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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20951600 No.20951600 [Reply] [Original]

> Be me
> On the new Stakenet DEX
> DEX syncs stuff
> "Price check on XSN"
> Stare at the screen awkwardly
> I look more closely it says "$10"
> Ask myself if I need any bags
> Tell myself louder than I need to "I have enough bags"
> Realize I didn't buy any bags when it was cheap
> Begin to fart
> I'm watching the price closely
> Now it says "$100"
> It was only a dollar yesterday
> I get frustrated and shit my pants
> Try and recover "umm I need to clean this up"
> I put my hand into my pants and shit falls out
> Its all over the floor and on my hands
> More shit falls out as I try and pick it up
> Get anxious and step on shit
> I wipe the shit off and sit back down
> I try to joke with myself "today can't get anymore shittier "
> My dog comes sprinting in
> I call out to my dog and accidentally step on shit again
> Dog starts taking a dump on the floor
> I say "no bad dog" as i stand up
> I slip on the shit and fall over
> Dog comes up and pisses on me
> Pull out my phone and try buy XSN
> No internet connection
> Get even more frustrated and stand up covered in shit and piss
> Cry and run to the bathroom

All I had to do was buy XSN when /biz/ told me to.

>> No.20951621

Sounds about right.

>> No.20952006

What is Stakenet XSN?

>> No.20952080
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if you know, you know

>> No.20952197
File: 179 KB, 1146x913, CF3C9CA2-ACE6-4B47-8E77-32CF556180FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im unironically ALL IN on XSN

>> No.20952250


>> No.20952300
File: 198 KB, 964x1256, 1593672820627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Digital money
> Decentralized
> Trust-less proof of stake

> Masternodes
> 45% block rewards
> 90% Passive income from user fees
> Almost fee-less
> No kyc
> Instant transactions 24/7
> Infinite scalability
> Decentralized
> Lightning swaps
> Cross chain proof

Stakenet is also developing other things than DEX too.

>> No.20952533
File: 27 KB, 250x201, czlovesxsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey guys just wanted to let know you know. XSN is a great project, their DEX is better than everyone else's. Their Aggregator makes binance niggers shit themselves, yet they still do not understand how it works.
>*Seething intensifies*
It's important to understand why XSN is such a great amazing moonshot. XSN will be the first DEX to have lightning/raiden swaps. Since lightning and raiden are off-chain, congestion issues suffered on on-chain DEXs such as UNISWAP, will not occur. XSN is good shit.

>> No.20952640

blocknet bagholders and binance customer support team on suicide watch

>> No.20952735

Checked and based. Where can I buy XSN?

>> No.20952750
File: 159 KB, 893x836, howtobuyxsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20952972

Lightning network check

Raiden network check

Uniswap and link on chain suicide watch check

>> No.20953001

Thanks how much should XSN should I buy? What are the stacks?

>> No.20953084


>> No.20953469

Suicide stack
Make it
Make it stack
>15000XSN 1Mn
Fuck you stack
>150000XSN 10Mn

To be a whale you need atleast 100k XSN.

>> No.20953589

Is 1 MN really enough for a make it stake? I feel so small with my single MN

>> No.20953675

Same, I really think I need to get another one before the new DEX launches

>> No.20953740

3/10 for effort and i might even check out xsn. I never really did because the xns posts sucked. but this absolute shit post story kinda makes me want to check out what its all about.

>> No.20953756

I’m gonna try to acquire 3 then buy in a year or two later after profits in the bull run. I just hope the price isn’t too crazy by then

>> No.20953915
File: 272 KB, 768x360, 2.monthlyrewards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes most definitely.

>> No.20953962
File: 190 KB, 768x261, 4.tradingfeesmonthly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the discord for DEX beta to try it out

>> No.20953997 [DELETED] 

Over 130K dividends is going to get paid out in 5 hours to BET Holders

get BET by playing on
https://win.earnbet.io games (which is decentralized and run on blockchain) and staking it or buy it from Binance DEX

>> No.20954596
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>yfw Raiden is integrated and LINK starts trading on the DEX

>> No.20955138

i never thought about this.....holy shot

>> No.20955277
File: 414 KB, 852x630, xexex (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that gets me hard

>> No.20955497

So am I, all my remaining neetbux that my mom has saved up for me are in XSN.

>> No.20955531
File: 630 KB, 931x467, xtikntoks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredible stability. Calm before the storm?

>> No.20955725

why do we need another exchange when we have binance? its the best exchange out there. never had any issues with them at all.
another failed dex experiment, will never work.

>> No.20956026
File: 111 KB, 962x642, 1596212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right

>> No.20956032

kek hey cz

>> No.20956187
File: 816 KB, 962x642, 1596212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes more sense

>> No.20956762

who is cz? anyways, im just very satisfied customer expressing my opinions about a very good exchange. i dont think this space need anymore exchanges. besides, look at all the failed dex-experiments that has been going on for so long now. gas fee so high etc.. at binance they always work very hard to satisfy our customers needs

>> No.20957282

Binance are selling your trading information to the irs or other government bodies so they can tax you to fuck

>> No.20957382
File: 197 KB, 700x632, 1588636619852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Livecorn just exit scammed.

>> No.20957385

Until binance gets hacked and you lost your coins like with cryptopia and quadriga or mt gox

>> No.20958122

>binance DEX

>> No.20958530

>is this a holder fudding?
>can't be sure better sell


>> No.20958533
File: 805 KB, 656x657, 4F360705-8BCC-4A82-A593-1221205A1A44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much is cz paying you Chang

>> No.20958829
File: 18 KB, 320x320, 1595886713997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I'm in a pinch. My total worth is $14k dollar, neet living at moms place. I've invested $10k into XSN. Would you invest more? I'm suffering from a harde bout of FOMO right now.

>> No.20959198

How much XSN do you have?
Do you have a goal?