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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21010329 No.21010329 [Reply] [Original]

It seems that I have gained their trust
How do I use this to get back at the Jews?

>> No.21010663

Take out as many loans as possible. find a nice wife. buy arable land, physical gold weapons and ammo. Start a farm/fortified compound. Have 8 whites babies with your wife. once the USD is worthless you won’t have to pay (((them))) back.

>> No.21010929

once you have a home and a reliable vehicle, your good goy score doesn't matter. Buy things that are convertible to cash and then don't pay them back. Gold on credit is probably the easiest avenue, I have no idea why these places are even allowed to accept credit but if I wanted to max my credit with no intention of paying it back that would be the route I'd take.

>> No.21010974

I’m already married. Is it okay if my kids are half nip?
Should I just take out a massive loan and dump it into link?

>> No.21010992

Buy a house, fag.

>> No.21011083

I dont know of a way to convert credit to crypto but sure if that floats your boat. I personally don't fuck with chainlink. Buying credit for gold lets you just sell the gold for cash. Then you can do whatever with the cash.

>> No.21011117

What is the best online gold dealer?
I actually live out of the us full time right now so buying a house is off the table.

>> No.21011136


Take out 300k in loans, buy crypto. Move back to nip-land with your race-trader wife. I don’t think they will extradite you for a loan. Good luck!

>> No.21011163

I already live in nipland
See. I think that’s the ultimate move to fuck (((them))) over.

>> No.21011164

Get an unsecured personal loan with SoFi. It is very easy with good credit. When filling out the paperwork say it is for a big purchase. Someone will call, just bs about it being a surprise for your gf. Then don’t pay it back. They have literally no way of getting a dime from you, it is unsecured. Serves them right for charging 12%+ interest.
>t. Guy who did it before with a 49k unsecured loan

>> No.21011221

Depends, check the /pmg/ thread


>> No.21011279

>>t. Guy who did it before with a 49k unsecured loan
Holy shit anon you sound incredibly based
Thanks friend

>> No.21011377

credit cards are also unsecured, but they can still sue you for it. I'd imagine they can (and will) do the same at sofi

>> No.21011445

Oh darn I lost an undisclosed amount of monero guess I won’t be able to pay them anything

>> No.21011504

Ok, but they will sue you, then get a court order to garnish your wages or go after other property in your name. Don't underestimate the fury or tenaciousness of a jew credit lawyer.

>> No.21011570

Open as many new lines of credits as possible, max them all out, buy bitcoin. profit

>> No.21011580

This is a great question anon. Unfortunately, you don’t. You just buy a house ad submit.

>> No.21011609

how do you directly buy bitcoin with a credit card, you can't

>> No.21011665

Obviously youre going to have to buy something liquid you can convert into cash. Other people mentioned gold. Obviously jew lawyers will come after you. Sometimes you can win in court just by showing up and requesting documentation showing you owe them money. Jew lawyers expect people just not to bother showing up at all, so its possible you get lucky.

Obviously this whole idea kind of assumes youre leaving the US, because your wages will 100% be garnished and your shit will be repo'd given enough time. I would look into buying property in another country. But, I'm hardly an expert

>> No.21011689
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DeFi and crypto-collateralized loans will mean an end to the jewish good goy points system

>> No.21011739


>> No.21011760

good nazi

>> No.21011830

I could totally be fine living in nipland for the rest of my life. I have enough language proficiency/professional skill set to qualify for full nipponese citizenship. The issue is my family still lives in burgerland. The Jew knows this and using the white mans family as collateral is just strongest trump card. I wish there was a way for the world to be different, but there isn’t. Will things ever change bros?