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File: 158 KB, 1122x1280, bridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20959168 No.20959168 [Reply] [Original]

Bridge Protocol’s sister company and verification partner Aver presents:

Don't lose anymore customers with a difficult process. Aver offers a frictionless customer experience!
Learn more at https://goaver.com/edge

Complete your KYC submission in less than 2 minutes.

What is $BRDG?
A cross-chain Digital identity verification and authorization for Defi, Gaming, Sharing Economy, Crypto, BTC

TG Team: @BridgeProtocol
TG Investment Group: @unofficialbridgeprotocol
Twitter Bridge: @BridgeProtocol
Twitter Aver: @Go_Aver
Last Dev Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh7pyLldgH0&feature=youtu.be
Last Developments : https://github.com/bridge-protocol
Verification Partner: https://bridge-protocol.azurewebsites.net/verification
Explorer: https://etherscan.io/token/0xb736bA66aAd83ADb2322D1f199Bfa32B3962f13C
Coingecko : https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bridge-protocol

Trade at Uniswap at: https://uniswap.info/pair/0xa23c4AA7050425D2922956BEDD9d513Da1b4a977

MCap only $300k

Is Digital Identity the new Defi? Is $BRDG is an ETH gem token. Is it the new $LINK?

>> No.20959462

Well, that reminds me.

>> No.20959495

About 3 years development. Just watched the video in the text.

>> No.20959499

What good would you say about the project? Is this another bench?

>> No.20959713

working product, working partnership. cross chain (ETH and NEO). Devs working, see interview from 2 weeks ago. Just see the whole scams at uniswap. Digital verification and authentication will be very needed in the future. I don't need to know who you are, but I have to know that the one doing business with me is not a scammer.

>> No.20959755

Idena did it first and it’s been a massive failure, this space isn’t mature enough to care about digital identity

>> No.20959845

Didn’t know they are cross-chain now. Nice to see it. Chain agnostic is good.

>> No.20959852
File: 152 KB, 1244x803, goaver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aver looks legit

>> No.20959907

what is this project doing now?

>> No.20959909

no. kys

>> No.20959957

take a look at this forbes article. Mature or not mature, it will be needed. We need just more attention to this. Blockchain is perfect to self sovereign identity.


>> No.20959995

it is not yet clear what the BRDG in the AVER project is for.

>> No.20960085

Aver is ID verification. KYC/AML, centralized.
Bridge is ID authentication. SSI Decentralized. E.g: You can just show that you are over 18, american, has a legit email and address. Don't need to show who you are. ID authentication is blockchain spirit. Read about SSI

>> No.20960190

I wonder how they'll do it.

>> No.20960294

they are doing it already. Working product:


>> No.20960393
File: 320 KB, 882x858, aver1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely something changed on their website in a month, you can see the guys are working, there are a lot of new products.

>> No.20961061

Don’t let regulatory burden prevent you from launching your token or exchange; Aver offers tools to make KYC / AML simple again.

>> No.20961269

you know, I look at this project and I understand that it has a big future, it will easily make x100 from current prices, it looks strong now, it will look even stronger when it makes x100 from current prices.

>> No.20961430

I got in anons, will i make it?

>> No.20961573

It’s a long term hold. x100 is possible. Digital Identity is just starting and is the new trend

>> No.20961635 [DELETED] 

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>> No.20961961


>> No.20962114

The guy would not do it if his ID was verified. This is why digital id is the future, not only at crypto. Brings civilization back. By the way, I deleted his post.