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File: 81 KB, 948x158, SWIPE JUST FUCKING WON LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20947641 No.20947641 [Reply] [Original]



Red card before= 50x4.4=$225
Red card now=5000x0.17=$850

Also Swipe cards give cashback in BTC.

>> No.20947662
File: 105 KB, 1024x958, SWIPEMEME1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20947814

>4% Swipe cashback card requires $54,000
>4% CRO card requires $85,000

Imagine getting cashback in a ponzi like CRO.

>> No.20948430
File: 303 KB, 1594x1849, SXP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20948567
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>> No.20948842

I think SXP will add more tiers too. They need an inbetween card.

Bullish as fuck though $10 EOY is unironically FUD.

>> No.20949035

Yep, won't like as well, MCO cards have free spotify and stuff which is also nice.

Swipe needs something like that.

>> No.20949255

I am sure CZ will deliver and get us better stuff than MCO(cro) cards

>> No.20949567

I'm making a lot of money now off of my 500 mco stake

>> No.20949586

i am happy for you fren.

>> No.20950467
File: 133 KB, 1155x1525, cardstaking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile swipe:
black card now = $56,000
any other staking card = non existent

swipe stake rewards that crypto.com doesn't offer:

CRO (crypto.com) rewards that SXP (swipe) doesn't offer:

exchange fee benefits
interest rate benefits to a wide range of cryptocurrencies
spotify subscription
amazon prime
expedia discount
lounge access

while swipe MIGHT (keyword on MIGHT as right now they're a lackluster) become a good project in the future, literally every crypto card-staking token so far have gone into a massive bubble quickly after launch, then bled heavily for a long time. buying card-staking tokens quickly after launch has ALWAYS proved to be a big mistake. but they, i'm sure YOU guys will be the exception, right.

>> No.20950525

I’m doing the same, plus about 5k stinkers. What do they do to get us that yield though?

>> No.20950542

are any of them owned by binance and the platform on which binance's debit card is built?

>> No.20950559

not to mention you are looking at price action over a fucking two year bear market. the crypto space looks very different today than it did in the end of 2018

>> No.20950675

and take into account that MCO benefits outperformed all competition by extreme measures while their token kept bleeding. no other crypto card came anywhere close to their offers.
SXP staking benefits have nothing to offer that isn't already offered in the market.

yeah binance is promising but CZ isn't god. they are good at making a working exchange but so far haven't achieved anything of significance in any other area.
and that's no benefit to an actual crypto card USER that's a benefit to token price speculators. for people that actually want a working card with the best conditions, there's no reason to choose swipe at this point in time.

>> No.20951478

muh working product has never meant shit in crypto markets. Look at BAT or NKN for all the proof you need

the point simply is that this has the backing of one of the largest crypto exchanges that is cornering more and more of the market daily. in the same way that BNB exploded, SXP has a great chance of following

And given the current market trend with DeFi projects and the fact that altcoins have shown a strong multi month reversal why the fuck wouldn't you hold some of this at 1/30th the market cap of CRO?

>> No.20951699

BNB is tied to an exchange, a very much working product.

SXP is tied to the card which was recently bought up by the company that operates the exchange, the company that so far hasn't succeeded to make any serious impact with any other product.

the only reason you'd buy SXP now is speculating that the bubble goes a little higher before the bleeding starts, or speculating that they somehow succeed at securing the best deals on the card in the future (and then you still can only hope they don't bleed for years like MCO did). i don't feel like either is worth the risk, looking at analogous situations in the past.

>Look at BAT or NKN for all the proof you need
those tokens crashed because their product isn't worth shit still apart from extremely niche areas. you just don't understand what makes a product valuable.

>> No.20951744

Both NKN and BAT have working products but their token usage was an after thought and pretty much not needed

>> No.20952254
File: 7 KB, 239x229, 1439873305194s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so BAT + NKN = LINK?

>> No.20952354

Binance's debit card is BUILT ON SWIPE

Fees are PAID IN SXP

Their debit card is launching in Europe and Swipe also own a company that has regulatory approval to issue cards in the US, meaning so can Binance eventually when they are ready to

Are you LARPing as a retard or have you just not read anything about this project?

>> No.20952464

>Are you LARPing as a retard or have you just not read anything about this project?

neither, you just entirely lack reading comprehension or basic logical deduction abilities kek

>> No.20952557
File: 124 KB, 440x440, swipies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swipe is like literally the easiest play of this year

>> No.20952586

Swipe is the platform that Binance's debit card is built on, and fees are paid in SXP, thus it is tied to an exchange, a working product, by your own definition, retard

>> No.20952820

fine, will try to explain it in a way that maybe even you will understand

bnb is tied to exchange features - trading
sxp is tied to card features

the team behind binance has never done anything of significance outside their exchange. and had over 10 years of experience working on traditional exchanges prior to starting to work on binance.
currently the binance card is of pretty much 0 value. nobody who actually wants to use a crypto card and puts effort into choosing their card on objective measures would choose it because there is no practical reason to pick it over competing products.

>> No.20952856

better sell swipe now because no one other than Europe can use it for awhile. And their staking amount is ridiculous. Such shit benefits.

>> No.20953673

Comfy Green Card owner here, converted my 500MCO stake to CRO but since I already finished stake period its not locked in. Could sell but it is comfy as fuck getting cashback on everything, they are still running the promotion where you get 20% back on groceries, in my country the grocery store also owns a major department store with electronics and petrol stations, currently getting 20% back on nearly everything.
Glad to see them raise the price of cards, I thought they were going to lower the benefits or deposit rates, but instead they rewarding the top of the pyramid by making it more expensive to get in at the bottom.

>> No.20954050

Being so delusional must be nice

>> No.20954090

Daily reminder that all crypto cards will fail.