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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2095665 No.2095665 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any real investors on this shit ass board? All I see is kids RPing """"investing"""" with buttcoins.

>> No.2095690

Kek stay poor faggot.

>b-b-b-b-but m-m-muh stocks

>> No.2095715


Yeah I agree, they're delusional. If you're going to invest at least do it into something not fucking retarded like crypto currencies that's such a NEET fucking thing. I have many friends that are traders, the guys that make a living doing this not just chasing pump and dumps and they just laugh at this shit.

>> No.2095719

>Muh index
>Muh long term growth
>Muh bubble
>Muh fiat currencies are real money u guise

Cope harder. I can't hear you over my 90% ROI in 2 days.

>> No.2095723

HAHAHAH stocks

>> No.2095727

2 days?

wow you must be set for life. wow

two whole days

>> No.2095728

You literally can't lose with crypto at this stage

>> No.2095734


It's guys like this that attribute luck as skill.
You understand to make 90% in 2 days means you're likely trading like a moron, and you're bound to blow yourself up.

>> No.2095745


Maybe you should read this post moron


Absolutely no one on this board is going to talk about their loses, we're only going to see NEETs attempting to brag about the gains they've made trading dangerously, they seww smart.

>> No.2095757

you only lose if you sell

>> No.2095758
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haha all of this coinlet salt

>> No.2095825


Jesus Christ.

Are all coiners this retarded?

Fuckin idiots just assume shit will always go up, buy high sell higher. Oh you just can hold it man!! It'll go back up!!! It's muh basket!!! Muh portfolio!!!

Fuckin retard.

Coiners have no actually methodology they are high on "hope-ium", all I have to do is arbitrarily buy this shilled coin with no analytical process behind it and just pray it'll continue going up! Oh it's going against me? No problem I don't lose if I don't sell it!!!

No fuckin coiner on here will admit to those huge losers they've had. They don't understand they're statistically bound to blow themselves up trading how they trade, loading the boat on everything. Thinking the market will always go up. No entry strategy, no stop loss strat, no take profit it's just whatever this uneducated coiner feels like doing, thinking they can just outsmart the market on a 5 minute youtube education get real man.

>> No.2095834
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I'm half way to my Lambo and just started earlier this year. Stay mad and poor nocoiners.

>> No.2095846


Yeah I bet dude
You going to magically spawn a qt 3.14 that isn't disgusted by your appearance because you're rich too?

>> No.2095856

yeah damn dude have fun with your 5% per annum returns mate, it'll make you rich in no time!

>> No.2095876

joke's on you, I'm already good looking
what is your counterargument now

>> No.2095884


You're a faggot, that's my argument bitch nigga

>> No.2095885

>Oh you just can hold it man!! It'll go back up!!! It's muh basket!!! Muh portfolio!!!
Stay mad nocoiner, it always goes back up.

>> No.2095890

but it does always go up

I'm not saying you need to buy into every claim but if you've bought into any major crypto in the last 5 years and held, you've made money

>> No.2095896
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You're going to have to do a lot of dick sucking to catch up to us after yesterday. Start investing in some kneepads with those babby gainz.

>> No.2095901

nope, bye.

>> No.2095910
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Fugg :DDD

>> No.2095912


>mfw my shitcoin portfolio has returned more in a year than the SPX has during its entire bull run since 2008

Also, if you weren't a complete dumbass you'd realize the value that low/negative correlation assets like bitcoin provide to overall portfolio efficiency.

>> No.2095921

>if you've bought into any major crypto in the last 5 years and held, you've made money
Not if your coins were stolen by hackers, invalidated by technical flaws in the coin protocol, or simply disappeared or were unavailable for withdrawal due to your shady or failed exchange.

>> No.2095931

The alt casino is definitely retarded, especially with the current bubble. But I would just like to say that I am up 900% over 2 years with BTC holding. Investing in the stock market would have given me MAYBE 15%-20% if I was aggressive.

>> No.2095942


Put in 5k into eth back in 2015 when it was 2$ a coin. It's now worth 180k. I bought it cause it was being shilled to high heavens here.

I owe this board so fucking much for these gains. I'm literally in shooting distance of lambo tier numbers

>> No.2095943

>Not if your coins were stolen by hackers, invalidated by technical flaws in the coin protocol, or simply disappeared or were unavailable for withdrawal due to your shady or failed exchange.

Not My Problem™

>> No.2095947

Yeah, but this is a different market, literal n00bs have become millionaires, like srrsly BTC, ETH etc.

>> No.2095948

>leaving your coins on an exchange
>not holding your coins in a cold wallet

>> No.2095950


We're still here. We are waiting for the crypto kiddies to lose all of their allowance. Shouldn't be much longer now. Hang in there.

>> No.2095961

yes i invest in large blue chip companies
i swing trade small cap stocks
i speculate on microcap penny stocks (otcmarkets)

i also own rental properties

I am currently trying to start up a business online

>> No.2095963

> 90% ROI
>aka turned $10 into $19

>> No.2095966

You have to separate major coin holders from daily alt coin gamblers.

Coin holders aren't traders. They are buying stake in a technology that they believe will run the world in the same way the internet runs the world today.

Make no mistake, this alt coin market is going to pop and there is going to be an ocean of blood. When it does pop, everything will flood back into BTC and USD.

>> No.2095982



he's almost at lambo tier numbers!
on his way to qt 3.14!


>> No.2095992

>Not My Problem™

Great solution: hide your investment assets somewhere where they can't be used, can't be invested, and can't be exchanged and that also exposes them to risk of both physical and digital destruction.

Wealth makes wealth ... for everyone other than a coiner.....

>> No.2096013

>nocoiners still tell themselves it's a scam so they can sleep at night

>> No.2096014

nicely done m8

>> No.2096018


If people are suddenly breaking encryption then we've got much bigger problems than $2 billion in crypto

>> No.2096026
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There is still time for you to get in friend, just look at all crypto's market cap. 5 billion per day.
Now that's a ponzi I can live with, not your shit stock.

>> No.2096036

You don't really know much about crypto storage techniques do you?

2 years later and I've cashed out triple what I put in, with a shitload more still in BTC. Even with the small amount cashed out, I've still made 20x what I would have made in the stock market over this period.

Keep nitpicking dumbass.

>> No.2096048
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>nocoiners are THIS anally anguished

Lmaoing at your pathetic coping mechanisms right now lads

>> No.2096062

What you dumb coiners don't understand is that you're sitting on a bubble that will pop any day now. The amount of money in coins that is from people who actually view crypto as the future is probably under 1%. The other 99% are pure speculating gamblers that entered at one point or another hoping it would just keep going up.

Each successive wave of speculators fulled the profits of those that came before them. At one point we will reach the final wave and then it will all come crashing down.

BTC will go back to $10 or whatever it's real value is and the other coins will go straight to 0.

If you made money that's cool just take it out while you still can.

>> No.2096090


I didn't say it was a scam, it's the basic fuckin math no coiners don't seem to understand.

>> No.2096094
File: 27 KB, 640x480, denile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't pretend that it hasn't already happened. Don't pretend that coins are stolen by hackers every day, often on a massive scale. Don't pretend that the crypto exchanges aren't a clusterfuck. Don't pretend that threads don't exist in THIS board RIGHT NOW about people who had their assets lost, stolen, frozen, and invalidated.

And don't pretend it doesn't affect your coins, even if it hasn't happened to your coins. Yet.

I totally believe your outlandish tales of financial success despite the complete absence of proof. And I totally accept that your unsubstantiated stories are a valid refutation of the actual facts which I posted, which are well-documented.

I guess that makes me gullible enough to buy coins.

>> No.2096113


This, assuming the coiners will last long enough to witness that. A lot of them have no idea of risk management. JUST HOLD MAN, ITLL GO UP! BUY ALL YOU CAN MAN! ITS GOING TO THE MOON!!!

>> No.2096115

You literally just described the stock market.
Now go back to your cuck funds, might retire at 60 and play some golf with rental gear.

>> No.2096134


wtf is with all the grandpas here

go buy ur fucking index fund and bonds

>> No.2096144

>You have to separate major coin holders from daily alt coin gamblers.

Perhaps this is true. I don't think it is the serious investors polluting the board with the daily shitcoin pump and dump posts.

>> No.2096150
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>probably under 1%. The other 99%

>BTC will go back to $10 or whatever it's real value is and the other coins will go straight to 0
>or whatever it's real value is

Come back with actual statistics that you didn't make up and actually believe in. It's blatantly obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about. Proofs you stupid effeminate nocoiner.

>> No.2096152

>all this coping ITT

>> No.2096163

No. The stock market has assets with real value. Microsoft, Intel, McDonalds, Coca Cola all make real world products with intrinsic value. Even shit like Facebook has tangible value to people.

Crypto presents absolutely no real world value except if you believe it is the future of currency. Is that why you bought it? I'm going to guess not, you bought it because you wanted a get rich quick scheme, same as 99% of everyone else who has money in crypto.

>> No.2096166

Can't wait to see the stock market go all 2008 again and see all the stock fags hang themselves.

>> No.2096171

>wtf is with all the grandpas here
Your "grandpa" was smarter than you, more successful than you, saved more than you, made better investment choices than you, and retired with more savings and income than you'll ever dream of.

You're on track to be the first generation in 500 years to be less successful than your predecessors. Are coins the reason for this? Not entirely, but it makes you think....

>> No.2096173

I don't keep my crypto in an online wallet

I honestly don't care if other people get screwed for being morons

It's like going into chicago and flaunting your wallet around and then wondering why you get mugged

>> No.2096182

>no real world value
This is a false statement. You can send value across the internet without having to deal with a bank. It can use the blockchain as a trust network for all kinds of calculations and other uses. You're stupid.

>> No.2096184

What you dumb YUPPIES don't understand is that you're sitting on a bubble that will pop any day now. The amount of money in SECURITIES that is from people who actually view ETF'S as the future is probably under 1%. The other 99% are pure speculating gamblers that entered at one point or another hoping it would just keep going up.

Each successive wave of speculators fulled the profits of those that came before them. At one point we will reach the final wave and then it will all come crashing down.

THE DOW will go back to 10000 POINTS or whatever it's real value is and the other INDEXES will go straight to 0.

If you made money that's cool just take it out while you still can.

I can play this game too.

>> No.2096191

What is a paper dollar and why does it buy a bar of snickers?
I swear low iq posters should be banned

>> No.2096196


Can any of you retarded coiners come up with statistics on anything you trade? Can you define your risk? Your alpha? Your expected value? Your win / loss ratio? Profit factor? Do you fuckin idiots even account for taxes? Can you with confidence say your system can deliver a minimum draw down of X% given a certain risk profile? Do you guys even risk a certain amount per trade or do you just buy all you can? I don't think I've ever heard a coiner talking about statistics, all I hear it THIS IS GOING TO THE MOON MAN BUY NOW.

Like coiners are fucking retarded. You just arbitrarily load up on whatever the next faggot is shilling in one of these 50 million coining threads that have plagued /biz/. There has been a huge noticeable increase in these threads. A HUGE increase over the last few months. All you faggots expect to be driving a lambo next week and all of you idiots are buying into this nonsense like a bunch of chickens without heads.

>> No.2096201

>I don't keep my crypto in an online wallet
People used to do the same things with their investments in the olden days. They'd stuff money in their mattress ("offline cold storage") only to have it stolen or destroyed by events. They'd hold certificates of stocks, only to lose them. They'd clip coupons from the their bonds, only they'd disappear in generational transfers.

People don't do things that way anymore because it's stupid, unproductive, wasteful, risky, and outdated.

But you do....

>> No.2096208


Except, you sounded like an idiot while what other anon said made perfect sense.

>> No.2096209


Idiot coiners see these garbage coins as a shortcut to success. They're basically slapping their grandfathers in the face thinking they will some how become wealthy by buying and holding some garbage instead of putting in the effort to learn to actually trade or invest properly.

All a bunch of sheep living this delusional dream they all share, thinking their coin is the one that will go to the moon.

>> No.2096211


I'm not talking about what $ value it is being traded on any given day you fucking mong.

I'm talking about the intrinsic value of crypto. Beyond what the market says it's worth on this or that day.

Beyond what McDonald's stock is valued at today it will still be making burgers tomorrow which will always have intrinsic value in the real world as food.

The only intrinsic value of crypto is if it attracts you from a philosophical standpoint for not being state controlled. But like I said that's an extreme minority of people who are in crypto.

>> No.2096219

>implying that encrypted storage mechanisms are the same as physical storage mechanisms

crypto allows you to store it in an unlimited number of places, each locked using an encryption method that is infinitely superior to the best physical storage

>> No.2096223
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More make believe. What is an algorithm?
That's rhetorical nigger.

>> No.2096224
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>be total noob
>buy some BTC on coinbase
>ask for my ID 4 times and oblige
>afterwards shows a pending transaction goes through by Wednesday
>refresh page
>come back
>transaction page is empty
Yeah thanks to those Jews for stealing my money.

Should I get my card blocked so they don't take any money?
They haven't taken it yet, but they can take any amount they want right?
I should hire a lawyer but I forgot to take screenshots

>> No.2096225

>instead of putting in the effort to learn to actually trade or invest properly.

and I bet your faggot ass isn't working in the coal mines you fucking pansy

>> No.2096227


The stock market is real and will exist long long after your shitty crap coins have gone to 0.0000000000000001 but you'll still buy them because in your mind you CAN BUY SO MANY! YOULL MAKE SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH WHEN IT GOES UP WOWWWWW!!!!!!!

Fuckin idiots, the people who know their shit stay away from these coins. I'm sure there are a lot of actual traders on this board who just laugh at these idiots all day thinking theyre successful from chasing pump and dumps.

>> No.2096233

You trade crypto as a currency gramps, it's not an asset, comodity or stock.

>> No.2096250

What do you guys do?
I /biz/ for normal trading, the minority. I know. Been at it for years.

But all this memeing about cryptos has gotten my attention. I got some extra cash and want to get into the game for shits.
I know I could use Coinbase, but seems like managing your own wallets is where it's at.
Where can I go to read up on how to manage and trade?
Probably going to get little BTC, ETH, and then whatever the current meme is for fun.

Spoonfeeding is welcome, but I'm not that much of a fucking shitter, so I'm mostly looking for a guide or sites to read.

>> No.2096265

Alright so what is your basis for investing in crypto as a currency? Do you believe it is the future? Will fiat go down and be replaced by crypto?

No you trade it cause "it will go to the moon" aka gambling and speculating. The bubble will burst.

>> No.2096279


He buys whatever the idiots shilling in the threads tell him to buy.

As soon as he sees the words "to the moon" he's already all in

>> No.2096288

I invest in btc because it is the new gold standard

I invest in eth because blockchain technology has endless applications

I read about technology and use my brain to think about the implications and invest accordingly
I have a lot of $$$ in lithium, some in a retirement etf, lots in crypto, generally the big ones but I take flyers on new or interesting cryptos

>> No.2096297


>he doesn't know about the golden age.

my goodness grandpa, get with the times!

>> No.2096313
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>No you trade it cause
>He buys whatever people tell him to buy

All these believed assumptions. Keep it up. It's actually entertaining.

>> No.2096341

Apparently not, considering all the stories I see on this board alone.

If a robber holds up my bank, I don't lose any of my money. Can coiners say the same about their storage methods?

>> No.2096357

I was more asking about what you guys do, like how did you start with a wallet, or Coinbase or whatever.

I've traded for years. I'm pretty decent at research and trading. Just don't know how to into cryptos. It seems like the easiest way is the worst. Using an exchange.

>> No.2096371

I guarantee you there are "kids" on here that own crypto portfolios of more than 10 times whatever your net worth is

>> No.2096372

All of my coins are insured except a few hundred bux of gambling money. So yes.

>> No.2096379
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ITT : "seriously, it's different this time guize!"

Even as a coiner, you can see the obvious bubble forming. I'm betting it's going to get popped next year when we hit full on mania for these already idiotic icos and we get another few DAO events

>> No.2096380

I got in when BTC was at $4 thx to darknet

Got in super early on PPC, primecoin

Had access to major CPU time on a cluster and was pulling in $100/day (at the time) mining coins on release

there's no bank to hold up, so that doesn't worry me. like I said, if suddenly people can break encryption then the world is going to hell and btc or fiat won't save you, you should be investing in guns, ammo, water, and canned goods

>> No.2096491

Any new or interesting cryptos about? What you think of patientory?

>> No.2096601

>All of my coins are insured
No they're not.

>that doesn't worry me
Why are you in denial. You store your coins somewhere that's not part of the financial system, giving you no recourse for loss.

You say, "I'm not worried" as if that's evidence that your coins are safe from loss, theft, or invalidation. When in reality, "I'm not worried" means, "I'm in denial about the risks." You're just being stupid and cavalier with your assets, which is why you'll never make it in this world.

>> No.2096617

>You say, "I'm not worried" as if that's evidence that your coins are safe from loss, theft, or invalidation. When in reality, "I'm not worried" means, "I'm in denial about the risks." You're just being stupid and cavalier with your assets, which is why you'll never make it in this world.

No, I understand math and don't think that everything is magic and voodoo like you do.

There is a better chance that the FDIC, or hell the entire US govt, fails before someone hacks my crypto wallets. And that's simply a mathematical fact.

>> No.2096632

there is too much going on in the big players right now for me to worry about the alts

ethereum is turing complete, in a practical sense it could be used for pharma or healthcare

>> No.2096639

reporting. crpyto makes up a reasonable part of my portfolio now though as it's increased in value 10x

>> No.2096648

>I understand math
Is math going to prevent you from dying and all your digital wealth disappearing with you? If I die, my stocks and bonds will automatically transfer to my heirs because that's part of the system.

Wealth that can't be used, invested, and transferred isn't wealth at all. You have nothing.

>> No.2096671

that's simply a current drawback of the 1st gen coins

ethereum and other contract-based currencies will alleviate this problem

I can simply have contracts that activate on my death and distribute my money to my heirs, no lawyers, government, banks, etc. involved taking their cut.

>> No.2096682


Where do these stupid faggots even come from?

They discover the gold mine that is the emerging market of cryptocurrency that is juts starting its dotcom level bubble and they start saying stupid shit like its dangerous.

>but much volatility
Buy in when you see a set up and sell at a good price, just because your a retard who can only make 3 percent growth a year doesnt mean that people aren't making big money risking big.

> muh doubling his 20 dollars in worthless meme
I doubled my 2 grand not by just shoving it in a coin and praying but carefully trading in and out at the best time over a month period and knowing when to get out into bitcoin.

You nocoiners are a special kind of retards. Your cucked retards. Massive money making potential is being shilled up your anus but your too much of a bitch to even take it you'd rather watch and then laugh at the people who buy Tue top and sell the bottom.

I bet you guys are the same cunts who have savings account for their money to make that juicy 4 percent yearly gains without even knowing what inflation is.

Your arrogance at being a retards is quite disgusting.

>> No.2096726

it's the "a little knowledge is dangerous" crowd

>DON'T YOU SEE????!!!!!

A lot of them are just trying to get their questions answered but thanks to whatever retarded social malfunction they have, they can't just ask straightforward questions and have to shitpost to get answers instead

>> No.2096755


I hope so, I will fake your death and position myself as an heir.

>> No.2096757

It's not too late to buy ripple man, whoever warns you is your friend.

>> No.2096762



t. Dump your coins so I can buy low

fuck off m8

>> No.2096803
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>real investors
Im at uni and I've thrown in a total of $9100 USD to buttcoin and alts.
made 51k in 2 months, i dont have any ethics or job but i have money

>> No.2096814


This thread brought some of the worst FUDing I ever saw

>> No.2096823

man why are you leaving all that there on polo

>> No.2096830

Anyone you follow in particular? Also in uni and also have a pile of cash I want to whirl in.

>> No.2096835

Forget about "hacking" then ... let's assume (falsely, and against all available evidence) that all cryptocoin algorithms are perfectly secure and unbreakable. Your coins are still subject to loss due to to security breaches on your personal computers and devices, your network and internet connections, and (most notably) your exchange. If you store your coins offline, you're subject to physical risk and loss as well.

I don't know why you deny these facts. Are you unwilling to acknowledge the flaws of cryptocurrency and work to fix them? That's a pretty childish approach, and helps explain why serious investors run away from coins and always will.

>I can simply have contracts that activate on my death and distribute my money to my heirs, no lawyers, government, banks, etc. involved taking their cut.
No you can't. Passing wealth on death is a function of law, not contract. Even your will (which is not a contract. btw) is subject to legal restrictions and supervision by a court.

Your answer, once again, shows a complete ignorance of the real world. Do you ever leave your parent's basement?

>> No.2096837

follow me and that guy and you'll do alright kiddo

>> No.2096844

Im fine here. The lag doesn't bother me half as much as it does most people because i dont panic sell.

>> No.2096855

was meant for >>2096823

>> No.2096871

Index funds r lit

>> No.2096873

it's more the risk of polo itself being hacked, wouldnt be the first time

>> No.2096889

even with the 2 factor authentication?

>> No.2096900


sick, what uni are you at dude? What's been your strategy, I'm another uni bro in UK

>> No.2096907


>cryptos are not inheritable

post law that says that

>> No.2096930


Not your account but polo themselves.
If you have any coins stored on an exchange that got hacked they could be gone.
Thats why you withdraw them immediately after purchase.

>> No.2096950

can you recommend a wallet?

>> No.2096967

I never said they aren't inheritable. I responded to the specific assertion of the anon who thinks he can transfer coins on death outside of the legal system. This is false.

Also, and more importantly, how are your coins going to be transferred on death when your wallet password was only in your head? How are your relatives going to use your wealth to save your life when you're in a coma, incapacitated, or have alzheimer's?

Real wealth doesn't disappear when your brain is no longer capable of functioning. Indeed, much of society is built around this very fact -- passing wealth generationally and being taken care of when infirm.

You coinfags would wake up to these realities if you had any actual real wealth. As I said, these are among the many reasons that real investors won't touch coins.

>> No.2097017

i have a backup of the keys with a trusted 3rd party, if i die they'll have control of the coins, what's the problem?

>> No.2097030

ledger but it depends on which coins your big holdings are in, the big boys BTC ETH LTC XRP are all covered

>> No.2097037


for what coin?

BTC = blockchain.info
ETH= myetherwallet


Are you literally retarded?

I have multiple encrypted USB sticks either in a vault or hidden somewhere.
Just leave the password for said USB sticks in your last will or hide it somewhere and tell your children.

>> No.2097046

most of the profit is in XRP, im not too fussed about the rest of them.

>> No.2097084

ledger is about to announce support for XRP, it's a good option

>> No.2097102

>3rd party
>what's the problem?
You just answered your own question. Thanks.

Protip: I don't have to give my bank password, safe deposit key, or brokerage power of attorney to a third-party in order to assure that my assets won't be lost. Why do you?

>Just leave the password for said USB sticks in your last will or hide it somewhere and tell your children
I'm fucking dying of laughter at your "security" measures. Tell me this is a joke....

>> No.2097134

>You're on track to be the first generation in 500 years to be less successful than your predecessors.

And I'm sure that's our fault, init you baby boomer fuck

>> No.2097139


wtf I hate my crypto gains now better gonna throw them away, thanks for your profound advice!

>> No.2097147
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just double checking, are these the coins supported by the wallet?

>> No.2097163

I also have banking tokens, will, land titles and directorships also with a third party to keep things smooth. It might not even be if I die, lets say I lose my bag on a flight, I'll still be able to operate the business without having to return home and face delays which isn't always ideal.

>> No.2097169
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If i were rich, i would love to only trade stocks all day. Shit sounds easy as fuck. 1% of a 100 k is a 1000 dollars. That would mean, you would just need to find some blue chip stock thats about to rise, put a 100 k in it, and then you would have a the salary of someone who makes 300 k a year.

As soon as my meme coins take off, im seriously never going to be doing this shit again, and living a comfy life trading Apple and Amazon stocks.

>> No.2097173

Yeah ledger support is confirmed and will be officially announced in a few days, I don't know if announce means launch or how far off that would be

>> No.2097183

what the fuck are you talking about, you seriously think you're going to make triple your money every year trading stocks?

>> No.2097205

youre retarded.. kill yourself

>> No.2097222
File: 444 KB, 653x705, 1485501292301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, here comes the index fund baby boomer. Even though there is clear evidence there are people who live off of day trading and even post on biz sometimes, they will deny their existence no matter what

>Now listen here sonny! Everything you do is a gamble, the only guaranteed investment is my 5% annual index funds. Ignore me if you want, but youre going to lose that 100k one day! And im going to be laughing my ass off when it happens. Even though i already waste 10 hours of my life working some crappy desk job being bullied around by a millenial 30 years younger than me.

Im not in the mood. Im just going to ignore your id from now on ITT.

>> No.2097233

>youre retarded

great argument

>> No.2097377

give me your stock picks for tomorrow to yield 1% on 100k

>> No.2097388

>No you can't.

Yes you can

If (account_access > 2months) then : transfer 100% funds to adress XYZ

>> No.2097417

>Are there any real investors on this shit ass board?

usa has pattern day trader rules, which require accounts to maintain a balance over 25k to trade stocks. Crypto-currency trading has no restrictions and are more volatile than stocks.

>> No.2097475

I've left, occasionally coming back just to see if it's the same. As much as it's shit on, the Reddit Investing forum is far better than what this pile of shit has become. Used to be a few coins threads here and there, but now every single post is about gambling and speculating.

>> No.2097539

>And I'm sure that's our fault, init you baby boomer fuck
Baby boomers (of which I'm not one) didn't make you have low savings rates, poor spending habits, and terrible investing strategies.

Stop blaming others for your problems, snowflake.

>wtf I hate my crypto gains now
Next time just admit you're wrong instead of trying to deflect with humor. You have neither the intelligence or talent to pull it off.

Tell us more, Mr. Rockefeller.

>If (account_access > 2months) then : transfer 100% funds to adress XYZ
Fuck off child. You obviously have no idea about the laws that govern generational wealth transfers.

>> No.2097579


>BTC will go back to $10 or whatever it's real value is


Get in line, faggot. Plenty of people thought they were hot shit calling the end of Bitcoin, but I'm sure this time it's different and you'll be right.

>> No.2097591
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check my dubs

>> No.2097630

Well just because I'm dead or otherwise unavailable doesn't mean things need to stop moving and a lot of stuff is still more about names and signatures rather than passwords

>> No.2099323

You don't have to believe my "outlandish tales". All you have to do is look at the BTC price in Q1 2015 and look at the price now.

>> No.2099326


lmao at this no coiner crying. I'm making more on crypto than I am in my fucking career I went to school for.

The Golden Age is coming.

>> No.2099385
File: 394 KB, 1080x537, IMG_20170518_005235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you here?

>> No.2099395

wth is this

>> No.2099679 [DELETED] 

>I'm making more on crypto than I am in my fucking career I went to school for.
Dog grooming? I wouldn't exactly call that "school," junior.

I ask you to prove your ridiculous claims of wealth and success and you're only response is to point to a price chart?

You're just proving how dumb coiners are. I already know this, but your compatriots probably wish you wouldn't make my job so easy.

>> No.2099686

>I'm making more on crypto than I am in my fucking career I went to school for.
Dog grooming? I wouldn't exactly call that "school," junior.

I ask you to prove your ridiculous claims of wealth and success and your only response is to point to a price chart?

You're just proving how dumb coiners are. I already know this, but your compatriots probably wish you wouldn't make my job so easy.

>> No.2099735
File: 62 KB, 679x492, Mar 18 2017 30days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real investors?

>> No.2099746
File: 95 KB, 982x579, Mar 18 2017 TTM performance Margin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing OK, I guess. I mean, probably not compared to all the lambo-driving crypto-kings who grace us with their presence. I'm just shilling for Goldman, yo.

Stocks are a meme.

>> No.2099764


I don't know how ur in denial so much. From 2009 to end of may 2017 we had 30 bil in market cap. From beginning of may to now, we are not at 60 bil and getting 1 or 2 bil a day entering crypto. Call it whatever u want, but people are making their living doing this.

>> No.2099771

Yeah. Just start hiding crypto by pasting the following in the filter:

be sure to hit the hide button.

>> No.2099800

We get it. You made your riches in the old way and your going to be bitter as fuck when neets can get that net worth in a year or less. Sorry man world changes

>> No.2099817

I'm not in denial. I'm sure there are people on this board whose primary source of income is coin trading. I'm also sure that these same people earn substantially below-average incomes, have a crappy quality of life compared their peers, have no healthcare, no savings, no insurance, and no financial prospects longer than 3 months. I'm sure these people will continue to face financial difficulties their whole life, and will be a burden on their families or the state. They will die, poor, and leave nothing.

Are you in denial?

>> No.2099833

Dude u post ur 60% a year, I'm literally doubling or tripping my money in a day. I don't know how else to explain it to you. Like I bought that rdd coin this morning and it doubled already

>> No.2099850

And I'm sure we will all buy real estate and blue chips when we are Lambo rich. This is just for getting rich and fast. I'm sorry that we get a short cut and u didn't

>> No.2099857

lol, neets making $800k in a year. ok. So if they start out with $8K, all they need to do is to trade crypto a few times. I guess if they buy it and hold, they'll need a 10,000% annual rate of return on their capital. So that would be cool. Or they could just do it the "hard way" and merely double their money 6 or 7 times that year. So, double all of their entire portfolio every 2 months. It's good to have a realistic plan.

>> No.2099864

Jodi el niño poélla pleb

>> No.2099874

all you'd have to do is post some proof I guess. That should be easy for such a champion of cryptotrading.

>> No.2099881

I think you need to try actually evaluating a crypto before u dismiss the whole thing as a scam. Have you even tried it? Do you know what but coin is? Do you know what the block chain technology does?

>> No.2099883


Yeah but in crypto people coordinate pump and dumps on random coins all the time, all coins (except retarded scams like Humaniq) are guaranteed to get pumped at some point, if not several times. Even fucking retarded coins like bitbean and doge got pumps, there's no logic applied to crypto like stocks. It will always go up and will always crash the next day.

>> No.2099887
File: 273 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-05-18-00-10-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this literally this morning and it will probably get me 500 percent gain by tmrw night. I only invested 137 Canuck bucks

>> No.2099908

You're a good sport kid. I love a good self-parody. It shows character, humility and good humor.

>> No.2099924

Dude your generation doesn't deserve this if they can't understand the tech. Going to enjoy not working another day in my life at age 23 though

>> No.2099925

>I'm literally doubling or tripping my money in a day.
$5, to $10 or $15? Thanks for proving me correct...

>Lambo rich
You must be 18 to post on this board. Reported.

>> No.2099939

Where did I dismiss crypto as a scam? I DID dismiss crypto-heroics like claiming an annualized return of 10,000%. I know about crypto currencies. I know about block chain. Do you about buying into an industry with nearly zero barrier to entry? They literally made a coin named after doge. For fuck's sake. The whole goddamn market is a self parody. Only a retard drunk on koolaid wouldn't see it.

>> No.2100010

These crypto fetishists are also banking on financial institutions adopting the blockchain and cryptocurrency which is hilarious. The institutions they are banking on will just end up using the technology and make their own coin. Why the fuck would they use "currency" that can be manipulated by any government or big enough business int he world?
USD can pretty much only be manipulated by the Fed, any of these coins can be manipulated by any government or big business in the world.
The only thing crypto is useful for is anonymously and quickly transferring money, and if gets regulated then that gets taken away. If these crypto dorks were level headed and didn't think crypto is more than it is then I'd be fine with them.

>> No.2100080

That's exactly right. I love how because I called out BS on claims of 10,000% annual returns that it was automatically assumed that I knew nothing about cryptocoins. For fuck's sake, 8 years ago, I stood in the backroom of a computer shop, talking shit with people who know much more about cutting edge tech than I did, because I needed to learn about mining and GPUs and power consumption and cooling. It's not like I don't know shit about cryptocurrency. I probably know more of actual substance about cryptocurrency than alot of these cryptoshills, and that knowledge is why I don't have fantasies about buying my own island with it.

Tulips man. That's the next big thing.

>> No.2100130

It's okay man, I don't think getting rich the normal way is bad or anything, but this is too much to miss out on. This is barely any different from trading penny stocks or forex . The longer the masses don't understand, the longer I make gains

>> No.2100168
File: 93 KB, 691x1047, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2100209


Banks are going to be using ripple coin. Coin supply can't be changed, it's predetermined. I can't tell you everything to convince you because you grew up in a different generation, but please try to at learn about the top few coins before making outlandish claims.

>> No.2100354

>Banks are going to be using ripple coin.
No they won't, they will make and use their own.

>> No.2100366


I'm done talking to you, i'm about to enter my rocket ship