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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 232 KB, 1280x628, diacrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20941210 No.20941210 [Reply] [Original]

Hello biz. It's time to control the oracle space yet again. Remember when everyone thought they could get MTA under 50 cents and now it's $5? Yeah, the same thing will happen here. WE WILL CONTROL THE ORACLE SPACE. We did it with Chainlink, and we WILL do it again.

Buy it up to $5. We're going straight to $25+ in the first cycle. DO NOT SELL to whales below there. We have the money from LINK + AMPL to suck up 50% of the supply.

Private sale peeps, might be a shake-out around $6 on token release 8/18. I am just one of 50 that hold 200,000 DIA. I AM NOT FUCKING SELLING. Any lurkers who hold the same, you should also think this way.

DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR JEW TRICKS. We can control this one as well as Chainlink. LINK whales have already bought the majority of the supply for TRB as well. That's it. We will win.

Buy as much as you can and hold to a true bubble blow-off top. $25 is the number. Remember ICX.

Then, re-buy under $7.77 in Q4. ;)

Good luck, DIA bros. Do not let salt let you miss out on another life-changing opportunity. As I said with Chainlink in 2017, when we are at $2T+ market-cap, it's not gonna matter whether you bought at a $30M cap or $75M.

Let's fucking go :

---- Resources ----

Latest community update : https://medium.com/dia-insights/community-update-02-08-2020-8c25c50fa769

Website - https://diadata.org/
Announcement channel - t dot me / DIAannouncements
DIA documentation - https://docs.diadata.org/
Bonding curve offering - https://token.diadata.org/

What is DIA? —> https://link.medium.com/Htru5y00W7

DIA FAQ -> https://medium.com/dia-insights/bonding-curve-distribution-faq-d07bd045d450

DIA Twitter: https://twitter.com/DIAdata_org

>> No.20941289
File: 117 KB, 960x528, defend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We did it with Chainlink, and we WILL do it again.
We did it with Chainlink, we did it with Kleros, and we WILL do it again.

May I suggest this as an edit, sir?

>> No.20941445

Godspeed PNK shill. Godspeed.

>> No.20941725

How much to make it

>> No.20941890

10,000 is the suicide stack, just like LINK.

>> No.20942363

Someone have the TLDR for DIA? Have some fresh profits from UniTrade I’m looking to throw in

>> No.20942872

LINK but for DEFI and not scammy

>> No.20943019

Also not swimming with bigots yet.

They're present but not overrun the way Link is.

>> No.20943248

Website is under DDoS protection I guess? Error 1020?

>> No.20943311

You might accessing from burgerland use a VPN

>> No.20943414
File: 271 KB, 600x579, 1592073250971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was able to find this: https://medium.com/dia-insights/dia-transparent-oracles-to-fuel-a-decentralised-financial-ecosystem-e682787e647d
So let me get this straight, we already have end users and a few blockchain projects using custom data scrapers and oracles. And DIA's claim to fame is utilizing a DAO to get the job done and publicize interesting data tech?

>> No.20943600

available in 8hrs from where?

>> No.20943623
File: 279 KB, 709x613, 1596429968333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit

>> No.20944085

What's the best strategy for getting this cheap? I'm not a fan of the curve.

>> No.20944355

Just pray you get in

>> No.20944504

Brainlet here. How/where to buy?

>> No.20945255

Couple hours from now
Read the documents on the Medium

>> No.20946210

I want to buy once it's listed I never done an ICO before

>> No.20946879
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>> No.20946925

I’ll buy. But how can a link defi hype copycat can go $25

>> No.20947514

Should I buy some DIA or VRA?
I'm leaning towards VRA but DIA looks cool too

>> No.20947538

It can't. This is not a LINK whale. Don't fall for Pajeets scam.

t. LINK whale

>> No.20947637

anon can you shill me a shitcoin?

>> No.20947797

Going to buy it in the ICO and dump it shortly after. Might be profitable in the short term but its a pretty garbage project long term, another link competitor is not needed.

>> No.20948040

Wow that's a big fucking mistake. If you get in under $1, hold to $25 at least, retard.


DIA, pitched as an ecosystem for open financial data in the world of smart contracts, offers multiple price feeds and can scrape data from many sources, including exchanges, blockchains, the European Central Bank (ECB) FX rates, International Token Identification Number (ITINs), SONIA, SOFR & €STR Overnight Rates.
They aim to be "A Wikipedia for Financial Data" meaning the community can vote on the quality of data, in an open-sourced way, rather than a central committee. DIA does not curate, source, and validate data internally, but instead through its stakeholders, using crypto-economic incentives and staking of its governance token. This design results in greatly increased transparency. It's a bottom-up system for cleaning, aggregating, and delivering financial data both to an API and an Ethereum oracle system.

>> No.20948282


>> No.20949212


Can you read?

>> No.20949615
File: 12 KB, 225x225, nopinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come in here about to load up on some DIA.
> PINK ID checked.
> PINK Money SS ID checked.

Bought 50k more Pinkies, enjoy flipping burgers DIA cucks.

>> No.20950093

I already own 5M PNK bought for peanuts so we good senpai.

>> No.20950387

forty minutes
forty minutes
forty minutes

>> No.20950482
File: 5 KB, 235x215, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barinlet here

how will the pre sale work??
will i have time to buy?
is it on there website?
can i use metamask?

>> No.20950615

Private sale was 50 cents - 75 cents. It's over. Try and get in under $1-2 if you can.

>> No.20950866

Thing is, if this goes to $1-2 in the first 30 minutes, $10 will be a cake-walk. I might just all in if i can get in the first day.

There will be no corrections on this train until $10.

>> No.20950915

website is only showing a countdown...how can I participate?

>> No.20951157
File: 82 KB, 754x1280, DIA$50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck faggots

>> No.20951323

where can I find that mask?

>> No.20951487

Wtf, I literally cannot deposit.

>> No.20951496

Filled for 30,000 at $0.97. LET'S GO TO $10 BOYZ

>> No.20951566

They closed the tech channel everyone having issues enabling. Literally plutus

>> No.20951695

Do i buy from the main site? Metamask cant locate and neither can coinbase.. is it fucking because im in Aus??

>> No.20951732

Don’t both they fucked the sale, buy now and you’ll get dumped on

>> No.20951767

Buy now and get fucked. Gonna dump a 2 mil bag soon

>> No.20951774

Are they not allowing sales in Aus?? I dont know wtf is happening

>> No.20951842

fucking piece of shit exchange

>> No.20951850

Or we go to $5+ like MTA.

Stop being salty and market buy in the first 24 hours. It's literally called BEING EARLY.

>> No.20951853

whats a good price for this? Im so confused haha, manged to get filled at 0.78

>> No.20951887

Ethereum network is tucked as usual so no one can enable tokens on their purchasing site. They should’ve let people enable beforehand, if they can’t figure that out then you shouldn’t trust them with your money

>> No.20951916

Isn’t it suspicious that some people were able to enable before hand and make instant purchases and others weren’t?

Now those people are dumping. This is the definition of a scam

>> No.20951965

I was able to enable tokens and all that but my orders were not filled for 20 mins.

>> No.20951988

Aahh i get it now, thanks. It counted down for me all 000000 then nothing. I refresh and nothing... stayed awake for this shit fuck

>> No.20951997

Under $3-5 is good.

>> No.20952023

Did you changed your gas settings?

>> No.20952186

Dumbasses, presales and privates got zero lock up on their bags.

Good luck playing a game of race to bottom with them once listing starts.

>> No.20952317


FUD, can't you let fellow bizlets get in early for a change.

>> No.20952422

>saving biz bros
>accused of FUD instead


>> No.20952433

$500,000 just traded for 100K DIA. I think we know what the suicide stack is. ;)


>> No.20952474


>> No.20952475

Why are my orders not getting filled even after 30+ mins?

>> No.20952476

Pre-sales have been the norm since 2017 and haven't been detrimental to token price.

>> No.20952554

i got 4129 for 13.48eth or $1.28 ea...

>> No.20952592

Will the order get filled sooner if I allow a higher price, like 3usdc/DIA?

>> No.20952628

OMG!! Loks like potential 10x +!)))

>> No.20952707


bro, you gotta pay $1+ PER DIA right now... that's what i paid.

>> No.20952774


Someone placed a large order before the sale even began lmao



>> No.20952819

Don’t worry guys they’re working through the issues soon you’ll be able to buy the token for 5 dollars each even though the sale was supposed to start at 0.05

>> No.20952836
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Dumb burger here. Someone start screenshotting this show.

>> No.20952909

So why the fuck is 'Onchain Orderbook price' decreasing?

>> No.20953192

lol i saw this too.

i bought 150,000 in private sale. not selling until $10.

>> No.20953207

GET THAT STACK TO 10K anon and you will make it.

10,000 is the suicide stack.

>> No.20953251



>> No.20953296


fuck it putting in another 10.7 eth.

if i get fucked over after release ima cry.

>> No.20953336

You will so don’t but you do you

>> No.20953582
File: 56 KB, 800x600, 1591966159236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current price?

>> No.20953598

>literally the next ETH style 1,000x
>$30M market-cap


>> No.20953714

You people think this is going to 2 billion fully diluted? Lmao go fuck yourselves

>> No.20954045

can we get uniswap already

>> No.20954235

It is gonna take over my linkies bag and I ain't even mad

>> No.20954508



bought the dip

>> No.20954545

Fuck I actually got filled

>> No.20954962

After getting stuck for an hour, finally got in at $1.05 but now it’s cheaper on Uniswap

>> No.20955051

Yes it’s actually cheap on uniswap

>> No.20955418

does the sale get more expensive as time goes on or what how does it work

>> No.20955482

who else got filled above $1?

>> No.20955535

I was only able to get 1300. The buy in system is completely fucked, wish I would have just used uniswap.

>> No.20955633

ChainLink paved the way for this scam. It took us how many years for the industry to realize the importance of oracles. Now you have some beta swiss cucks copying our sound bytes. Genuinely disgusted by this cuckoldry

>> No.20955670

imagine creating an oracle project based on token governance. how the fuck will the oracles be secured? might as well plug and play APIs straight to the chain

>> No.20955964

better than some of the gas wars I have been in so far desu

>> No.20956017

Yeah, I mean I'm already up so this shit is definitely mooning. It gets listed on the 18th along with presale unlocks so get ready to exit and buy back in cheaper.

>> No.20956022

>swiss cucks

Swiss people are literally alpha with money.
I hold my Linkies and bought into this, if it moons I buy more Link, if it doesn't I still have my Link I hold since 2018.

>> No.20956126

I learned my lesson during dmg. Couldn’t get into that sale because of traffic, flipped over to uniswap and got it for a few cents more than the starting price. Same now with DIA

I was fudding this because of the Mesa shit show but since I got through cheap on uniswap I guess I have to support it now lol

>> No.20956532
File: 172 KB, 862x499, elgoyapo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in at the presale at $0.50
Looking comfy so far

>> No.20956712

how long before presale unlock date is it good to exit?

>> No.20956728

Looks like we got a new stable coin at around $1
More like DAI

Not too mad about it, still up quite a bit

>> No.20956766

Presale will be unlocked after the sale on the 18th.

Probably best to sell 2-3 days before

>> No.20956810

Bunghole. You're locked until the 18th though yeah? Do you see this as a long hold? Considering buying more, I have a 10k stack of DMG as well.

>> No.20956871

yes, locked til the 18th and holding to $10

Might take my initial out at $4

>> No.20956918

Fuck me yes I am locked until the 18th.

I hope this bonding curve thing will stabilize at a good price and the unlock on the 18th won't kill the price


>> No.20956921

Its in Uniswap.


>> No.20956965

I completely foresee it tanking a bit as a lot of people will be taking out their initials and/or dumping cuz they're buying the hype, but if the project succeeds it'll be a really comfy hold.

Disregard this, read a post from another thread and totally schizo posted this.

>> No.20957491

I wish I could use Uniswap tho, I'd love to hedge by providing some liquidity

>> No.20957677
File: 575 KB, 1320x821, comfydia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will sell my tokens on the curve when it hits $4 and rebuy lower on the 18th.

Get cucked waiting.

Get cucked waiting for the 18th

>> No.20958127

what did early early investors buy it for?

>> No.20958362

on telegram they say "Dia have been private sale on 0.5$ and 0.75$. and token still lock"