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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 171 KB, 511x671, p18v2knqd1c21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20948562 No.20948562 [Reply] [Original]

'Cause I know you want me staky
I think I want you too
"I think I love you staky"
I think I love you too
I'm here to save you girl
Come be in Linky's world
I wanna grow together
Let's let our love unfurl

Ok sirs, what chain should I add to that already sexy neck?
I was thinking BUIDL but the supply is fudding itself, plus you get lots of faggots who bought super cheap and are already at x30 and can dump anytime.
Got 50k link and 312k xsn, would appreciate if you shill another moon mission with also a folio restructuring, I was thinking about selling 10k link for more xsn but 20 MN's are already enough.
Also, I miss ampl when it was at 1 million $ mc so no need to shill it I know it's good but I'm too salty to buy it.
So link is working on the oracle problem, stakenet on the easy swapping using lightning and raiden so that next bullrun won't have scaling problems because of people buying, dfohub is working on making smart contracts modifiable by people (like a vote or something not sure), ampl has solved the inflation problem but still on ethereum chain, would be nice to see an ampl currency like leddit nano that's on its own chain with free and super fast tx.

What else is out there? I won't buy more defi shit since I don't understand how those loans work (still too brainlet to even understand how aave works desu, so talk to me like you would to a retard).

I know harmony can be huge, Holo (yes welcome to 2018) can still pull a moon mission if they don't stop working on it (I think they got rid of the feet), SXP is good too and will probably pump but I did a x2 on it and sold for link (swinged link just before the pump from 4.8$ so the x2 was to afford my old stack back), my goal is to have the next eth (link), the next antshares (xsn i hope) and the next xrb (buidl? or something else), to be strapped for the next bull market whenever it comes.

>> No.20948695
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bomp it

>> No.20948777
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>> No.20949002

bump this

>> No.20949034
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>> No.20949042

I’ve gone all in on XSN so no turning back now. Market is heading towards DEXs and all current dexs are pretty much onchain/atomic swaps and people are starting to see the problems with that. Uniswap is a joke right now with fees and failed trades and will only get worse as they get more popular. XSN is the only one that had the foresight to build offchain and they are about to reap the rewards for doing so. Timing is absolutely perfect for them releasing this month it’s like the perfect storm of onchain issues rearing their head and XSN providing the answer to all the problems

>> No.20949324


>> No.20949722

Verasity will be the Verge of 2021.

>> No.20949736

Wow you went all in on a scam. Great work, idiot.

>> No.20949786

>its monero on ethereum
no its not, its a copy paste of 0xBTC code with the monero name slapped on top. It has no ring sigs, no bullet proofs, no dandelion++, no asic resistant mining, no smooth emissions, no Elliptic curves, no spend key priv key combo. It is nothing but a code fork of a failed token on a bloated network bogged down by chinese pyramid schemes, if you think its ever going to go anywhere your sadly mistaken

>> No.20949818

Cool, all of Reddit's shitty poorfag opinions collected in one cesspool.

>> No.20949928

everything you need to know about "0xmonero"

>> No.20949933

Hows it a scam retard? Have you tried their DEX because I have and it works great. Currently trying the Raiden support build for ETH in the Linux group and again while rough it works, a couple more weeks and it will be refined and Uniswap will be out of business

>> No.20950121


>> No.20950255

All in. Checked

Lightning and raiden dex. This is the hero crypto needs, but at the moment not what crypto "wants".

Stakeman will prevail

>> No.20950527
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i have to check this

>> No.20951217

Well said op.

>> No.20951698
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checked and based

>> No.20951882

That's because it uses MPC you stupid pajeet.. shoo poo

>> No.20952605

I've been wage slaving for the past 13 years, and finally it's over. Since 2016 I've made the financial decisions w/ cryptocurrency to accumalate in the upward 6 figures. I've been pretty comfortable lately - and that's why I'm giving this information to you bros.
TRUEChain - The next lambo moon mission. Right now you can accumalate pretty hard, or arbtirage.
They're going for ~0.000008 on FORKDELTA, and they're going RIGHT now for ~0.00084 on OKeX. Do I need to do this math for you? Huge arbitrage chance here boys.
This is the exchange
If you're wanting to jump on the arbtirage train on forkdelta then once you're on there you will despoit your ethereum onto the websites exchange, and then it'll allow you to either put buy orders, or buy the sell orders.
Not working? Use more gas. Order taking too long? Use more gas. Laggy orders, not showing up? (((SAVE))) your seed word phrase w/ metam
ask, and reinstall.
If you're oblivious to decen idex exchanges then maybe stick w/ the actual reguluated exchanges. It's cheaper on forkdelta by a decent amount allowing easy cross exchange shorts and will allow anyone with a high IQ to make a lot of money.
Better thank me for this /biz/ because I didn't have to share this information enjoy the rest of your 2020. God speed and godbless the upcoming bullrun.

>> No.20952624

This. Literally free money just flipped 2 eth into 10 kek

>> No.20952638

give it to me straight guys
how fucked is Australia?

>> No.20952658

Yooo delete this anon why ruin this by posting it here kek
Incase you didn't get the memo jewish central bankers control almost every single nation on the planet with a iron fist.

Australia has
>Aging population
>low birthrates and communist politicians that want to replace white australians with asian and black hordes
>We sent all our manufactoring to china thanks to the jews
>We can't even keep the lights on without oil imports from the middle east which relies on the US navy protecting the worlds oceans (tip. USA is starting to collapse and once the USD dies how the fuck is the US going to pay for it's huge navy and their international power projection?)

We have a few things going for us, we have good relations with india and Japan, China our enemy is collapsing and will probably balkanize in the future. Japan has the 2nd largest blue water navy in the world and if we suck their dick a bit they can help us get oil from the middle east. Also we are a net producer of food so we can at the very least feed outselves. Also we have a big mining industry so stop letting jews control our nation we can dig up some gold for trading with other countries and we can start making stuff for ourselves.

Our main problem is that our country is owned and controlled by the jews and most cunts are oblivious to the fact.

Basically shit is fucked.

>> No.20952677

- Marketcap: 386,850

- Circulating supply: 600,000 (60% of total supply)

- Total supply: 1,000,000

- DeFi investing tools for institutional investors

- Part of RenVM Development Committee (along with AirSwap, Defi Prime, Dune Analytics, etc)

- MAMA partnership (Credit Suisse, UBS, Bitcoin Suisse, MakerDAO, Tezos, AAVE, etc.)

- Joined StationF Incubation Program (Microsoft, Facebook, adidas, Ubisoft, iPEPS etc. partners)

- Nexus Mutual will be used for insurance coverage of funds

- Generated $330k in revenue last year alone with less employees

- Tokenburn coming (a deflationary token), exact details TBA

- 16 team members with 22 open positions to be filled

- Aragon-based InsulaDAO coming, InsulaDAO will turn ISLA into a governance token

- Collaborative works with Melon and CoTrader for decentralised funds

- Offices in France & UK

- Token usecase include governance token for InsulaDAO, rewards for users, clients pay for consultancy services in ISLA, and employees' salaries paid in ISLA

- Cooperative "Halving", payment rate reduces by half (similar to BTC halving, as the team believes in ISLA token)

- Working on more DeFi utility mechanisms with smart contracts

- Defipulse listing coming

- Equity fundraising coming through StationF (for further development of the project)

- Payment rails mechanism in development (for REC-20 token and ISLA)









>> No.20952727

Nice mate gems like this and the current bullrun make it feel like 2018 is happening again.
> Not even on Binance
> Not even on Coinbase
> Not Even integrated with Maker
> Not Even integrated with Compound
> Normies still don't understand it

Ampleforth literally made every single stablecoin and crypto currency store of value completely pointless and obsolete. Why? No token requried, no governance, not backed by anything other than it's own protocol, just like Bitcoin. You are witnessing the rise of Ampleforth to the #3 spot on CMC right under there where it belongs.

In August, we are going to see $5 Ampleforth. We are going to see $7 Ampleforth, we are going to see multiple instances of double digit ampleforth.

>> No.20952756

Bless your cotton socks little anon you just saved my ass from the btc loss I had a week ago. :*

>> No.20952759
File: 14 KB, 800x400, zap-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Low marketcap
>Low supply
>Low price

Why you /biz hate money?

>> No.20952767


>> No.20952776

Kek based and redpilled

>> No.20952787

STA will go up a lot at some point. Probably when they start paying the money back but no idea when that happens.

SLP despite the massive increase still has a tiny market cap and will probably go up again a lot in the coming days.

Most of the rest won't go up much except perhaps MRDN.

>> No.20952837

Aged like fine wine.

>> No.20952863

Realistically, how far could ETH reach in a proper bullrun?

>> No.20952890

Oi vey ! Unironically this. Why did you share this though kek I'd just kept it secret.
$8k to $10k is my 3-5 year target

Seems quite a few in here feel the same

I have 100 of them which if it hits $8k usd will get me a brand new lambo after taxes . I live in Oz so my tax rate is 50% and a brand new lambo is $600k

But I’m not that stupid, if I made that kind of money it would go straight into property so I could live comfy off rental income forever

>> No.20952903

Buidl, but it’s not a shitcoin.

>> No.20952926

It is entirely dependent on Bitcoin. The EthBTC ratio will peak around .3-.4 MAX. If BTC goes to 200K, ETH could be worth a fucking lot in that scenario. More realistically ETH will lose that ratio if BTC goes that high, to like .1 and be worth 20K.
Hey nice fucking gem here. Maxed 19 eth off it and spent it ALL on ampl

>> No.20952956

This is your chance anons to not be poor. Dont come crying in a week if you didnt hop on this.

>> No.20952974

Hot as fuck son
Agreed xsn might make it

>> No.20952994

>I’ve gone all in on XSN so no turning back now. Market is heading towards DEXs and all current dexs are pretty much onchain/atomic swaps and people are starting to see the problems with that. Uniswap is a joke right now with fees and failed trades and will only get worse as they get more popular. XSN is the only one that had the foresight to build offchain and they are about to reap the rewards for doing so. Timing is absolutely perfect for them releasing this month it’s like the perfect storm of onchain issues rearing their head and XSN providing the answer to all the problems
Where to buy xsn

>> No.20953010


>> No.20953021


>> No.20953035

Monero or brap anon

>> No.20953055

Obviously ethereum

>> No.20953061

Chromia. August is going to be glorious.

>> No.20953077


>> No.20953217
File: 37 KB, 750x395, Website.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standard Crypto Fund a real diverse crypto fund backed by real liquidity form ICO and devs supply.

It also has Statera and Stonk in thier portfolio

ICO Begins today

Airdrop address channel now open

>> No.20953325
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>> No.20953574
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>> No.20954203


>> No.20954419

Litecash $CASH it’s super cheap and a fork of beam

>> No.20954433

Thank you we wanted to create A real index fund for Crypto. Similar to S&P SPY index Fund or vangaurds VOO.

While Statera does have first mover it is not an index. I love Statera Project. But a real index like QQQF will cover a broad market share and own its underlying assets. ICO funds and dev supply will be pooled into Balancer pools as price increase. So when you buy in you buy into its assets like a real index fund not just speculation.

We want to make this appealing to both enthusiast and institutional investors alike. Which is we why dont FoT on our token.

Check out the website for more info or discord
thank you

>> No.20954619
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$100k mc ($400k fully diluted cap)
dex + margin trading + fiat on-ramp + lending + monthly airdrops

biggest defi money machine

>> No.20954999
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Checked. Good choice son

>> No.20955002
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>> No.20955063

livecoin or Dex

>> No.20955089




>> No.20955236


>> No.20955244


>> No.20955252


>> No.20955265


>> No.20955290


>> No.20955604

QQQF Crypto Index Fund


>> No.20956284
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>> No.20956297

bzrx, you'll earn fees from margin traders and also be able to earn interest on your link

>> No.20956859


>> No.20957347


>> No.20957417

Sick arbitrage chance but just so you know okex suspended withdrawals and deposits for alot of alts today due to backend maintenance. Itll be restored by tomorrow Noon central time...so hold off on trading / arbitration until then. Otherwise this is literally free money.

>> No.20957426

>>its monero on ethereum
>no its not, its a copy paste of 0xBTC code with the monero name slapped on top. It has no ring sigs, no bullet proofs, no dandelion++, no asic resistant mining, no smooth emissions, no Elliptic curves, no spend key priv key combo. It is nothing but a code fork of a failed token on a bloated network bogged down by chinese pyramid schemes, if you think its ever going to go anywhere your sadly mistaken

>> No.20957432


>> No.20957441


>> No.20957459

Tron dude

>> No.20957470


>> No.20958045


>> No.20958214


>> No.20958496


Lightning network meet Raiden Network. Oh... You're having sex now? And the XSN dex was born.

Xsn is the defi hero crypto needs, but not the one it "wants"


>> No.20958826

If transactions are off chain whats to stop incorrect amounts been sent? As not auditable couldnt devs even exit scam?

>> No.20958880
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For me, its XAMP

>> No.20959593

Banana coin

>> No.20959719


Thank me later

>> No.20960371
File: 86 KB, 625x626, 1578735293703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is a good indicator of how fake these all are
Fake as fuck, look at any of their threads and you'll see the same thing, stay away from this scam. Wouldn't be surprised if op was a shill too given the faggy post

>> No.20960465

Appreciate it anon

>> No.20960510

How do you get the airdrop?

>> No.20960892

Check this picture it has the website and discord info

also website has link ot disord

just paste your wallet address to airdrop chanell

the otc sale begins today and ends saturday

website and discord

>> No.20961076
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Sasuga ni nineball. But you're still not welcome here.

>> No.20961623

calling something a scam based on memes from random anoms on the internet.
you sir are a retard.

>> No.20962290

Fomoo in or rope later


>> No.20962349

Guys, pay attention to this 300k microcap.

>> No.20962572

UniTrade $150 EOY

>> No.20962723

BRR is now and will continue printing money.
Dev update later tonight and weak hands actively and purposefully being weeded out.
If you're hodling LINK you're obviously smart enough to hodl BRR.