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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21009485 No.21009485 [Reply] [Original]

>Why did GOD lead us to LINK?

>What makes us special?
I’m 22 and managed to aquire 1,180 LINK, where do we go from here?

How long until $1000 is a reality?

>> No.21009560

Trump 2020

>> No.21009562

We're not special. We took an interest in our financial circumstance, went where we thought would be ghe most educational, used our wisdom to position ourselves advantageously. It is a logical conclusion. Its not that some wealth accumulation is so difficult, its that many people are disinterested in it.

>> No.21009576

It can’t even break 10 dollars retards.

>> No.21009590

hi william

>> No.21009592

i remember when we couldnt even break 0.50

>> No.21009664
File: 302 KB, 828x1403, 7F841B9D-4893-409A-BF89-41283159207A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s what I mean. Why did we take financial intrest in our circumstances. I’ve been investing since I was 18 years old, went to community college while in high school because it was free.

Went to my local University and got a degree in Information Technology, while working as an “intern” part time, and just now got a promotion from $15 an hour to $50,000 a year.

Why do others not understand that if you were born in a good country, you have already made it. I like buying LINK

>> No.21009829
File: 861 KB, 1348x922, 1595043574869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please forgive /biz/, I'll never doubt you again, I'm going to invest in LINK from now on.

>> No.21009832

I think its just a matter of innate interests. Finance and technology just happen to be more lucrative than dancing or bicycle racing.

>> No.21009898

Post the whole thing:

Trump 2020
Bolsonaro 2022
Israel forever

>> No.21009907

lmao people were saying that about $5 just weeks ago

>> No.21009912

5 years. 2025.

>> No.21010055
File: 61 KB, 540x680, 2B52C970-0AF0-43D3-BA7F-F7579EE63C0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you fren, I can deal with that timeline. I will continue to DCA and work my 9-5.

>> No.21010191

I'm 25 with 150 LINK, i really need to make it with LINK.

>> No.21010224

If it hits, $1k earlier... than wait till 2025 still.

>> No.21010233

How does $12 mil sound?

>> No.21010251
File: 380 KB, 2017x1282, Yeshua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump 2020
>Bolsonaro 2022
>Israel forever

>> No.21010252

holy shit really?

>> No.21010297

>How long until $1000 is a reality?
We don't know if it will happen, it's just a meme remember

>> No.21010364

Very strong sell signal

>> No.21010735

falling for an obvious LARP.
strong sell signal

>> No.21010782

>$1k is fud
$1k was always fud

>> No.21010860

I have not seen stronger hopium than i am seeing on this project. Not saying it cant feasibly go higher but the level of hopium is over 9000 and cheeks are gonna get clapped if you are diversified

>> No.21010897


>> No.21011128

>you... you can't even break 9

>> No.21011198

can you stupid christcuck schitzos stop trying to put jesus in everything? we get it, jesus is very based but jesus didnt tell me to buy link at 20 cents and neither did he help me pay Bill's while I tried to accumulated

Sergey is my god now

>> No.21011240
File: 292 KB, 334x506, 1576957831582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It can't even break 50 cents retards.
>It can't even break a dollar retards.
>It can't even break 5 dollars retards.
>It can't even break 10 dollars retards. (You are here)
>It can't even break 20 dollars retards.
>It can't even break 50 dollars retards.
>It can't even break 100 dollars retards.