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File: 15 KB, 750x395, Standard QQQF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20921810 No.20921810 [Reply] [Original]

Airdrop Address Channel now Open

OTC is Tomorrow

This will pump hard with the Statera Balancer Refund and stonks 3.0 Completion

Thank you, we wanted to offer a simple way to invest in a true Crypto index fund backed by pooled liquidity, not just speculation. No crazy tokenomics, elasticity, burn, or outlandish features. Just a simple diverse crypto index fund. Statera and Stonks are the only two current index fund tokens for crypto, but they lack diversification, Which is the main reason people invest in index funds. For constant steady growth from a wide array of investments.

ICO will be used to Fund Balancer Pools and It shall remain there. Devs supply will be pooled at various price levels in increments to Balancer Pools and will not be removed.

>> No.20921820
File: 444 KB, 1730x765, Discord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disord Info in infograph of balancer pools

>> No.20921839

lol shameless scammer. stop shilling ur scam. enough is enough. Poor upbringing

>> No.20921853

you scammed with FINDEX stealing 70k u pajeet. go make an honest living

>> No.20921863
File: 210 KB, 1181x1430, Find 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, welcome

I was the QQQF guy warning everyone in the FIND.

The FIND guys private messaged me about my project and then ripped it off and rugpulled

Here is literal screenshots of me warning everyone check the ids

>> No.20922434


>> No.20922447

no you are the same guy fuck off pajeet

>> No.20922594


Literal Screenshots, of me warning you guys about find in the FIND thread. and you all called me fudder

Hmm let me guess how much ether did you send them??

i warned you guys literal screenshot

>> No.20922633
File: 10 KB, 251x242, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute pajeet shitcoin. Statera already have many pools and can create more without having dead weight like stonks lmao

>> No.20922728


This is where the difference will be apparent.

Statera is an index fund token but it is not diverse. As only the main Statera Balancer Pool is actively marketed and funded by devs and community. You know this also as anyone can view the pools only the main is high liquidity and volume.

The other 4 pools are literally nonexistent i don't think they have even 10k liquidity between the other 4.

I hold statera and stonk, so i know this is true.

QQQF will use ICO funds and Dev supply will be pooled as price increaes in increments to the 3 Balancer pools to ensure growth and diversification. Statera and Stonk are not diverse. Which is the main reason to invest in an index Fund.

QQQF will be backed by actual liqudity not just speculation like Statera and Stonk.

Tell me what you think about tthis, your honest opinion.

>> No.20922918

You know this too, I presume you are a statera invest it is a good project

Yes the Balancer Pool will buy Statera increasing its price as one of the other tokens increase in price.

But the main pump in price of statera will be due to more people buying, similar to bitcoin

QQQF will be backed by real liquidity not just more people buying. This liquidity will be constant in growth.

>> No.20922934

*I presume you are a statera investor,

>> No.20923382


>> No.20923401

Wtf scammer stop with the same fagging

>> No.20923450

Not a scammer
Check Discord for more info

or read this i was helping everyone out during the FIND but knowbody listened

literal screenshots

>> No.20923509

Shut the fuck up shitskin. Go back to your side of the internet.

>> No.20923535

Better checkout uvwFi

>> No.20923661

No website
Anon team
Claim multiple ppl working on project yet only 1 team member account which rotates.
That is retarded as it is not hard for team members to make a discord.

Also you are trying to do an ICO and have conveniently put the website one day after it starts this is very typical of what scammers do.

You have also stated in the discord that you have been working on it for a long time. Surely you should have a website and litepaper done already then.

Lastly constantly spamming on 4chan and promoting your project makes it look like a complete scam.

>> No.20923674

if you are truly sincere and legit postpone your ico till your website, litepaper and product are ready. Otherwise you can fuck off.

>> No.20923675

The ICO begins Monday and ends Saturday.

The Website will be launched Wednesday

Contract address is up

>> No.20923697

Check Discord Announcements and ICO page

Like we have stated earlier we are offering a simple way to invest into a true diverse crypto index fund back by liquidity not just speculation.

We want this similar to buying Vanguards VOO or S&P's SPY. Why we dont have FoT

>> No.20923727

QQQF will be similar to investing in a index fund, constant growth from a wide array of investments not just one balancer pool with 5 Tokens.

>> No.20923755

Are you a bot?
You say the same shit everytime and it makes you look more a scam.

I am already in your discord and can see you say the same shit there.

>> No.20923776

Kek it looks like you also wanted to start the ico early cause aloylt of ppl were joining.

Another red flag scammer. You making yourself look bad.

>> No.20923786

Well asking the same questions will usually get you the same response

Like i said this is a simple token, an index fund nothing crazy outlandish, no Fot or elasticity.

Buying QQQF will be similar to buying into index fund

And you have to agree STatera and Stonks do only value will be from people buying in and small pumps from coins increasing through balancer pools

Their value is based on speculation, QQQF will be backed by real liquidity.

>> No.20923804

No, if you read the discussion, people asked me start it earlier, i suggested i would if people were interested. I got a couple private messages, but the ICO will comment august 3rd as previously planned.

>> No.20923822


Will you care to give your opinion on what i said about statera and stonks value being on pure speculation and people buying in???

>> No.20923873

Well if you are legit postpone your ico if there is only 2 day difference between ico and website why not delay and release the info first and build trust. Why should someone invest when you have nothing except words.

>> No.20923898

Website launching Thursday, I am not forcing anyone to buy.

If someone wants to wait till thursday to buy that is ok with me.

ICO is from august 3 to August 8

>> No.20923916

If you have any more questions pm in discord

Like i said i am not forcing anyone to buy, i am advertising the project.

>> No.20923922

Good luck then
I will not invest as i have zero trust in you.

>> No.20923954

Well thank you for your honest statement

Your money is yours to invest

Have a good day

>> No.20924335


>> No.20924385

Dude STATERA hasnt even started yet...

Gamble on TRA if you want a microcap risk

>chainlink partnership
>DAO swap about to be shilled by chico
>listing on kucoin and polkaswap imminent
>300k mcap
This is like buying RING or XOR at 300k when he shilled it going to 8 mill minimum. See you at 400 mill in 6 months comfy frens :)

>> No.20924511

ICO Begins Tomorrow

Check Announcements Page for more Info

Check ICO page for the ICO Address and the Token Contact Address

>> No.20924657
