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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21015390 No.21015390 [Reply] [Original]


>Under 1m circulating market cap

>Recently awarded a Consensys grant to improve tools for Ethereum developers
https://medium.com/@Panvala/chainsafe-dappnode-and-more-receive-ethereum-grants-in-batch-five-c8696c782044.. This grant will accelerate one of their key goals of implementing a graph database into our framework.

2 years in the making, Menlo Framework helps developers skip the headaches of blockchain/DeFi dApp setup and get to building quickly. Menlo One makes a Javascript & Solidity based development framework that caches data from Ethereum and IPFS on cloud hosted nodes to improve speed and UX issues which have hindered the mass adoptions of dApps. This grant will accelerate one of our key goals of implementing a graph database into our framework.

https://blockoverflow.menlo.one/is one dApp example built with Menlo with built-in native $ONE integration.

Menlo comes with the popular Open Zeppelin library as well as boilerplate smart contracts that have features common in many DeFi apps including token transfers, claims, timing events, and they’re designed for anything similar to the ERC-20 standard. And we integrated Truffle into the development pipeline with multiple environment configurations.


>> No.21015399
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----------TOKEN MODEL-----------

Token ticker: $ONE

Use cases of $ONE:

>Access to Menlo One’s framework
The $ONE token has a special feature that allows functions to be called from the Framework. The token is required to utilize the framework.

>Currency for Data
In order to ensure Menlo One can provide users with an experience as fast and responsive as Centralized Applications (Facebook, Youtube), the data on Menlo One has to be served on high performance Content Nodes where Hosts are incentivized with $ONE.

>Currency for Attention
Menlo One, at its core is an attention economy, A seller of someone interested in capturing the attention of a potential customer’s pays both a Content Node to deliver their Profile Page to a prospective customer, and to the customer for their attention. Sharing revenue with a User for their monetized attention is also famously used by the Brave Browser, who give users a percentage of the ad revenue from their in-browser ad network.

>Virtuous Incentive Mechanism
Token driven database for a Token Driven Economy utilizing Proof-of-Reputation (PoR). PoR is contrasted against popular consensus algorithms such as Proof-of-Stake in that one’s reputation cannot be bought or sold. PoR presents a low risk for centralized control, is environmentally friendly and relatively fast to use. Menlo One builds upon this to implement a system which incentivizes virtuous behavior, provides resistance against bad actors and is fast enough for a modern web experience.

Menlo One is designed to be forward compatible with smart contract blockchain networks other than Ethereum.

Where to buy?

IDEX or Uniswap:


>> No.21015475

Doesn't Harmony use $ONE?
isn't that going to make it difficult to use the same exchanges, like binance and kucoin since it has the same ticker?

>> No.21015485
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Fortune 500 partnership and government contract incoming.

>> No.21015529

Giving "more info about our engagement" does not equal partnership
It does seem good for a 1 million MC coin tho, I'm going to keep an eye on this, added it to blockfolio watchlist

>> No.21015569

I've seen a double coin on Bittrex I believe. They have the full name behind it in brackets.

>> No.21015800
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>> No.21016080

That would be huge if it's being listed on Bittrex

>> No.21016218

Would certainly be nice. There are ann lined up and the low liquidity will be fixed... so who knows.

>> No.21016268

Where do I buy this?

>> No.21016344

is liq locked

>> No.21016357


>> No.21016538
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>> No.21016776

Uniswap. Better than Idex

>> No.21017023
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Working on DeFi since 2019. About to roll out their product. They are not simply following the hype... this will hit like a bomb.

>> No.21017235

Alright, I'll bite. Been looking into this since two days ago when I saw this same info thread.

Shit will be big. Direct competitor for The Graph, but decentralized. This will be an important part of any future DeFi project.

>> No.21017312
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Bigger than you think anons

>> No.21017620

biz is sleeping on this so much, it's not even funny.

Yet they buy literal meme coins like Tendies and Brrr

>> No.21017651
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No surprises. Post mainnet LINK timeline has brought in a lot of idiots into Biz

>> No.21018017
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>> No.21018312

Ok I secured a bag. 250k. Will I make it?

>> No.21018428
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>> No.21018508


>> No.21018654

Strap up Lads. 10x Easy. Mega Bullish.

>> No.21018672

Yep, you're good anon.

Suicide Stack - 100k
Make it Stack - 1 million

>> No.21018844

still have this in my graveyard ETH account from the ICO in 2018

>> No.21019155

It's still below the ICO price of .017. But it will be passing that in the next couple of days.

>> No.21019453

Looks like it's bleeding back to the trendline after a 50% bump from that little bit of news.

>> No.21020218

Should i buy now or wait for dip? It kinda looks like its about to dip again

>> No.21020334

I really think you should just delete this thread fren.
Most anons aren't even in the know yet even though we've been spoonfeeding them for days now.
They will fomo in sooner or later anyway. Right now this is still a microcap, but I really think that won't be the case for much longer.
I'm the anon from the Menlo thread yesterday that told you about the retarded ICO investor who dumped around 6 million coins 2 days ago and I also said that was your golden opportunity to get in cheap.
Hope I don't see any Menlo threads for at least 2 days now, while we all try our best to accumulate more.
Take it or leave it anons.

>> No.21020360

That's not really how that word is used on /biz/. "fren" is used in Apu threads and comfy threads, not in general discourse. Where are ou from?

>> No.21020453

This has just become a comfy thread but you don't even know it yet.

>> No.21020591

> buy my bags
fuck you and your x15 up since 4 days ago shitcoin