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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 63 KB, 960x906, 1596254924795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20986680 No.20986680 [Reply] [Original]

I have $1000 to throw into a shitcoin. Already hold Cardano

>> No.20986889


>> No.20986938

bsv, checkem

>> No.20986889,1 [INTERNAL] 

shitcoin you say? how about unitrade?

>> No.20986976

Guys, nice thread. Join our BRDG community, too.
a link to a community in a telegram in the post.
and buy something that has the potential to bring you an x100, not 50% a year.

>> No.20987123

Xdai stake.

Development pace is amazing.
Easy staking soon.
Good reddit bake off entry.
Mkr and anyblock are validators.
Working with splunk.
Recognized by eth community.
7m mcap.
No brainer...

>> No.20987307

Buy the BUIDL dip

>> No.20987431

>Already hold Cardano
Delegated to the biz staking pool?

>> No.20987443

You're welcome BRRo

>> No.20987457


>> No.20987465


>> No.20987575


Aced token - 560k Mcap - Fully anonymous betting



>> No.20988446

I'm going to be straight here though. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, antibiotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. There's no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women. Now onto the shill.
I just came to the sad realization that no one on /biz/ actually helps each other anymore. What happened to the 2017, and 2018 shill threads that made people 100x? Well I'm here to help ya brainlets out.
The price differences is phenomenal from forkdelta compared to huobi - CHECK your self if you think i'm trying
to "off my bags" or what ever. Just check your self. Forkdelta CURRENTLY has PAI going for 0.000045 eth / PAI and on huobi it's sitting at (as of right now, maybe not in a hour) 0.000059
eth / PAI.
Honestly - do I NEED to do the math on this one for you, or google the "ETH = USD RATE" for ya ? HINT: it's a 45% DIFFERENCE! Doesn't take too bright of a light bulb to turn on for this one. I jumped straight into this shit anyways, you can DYOR.
The exchange links can be found below because I'm not THAT much of a bully.
and huobi you can find your self pretty easily - better fucking say thank you too /biz/ because I'll probably regret sharing anything valuable with you shitlords but I honestly miss the good old days when yall helped each other instead of tearing each other apart. Enjoy the rest of your year.

>> No.20988459


>> No.20988475

Kek based cuck. Good find already up 11 ether

>> No.20988487

Unironically this is literally free money

>> No.20988526

tiny marketcap token

its a coin issued by a removals company in London.

the idea is, if you pay with this coin you get a 20% discount on removals and transport services from their company. and also they will shill it to their clients by giving a small amount when they use their service.

current market cap is about 10ETH but it will rise as they will be shilling their customers in to buying it from exchanges.

website is vancoin.cash

30% of the supply is on uniswap


some sell orders on forkdelta too.
I am the dev also, in the last hours i filled out the coingecko, coinpaprika, etherscan, ethplorer token information request forms, the idea is to get this coin a small community of real users in London.

it will be an interesting outcome if this is succesful. enjoy. and invest responsibly.



>> No.20988530


>> No.20988554

Delete this before its dried up wtf why share this with these degenerates of biz
Holy fucking shit, how the fuck was this one hiding for so long? Absolute monster in the making. EASY EASY EASY 10x from here

>> No.20988626

give it to me straight guys
how fucked is Australia?

>> No.20988639

you didn't switch ur ip

>> No.20988663

Feels like 2017 again with gems like this
Incase you didn't get the memo jewish central bankers control almost every single nation on the planet with a iron fist.

Australia has
>Aging population
>low birthrates and communist politicians that want to replace white australians with asian and black hordes
>We sent all our manufactoring to china thanks to the jews
>We can't even keep the lights on without oil imports from the middle east which relies on the US navy protecting the worlds oceans (tip. USA is starting to collapse and once the USD dies how the fuck is the US going to pay for it's huge navy and their international power projection?)

We have a few things going for us, we have good relations with india and Japan, China our enemy is collapsing and will probably balkanize in the future. Japan has the 2nd largest blue water navy in the world and if we suck their dick a bit they can help us get oil from the middle east. Also we are a net producer of food so we can at the very least feed outselves. Also we have a big mining industry so stop letting jews control our nation we can dig up some gold for trading with other countries and we can start making stuff for ourselves.

Our main problem is that our country is owned and controlled by the jews and most cunts are oblivious to the fact.

Basically shit is fucked.

>> No.20988682

One of my great uncles had to spend half of ww2 in a southeast asian jap prison camp, while you sweaty aussies fucked off back to your continent and did jack shit the rest of the war. Commonwealth bros (Canadian) were supposed to stick together, you're getting what you deserve.
Thanks mate o/

>> No.20988692

bzrx..easy 10x in couple of months

>> No.20988698


>> No.20988720


>> No.20988756

Nice finally got enough from trading shitcoins...arbitration...and hodl to accumulate 32 eth. This arb finally pushed my final run. Good shit little anon.

>> No.20988767


>> No.20988776

No brainer

>> No.20988786

I dont think so bud

>> No.20988796

look into ACW, huge potential

website acewins.io




check uniswap for this token


>> No.20988805


>> No.20988821

>Xdai stake.
>Development pace is amazing.
>Easy staking soon.
>Good reddit bake off entry.
>Mkr and anyblock are validators.
>Working with splunk.
>Recognized by eth community.
>7m mcap.
>No brainer...
Should I go all in????

>> No.20988832

Staking is shit faggot

>> No.20988852

Fuck off

>> No.20988859

Lmao pajeet

>> No.20988860
File: 445 KB, 220x194, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working with splunk.

>> No.20988879

Open binance, check out DATA and HIVE, super cheap bags now.. get in for the long term buys.

>> No.20988948

Brapper Coin.


On Uniswap, BUY !!!

>> No.20988964

Not yet need laptop
I have VeChain too

I make these threads to see what not to buy

>> No.20989055

I'm salty because I couldve bought at $0.18

Its been green ever since

You might want to buy Cardano dudes. For real.


>> No.20989063

xD, op asked I shared..This project already launched test casino, going live soon.. but whatever don't give 2 fucks for your opinion

>> No.20989094 [DELETED] 

is it worth it to buy 50 linkie right now or should i put it into >>20988663 ?

>> No.20989156

in 1min 6seconds?
Shut the fuck up

>> No.20989419

Btw thanks for your input these are MY top 5 coins

1. Bitcoin
2. Ethereum
3. Chainlink
4. Cardano
5. VeChain

I wil look into DATA and Xdai

>> No.20989500

XAMP, fewer poos than RMPL, dev doesn't dump on you like AMPL.

>> No.20989541


>> No.20990239


>> No.20991036


>> No.20991063

why the fuck do you hold cardano?

>> No.20991103
File: 37 KB, 750x395, Website.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not invest some in an index fund that tracks crypto markets

Standard Crypto Fund (QQQF)

Is an index fund that has broad market coverage backed by liquidity from ico funds and dev supply.

ICO Ends August 8

Airdrop address channel closes tonight

>> No.20991129
File: 165 KB, 1241x802, Portfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is QQQF's Portfolio

Tell me your honest opinion



>> No.20991295



>24 holders

>> No.20991497


>> No.20991523


>> No.20991550

I'd pick up some BRR
Money printer is about to be set to overdrive

>> No.20991551


>> No.20991863

Doge hehehe

>> No.20992593

Obviously ampl

>> No.20993283


>> No.20993322

One of two coins here worth getting

>> No.20993576
File: 142 KB, 750x553, C35848B0-ACC9-42A0-ABE2-D96BEF30B381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XLM - The Stantard

>> No.20993676
File: 5 KB, 400x400, Quant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy qnt and you will be rich motherfucker in future
why qnt? read this https://medium.com/@CryptoSeq/blockchain-operating-system-learning-from-the-past-to-build-a-better-future-92142c823d30

>> No.20994566

Ampl is gay

>> No.20994603

LINK is still quite cheap

>> No.20994690
File: 682 KB, 1911x808, fawaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.20994816


ICO Ends August 8

Thank me later



>> No.20994912

Because its a scam and I like losing money

Not bad desu

Okay I've been seeing a lot of this coin. Im seriously gonna have to look into AMPL. Sucks when you dont get into something early

>> No.20994975


>> No.20995053

Thank you, we wanted to offer a simple yet sound project

An index fund for crypto backed by ICO funds and dev supply. Similar to an index fund that has broad market share and buying in gives ownership of underlying assets in the form of liquidity.



ICO ends August 8

Airdrop address channel closes tonight

>> No.20995171

Dev Protocol - Microsoft partnered microcap gem on uniswap.Why would i buy this you might ask?
New DeFi market segment (Tokenize Open Assets)
Chosen by Microsoft for Startups to Tokenize Github
Creators have received $5M in DEV tokens
$1.3M Market Cap
The current market size for open source software is $33B
Only 600K Circulating/12M Supply with token burn on the way
75% APY on Staking for token holders
DEV Creators Received 8 Billion Monthly Downloads
40% Circulating Supply Staked

>> No.20995215
File: 274 KB, 600x1080, Stacall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The STA Token can be “injected” into any financial instrument or digital asset ecosystem. Put another way, STA provides the ability to inject sound monetary policy into any financial instrument in crypto and even in the world (through oracles). We see this as a very bright future for STA as a token." This means the uses of Statera are endless, I don't know what a deflationary crypto loan looks like, but the openness of possible use cases is interesting. The fact that it can act as a tool for putting sound monetary policy into anything is really interesting.

>"...Within [Statera's] financial products, it forces a flight to quality and an alignment to market pressures. We believe the market pressure of cryptocurrencies is bullish, and Statera will reflect that much more naturally and powerfully than any other type of asset." This was in the Deflationary Token section, and I'd highly recommend you read the whole section. The long and the short of it is that deflation is far more powerful and important to good economics than you can imagine. If a currency is deflating and appreciating it forces a lot of healthy economic choices that are good for savers and good for your assets.

>> No.20995240

Meme coin

>> No.20995244
File: 465 KB, 1710x1313, hgh%fdf76agg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy the lowest total cap of these quality projects


>> No.20995273
File: 21 KB, 256x256, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DIA Token: a DeFi Data Oracle
>Bonding curve initial sale underway, just started yesterday
>Developing since 2018
>Wants to serve the DeFi market, our current hot ticket
>Wants to be a cryptographically secured and incentivized version of Wikipedia for crypto oracle service
Bonding curve sale ends the 18th of this month. Easy 2x, but this will be a long hold for me.

>> No.20995322

Anyone not mention EQUUS is wrong OP.

>> No.20995377
File: 27 KB, 657x527, 1594058213500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be wary of AMPL at the moment. It's piss easy to swing trade on Uniswap because of the massive liquidity, but the current trend is bearish on the 7 day chart. I've made 2/3 successful swings with this gem, but the small 4c - 5c rallies are looking scarcer since yesterdays close.

>> No.20995602

You can't start a Tezos thread without Eth fags wrecking it. Meanwhile, Tezos' mcap has been steadily increasing over the past year. Anything that makes boomers and genx afraid is a good buy in my book.

>> No.20995691

EQUUS DeFi gem just listed on Uniswap. Liquidity locked. Mining Dashboard released tomorrow.

>> No.20995718
File: 530 KB, 749x944, 1596536276780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really appreciate you

Pic related

>> No.20995785

Anything Uniswap turns me off

>> No.20995836

project pajeet

>> No.20996123

Easiest 6 eth ive made in my life

>> No.20996129

I'll have to get some of that too.

>> No.20996149

>Xdai stake.
>Development pace is amazing.
>Easy staking soon.
>Good reddit bake off entry.
>Mkr and anyblock are validators.
>Working with splunk.
>Recognized by eth community.
>7m mcap.
>No brainer...

>> No.20996155

I highly recommend it anon. For real atleast 10k for staking

>> No.20996156


>> No.20996175


>> No.20996192

Geostorm coin

>> No.20996258

this scam used to be all over this board. for the newfags - this pajeet posts a copypasta about some arbitrage opportunity on some random shitcoin and then replies to himself with different IPs a half dozen times over the next 5 minutes to make it look like anons are excited about the find. it can look legit at a glance because he'll tell you to look at another exchange where you can see the real coin trading at a certain price. at that point he's hoping you'll stop investigating and follow the link in his post to the fake copycat coin on forkdelta. it's a fake coin and any money you spend on it will go towards feeding his village and getting a new flower necklace for his family's cow

>> No.20996364

>>"The STA Token can be “injected” into any financial instrument or digital asset ecosystem. Put another way, STA provides the ability to inject sound monetary policy into any financial instrument in crypto and even in the world (through oracles). We see this as a very bright future for STA as a token." This means the uses of Statera are endless, I don't know what a deflationary crypto loan looks like, but the openness of possible use cases is interesting. The fact that it can act as a tool for putting sound monetary policy into anything is really interesting.
>>"...Within [Statera's] financial products, it forces a flight to quality and an alignment to market pressures. We believe the market pressure of cryptocurrencies is bullish, and Statera will reflect that much more naturally and powerfully than any other type of asset." This was in the Deflationary Token section, and I'd highly recommend you read the whole section. The long and the short of it is that deflation is far more powerful and important to good economics than you can imagine. If a currency is deflating and appreciating it forces a lot of healthy economic choices that are good for savers and good for your assets.

>> No.20996381


>> No.20996403

>>>"The STA Token can be “injected” into any financial instrument or digital asset ecosystem. Put another way, STA provides the ability to inject sound monetary policy into any financial instrument in crypto and even in the world (through oracles). We see this as a very bright future for STA as a token." This means the uses of Statera are endless, I don't know what a deflationary crypto loan looks like, but the openness of possible use cases is interesting. The fact that it can act as a tool for putting sound monetary policy into anything is really interesting.
>>>"...Within [Statera's] financial products, it forces a flight to quality and an alignment to market pressures. We believe the market pressure of cryptocurrencies is bullish, and Statera will reflect that much more naturally and powerfully than any other type of asset." This was in the Deflationary Token section, and I'd highly recommend you read the whole section. The long and the short of it is that deflation is far more powerful and important to good economics than you can imagine. If a currency is deflating and appreciating it forces a lot of healthy economic choices that are good for savers and good for your assets.

>> No.20996417

Tezos baby

>> No.20996432


>> No.20996462

Doge or eth probably. Ampl is a scam. I lose half my life saving in minutes on it anons

>> No.20996583

Thanks for the heads up, but it's worrying that the pajeets are learning

>> No.20996638
File: 42 KB, 539x960, AAF3E0E4-A265-45A0-9962-ADA755D25395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So then why the fuck are you recommending anything to OP? Obviously you’re absolute shit with money

>> No.20996977


>> No.20996998

U mad
>>"The STA Token can be “injected” into any financial instrument or digital asset ecosystem. Put another way, STA provides the ability to inject sound monetary policy into any financial instrument in crypto and even in the world (through oracles). We see this as a very bright future for STA as a token." This means the uses of Statera are endless, I don't know what a deflationary crypto loan looks like, but the openness of possible use cases is interesting. The fact that it can act as a tool for putting sound monetary policy into anything is really interesting.
>>"...Within [Statera's] financial products, it forces a flight to quality and an alignment to market pressures. We believe the market pressure of cryptocurrencies is bullish, and Statera will reflect that much more naturally and powerfully than any other type of asset." This was in the Deflationary Token section, and I'd highly recommend you read the whole section. The long and the short of it is that deflation is far more powerful and important to good economics than you can imagine. If a currency is deflating and appreciating it forces a lot of healthy economic choices that are good for savers and good for your assets.

>> No.20997012

Smell that? Braaaaap

>> No.20997015


>> No.20997164

Where should I buy it? I'm on coinbase. Just tried binance US but I can't use it from my state.

>> No.20997191


>> No.20997476

Their app seems really shady.

>> No.20997547

It's not its a well-established exchange. You should move it to a wallet regardless after your purchase. They're not exit scamming dude. You NEVER heard of KuCoin?

>> No.20997704

I'm pretty new. Only been playing since 3 months ago.

>> No.20998044
File: 144 KB, 467x720, should-have.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greatest token to ever live

>> No.20998239

If you want serious gains, get AXION (HEX2T)

>> No.20998266

xrp has best potential for you to make it off $1000

>> No.20998533

I've spent too much time on /biz/, I can't tell if this is a huge fucking scam or not.

>> No.20999255


>> No.20999353

Do the opposite of /biz/

You'll learn

>> No.20999388

B-b-but I was gonna buy in and it went up =(

>> No.20999578


>> No.20999601


>> No.20999631

How high can link go

>> No.20999636

Is it limited to 10mil or is that only hex holders and not hex2t?

>> No.20999722


Thank me later, ICO Ends August 8

Their Portfolio also includes Statera


>> No.20999748

How low you mean

>> No.20999760


>> No.20999892

Deposit protocols tokens
Literally a shitcoin with under 20k in market cap

>> No.21000558

Kek at the people calling this a scam because they want all the arbitration chances. Good for you anon on sharing.

>> No.21000579

>>>"The STA Token can be “injected” into any financial instrument or digital asset ecosystem. Put another way, STA provides the ability to inject sound monetary policy into any financial instrument in crypto and even in the world (through oracles). We see this as a very bright future for STA as a token." This means the uses of Statera are endless, I don't know what a deflationary crypto loan looks like, but the openness of possible use cases is interesting. The fact that it can act as a tool for putting sound monetary policy into anything is really interesting.
>>>"...Within [Statera's] financial products, it forces a flight to quality and an alignment to market pressures. We believe the market pressure of cryptocurrencies is bullish, and Statera will reflect that much more naturally and powerfully than any other type of asset." This was in the Deflationary Token section, and I'd highly recommend you read the whole section. The long and the short of it is that deflation is far more powerful and important to good economics than you can imagine. If a currency is deflating and appreciating it forces a lot of healthy economic choices that are good for savers and good for your assets.

>> No.21000584


>> No.21000596

Tezos mannn

>> No.21000609


>> No.21000623


>> No.21000645

>look into ACW, huge potential
>website acewins.io
>check uniswap for this token

>> No.21000770

stfu and hold

>> No.21000776
File: 130 KB, 1280x800, fing2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SingularityNET because basically they're partnered with trillionaire dollar companies

>> No.21000849

Thank Me Later

Unlike Statera, QQQF will own its underlying assets through ICO Funds and Dev supply

So when you buy in you are buying into something of value, not just speculation and people buying in. As Statera does not own its underlying assets.

QQQF's Portfolio

ICO Ends August 8

>> No.21000851
File: 570 KB, 1400x700, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all in AGI

>> No.21000886




>> No.21000914
File: 1.50 MB, 600x338, gif4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AGI (SingularityNET)

>> No.21001694

Yolo just go all in on anything itll be fine

>> No.21001852

this is legit a scam do not buy this

>> No.21001914


>> No.21001922


>> No.21001935


>> No.21001947

Link to exchange

>> No.21001973

Why because he stated the truth? Keep sucking at the biz teet on whatever they suggest retard. Ampl is a fucking scam.

>> No.21002447
File: 108 KB, 1226x1280, ED13932E-FF4D-4797-AD0C-CCFC414A29F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do it. People don't even yet grasp how big this groundbreaking tech will be in the near future. We are at a point where the slope on Mohr's exponential curve for computing power is steep, meaning the biggest shift is about to take place.

SingularityNET is well positioned and first to claim this market.

Ben Goertzel is the father of Artificial General Intelligence otherwise known as AGI. He created the term and is now paving the way for it. Even smart contract on the blockchain will need to outsource tasks from the SingularityNET. The network will be bigger than anything you can imagine, with many organizations, individuals, industries, and enterprises and governments using the services from the blockchain platform of SNET


>> No.21002660
File: 153 KB, 1280x960, photo_2020-08-04_07-30-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought at 1.2 cents and I"m already up 92%

Let's goooooo

>> No.21002723

Where should I buy AGI?

>> No.21002782

Partnered with the largest corporations in the world that will use AGI and their service

>> No.21002821
File: 582 KB, 1920x738, 1_ZWLu41U33uSAWgIDZMqyZg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nexo token. In few hours you can earn up to 30%

>> No.21003119
File: 56 KB, 1000x660, 8459B008-9644-434A-BEFE-9A721706DC1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21003290

I'd say Doge, but it's not a shitcoin

>> No.21003327

AMPL had a shakeout. BUY THIS DIP. Easy 5x in a week.

>> No.21003445

smart money

>> No.21003455
File: 325 KB, 960x830, 1595007109973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody should have doge. The day Elon Musk trolls the world economy by pumping it up to 10 dollars. Autistic billionares everywhere.

>> No.21004228


>> No.21004610


Standard Crypto Fund (QQQF)


Airdrop Address Channel Closes Tonight

ICO Ends August 8

Thank me later>>20991129

>> No.21005212

Peeper coin

>> No.21005757

DOS network

>> No.21006628

THIS. this retards

>> No.21006697

>>>>"The STA Token can be “injected” into any financial instrument or digital asset ecosystem. Put another way, STA provides the ability to inject sound monetary policy into any financial instrument in crypto and even in the world (through oracles). We see this as a very bright future for STA as a token." This means the uses of Statera are endless, I don't know what a deflationary crypto loan looks like, but the openness of possible use cases is interesting. The fact that it can act as a tool for putting sound monetary policy into anything is really interesting.
>>>>"...Within [Statera's] financial products, it forces a flight to quality and an alignment to market pressures. We believe the market pressure of cryptocurrencies is bullish, and Statera will reflect that much more naturally and powerfully than any other type of asset." This was in the Deflationary Token section, and I'd highly recommend you read the whole section. The long and the short of it is that deflation is far more powerful and important to good economics than you can imagine. If a currency is deflating and appreciating it forces a lot of healthy economic choices that are good for savers and good for your assets.
>>>"The STA Token can be “injected” into any financial instrument or digital asset ecosystem. Put another way, STA provides the ability to inject sound monetary policy into any financial instrument in crypto and even in the world (through oracles). We see this as a very bright future for STA as a token." This means the uses of Statera are endless, I don't know what a deflationary crypto loan looks like, but the openness of possible use cases is interesting. The fact that it can act as a tool for putting sound monetary policy into anything is really interesting.
>>>"...Within [Statera's] financial products, it forces a flight to quality and an alignment to market pressures. We

>> No.21006709


>> No.21006725

Kleros lel

>> No.21006734

damn thats one whole LINK

>> No.21006736


>> No.21006752

Elon musk said go for tron

>> No.21006792

>>>20996403 #
>>>>>"The STA Token can be “injected” into any financial instrument or digital asset ecosystem. Put another way, STA provides the ability to inject sound monetary policy into any financial instrument in crypto and even in the world (through oracles). We see this as a very bright future for STA as a token." This means the uses of Statera are endless, I don't know what a deflationary crypto loan looks like, but the openness of possible use cases is interesting. The fact that it can act as a tool for putting sound monetary policy into anything is really interesting.
>>>>>"...Within [Statera's] financial products, it forces a flight to quality and an alignment to market pressures. We believe the market pressure of cryptocurrencies is bullish, and Statera will reflect that much more naturally and powerfully than any other type of asset." This was in the Deflationary Token section, and I'd highly recommend you read the whole section. The long and the short of it is that deflation is far more powerful and important to good economics than you can imagine. If a currency is deflating and appreciating it forces a lot of healthy economic choices that are good for savers and good for your assets.
>>>20996364 #
>>>>"The STA Token can be “injected” into any financial instrument or digital asset ecosystem. Put another way, STA provides the ability to inject sound monetary policy into any financial instrument in crypto and even in the world (through oracles). We see this as a very bright future for STA as a token." This means the uses of Statera are endless, I don't know what a deflationary crypto loan looks like, but the openness of possible use cases is interesting. The fact that it can act as a tool for putting sound monetary policy into anything is really interesting.
>>>>"...Within [Statera's] financial products, it forces a flight to quality and an alignment to market pressures. We
Makes sense

>> No.21007235

What is Stakenet? Ask yourself that question OP.

>> No.21007434

I joined the discord and asked. There is no limit to hex2t. There are a few huge hex2t whales so buyer beware

>> No.21007849
File: 36 KB, 256x256, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> brr.finance

thank me later.

>> No.21008062


>> No.21008174

>Down 90+ percent from historical high
abandoned project, token not needed, etc lmao

>> No.21008403




AIRDROP ADDRESS CHANNEL CLOSES IN A BIT. come get your free tokens

Discord info on website or here


Thank me later

>> No.21008627

Harmony ONE

>> No.21008669



>> No.21008678

>he isn't in Libertas right now

>> No.21009298


>> No.21009663

Honestly and sincerely people like you don’t deserve life.

>> No.21009757

Trx brap or adda

>> No.21009786

Kek the fud is amazing for this. Kudos anon for this find !

>> No.21009803

Fuck you nigger
>Be wary of AMPL at the moment. It's piss easy to swing trade on Uniswap because of the massive liquidity, but the current trend is bearish on the 7 day chart. I've made 2/3 successful swings with this gem, but the small 4c - 5c rallies are looking scarcer since yesterdays close.

>> No.21009819

>tfw 50% in stellar
Been hodling since end of 2017 these bags have merged with my hands.

>> No.21009828

Cum on my face daddy and buy me brap

>> No.21009838

Shit naddadamn thangg

>> No.21009844


>> No.21010015

Agi is my personal bet, best positioned in the AI field, underdog enough to make you a millionaire if its success. Just do some research on it, it can truly change the world or go to zero tho.

>> No.21010038
File: 144 KB, 199x266, dino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who actually falls for this shit shouldn't be on 4chan anyways

>> No.21010059

Fuck you bro I lost it all on this onr

>> No.21010064


>> No.21010068

Kek cosmos

>> No.21010076

Twitch TV stocks

>> No.21010103


>> No.21010222

PAMP Network Token!!!

>> No.21010714
File: 24 KB, 309x402, biz-pool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the original Biz Pool made by cloud professionals.

>> No.21010721

Fuck the police BLM #icantbreath who's with me 4chan

>> No.21011016

K l e r o s

>> No.21011637

George floyd brother

>> No.21012108


>> No.21012531

Then go for the FIO token newly listed on Binance Exchange as they are also a project financed by Binance Labs!

They put around US$5.8 Million on this project
& expect it to go much higher!!!!

>> No.21013145
File: 102 KB, 512x512, IMG_20200601_075212_951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0xMonero, easy 10x on the next announcement

>> No.21013560


>> No.21013774


>> No.21013921

BTC, ETH, XMR and VET. That’s it.

>> No.21013946

BTC is the premier shitcoin, go with that.

>> No.21014606

Put me over a full btc for the first time in 3 years

>> No.21014663

ONE you will not regret

>> No.21014799

Imagine wasting your time with shitcoins when you could learn the stock market and make a killing.

>> No.21014804

iota, rsr, ampl

>> No.21015311

Lol try doge