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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 45 KB, 800x450, 95FF94C0-38BE-491E-9EAD-A215CBA25E7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20995423 No.20995423 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> invite over qt 3.14 w/ thicc ass and titties
> 10/10_face.jpg
> sip sip fine whiskey
> omg Anon how are you so wealthy?
> I’m a self-employed crypto trader baby
> oh wow like bitcoin? I have Coinbase
> brilliant idea lightbulb.gif
> buzzed from fine whiskey
> show me your link address baby
> copy QR code and send her 50 link
> she is amazed by the fast transfer speed and start to cry
> anon thank you this means so much wowowow
> immediately begins to masturbate me
> holy_shit.wav
> puts it in her butt then vagina then mouth
> I coom all over her thicc body, so much in love
> pass out drunk
> she is gone in AM
> check crypto balance
> -5,000 LINK
> I fat fingered 50 to 5,000
> I want to dead

>> No.20995451

Post your adress

>> No.20995582

i loled, ty op

>> No.20995770
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, 35C1E6AF-FD41-4B0D-893D-9780F5BF989F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the devil drink

>> No.20995848
File: 990 KB, 899x767, A Sound Investment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Giving up money for sex

Last girl I fucked was an engineer that paid for the hotel room where I rammed her for like 2 hours, and Im just a manlet, whats your excuse OP ?

>> No.20995878

How tall

>> No.20995911
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nice larp, but a little too predictable. You'd have to be brand new to /biz/ or a complete brainlet to ever tell a woman about your stack, let alone you're a "crypto trader"

>> No.20995936

lel and kok

>> No.20995944
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The manlet meme is just a meme. It only counts at face value with a woman. If you're funny and intelligent it doesn't mean shit. If anything, make a joke about it when you first meet them, totally disarms the situation.

Good luck to my fellow little dudes.

>> No.20995946

5' 11.999"
they never learn

>> No.20995949

well anal usually cost extra so at least you got that

>> No.20995998

It matters it's just one factor of many. Guarantee you'd bag double the pussy if you were 6 foot.

>> No.20996014

Obviously fake but good story.

>> No.20996064


Beyond a certain point it becomes annoying trying to juggle women. I'm happy with my height, helps filter out the trash.

Plus I look 22 despite being 30, which I think is a perk with manletism, look at Todd Howard. I'll take less pussy for longer youth.

>> No.20996070

Women don't know how to trade crypto. Fake as fuck.

>> No.20996112

Sounds promisinf for me who is 5'7

>> No.20996151

She would obviously come back

>> No.20996154
File: 456 KB, 442x709, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you let your height bother you, women WILL pick up on your insecurity. Just bee yourself.

>> No.20996158

Eh this sounds like cope to me but if you're still getting laid it's all good. I'm 5'10'' and I know for a fact there's girls I'd get if I were a bit taller but it is what it is. Not to mention it works both ways, I find women over 5'9"" unattractive even though that's model height.

>> No.20996207

pic or it didn't happen and you are just covering for taking bbc in the butt last night.

>> No.20996212

This. The idea that someone from /biz/ actually fucked a "woman" is also pretty unbelievable.

3/10 try harder next time >>20995423

>> No.20996234


Cope with what? Things I can't change?

No anon that's called acceptance. Being mad about things you have no control over just leads to misery. Work with what you got.

>> No.20996269

2/10 larp. Have sex incel

>> No.20996356

Well yes and no, "filters out the trash" that's biology, women seek fit mates. It's like saying "I don't care that I have a hunchback and no teeth, filters out the trash". You're right it's pointless to wish for something you can never be, but I don't blame women for pursuing biologically superior options, I'm doing the same thing, I'm 34 and haven't fucked a girl older than 27. Note this is not a blanket excuse for women to be thots, but that's a much more complex (((problem))).

>> No.20996527

>amazed by the fast transfer speed on the ethereum network
only reason I knew this was fake

>> No.20996759

I gad sexual intercourse with a 10/10 and paid her in BSV but the transfer speed was so slow and people completwly stopped mining half way through the missionary position which ended in me getting free sex and thats how I know it wasnt a dream.

>> No.20996984

didn't happen

>> No.20997125

>when that wasn't even a woman

>> No.20997495

my friend who was 6'4, was autistic and treated women like trash, grabbing them pulling by wrists etc
he had a new chick every week. most were barmaid roastie types but there were some cuties mixed in. it was a real eye opener.

>> No.20997615

haha the cope is real

>> No.20997616

>ass to vag to mouth

>> No.20997801

Fuck you if you’re actually 5’10 that’s decently tall and no woman would actually turn you down for that. You could say you’re 6’ and they wouldnt bat an eye. If you’re actually 5’8 something then I feel

Yep tall men live life on easy mode

>> No.20997848

My worst nightmare, half a stack

>> No.20997965

Get this reddit shit out of here

>> No.20998058

The delusion of Link Holders

>> No.20998096

t. fag

>> No.20998110

I hope this isn’t true

>> No.20998599
File: 304 KB, 661x940, 1592671558694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true
>tfw 5'11 and say im 6ft all the time. even said i was 6'2 once and no one asked any questions

>> No.20999412

This. It matters a lot, but it's possible to make up for if you are really good in other areas. Wit, charm, confidence, looks, being fit, wealthy, etc.

Being short you gotta work a lot harder to get worse results, but it doesn't mean you can't make it. Plenty of short dudes can get girlfriends, I mean there are so many fucking girls out there, including short ones and you ideally only need to settle with 1, not seduce the whole world. You know what I mean??

>> No.20999495
File: 3.00 MB, 360x640, handcash_payments_BitcoinSV.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV is instant, nice cope though.

>> No.20999695

>I’m a self-employed crypto trader baby

What is the fantasy that you clowns have?

None of you are making any money stop the fronting.

>> No.20999713

thats a long "instant"

>> No.20999784

They just thought you were insecure/autistic and didn't want to cause a problem by calling you out on that blatant lie, manlet.

>> No.20999786

Dude I have met someone like this IRL at my gym. He said he trades crypto for a living so I started discussing it with him and he just shilled me CRO lol
I really want to just grill him on how much money he makes. I feel like he’s just a NEET with crypto savings

>> No.20999825


None of them want to admit that no money was made unless you cash out.
Since cashing out is such a slow pain in the ass they most likely lose any gains by the time the transaction takes place.

>> No.20999857

>He said he trades crypto for a living

What an outlandish thing to tell people, does he really think people are buying into such an obvious lie?

>> No.20999918

>Cope with what? Things I can't change?
That's generally what you do with things you can't change.
You're short and dumb

>> No.20999992

Beyond a certain point, you want to strangle women
Don't get old

>> No.21000415

You paid 50k for a COOOOOOM. Consider this a life lesson anon.

>> No.21001019

Did you stand on a box to ram her?