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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20921620 No.20921620 [Reply] [Original]

It feels like I'm on crazy pills with how hard this is being slept on.

>> No.20921998

Not going to be much significant price movement until at least the first month of staking is done.

>> No.20922052

Remember to cash out anonymously when you have made it by using the Dether app - https://dether.io/

>> No.20922122

Who gives a fuck about this shit

>> No.20922216

What is this, crazyman?

>> No.20922226

Welp I mean anyone who wants a portfolio that will make them 20-30% returns per months thanks to the index balancer pool

>> No.20922248

And don't worry OP, you won't see posts about Meridian until the staking period is over. By that time, their new dapp will be out and it'll be heavily used. Price can go sideways for all I care until September, holding a bag that will make me rich

>> No.20922253

what is this?

>> No.20922272


A DAO that's creating revolutionary dApps, like the first decentralized crypto-index fund(s). At least 3 dApps on the way and the 1st one is beautiful.

>> No.20922289

price will moon because of the unstake burn?

>> No.20922298

I'm making much more $ staking lock than I expected. About $150 a day at current prices and staking 60k LOCK.

>> No.20922330

Feeling same, mc only like 1-2m for project this solid? Truly feels like a dream come true, time to accumulate some more kek

>> No.20922371
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Crazy people make money
Imagine holding BTC and actually believing in it the past 10 years. This shit will be a top gainer. Get some TRB and KLEROS too

>> No.20922373

No, most tokens in circulation are currently being staked. So with the unstake fee, it's uneconomical to unstake now. It makes most sense to stake for the whole 2 month period, then take the 25% unstake fee; you will make a gain between 50-80% more LOCK than you started with (depending how often you re-invest the dividends, which costs gas).

Once staking is over, you suddenly have 90% more liquidity than before, which will lead to a lot of whales and fish shilling this to no end. Add in the balancer pool dapp, which is just a fancy community-run index fund, and it's essentially a rocket to Mars

>> No.20922499

It's remarkable how well the team planned the staking period and initial dApp releases.

>> No.20922533

Would it be worth it to start staking now? or just hold until the dapp release? then sell and buy back in?

>> No.20922683

Yes it's still worth it to stake, even if you started in month 2 (mid-August). Month 1 = 1% daily dividends, 15% unstake fee. Month 2 = 1.5% daily dividends, 25% unstake fee. So what a lot of people will do is stake for both Month 1 and Month 2, then take the 25% unstake fee hit at the end

>> No.20922719

I know! It's been planned to perfection, they really want the early adopters to be rewarded well for believing in the team

>> No.20922774

Nice try, won't work...

>> No.20922808

Ok, pretty based, glad to see mature shill who drops his holdings but also supports project in thread, rare sight

>> No.20923064
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Meridian is a protocol for creating STA like pools, and that is just the dao’s first dApp.

>> No.20923127
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>> No.20923128

How? Where do the returns come from?

>> No.20923155

Actually sounds good, gonna dump some ether into this

>> No.20923317

Fuck this ... i am already priced out.. i better look for another scam shitcoin ..

>> No.20923329

Their balancer pool dapp (releasing this month) will be community-goverend. It's an index fund (think: S&P500). Therefore, the community will continuously be adjusting the portfolio for the best returns. It is a safe haven for people who don't want to be active traders or want to control risk

>> No.20923331

I say it every time someone posts, but this shit is so fucking comfy jesus.

>> No.20923380

You realise this is a ponzi scheme because it doesnt have an actual function right?
I mean you have to be a retard pajeet to buy in this late- you're just asking to get scammed

>> No.20923397

From gains in the voted in assets
I'm pretty sure he is just estimating the ROI in the assets, everyone will have incentives to pick the best assets because there will likely be LOCK in the pool too so if tokens are going up it will be buying LOCK from the markets and burning it at the same time. The project is gonna go parabolic desu. I'm a top 70 holder.

>> No.20923560

my best play of 2020 so far. bought in at average $0.03. staking is netting me like $600 neet bucks a week. no idea why biz is sleeping on it.

>> No.20923579

i love ponzi fud, keeps the low iq tards out of making $$$

>> No.20923597
File: 16 KB, 752x354, divs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard here. So are these dividends not automatically staked? I have to pay gas everytime i put them into the pool?

>> No.20923610

yeah, i usually wait 3 days or so. missing out a bit of compound but cba to do it daily and spend on gas

>> No.20923622

Yes if course thats always the case

>> No.20923658

Because getting in at 10x that price is not nearly as attractive, especially when it will be a month at least before any price movement

>> No.20923679

Yeah, just make sure it's worth it before you re-invest as gas is expensive atm

>> No.20923693

I wouldn't worry too much, this project could scale to around 150-200m, which would be 75-100x from it's current position now

>> No.20923726

that is the best time to accumulate? price trended down and is now holding. it isn't gonna get any lower from now till the next release and you can take advantage of compound interest.

>> No.20923812


So i have 4115 staked, at 1% a day I should get 41$LOCK which is about $12. With gas about $4.. when is it optimal to put the divs back in?

>> No.20923862

i'm not sure anon, i would just do what you feel comfortable with and think about where you think the price could be at when staking ends. for me i'm looking for round $1-2

>> No.20924273
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how much LOCK to make it?

>> No.20924295

>being slept on
how is this being slept on? it's literally a flavor of the week ponzi p&d token

>> No.20924642

Tnx, buying more...

>> No.20924689

keep saying ponzi it makes me hard

>> No.20924708

explain how pnd? it is like 80% locked in and has been crabbing. this shit is primed to explode organically you pleb

>> No.20924799
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ICO begins tomorrow

airdrop address channel now open

>> No.20924805

I have a small bag but my worry is that once staking ends there is little incentive to buy.

Why exactly do you think it's going to explode?
Surely you're just left with people who have been waiting to unload their bags?

>> No.20924815
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>> No.20924841

As someone who has owned this for a month and staked all lock, I have one question:

Why the fuck isn't this moving? In the same period I have seen countless 5x coins

>> No.20924884

they're coinciding the end of staking with the launch of the first dApp, the decentralized index fund. You will use the tokens to create and vote on new indexes. It's going to be very cool Anon.

>> No.20924907

The team just began its first marketing wave.

>> No.20924931

Can you explain more about this decentralised index fund?

>> No.20924984
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page 8

>> No.20925001

people didn't buy this for the vault staking... it was bought for the dao index fund. why unload your bags for something that you have been waiting for?

>> No.20925007
File: 512 KB, 907x550, Annotation 2020-08-02 104900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

launching this month

>> No.20925135

Thank you anons, clearly I should have done more of my own research

>> No.20925454

the vault was a temp dapp to reward early adopters and it has been very generous

>> No.20925574

LOL, is this Stonkdev's latest brainchild? Sad that people still think this token will work.

STONK CONNECT 3.0!!!!!!!!!!