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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20946368 No.20946368 [Reply] [Original]

If there was a perfectly secure and private chat group that only let in people with control over wallets that held a certain amount of LINK for a certain period of time, would you join? In a perfect scenario the proving mechanism (signing a tx) wouldnt even point to a certain wallet, it would just look whether the signature came from a wallet that met these criteria. I would love something like that and I think it's possible to build with pgp and simple signing functions but im too brainlet. I feel like the majority here are now brainlet nulinklets. I'm paranoid as well but this is actually the perfect opportunity to make something like that, thats kind of the point of crypto.

>> No.20946398

>If there was a perfectly secure and private chat group that only let in people with control over wallets that held a certain amount of LINK for a certain period of time, would you join?
Sounds like a recipe for disaster

>> No.20946529

I know but actually if there was a way to make a simple criteria check without needing to see the actual adress it could be provably anonymous. Then the only risk is on each users opsec. It could be done with some sort of tor messenger like pidgin.

>> No.20946552

Sounds like some 1980s San Francisco bath house shit.

>> No.20946587

A room full of wallet holders would be boring. You need contrary viewpoints in order to stimulate debate. A room full of massive bagholders would be an echo chamber.
>Chainlink is wonderful, and will go up in price
>Yes, I agree. It really is super.
>Have you had a nice day?
>Oh yes it was wonderful. Birds, trees etc.

>> No.20946604

could work with mixicles and zkproofs actually.

>> No.20946623

it's basically what biz already is anyway, we just pretend to be the other side as well for amusement

>> No.20946650

This is actually something Ari Juels is working on and trying to achieve: Being able to confirm or prove certain private characteristics without uncovering any of the details linked to that person/identity. E.g: a girl proving she is 18 through a smartcontract that doesn't uncover her SSN.

>> No.20946659

Go back nigga

>> No.20946686

Yup theres definitely a way to do it provably securely and ironically chainlink can play a part in that.

>> No.20946736
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based anon, he gets who runs this fucking board

>> No.20947367

It was attempted a year ago then disappeared. It's not worth it anymore, we all know we just have to hold until $1000 or whatever, no circlejerking will change anything.

>> No.20947417

this is true, I sometimes pretend to be bully nico gf while never having sold a single LINK

>> No.20947449

That sounds like a circlejerk in the making. Whenever Chainlink crossed a milestone you'd get lamboposting, glowie yacht party scheduling and random people chiming in to meme for a day, but if anyone actually wants to have interesting discussions where they show off their insight they're better off casting a wider net for greater average expected returns from the broader potential pool of social validation available through an open (/biz/) or semi-open (Twitter/Discord) space.

>> No.20947554

private chats are for faggots. there's a reason why this board is the only board that chainlink has been shilled on. just make a post and say for "5k+ link holders only" or something