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20922614 No.20922614 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>juicy link whale
>going to feed the homeless with my gains

This is making it anon. Not lambos.

>> No.20922631


>> No.20922644

Based and good-pilled

>> No.20922649
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That's nice, I'm just going to go to the seaside and buy a carton of gravy and chips and some cola
Utterly living the dream

>> No.20922657

extremely based godspeed anon

>> No.20922666

Tendies for all our homeless junkie frens

>> No.20922673

Dangerously based.

>> No.20922702

We all should give up 10% of our link to the poor. Maybe not right now but when link is between $100-$1000 we should give up some to balance our karma

>> No.20922709
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>be me
>Juicy link whale
> going to create a private all girls christian school that puts chemicals in the food and water that makes the girls more prone to becoming lesbians.
>I want to rule over such a place with a iron but fair fist watching as girls who are suddenly extremely attracted to other girls are relentlessly attack with christian dogma about the sins of homosexuality and pre marriage intercourse.

The only sport the girls will be allowed to perform is ballet, I can just imagine it now, dozens of chemically brainwashed lesbian highschool girls forced into dance next to each other in ballet dresses whilst under the supervision of a nun.

>> No.20922738

Seek help

>> No.20922776

>Link whale
Not even sure what this means anymore. Just realized that yesterdays "crash" was done on one exchange with 10% of my LINK holdings on that exchange, and it isn't yobit

>> No.20922777

>The only sport the girls will be allowed to perform is ballet
The fuck is wrong with you?
No Beach Volleyball?
All that effort, wasted

>> No.20922785
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>> No.20922790

Trips of truth

>> No.20922793
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>> No.20922820


>> No.20922858

Nice trips.

Perhaps Ballet will be the only official PE the school has as being mandatory. But I envision this school as being a boarding school in the middle of a beautiful forest with a large lake. I want the girl to learn the godly and womanly virtues. They will manage a green house full of flowers, they will cultivate vegetables that will be incorporated into their meals in order for them to become more grateful for the food that they eat.

The school will mainly teach bible studies, Latin language studies (The only Latin texts that will be taught will be by Marcus Tullius Cicero the greatest statesmen to have ever lived.)

Clubs at the school will give choose for the girls to specialize arts, singing, gardening, literature e.c.t

Camping and hiking will also be importing parts of campus life.

>> No.20922883

Incel alert

>> No.20922885

All I want is my own house. If I can buy my own house I'll be so fucking happy. That's my goal, a decent home. Nothing terribly run down.

>> No.20922887

Make sure you give them tight uniforms and heavy hormones in the food and water so they develop into titcows earlier

>> No.20922912

That's what I want, one with enough space around it that I don't have to worry about dumbfuck neighbours

>> No.20922923

>all he wants is a house
Doomed to a life of wagecuckery you are

>> No.20922944

seethe jew

>> No.20922962

>Buying a depreciating immobile, illiquid asset making you the pay pig of every social program
You stupid

>> No.20922990

Nice bait faggot

>> No.20922993

based Christian keeping the spirit of the church in tact

>> No.20923006

Don't give then fish, taught then to fish. But truth is most homeless people are low intelligence and low conscientiousness, hence why they are on the streets

>> No.20923019

Extremely based fren, feed some birds for me please.

>> No.20923025

Fren im homeless too can you please send me few linkies please fren

>> No.20923026

For every homeless you feed, another one I will kill

>> No.20923039
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BASED and simple tastes pilled
You've already made it fren

>> No.20923041

kinda based

>> No.20923052
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The food served at the academy for young christian ladies will be of the highest quality, only natural aphrodisiacs will be incorporated into the meals and the setting of a all girls school will do the rest.

My inspiration for the school is the 'Band of German Maidens'

>> No.20923077

Yeah once I make it I will probably buy a seaside house in western Australia and live in the most isolated city in the world comfortably.

>> No.20923088

same, i don't like talking about the charity plans i have irl because it feels larpy.

but i want to buy some land and create a giant community farm to help hungry families and to get people safe/clean vegetables and maybe livestock if I could handle it.

also thought of a pretty jewish but nice idea to help homeless.

build multi-story building complete with housing apartments, and an office. the office would be used to help get the homeless people jobs, and then there'd be a part of the office to help homeless people make a little bit of money by investing in crypto or other assets.

they'd get to stay there 3months or more rent free and be able to get back into society and have some stability. idk how id do that but it's a nice thought

>> No.20923095

No but I will order you a pizza

>> No.20923104

Nowadays helping homeless just promotes more 3rd world immigration which is destroying our civilization so kinda conflicted tbdesu.

>> No.20923112

I'll one up you by converting to fiat and lighting it all on fire. Just as useful.

>> No.20923138
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this is dangerously based.
a man should not be allowed to be THIS redpilled. seriously.

>> No.20923150

I don't want to live with my family forever I have such little privacy and can't bring girls over to fuck. It sucks ass and is annoying.

>> No.20923162

im hoping the cov-19 bit might wake some leftists up and at the least will have effects that lower immigration. its a tough issue and even though im pro white i am a softie and understand why they do it.

>> No.20923240
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Fren please im literally dumpster diving as we speak help me fren