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20972553 No.20972553 [Reply] [Original]

My sister suddenly wants to invest all of her savings (16k$) in LINK. Should i support her?

>> No.20972574

That's a man

>> No.20972617

i would probably diversify a little just for safety measures but yeah

>> No.20972627


>> No.20972637


>> No.20972655

So like, RSR, some in REN, etc.?

>> No.20972705

would you support her to buy btc at 20k as well?

>> No.20972719
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i like LINK's graph

but all her savings? she's basically gambling.


>> No.20972761

very astute anon. please tell us more.

>> No.20972812

No anon do not let her do this
It is a lose lose
Trust me
If it dips she will blame you and be pissed off
If it goes up she will not give you any credit and act like she is a great investor
I repeat do not encourage her to do this

>> No.20973631

Don’t support it. Here’s why.

If it goes up from here and she didn’t invest , the loss will be “immaterial”. Meaning, she didn’t actually physically LOSE any money. She might be mad for a little but they always forget, because there was no actual loss in this case. That’s psychology.

But if she invests and it goes down, then there’s an actual loss involved. And I can already tell your sister is the type to pull out an investment as soon as it dips 50 bucks which will likely happen with price movements with that much of an amount

>> No.20973662

All of the advice in this thread is fantastic.

Please do it. I need Link to go to $10 to short the ever living fuck out of this kike russaboo scam.

>> No.20973673
File: 38 KB, 1000x400, 1595025768250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one post by this id

>> No.20973683

If your sister is cute just tell her to be my gf, I have 10k link

>> No.20973691
File: 47 KB, 480x480, 326014D0-4D58-435C-BF22-898616BA5A18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, Jesus told me to never sell my link. I would advise against this.