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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20953450 No.20953450 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you packed your bags, anon..

>> No.20953483

Only men lo on test buy this scam.

>> No.20953622

You, my friend are an idiot.

>> No.20953662

just quit

>> No.20953718

I sure packed my bags!

>> No.20953737


>> No.20954213

Where do I buy this?

>> No.20954247



>> No.20954280

Uniswap is the best place right now

>> No.20954513 [DELETED] 

Bags packed

>> No.20954876

fuck i keep waiting for the dips. theres no god damn dips!!!!

>> No.20954971

Imagine trying to fud a true gem that has just broken out a few days ago and is still sitting at a ridiculously low 1 million market cap.
Kek how fucking new are you? You'll be looking at the price in a few days time and wishing you just market bought when you first heard about it.
Sure, you can wait and buy the dip if you think you're so fucking smart. But l can tell you when the first dip comes we'll already be way beyond 1 cent per token.

>> No.20955109

Think you got the wrong guy, fren. I'm bullish on ONE

>> No.20955357

Yea, I replied to the your post by accident. Anyways, I'm just getting the retard fudders in line.
We're in this together fren!

>> No.20955386

Is it still worth to buy it or am I too late?

>> No.20955403

>true gem
Thanks for the trigger word, scammeroony.

>> No.20955426

You're joking right? You're right at the start of things.

>> No.20955496

what's the target for a project this scope?

>> No.20955626

Well at least we know we're on track to the moon when salty fudders who still haven't secured a bag start flooding in.
It's not to late fudders, you can still join us for the ride!

>> No.20955657

>5,000+ scamcoins out in the wild
>but THIS one is THE ONE
Yeah, just fuck right off, scrub.

>> No.20955696

With this attitude you should just quit crypto

>> No.20955736 [DELETED] 

you and your mesa fags should just quit ethereum

>> No.20955762

I did. In early 2018. I wish you the best of luck as well. Just don't scam people. Thanks.


>> No.20955779 [DELETED] 

based anon with words of wisdom

>> No.20955780

Why not just buy kleros top kek

>> No.20955826

How do we know it's not a scam? Do you have any data/way to defend it?
I've seen Menlo one site and it seems promising but other projects that turned out to be scams where just as or more promising

>> No.20955988

>5000+ shitcoins
gtfo back to r/bitcoin you fucking btc maxi.
If you really quit crypto at the top of the previous bubble, you wouldn't be here fudding in a microcap thread so don't fucking larp faggot.

>> No.20956130

He's just a larping faggot, it's too fucking obvious. Probably didn't even go to the website, let alone done some research. There's no need to entertain him further.

>> No.20956373

Research the team, check github, look at who gave them a grant for further development. I was going to say I'm not going to spoon-feed you, but I just did..

>> No.20956375

>How do we know it's not a scam?
Cause Consensys just distributes development grants to scams, amirite guys?
Kek anon, of all the scams on Uniswap with anonymous "dev teams" and dubious token burning mechanisms you think this one is a scam? Really?

>> No.20956431

This legit gives me aleph/ubt vibes. Quiet devs with little marketing, solid product in progress since 2018, loyal holders who doesn’t want to sell (hence the shitty liquidity)

all we need now is for chico or the Twitter influencerfags to pick it up for an aleph/ubt run

>> No.20956584



Consensys/ Panvala.

>> No.20956622

Not to mention that most of those obvious Uniswap scams have actually pumped to a way larger market cap than this one has currently.
Menlo is one of the best asymmetric risk:reward coins I've come across in a really long time.
If you fall for this retarded "muh scam" fud, you really don't deserve to make it.

>> No.20956658

Bags packed and ready.

Menlo - decentralized graph database.

Graph databases are the framework supporting almost every social media site and crypto exchange we know of. Menlo will be the first to push out a decentralized version of this.

>> No.20956689


>> No.20956809


>> No.20956899

I have all the time in the world, and /biz/ is to thank for my retirement. I'll post when and where I want, Anon, so don't be so mad ;^)
But you should definitely stop scamming people. Karma is a bitch.

>> No.20956931

Was trying to find this screenshot that I posted in earlier threads but here it is, this on top of the fact that THIS week we're supposed to hear some big news Matthew is excited about..

been working since 2018, senior engineer at IBM AND JPMorgan along with a consensys grant, if tendies got a 10 million valuation for a legit shitcoin why can't this project get to atleast 5-6 mil which is around 5-6x from here?

>> No.20957012


does this really look like someone that is going to up and scam you? he's made enough money from gigs at jpmorgan and ibm, yet i see anons thinking he's going to exit scam on a 1 million marketcap project that he spent 2 years on...anons please

>> No.20957113


>> No.20957114
File: 94 KB, 492x397, partner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to attach my bad

>> No.20957174

Holy shit..

>> No.20957421

larp larp larp
Funny how every faggot on biz calling projects they know nothing about scams, is already retired.
Also what a great retirement. Browsing biz and calling scam on coins that you don't hold nor do you plan investing in.
You're also such a fucking great guy, protecting anons from scams. You should be awarded a medal for your work. Learn to fud properly at least faggot.
That's it, I'm done with your larping ass.

>> No.20957473

Thanks OP, packing my bags now

>> No.20957559

Only minor problem left is the lack of liquidity, and that’s only because no one is selling. Hopefully the team adds some or smth

>> No.20957626

Why are scammers always so angry? Every time they call me on the phone in regards to my Microsoft computer, they always end up accusing my mother of being sexually promiscuous. Are you going to do the same, little scammer?

>> No.20957630

you literally cant sell this shit at all even if you wanted to LOL

>> No.20958157

But buying is equally hard. The liquidity has dried up for a reason.

The whole point is that you don't sell right now.

>> No.20958492

is 600K enough?