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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20948454 No.20948454 [Reply] [Original]

Is Stakenet legit or not? I'm seeing a lot of FUD in every thread and can't tell what's real and what's not. If this DEX works how they say it does this is the next 100x, on the other hand all this FUD is making me weary.

>> No.20948474

Stakenet is a SCAM.

>> No.20948510

>I'm seeing like 10 shill threads per day
DEX won't generate passive income for masternodes until they move to stage 3 called hydra and devs are incentivised to delay it so that they can keep collecting fees. rn all the trading on livecoin is washtrading the only real volume is biztards buying into the shills sell orders. if you are lucky hydra will be implemented by 2022 so if you are willing to wait 1 year+ when the defi bubble popped and we are back in a bear market then consider buying this shit.

>> No.20948546
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just kidding anon i've got 5 masternodes. I FUD stakenet most of the time just for laughs.

kek im pretty sure i wrote this pasta

>> No.20948583

this is discord pajeet taking over any thread that mentions xsn to damage control any legitimate concerns and coordinating shill posts with multiple pajeets trying to discredit any opinion that won't contribute to their PND

>> No.20948590

One minute it's a pump and dump scam, the next it's a legit project but is years away from being finished. Which is it?

>> No.20948606

another pajeet who lacks any capacity to understand english

>> No.20948647

>devs are incentivised to delay it so that they can keep collecting fees

stage 3 is key for XSN to have utility and value, it’s what ties the blockchain to DEX. As long as the hub operators/ devs work closely and are in XSN community especially w connection via treasury & governance they have all the incentive to have the best interests of XSN. It’s not only that XSN coin will have utility and be valuable which can result in compensation but also the XSN community will be the hub operators own customers...so it kind of keeps the final power in the communities hands if that makes sense
sort of a check and balance of power and nothing is more powerful than a strong community and network with a vision & plan

>> No.20948687

the community is like 150 people and the biggest circle jerk and shill campaign I have seen on biz in a long time, smells like curry

>> No.20948720

not an argument

>> No.20948731

ask your brown poo poo ID faggot

>> No.20948757

save yourself the heartache and just buy BLOCK

>> No.20948818
File: 79 KB, 846x482, blockshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fudster reveals himself

>> No.20948947

yes its a scam
coordinated group of people advertising to noobs

if you want proof go troll them in their thread. ask how to buy it etc youll see its the same people who always respond and have the same defense for why its only on livecoin and how livecoin is actually good. they will come out of the woodwork as soon as they know theyve got a noob on the hook it's hilarious

and if u ask them how much to invest theyll always say 15000 cuz they dont want you to ever be able to get out before they dump on you

>> No.20949009

such a stale piece of FUD. If you haven't stacked at least 5K BLOCK you WILL cry