.21020858

I've been holding and buying since 2018 no pullback is going to shake me out now.

>> No.21020879

Are you Jeb Bush?

>> No.21020928

This is the episode where Jeb Bush quit smoking weed and posted about it on biz. This is why I like Jeb more than Trump

>> No.21020986

that's good man, i'm starting to see great gains as well.
can anyone who's made it discuss taxes?
>how much does the IRS take?
>can you just report eth bought and sold or do you need to report every shitcoin transaction you've ever made?
>anything else to know when suddenly becoming wealthy?

>> No.21021007
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in that case you will make it 100%, congratulations on choosing the winners way and godspeed

>> No.21021056

Good for you man. I’m trying to quit weed myself. I have a pretty bad habit and a very addictive personality. It’s tough but like you I want to dedicate my money to buying things with value like crypto and PMs. Do you have any tips for getting clean?

>> No.21021107

Good for you anon, but if I can offer advice. Keep your wealth and make the bank pay for your house. If you wanted to be even more Jewish you could get housemates paying off your mortgage for the next couple of years

>> No.21021116

I use cointracker.io

>> No.21021119

Based jebb

>> No.21021159

In reality this is what i will do. Rather than buying 1 property outright i will buy multiple properties with a safe amount of leverage and then make sure they are positive cashflow with rental yield.

>> No.21021252

Sold my LINK stack.

>> No.21021264


>> No.21021270
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, JUST DO IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seriously though, i recommend thinking & talking about you addiction/addictive behavior often with people and in honesty. Don't convince yourself or anyone else it's not a problem or it won't change.

I also have an addictive personality and i found i had to establish a relationship with "my addition" and shift it into other things that were not as harmful to my life. Exercise and learning about markets & crypto was what i did.
I also definitely drink more alcohol now which certainly is not good but its not as bad for my mental focus and mental health. Still not good though, admittedly.

>> No.21021276
File: 9 KB, 239x211, 37846EB9-1D2F-42B1-A5BB-FD9A9CBF0A0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying kg of the dankiest, purplest, crystalliest stank

>> No.21021283

Missed these sell signals during 2017, fool me once yadda yadda.

>> No.21021287

Wow, you mean the only way to make it isn't to gamble on shitcoins and stock options? Either way, grats anon, it's nice to see a sincere thread this morning

>> No.21021317

Not sure if you’ll ever make it in all areas since your name is Jeb, but I’m glad you’re doing well for yourself financially.

>> No.21021489

there's online sites that do pretty much all that for you
they might charge 50-100 bucks but if you're making multiple thousands on crypto it's a small price to pay and saves a lot of time
all crypto to crypto is taxable but only if you make a net gain
if you buy shitcoin A for 100 bucks, and sell it later for 150 bucks, you are taxed for 150-100=50 bucks
usually it's ~33% for short term (held less than a year) and ~12% if you held it longer than a year (365 days not just until "after december")

>> No.21021818

Thanks man. Yeah I have my own issues with alcohol and I know I’ll drink more when I stop smoking, but alcohol is legal and way cheaper and my addiction is nothing like it is with weed.

>> No.21022088

Quit weed about 2 weeks ago myself, threw out all my paraphernalia. Resisted the urge to buy more and now it's starting to fade. The worst is telling my brother that I'm done with and he can't even remember the last time he went longer than 2 days without smoking.

To anons, Making it doesn't mean allowing all of your addictions to take hold now that you're not prevented financially

>> No.21022192

first step of making it is making yourself a better person

>> No.21022654

>Committed to the grind for a year, living below my means, accumulating crypto and silver and the gains are now clear in the green
ive been doing this for years and Im still nowhere near buying a house

>> No.21022751
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Good, that is how to preserve and grow wealth long term.

>> No.21023495

>The grind
Ngmi, I'm sorry anon

>> No.21023947

I don't use my daddy's money.
Every dollar I invested, I earn't. Working a wage cuck job isn't shameful. Accepting a wage cuck job for life is shameful and i'm fucking proud of what i'm turning it into.

>> No.21024025

JEB! 2020
you're gonna make it, anon

>> No.21024558

congrats namefag, remember not to talk to people about your gains