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20988175 No.20988175 [Reply] [Original]

Yes I know fuck reddit and all that. But I just saw this shit and I need to know the impact this will have on the economy:


>Basically it shows george floyd wasn't a victim of racist cops
>BLM was wrong, who could have thought..

So yeah, will people stop fucking rioting now? Or will it get worse because BLM people have their heads far to deep up their asses?

>> No.20988212


>> No.20988237 [DELETED] 

>So yeah, will people stop fucking rioting now?
Is this your first time dealing with niggers?
IF anything the chimpouts are going to get 2x as intense now.

>> No.20988238


I lurk the entire internet for economic news. And I only post here. Feel better now retard?

>> No.20988265

>Reddit's /pol/
Yaaaaawn, ngmi

>> No.20988268

It was never about George Floyd, it's about destabilizing America's cities to make Blumpf look bad

>> No.20988292

>will people stop fucking rioting now?

>> No.20988295

Yeah, I bet you lurk the tranny porn for the economics

>> No.20988314

Everyone with a brain has read the transcript weeks ago. This is not new information, you fucking millennial.

>> No.20988317

>Its all about Trump
Sure, pal.
I remember when the right wasnt this gulible

>> No.20988332


Yeah low iq black people from shitty neighborhoods will no doubt ignore logical reasoning.

But I think the riots were largely deemed acceptable by main stream media because white leftist were supporting the cause. They will be less willing to support it now that it is obviously bullshit right? Or so I hope.

>> No.20988382

Just wait until this goes to court. Some people are going to learn a serious lesson in why you don't bow to political pressure and charge people with crimes that will never stick.

The US fucked up BIG TIME when they charged Chauvin with murder. They've set the bar of expectation impossibly high for BLM protesters. All but guaranteed an even bigger riot when he gets away with it.

>> No.20988450

I can not wait for the trial. ZimZam 2: Electric Jiggaboo

>> No.20988473

Go on CNN or MSNBC, every top headline is always about Trump. they made everything about Trump. I don't even like Trump he's a dumb boomer

>> No.20988488

You mean a career criminal high on fentynal and coke wasn't a gud boi, no way I refuse to believe this its almost like left wing marxists make up examples to push a narrative

>> No.20988491


Kek he makes himself look bad almost every day.

>> No.20988511

Trayvon case with /pol/ was literally the most fun I've ever had on 4chan. Dorner was also fucking nuts

>> No.20988517

Like it was with Obama.

>> No.20988570

You do realize these same morons were rioting for a literal child abuser not too long ago right?

>> No.20988588



>> No.20988649

The main stream media won't report on this, most people won't see it, most people don't check reddit. I bet if you posted this on r/cnn or r/worldnews or another massive subreddit it would get taken down immediately

>> No.20988687


>> No.20988705

It will get worse. All those cops are going to walk. The “protestors” are getting much more bold and confrontational. Anything that doesn’t appear as bowing to their power will cause more chaos. Is there a way to profit? I’m not sure. I actually had an idea for some Biden merch I could sell on Etsy or something but I’m not voting for him and the potential profit didn’t seem worth the effort.

>> No.20988724

Pull the Trigger on every N_ _ _ _ _

>> No.20988753

No george flloyd could have been stabbing white babies to death and the people who are rioting would keep rioting.

>> No.20988799


>> No.20988808

>If I say "economy" my off topic thread should be allowed
>heh I'm such a genius

>> No.20988842

he sounds retarded to me. Like real LOW IQ

>> No.20988850

No they'll just bury it.

>> No.20988870

Ok I'm just going to say this once. Life as you knew it prior to 2020 will never be a thing. Ever again. This virus is here to stay, there won't be a 100% effective vaccine, the economy will get worse before it gets better, US hedgmony is declining, and American society is slowly crumbling. The allies of the USA are beginning to distance themselves and are instead choosing to carve a future for themselves without American influence.

Accept it. This is the reality. This will be the roughest decade in our lifetimes.

>> No.20988880


>Coronavirus, riots, etc all aren't financial instruments so they have 0 effect on the economy
>I make snarky comments because I think I am far smarter than I really am

>> No.20988913

dude, facts don't matter. people believe what they want to be true. you can see how this news is spreading on twitter right now.....anyone who previously supported BLM hasn't budged one bit....
>he was obviously having a panic attack!!! omg why are cops so mean?

>> No.20988915

Even the redditors in that thread are saying he was being an idiot resisting arrest

>> No.20988951


I am not American so I will be fine.

On a somewhat related note, does anyone know a good place for placing leveraged shorts on the US dollar?

>> No.20989010

So? They've (the redpilled subreddits) been close allies to our cause since like 2015. Besides, let's be honest, most of us has roots there from when we were gullible bluepilled cucks. There's no shame in admitting it.

>> No.20989012

No. Central Park 5 is bullshit but they still support that and even have a Netflix series and documentary.

>> No.20989043


Yeah that is what surprised me the most. Usually they all have the mob mentality of extreme leftist sjw.

>> No.20989118

The impression I got from the video is that George Floyd is a shitty actor high off his gourd botching an obvious false flag by telegraphing the punch line too early "please dont shoot me" over and over before he even got out of the car.

>> No.20989200

Jesus Christ, go back.

>> No.20989204

cops still did a booboo by kneeling on his kneck

>> No.20989233

no, the Covington kid still gets shit on constantly even though it was proven within 24 hours that there was no interaction between the kid and injun

>> No.20989271

Just saw the video, lmao, this is what americans are RIOTING for? A retarded drugged up nigger? People died for this? Normies are really beyond saving.

>Please step out of the car sir

niggers on the side
>ohmygaw he dindevendunuffin

>> No.20989274

You really are retarded

>> No.20989291

Except it was all praise of Obama all the time.

>> No.20989296

Buy FloydCoin

>> No.20989298

Breh, cops kill like a dozen unarmed black guys per year.
Meanwhile black kill other blacks by the tens of thousands ever year.
And people still rioted like they did.

This was never about truth.

>> No.20989327

People will riot if the cops get anything less than a death sentence, regardless of pesky things like facts and evidence

>> No.20989346

That cop killed the dude. The riots are being used as a political tool. That doesn’t change the fact the cop didn’t need to kneel on the dude till he died.

>> No.20989401

>the cop didn’t need to kneel on the dude till he died.
Imagine actually believing this.

The guy was on at least two types of hard drugs at that time and actively resisting arrest.

>> No.20989406

IKR. Imagine still believing reason and evidence matter in 2020.

>> No.20989411

>most of us has roots there from when we were gullible bluepilled cucks
I've only been on reddit once in my entire life and it was gay enough to make me never want to go back. 4chan is the only forum for patrician internet users

>> No.20989455

I still think they should have let up on him as he was going silent and still. They had a camera in their face and people on the sidewalk saying “you’re killing him”. I understand there’s a lot going on in that moment and their adrenaline is pumping but “gee maybe I shouldn’t provide fodder for a nationwide chimp out” is a thought I would have appreciated.

>> No.20989501

>I still think they should have let up on him as he was going silent and still.
Cops are people, not machines.

Some violently resisting dude going quiet for a minute is no reason to jump up off him like he's suddenly a non-threat.

>> No.20989509

Lol. They'll never find out

>> No.20989534

fucking excuse me, faggot? i was on 4chan before reddit even existed you little fucking shit stain

>> No.20989552

They had him hand cuffed already. It would not be hard to take him down if he started acting up again

>> No.20989562

all black people are low IQ anon what are you

>> No.20989572

The kinds of people who riot and virtue signal about this shit are not interested in the truth, anon. It's why they took this story at face value and immediately ran with it rather than taking a moment to think about the whole situation. They are cancerous types and shouldn't be voting.

>> No.20989574

Good for you, snowflake. But it won't change the fact that without reddit, /pol/ and /biz/ would be impotent and harmless. United we're a force far stronger than le anonymous is legion cucks.
Suck my cock or fuck off to tumblr
Many of them are quite redpilled like I said, or at least suspectible to true facts. It's only a question when they will take the step to 4chan and Qanon

>> No.20989586

Yet it's still common practice to keep subduing handcuffed violent people.
And there are very good reasons for that.

>> No.20989595

cops are people? i look at them like niggers
nobody should be voting

>> No.20989601

It was literally leaked BY main stream media you daft fuck

>> No.20989616

Why would you let a potentially violent person up and about instead of just keeping them down until they cooperate?

>> No.20989624

and about 100 or so cops get killed in the US every year mostly by guess who

>> No.20989641

i hope niggers and cops keep killing each other off

>> No.20989687

t. still butthurt about getting fined for pot use that one time.

>> No.20989701
File: 23 KB, 320x250, illuminati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The media will serve up an anti-White narrative EVERY time because they are run by jews who hate White people. This bullshit about masks and socialism and police brutality is a farcical distraction served up by jews in order to keep your eyes off of (((them))) while they loot the entire economy.

>> No.20989729

No people aren't going to stop. They don't care.

>> No.20989732

ive never been fined, arrested, or charged for anything drug related because i'm not a fucking moron

>> No.20989751

>hurrr kill all cops

also you:
>I'm not a fucking moron

>> No.20989761


>> No.20989764

i just don't like pigs. does that bother you faggot? make sure you lick thos boots clean for your masters

>> No.20989791
File: 132 KB, 710x1024, whites licking boots kissing feet of blacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lick thos boots
how ironic

>> No.20989798

when did i say kill all cops? i said i hope niggers and cops kill each other off. i would never kill a cop because im not stupid . you may want to make sure you've read the posts correctly before putting words in my mouth anon

>> No.20989803

Why is kneeling on their kneck the only way to keep them down?

>> No.20989816


They were leaked by a British news paper though.

>> No.20989820

>11ng/ml fentanyl in his toxicology report
7ng/ml is fatal in polysubstance use
"I can't breathe!" in the police car
this man was going into cardiopulmonary arrest regardless

>> No.20989833

bootlickers are bootlickers whether they're kissing nigger toes or deepthroating the boot of their local faggot police officer

>> No.20989836

>I didn't say "kill all cops" I just said "I hope all cops get killed off"

k kid
Watch it with that edge, think of the children.

>> No.20989868

i'm pro

>> No.20989870

Only one of those two sides actually licks boots.

>> No.20989905

i'm probably at least a decade older than you. i dont like cops. why does that bother you so much? i dont like niggers and kikes either. and i dont like faggots like you

>> No.20989918

cops are also not supposed to be judge jury and executioner but that's how they're being viewed by people here
i don't think they were in the wrong to kneel on him but
at maybe minute 5 or so when he's getting quiet and his movements are slowing down, they could have eased up

>> No.20989933

yeah and that's how i know you're just a kid. you still fall for the picking sides trap. you're definitely no older than 16. retarded nigger cop loving faggot

>> No.20989955

Subduing someone physically is often necessary.

If that happens to kill a very unhealthy and drugged-up person, then so be it.

>> No.20989972

who fucking gives a shit? did you know cops killed like 6 other people that day in the states? did you hear about any of them? no. so shut the fuck up

>> No.20989991


He wasn't some harmless dude. He had been in prison for holding a gun at a pregnant woman. Which the cops may have known. And he was behaving erratic due to all sorts of of hard drugs.

This isn't a guy you are just going to trust as a police officer.

>> No.20990004

if you're still debating the fucking logistics of this niggers death 3 months later or however longs it been you are literally mentally challenged

>> No.20990046

jesus christ, do this many of you faggots actually believe cops are literally fucking G.I. Joe action figures and morally infallable

>> No.20990068

I know all that retard you still didn't answer the question

>> No.20990072



>> No.20990074

I'm 38.

And I'm very happy there are people out there getting paid to deal with scum like George Floyd out in the streets.
Keeps some of that load off regular people like me.

>> No.20990098

whats with the pot thing? i've never had any drug related experience with authorities. its pretty easy to get away with breaking the law when most cops are below 100 IQ

>> No.20990105

Knee on neck is one of the ways to subdue people.
One of the more effective ways.

>> No.20990129

yeah, thats my point. let the trash take the trash out

>> No.20990153

He was still murdered though. Nothing's going to change.

>> No.20990166

But now people who can't read (niggers) will have the same information. This will end up like jussie Smollett, though, written off murderous behavior because it "started a conversation"

>> No.20990179

i haven't been constantly debating it for three months, we're talking about it now again because new footage has been released, hence why someone made this thread
are you alright, dude?
you seem a little upset

>> No.20990183


Ok, so you didn't have a dad in your life and resent authority. That's too bad, we need cops to keep society stable and functional and business going on as usual so, they're sticking around. Sorry.

>> No.20990203

>He was still murdered though
Yeah, by himself when he took a bunch of drugs and decided to be combative with cops after decades of clogging up his arteries by living the unhealthy thug life.

>> No.20990204

i've never had a desire to exert power over another individual because frankly, thats fucking gay. unless you're actively doing something to harm somebody, i dont give two flying fucks what you do. i definitely dont need the government funding armed retards with a license to kill and a short fuse with my tax money. if i need to shoot somebody, ill do it myself thanks. not gonna call the cops like a fucking faggot

>> No.20990226

There are tons of shitheads out there.
Every time police deals with them, people like me don't have to.

>> No.20990228

i have a great relationship with my father. try again. these ad hominem attacks are really lazy. do better

>> No.20990264

people like you who think the shitheads don't join the police force blow my mind. you think somehow peoples shitty behaviours doesn't spill over in to that profession? really anon?

>> No.20990272

>you are literally mentally challenged
>these ad hominem attacks are really lazy
take a breather, bro
this isn't a good look

>> No.20990280


I think a person that has a toddler tier resentment and villainization of all cops is well capable of lying on the internet anon. Speaking as someone who has been arrested and was never particularly fond of authority either, but still understands their worth and that they're generally just average people working a $50k per year job that can be quite shit in ghetto areas.

>> No.20990321

oh wow i just re-read your post and you're actually dumber than i initially though. imagine thinking we need cops to keep society stable. i'd rather police my own community with a group of peers from that community like a sane person.

>> No.20990327

This shit has been common knowledge to anybody that a scam been barely paying attention. Plebbit is just mega ultra retarded and doesn’t believe the facts and only what the msm tells them

>> No.20990337

> implying white leftists care about facts
All they care about is virtue signalling. White leftists will literally support ANYTHING that make them come across as progressive and open-minded (in the eyes of sexual/ ethnic minorities). Think about it, can you name ONE thing white leftists support (oppose) that minorities oppose (support)? I doubt it.

>> No.20990345

>ooga ooga
>BLM was wrong all along
>oogoog oogagoog

>> No.20990358
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oh please, are you gonna cry about it now? frig off bud.

>> No.20990373


>> No.20990389



>> No.20990390




>> No.20990396

What the fuck kind of corrupt shithole do you live in lmao.

>> No.20990417

Chauvin did nothing wrong

>> No.20990418

> imagine thinking we need cops to keep society stable.. i'd rather police my own community with a group of peers from that community like a sane person.
That's more or less what police is kek. Reminds me of

>> No.20990434

no, i'm not. i'm not the one that was complaining about ad homs, that was you. i guess those comments about your dad got under your skin so you tried to call in the refs. seems a little hypocritical is all.

>> No.20990435


We saw it happen in real time this year, a stark proof of concept for everybody to see. 1 week the pandemic was the scariest thing ever, a mortal threat, and there was no reason to do anything but stay inside and separated, not even the economy that keeps us alive. The next week some crackhead died in Minnesota and it was time to protest and riot in masses of thousands nationwide for WEEKS and that was all fine and important enough suddenly.

>> No.20990442

Hahahaha you idiot pig cops will be pigs simple as that.

>> No.20990454

part of the plan to go to murder charge; if they wanted to push manslaughter even with this video that escaped, they could get away with that.

murder conviction would redpill some people and undo the ‘progress’ made.

>> No.20990476
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>This is what zoomers actually believe

>> No.20990625

literally just typed George Floyd into google and every mainstream news source is reporting on this before you even commented. Shut the fuck up

>> No.20990824
File: 147 KB, 1600x900, pope-francis-kisses-the-foot-of-a-man-during-the-foot-washing-ritual-at-the-castelnuovo-di-porto-refugees-center-e1458888339414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, they're lost to us. They're too bluepilled to be saved by anything but nukes. It hurts to kill our ancestral brothers, but they're corrupting OUR heritage and history yet won't do anything about it. The last deus vult to keep white history alive will only be possible by eradicating the euros and recolonize our ancestral home sadly.

>> No.20991062

How the FUCK did those retards manage to get a hold of this American thing? Have they infiltrated our government and media? I mean, it's good that they leaked the truth, but they're not a part of America. Holy shit, like we needed more proof of a socialist attack from Europe spying on us.

>> No.20991106

press had access to it
it's very likely someone from the press decided to leak it and sold it to the highest bidder
i don't see any evidence of europe spying on us based on this

>> No.20991138

I'm not sure what world you live in, but he did murder Floyd and he will do time for it. Regardless of the fact that Floyd was a criminal. Regardless of the fact that he was high out of his mind and resisting arrest. He was still murdered.

>> No.20991195

Thank god they only hire smart people to be cops :^)

>> No.20991204

>selling data to foreigners who are bluepilled and destructive force towards the American way
Even if it wasn't their agents who stole it, whoever leaked this to the enemy and not to one of our own needs to be hanged for treason holy shit. Breitbart, daily stormer, RT, even fox news would gladly have taken it.

>> No.20991208

You're the one blindly accepting the narrative.

>> No.20991275

I guess this is bait but if not, you really have to let go of this attitude towards cops. Imagine having to deal with these crazed out druggies on the daily. They'll snap and put a knife between your ribs in the blink of an eye.
This dude had POINTED A GUN AT A PREGNANT WOMAN to steal her drugs. He was HIGH AS FUCK on several substances, passing fake money, driving around with corona and no license.
Rethink your view on life.

>> No.20991312


I've never, ever implied that. Most of this society is fucking stupid. That's one reason why we need a police force in the first place, and why a lot of them get stuck in these violent niggerzones.

>> No.20991330

Thank god we hire psychic cops who know a man's entire history within just a glance. We truly are the world's best country.

>> No.20991383

They most likely know he's a criminal, theyknow he is high, they know he just commited a crime, they know he has no license, they know he is resisting arrest, they know he is yelling I can't breathe for ten minutes straight (lol?)

>> No.20991405

can someone send me a redpill on Dorner? I’ve heard him talked about on here occasionally but it’s crickets from normies

>> No.20991418

again: highest bidder
fwiw, you really think this shit leaking from the daily stormer would have been the best optics?
even if you are the most ardent racist white supremacist in the world, i can't imagine thinking that would be a good look

>> No.20991452

You know they get that from your name right? Car registration, etc? What do you think the computers in a cruiser are for? They likely knew 90% of his history with the law once they plugged any of that shit into their computers

>> No.20991455
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>> No.20991476

Yes actually if they run your plates, that is if the big lipped nigger actually owned his vehicle

>> No.20991525

Doesn't matter. Truth is truth, and those who refuse the messenger are far too gone and must die if we are to win anyway. Q literally warned us that this is the only path left since we have tried everything else.

>> No.20991536
File: 45 KB, 800x450, 9F208670-6E18-4ABB-9010-4D5D41835F56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the guy who believed Russiagate

>> No.20991579

Cops know many criminals on their turf without even the computer, it's their job and they interact with them for years.

>> No.20991582

Nigger. Also dubs.

>> No.20991585

Q is for retards, bro
sorry to say

>> No.20991598

Don’t worry, they’ll be either shadow banned or outright banned soon for wrongthink.

>> No.20991635

he died because he took a fatal dose of fentanyl. he was a dead man walking.

the cops were very patient for a long time.

death by misadventure cruelly twisted into a race bait driven violent insurgency.

all those complicit, directly or indirectly, are the real villains. the american public being the real victims.

>> No.20991657

while some might shun you I must respect the redemption story. now swear an oath to never go back to leftiddit

>> No.20991661

He has predicted everything since 2016. Only a bluepilled cuck or someone who hates America and Trump would say that.

>> No.20991710

lol some faggot reported me because i offended their blue lives matter cock sucking so i couldnt post for 15 mins. oh well, no need to reignite the argument when its clear who the winner was.

>> No.20991724

I think it's that subreddit is more right leaning in general (as far as reddit goes.). I bet on r/politics they're like "OMG HE POINTED A GUN AT THE MAN OF COLOR"

>> No.20991738

i followed it for a bit and never caught a single positive prediction (meaning something that came true)
isn't the current narrative that john john is still alive and he's going to save america? i'll believe it when i see it

>> No.20991749

Since they banned my original redpilled subs I have no more reason to go there. /pol/ and /biz/ is my only home now. No greater tool to redpill the intelligent and shut down the bluepilled.

>> No.20991775

George floyd coin when??

>> No.20991783

>But I think the riots were largely deemed acceptable by main stream media because white leftist were supporting the cause.
you retard, the only reason white leftists were ever supporting the cause is that the mainstream media broadcast it to begin with. There is 0 (ZERO) ideological distinction between "the left" and the media

>> No.20991788

kek, the kneeling cop actually did know floyd they used to work together at a club a few years ago. now you know....

>> No.20991789

if you actually think that you are retarded, this guy still got killed by police, it wouldnt matter if he was about to set off a nuke, if police kill a black man its ACAB material, get off 4chan for a while and take a look at the state of normie brains

>> No.20991797

i live in a first world country in north america, guess which one idiot? yeah, the same one as you. the difference is i understand that its a persons moral duty to uphold virtue and do whats right regardless of what the law says. i really dont give a fuck if that bothers anybody here to the point they had to report me so i was post blocked for 15 mins. poetic justice if anything

>> No.20991815

No, the unfortunate side effect of spreading truth in the public space anonymously in self defence is that it's easy for agents of evil to pretend they're you. Not every "Q" is the real one. Those who know, knows.

>> No.20991826

Psy-op all the way.
>He is good
>He is bad
>he is not so good
>He is not so bad
>He is black
>And so what
>It's racist
>No it's the law
>Shut up racist
>no u SJW
>Who is talking about the massive economical crisis?
>What economical crisis? Black lives matter!
>no they don't
>And so on.

>> No.20991830

They will probably get outraged that the cop had to pull a gun while Floyd was rummaging around with the hand you couldnt see and say that 'literally' killed him by giving him a heart attack.

>> No.20991855

so where does the real one publish?
legit curious

>> No.20991878
File: 6 KB, 275x183, masterchink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole thing was staged. I wonder what he held over their heads

>> No.20991888

no, not at all. whatsoever. are you retarded? or are you intentionally doing that? i cant tell

>> No.20991920

Floyd and Chauvin were both masons, and worked at the same nightclub attached to a Oddfellows Club

>> No.20991923


>> No.20991941

You don't think I'm just gonna give it out on a compromised board full of anti American leftist agents, do you? Follow the breadcrumbs. 8ch sometimes offer them, sometimes offer false leads. The path will set you free if you see beyond the veil.

>> No.20991949

pol fringes on schizophrenia from times to times but its better than the blue pill forums for sure

>> No.20991950
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>> No.20991993

To the uninitiated, reality will look like schizophrenia when told what reality truly is.

>> No.20992014

if you think federally funded faggots running around with a license to kill is the same as people living in small, tight-knit communities self-policing and shooting dumb niggers like you who break the rules in said community, i have no further words for you. no point in wasting them on somebody who can't grasp basic english

>> No.20992048

finally a rational post

>> No.20992103

What should I invest in before America burns after the police officers are acquitted?

>> No.20992108
File: 162 KB, 524x524, 1586547780183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did i see you breaking community rules of decency?
>and you are a nigger?
>here we go again...

>> No.20992196

I still say that the ongoing riots are funded by Russians as revenge for Americans funding Euromaidan. They could also be funded by China if the CIA planting corona in Wuhan turns out to be true. The leader of NFAC has already admitted on film that they were at least approached by places like that.

>> No.20992209

Friendly reminder that the left is dead and you are all idiots for referring to today's EU or American liberals as "leftist."

>> No.20992287
File: 222 KB, 1500x1409, true story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberalism is the cancer
Illiberalism is the cure

>> No.20992328

Nigers gonna nigs the worst is the lefties and medias pushing the narative

>> No.20992510

Quite so old chap.

>> No.20992568
File: 56 KB, 1200x630, snoop todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nigging would not amount to much if it wasn't directed by commies at targets meant to flex on White people. This is why the media always covers for them. "Peaceful protestors" it's all bullshit.

>> No.20992572
File: 164 KB, 683x1168, bartit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do USA cops stop someone at gun point and expect them to not have an anxiety attack? Just lol.

>> No.20992596

Imagine thinking a bunch of niggers and anarchists will stop rioting and be able to look at something objectively.

>> No.20992783

The chinese are backing the far left, the russians are backing the far right and in the middle you have the neocons who are pretty much all half israeli.
This only happens because americans are at the stage where they all hate America and only suck it up thanks to the money and material comfort, the end result of all multiracial and multicultural societies.

>> No.20993203

You're a fag

>> No.20993285

how do we profit off of derek chauvin's acquittal?

>> No.20993292

>we are all recovering faggot cucks.

Uhhhh no. Accept your fate and fuck off nancy.

>> No.20993350

If you know, you know.

>> No.20993474

26 posts. A professional chef at Wendy’s probably. Your posts are cancer

>> No.20993489
File: 76 KB, 721x540, 1594740066100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks the cops generally stop decent law-abiding people with gun drawn
You must be over 18 to post here

>> No.20993634


>there are fucking redditors among us who literally believe this shit

Dude, we are not like you. Not everyone is such a massive fucking faggot as you are. Now go back from where you came.

>> No.20993677
File: 867 KB, 901x882, american hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20993722


kill yourself nigger

>> No.20993724

You never achieved hegemony.

>> No.20993768

All you lot. FUCK. OFF. BACK. TO. /POL/

>> No.20993809

it's common opinion on both sides of the aisle that this isn't true

>> No.20993915

finally someone said it. This is the only thing that matters, glad you understand anon.

>> No.20994580
File: 530 KB, 455x456, trashman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you go fuck back off to Reddit

>> No.20994681

Yet /v/ and /pol/ begged r/kotakuinaction to ally during gg wars. Yet /pol/ and r/thedonald united in the election.
You may not like it, but we are the same, and you need us to keep you from looping within your isolated little communities.