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File: 118 KB, 433x410, humpday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2089701 No.2089701 [Reply] [Original]

Hump Day edition

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> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, why?
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> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
Real brokers, like TDAmeritrade's thinkorswim. Otherwise you should be using tradingview.com, stockcharts.com, finviz.com, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

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old thread >>2083984

>> No.2089764

first for CVM

>> No.2089772

fuck off to reddit nocoiners
sick of seeing this thread

>> No.2089775

Enjoy trying to retreave your funds cryptofag

>> No.2089783

Trips and cvm going to jupiter in late July. $5 stock price

>> No.2089821

I own cvm, why would it moon in July tho?

>> No.2089848

Also does anyone else own any NAK or XXII? What do?

>> No.2089889

I sold half of my nak and put the rest into cvm. And nothing else

>> No.2089893

What's so great about CVM? Moon potential?

>> No.2089910

Yeah I put about 58k into it. So whatever happens happens

>> No.2089964
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Jesus fuck man? I look back and it was worth HUNDREDS in the late 80's, but now it's 10cents a share.... so do they have potential?

>> No.2089979

>Jesus fuck man? I look back and it was worth HUNDREDS in the late 80's, but now it's 10cents a share.... so do they have potential?
What matters is what you think. It's your investment. I see potential in their medication.

>> No.2089988

I'm reading that their cancer trial is underway, idk their potential tho

>> No.2090003
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True, I might buy more, already have a handful of shares, worst case it seems stable with a low Beta value of risk.... but if it moons bro

>> No.2090004

Honestly I can afford to lose all my money. But look into it research regardless what is 100 bucks!

>> No.2090030
File: 162 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-16-18-32-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NAK bagholder here. I'm waiting until next fed meeting at least to unload.

CVM you bros are better off daytrading if you can watch every morning at 9.30 est. Buy at .1035 or so and sell at .1070 or something. Don't use long limit buys/sells... if it moves out of this range it's because of news. Reset it every day. Easy money.

>> No.2090049

When's nak meeting?

>> No.2090073
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Anyone here own CERU? Morningstar recommended a Buy

>> No.2090178
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>fed meeting

Volatility is a fun few days around them


please not again

>> No.2090199

Wut nigga

>> No.2090320

I'm in NAK. Holding until 2020 or until I double my investment. Won't sell for one cent less.

>> No.2090334

Hoping for a CATB pop, got out of GSAT way too early. Missed out on a thousand bucks.

>> No.2090336

Is this the time to shill shitty stocks? PTN muh nigga

>> No.2090337

Very interesting. Definitely going on my watch list. Have you done any DD on it that attracted you to it?

>> No.2090374

I've been reading up on it for a while, I threw some change into it... it has a bit of risk, but if weed legalizes in Canada or any other us states it can moon

>> No.2090394
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How does ACIU look lads? Should I buy at market opening or hold off?

>> No.2090452
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You already practically own this board. Can't we have at least one thread for ourselves?

>> No.2090508

AMD is gonna kill it these next two years

>> No.2090656

I'm going to kill myself. I had $250 and I invested it in nak instead of AMD... this was when we got veto news and I bought at open... I'm down like 28%

>> No.2090699

Pls dont put it in if you cant afford to lose it, or hold long enough to regain losses.

>> No.2090888
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Are u rich pls gib bitcoin

>> No.2090893

Why should I give you money?

>> No.2090906
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I'll giv u the succ

>> No.2090939

Hmm are you poor.

>> No.2090951

I'm student in colge

>> No.2090967

uvxy and tvix look good in after hours.

>> No.2091143

time to load up on NMM price is so low, lots of upside from this point

>> No.2091186
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They sold AMD on the drop! Why didn't they buy more?

>> No.2091206


Shekel 4 a good goy

>> No.2091240
File: 1.94 MB, 1920x1080, leaf_wildlife1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off to the rest of /biz/ you fucking beggar

>loading up before earnings

>> No.2091331

or after at higher price.

>> No.2091406

Can NMM get any lower? seems to be at no brainer levels, could dip to 1.40s. Any lower than 1.50 is screaming buy!

>> No.2091489

Damn I shouldn't have sold all of my jnug... good thing I kept 160 shares at least. Jnug will be good buy tomorrow because I think the market is at a tipping point with all this comey stuff going on

>> No.2091648
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1.50 or r/s. I'm in on the earnings gamble, but only a few bucks. Buyer beware when investing in Greek shipping "companies"

>> No.2091694


>> No.2092120

are you sure you are looking at the right financials? NMM is nowhere near bk nor reverse split. their balance sheet looks great in comparison to their market cap.

>> No.2092466
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finally. i am saved. dog bless halleluyah.

>> No.2093155
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AMD $20 by end of August

Cap this.

>> No.2093337

Watch ELTP you faggots. It's still on OTC but has gone from .16 to .24 in a week over pending news of its abuse deterrent opiate pain killer SequestOx. It's awaiting FDA approval, but this thing should be big given the addiction epidemic and the trump administration's eagerness to allow the FDA to fast track new pain killer formulas to mitigate the crisis.

>> No.2093366


>tells us after it's already up 50%

gee thanks alot

>> No.2093413

looking to get into RH, any success stories from this?

>> No.2093428
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I'm just sick of winning at this point

>> No.2094136

What are you goys' trades for the day?

>> No.2094150

>SSW spends yet ANOTHER day losing money.
>After hours comes around
>Jumps 9% on no new news.

I just dont understand.

>> No.2094161
File: 244 KB, 1038x1055, Screenshot_20170517-064740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you a hint

>> No.2094449

Buying this sexy AMD dip

>> No.2094497

They all called me a faggot for shilling UVXY. Now I'm laughing to the bank.

>> No.2094499


>> No.2094505

Did something happen to 4chan? I kept on getting that bad gateway error

>> No.2094506

I'd like to see your portfolio after today's losses

>> No.2094508


>> No.2094515

Yeah every board was dead

I bought in this morning with some leftover to try and offset my losses, but it wasn't nearly enough. Kinda wanna get gold right now just to buy shit on discount.

>> No.2094516

>you didn't sell amd when it reach 13's in after hours

>> No.2094526


>> No.2094543


>> No.2094557

protip: buy amd at this dip

>> No.2094563

Least I can buy in some more this morning to lower my average

>> No.2094578

wtf is wrong today.

>> No.2094580

Trump is getting impeached

>> No.2094582

Everyone is simultaneously realizing that the stock market is a scam to help the rich get richer and collectively decided to sell everything to destabilize it

>> No.2094588


They're trying to get Trump impeached. Tax cuts aren't coming till next year so maybe never, and the intelligent capitalists are pissed off and taking their profits before they're stuck holding the bag.

>> No.2094603

something is wrong with 4chan today. cant upload screenshots.

>> No.2094605

4chan wasn't even working earlier. Something's fucky.

>> No.2094628

These threads are cancer

They belong on /b/ not /biz/

>> No.2094631

redpill me on VRS

>earnings report coming out tomorrow
>pretty low price
>low P/E

what do you guys think?

>> No.2094636

We get one stock market thread. Take your scam coins and go back to your mother's basement.

>> No.2094647

Verso is in the paper industry which has been dying for years so i wouldnt invest in it. if you want a good stock go with akamai or some other oversold tech stock.

>> No.2094658

I'm not looking to invest, just quickly trade it
Does it seem like VRS will rise in the short term?

>> No.2094661

Prices are just too high, market priced in Trump's tax cuts and infrastructure plans too early

>> No.2094665

Why is the tesla meme kicking ford's ass?
I've been watching for over a year and ford's stock has only been going down eventhough they have solid financials. Why is the market stupid?

>> No.2094668

Be nice to our neighbors.

>> No.2094683


At least we have funds

hows losing your money on penny stocks workin out for you?

>> No.2094694

not sure. I wouldnt bet on verso's earnings. maybe try to bet on the earnings for another company which is in a better industry.

>> No.2094707



>> No.2094737


I'm still in NAK. I still need it to get to $3.70 so I can buy a Bengal kitten and name it after the ticker symbol.

>> No.2094754

>VVUS at an all-time low
>they have new drug or something

Is it the next moon mission, guys?

>> No.2094760

>buy ATVI yesterday
>first red day in a week

Come the fuck on.

Why. Just why.

Why does the market curse like that.

>> No.2094763

vvus has revenue which is a good thing. typically you dont see biotech stocks at $1 which look like there actually doing something so i'll invest 500 into it.

>> No.2094767

cara cara comeback
you can do it bby

>> No.2094774

>-5% Bank of America


I'm buying more.

>> No.2094790

I need to throw some money into something.

Quick scalp.

Which one?

>> No.2094793


>> No.2094806



>> No.2094808

JNUG has some potential.

Its too late for UVXY.

Im eyeing AMRS, BSTG, RGSE right now.

>> No.2094816

I was thinking the same, I'll hang on to it as well. Share price seems to be pretty stagnant for the last 2 years, though

>> No.2094818

I gotta admit. It's really fun trading memes with you guys. Here I am watching the market tank, and my memefolio is green and making me cash.

>> No.2094822

what memes u got senpai
share with the class

>> No.2094823

reddcoin is at 5 sat rn and it is a great coin

>> No.2094826

you're right... I got in around open so i got pretty lucky

>> No.2094830

>market tank
>down 1%
>vix below 14
What did he mean by this?

>> No.2094835


Hold one day for the hype to die?

>> No.2094839

I hate buying at this price, but I'm buying more NAK. Gotta love that daily chart.

>> No.2094844

buy the digibyte dip

>> No.2094849

Yeah, it'll stop, reverse, and have 10 more Trump rallies.

>> No.2094859

how much are you down on NAK? Post portfolio

>> No.2094879

Will jnug go up :(

>> No.2094882

> still holding shares of AMRS I bought at 0.96

>> No.2094895

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

>> No.2094896

Ouch. Sounds like me and Rite Aid atm.

>> No.2094898

You have until the 26th to buy into MACK for that sweet dividend. The shorts did their thing the past two days, so now is a good time to buy in before they jump back in.

>> No.2094902


I can't figure out how to upload screen shots.

Got in NAK on the 5th for $1.6087 per share so I'm up 15.63%

>> No.2094918

That's a nice gain but why wouldn't you have cashed out and waited for the inevitable correction for a better entry point while capturing profit?

>tfw went live today
>tfw I tried to sell my position, sold it, and then sold again on the stop order that triggered that never got canceled
basically did an accidental reversal
>tfw panicked and hardly got out of a bad short
lost $200 in the blink of an eye

>> No.2094919


Pick one. There's no logical reason why Tessa should be this far ahead of Ford, but people are going to buy what they want to buy.

>> No.2094923


Sold a bunch of stuff this week, currently holding.

MACK, NAK, NMM, MN, GNC, CDOR, ACIU and GNMX. The GNMX is a small position I kept of profits from a swing I made a while back.

>> No.2094925

Market is bad today. It happens. Just chill out and don't do any emotional trading. Paper losses aren't real.

>> No.2094937

CVM is doing well on a bad day.
I am pretty excited for next week.

>> No.2094938

Cash account so I have to wait for the shit to settle to get back in.

>> No.2094948

Youre a fucking idiot. Did you look at the chart for it? Obviously its going to go down look at that bearish doji. You do 0 research then come on here and bitch and whine

>> No.2094965




>> No.2094972


>> No.2094974


>> No.2094975

So close, I can feel it in my balls
AMD buy now, sell Friday

>> No.2094977

which one of these memers is right /rgt/

>> No.2094990

Whys it falling like this?

>> No.2095004


>> No.2095008

>That anon we laughed at who dumped everything into shorting AMD

Guess he's laughing now

>> No.2095014

Piece of shit company run by a woman CEO with products that can't compete. Intel rumor that shot the stock up yesterday got slammed in an intelligent analyst piece along with a fresh downgrade.

Or maybe it's because you touch yourself at night you spoon-fed baby.

>> No.2095018

WIll mtbc keep crashing?

>> No.2095031


>> No.2095180


>> No.2095201

Did everyone ITT kill themselves because of this shitty day?

>> No.2095212

The whole market is red retards

>> No.2095218

thats true

AAPL is down 3%

AMD down 10% though

>> No.2095228
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>> No.2095265

I'm seeing a lot of people on stock twits for JNUG wondering why the price of JNUG isn't matching gold's increase. A reason for this could be that many leveraged positions, right now, are probably getting some margin calls. If those aren't answered with cash added to the leveraged position, then brokers have to start selling off positions. This selling off would include things like JNUG which many people probably bought into when the gold price bottomed out. So that could be the selling pressure that currently is keeping JNUG down, it should eventually be overcome.

>> No.2095274

Is there any point in holding NMM it just seems bad holding it through as they continuously lose money. I bought in at $1.99 and dont even think its worth t Ill take my loses.

>> No.2095288


No man it doesn't track the price of gold it tracks the miner's index. It's only like .5% out of balance.

>> No.2095289

JNUG doesn't track gold futures

>> No.2095313

I know miner's aren't 100% correlated to gold price, but I just agree with them that it should be higher right now

>> No.2095316

I'm sorry to who ever bought the AMRS meme. Once I get some capital to settle out tomorrow I might buy your bags off you. They're look ready to do something.

>> No.2095322

never thought i would be buying JDST today

>> No.2095323
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Don't like the look of this lads

>> No.2095349

So how about that hot new stock ALO? Pretty snazzy if you ask me.

>> No.2095377
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>> No.2095392
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Pretty snazzy indeed

>> No.2095416

Yeah I'm starting to think this wasn't the best meme. I got in at $1.68 but its like for fuck's sake stop buying ships and start moving some fucking freight. So help me if one of them boats goes the way of the Titantic I'm going to lose my shit.

>> No.2095418

Who here in the green today?

>> No.2095431

Yeah I'm in at 1.65
Probably gonna hold, I'm sure it'll bump back up eventually if they feel financially secure enough to buy more ships

>> No.2095438

I got fucked by jnug

>> No.2095443

Shits so manipulated I can't stand it

>> No.2095454

so did i, but then i just scalped some jdst. Lost about 500 on the first trade and made about 500 on the second one. Making lots of money on this UVXY pop though

>> No.2095482

I should of sold when I was 700 up wtffff

>> No.2095489

Kill me. I kept on seeing gold trying to break new highs so I kept bag holding

>> No.2095494

I just need 25 k wtf

>> No.2095502

Welcome. Patience is key. Premarket of 28th of this month will be interesting.

>> No.2095511

Barely green because of that UVXY lunar rocket this morning, if this trend continues tomorrow I'm going to invest in some rope.

>> No.2095518

pssst hey kid
buy VVUS

>> No.2095527

I don't think the UVXY lunar rocket is anywhere near done. I just doubled my position in it. VIX is still below 15, and markets are looking very unhealthy. I think today is the day

>> No.2095532

Got off that UVXY too soon.

>> No.2095533

Do I buy SPY today or DIA?

>> No.2095545

Am I the only one who thinks the Trump news, Goldman losing over 5% and taking the entire market down with it aren't coincidences? I hate myself for not selling AMD at 13.00.

>> No.2095562

I agree today is the day the bull market dies

>> No.2095571


there were some heavy red days in march too and people said the same thing

>> No.2095582

Yeah but this comey story just gets juicier

>> No.2095608

Anyone here have any idea why the silver price isn't rising? My guess is that everyone is going straight to gold.

>> No.2095614

Noob question , but what exactly is uvxy tracking

>> No.2095615

Silver is also an industrial metal so it doesn't always trade with gold

>> No.2095621

Let it settle for another 1.5 days

Off the top of my head yea

Not, this happend in March and February. If you're new shut the fuck up, not everyday every minute is a trade opportunity, the market will not crash. Let this settle out. I'm suprised there's no posts about what to buy in this dip, really ensures March posters died.

Suggestions on buying the dip, wait for 2 "rally", failures, it better look convincing on a 5 minute chart aswell, then buy what you want.

>> No.2095629

It tries to track the VIX index, but there is alot of inaccuracy and decay involved. What they do is rebalance VIX futures every day to try and mimick the price movement of VIX

>> No.2095632

it tracks the VIX


>> No.2095636
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AMD giveth, and AMD taketh away

>> No.2095642

But you would think during a market like this, it wouldn't drop and stay down

>> No.2095650

Kill me only up 1.8 percent today should be up way more

>> No.2095652
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Holding this toxic garbage overnight wish me luck

>> No.2095666

I might hold jnug or should i rope myself

>> No.2095668


They want to impeach my president! Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer is rubbing it in the American people's face. We're not getting tax cuts, but I say the show must go on! We need a Trump rally and him to come out and call it fake news. Then we can get back to the bull riding.

>> No.2095672

Hoping they have a delayed response to gold like they have had before

>> No.2095677

Should I buy into stocks today to "buy the dip" as they say?

I was thinking I could just try and buy an ETF or something like the Dow over Robinhood and just wait a week or something. Would this be a smart idea?

>> No.2095682

why 13.87? Did you buy more? It's not like the DOW has days like this everyday

>> No.2095683

You literally have the same amount of capital as me in robin hood. I thought I was looking at my own account

>> No.2095698

Are you also all in on AMD with leverage?

>> No.2095700


Well yeah buying an index could be a great way to get some experience but the markets closed for today. I'm going to the bar. Wait for the whole Comey thing to settle out before getting in. This market is correcting its self right now.

>> No.2095704

Give it a little more time, not today. Once that settles up, XIV can do some gains

>> No.2095708

Buy AMD.

>> No.2095709
File: 118 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if the s&p vix is up 40% why isn't up 2x it?

>> No.2095710

Yeah I doubled my position later in the day

>> No.2095721

I'm scared having only traded crypto thus far to jump right into any particular stock but wanted something safer like ETFs like DIA or whatever.
Isn't the point of "buying a dip" not to wait for it to settle but to catch fallen knives quickly before it shoots back up?

Or is that just for crypto trading?

>> No.2095725

How much do you play with? And how long did it take you to be consistent, if you are consistent? I remember you were in uni for phynance

>> No.2095741
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What the fuck man, how much money have you lost since your started?

>> No.2095748

Crypto is extremely volatile, so prices can swing back and forth at random.
Don't catch falling knives in the stock market unless you have a damn good reason to believe the market is wrong. Wait for it to bottom out and keep an eye on relevant news.

However, if you think it's near the bottom, you can use dollar cost averaging to build a position slowly.

>> No.2095760

Get $SPXL my nigga.
Safest meme that's ever existed.
Look at those 5 year charts.

>> No.2095761
File: 135 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-17-16-19-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-700 bucks.
Most of today's losses were yesterday's gains. But I'm still down a few hundred on my AMD position right now. I wish I hadn't bought more yesterday.

>> No.2095777


>> No.2095782

Well....why did the prices plummet today?

Everything seems to be red, especially the Dow.

>> No.2095786

You think AMD might bounce back tomorrow or no?

>> No.2095829

Yeah, today seems like an overreaction. I don't think it's going back to $13 this week, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it close Friday above $12. I definitely think it's low right now and anything under $11 would be a sure time to buy.

If they confirm the Intel deal it's going to Andromeda.

>> No.2095850

>cant take the constant stress
>put money into long term hold
>it goes down slightly

How do i get strong hands?

>> No.2095858

That's a secret but enough for a margin account. I lost a lot when I first started like 3 years ago and learned many lessons the hard way

>> No.2095869

Give 2k handjobs for $1 each

>> No.2095877
File: 79 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To hold or not hold overnight. That is the question

>> No.2095880

Here's what you do
>take money out of stock market
>decide you don't give a fuck
>put everything you have to invest in extreme market crash shit
>have the mindset that you're most likely going to lose it
>if the market crashes everyone loses their money and you get rich and rub salt in everyone's wounds

>> No.2095894

made $300 profit shorting AMD today

still ended the day down $200

>> No.2095904

I realized the AMD profits
the loss is unrealized

>> No.2095911

can you tell me those lessons faggy mcdickmonster

>> No.2095918

Is salt a wise investment /rgt/? Is there an etf for the salt industry?
What to buy if i want to hold salt?

>> No.2095929

>don't hold leveraged etfs
>don't trade binary options (this fucked me good)
>don't fall for the gold meme
>don't blindly buy penny stocks (kek)
most importantly
>sell losers don't baghold, better to be down 10% realized than down 50% unrealized
>follow specific trading rules

If you want to be salty then buy DRYSHIPS

>> No.2095930
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>> No.2096057

>sell losers don't baghold

>> No.2096299

>sell losers? don't! baghold.

>> No.2096435


>> No.2096448


>> No.2096500
File: 2.70 MB, 420x316, how_to_open_milk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2096737

The futures are green.. shit.

>> No.2096748

Fucking retard market overreacting to lugenpresse about Trump fakenews. Fucking robinjew won't let me add money to buy the dip. We're also due for another 2000, 2008... Not even sure what to do.

>> No.2096778
File: 218 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-05-17-14-29-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold amd near peak ah yesterday then traded from open to 10min later

>> No.2096779
File: 265 KB, 1332x2368, Screenshot_2017-05-17-15-29-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes what about it

>> No.2096925


>> No.2096927

Is amd worth buying right now?

>> No.2096965

>tfw you timed the market

I wish i knew this feel

>> No.2097244
File: 128 KB, 1080x1920, 2017_05_17_19.21.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earnings Report is the 22nd my man.

>> No.2097260

Congress pushed for a vote on Trump's impeachment. The only reason the stock market is doing well is because we have the first pro-business (not purely pro-rich) President in ages.

15% business tax, no matter your business? They'd no longer needs tens of millions in lobbying to survive on the global stage.

>> No.2097333

What was he even accused of?
I mean, assuming whichever literally-who gave a reason.

>> No.2097337

buy low sell high

>> No.2097485

He's accused of having a big fat mouth.

>> No.2097503


You can only be impeached for breaking a serious law. Clinton was impeached for lying under oath. Trump has done literally nothing wrong, and calls to impeach him are just posturing and liberal impotency. However, it doesn't stop retards from believing it.

Lugenpresse must hang.

>> No.2097529

Thanks for the rundown

>> No.2097633

Don't fk me gold

>> No.2097702

I'm bagholding out of spite until everything is back green. Suggestions on what to buy tomorrow? Was thinking a silver ETF. Not buying aapl as the normie retardation is priced into it. Not buying banks because student loan disaster looming. Might buy AMD and mid-hold it.


Gold is hyped right now because people are retarded and don't realize more metals than gold exist. imo gold is overvalued and I want in on silver. I hope gold crashes, just because. Fucking goldberg jews, man.

>> No.2097766

I ended up going all in on VVUS @ 1.01

Praying for that upturn soon

>> No.2097813

damn back in grade 3 if you couldnt open your milk one handed like a champ you werent talking to cindy at recess.

>> No.2098049
File: 178 KB, 1080x2220, trading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally my first ever day trading I just bought some memes at market open today that you guys said. I feel like I was somehow responsible for doing this to the market, like my bad luck did it.

>> No.2098197

dont feel too bad, im down 8% today

>> No.2098270

Waiting for pretty much all of my cash to settle and I'm only left with ~$1800 to trade with tomorrow.

Any good penny stocks worth trading?

>> No.2098287

Hey guys. I'm waiting for Robinhood to deposit their verification shekels into my account before I can start trading. I'm a total newfag. Any advice for stocks starting out?

>> No.2098298

How much do you have to trade?

>> No.2098303

lost 2.5k today. Hopefully tomorrow is better.

>> No.2098307

I have about 8k in my savings account. I was thinking I'd start with 2k or so.

>> No.2098313

I came on to say....it won't.

>> No.2098331

If you want to trade some volatile ETFs I recommend jr gold miners (JNUG/JDST) and natural gas (UGAZ/DGAZ)

>> No.2098390

These have both done consistently shitty lately. What leads you to believe they look hopeful? I'm totally not saying you're wrong, I'm just a newfag.

>> No.2098427

Well they all move very quickly so it's risky. I bought JNUG around 18.80 yesterday and sold today at 21.

I just like the fact that you can swing trade either for profit since one is bullish and the other is bearish on the indices they track.

>> No.2098462

So how many shares was that for you, out of curiosity?

>> No.2098494


>> No.2098508


>> No.2098566

You lost a buck but still have that qt3.14. Good on you

>> No.2098875

Well shit it always can be worse. What's 100$ for a learning experience anyway?

>> No.2099117
File: 511 KB, 1080x1920, dribble.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please reserve this phrase for more appropriate occasions

>> No.2099212

Im in 4700 shares at 2.05 will buy 1000 more if it dips low 1.40s

>> No.2099269

You bought the shill huh?

>> No.2099355

The poverty mindset is strong here.

Why can't you Robinhood and buttcoin? Don't hate on the hustle, brej.

>> No.2099404

ignore this cuck

nice gf >>2098049

>> No.2099481

OP didn't say anything negative about cryptocoins. Maybe many people do both, but this is a Robinhood general. Lurk more and learn how generals, and this website works. Welcome friend, best of luck on your 'hustle'.

>> No.2100899


>> No.2101100

It changed its name.

>> No.2101114

>Be in SSW
>I know its been hitting a downtrend because the stock is very boring
>Random shoots up 9% after-hours on no news
>Stock opens lower next day and continues downwards
>After-hours: Up 5%

The jews are working their magic on the sheeple. Watch out.

>> No.2101235


>> No.2101237


>> No.2101260

that's a big ol mouff ta feeed

>> No.2101350


>> No.2101361

What are todays memes?

Taking applications until t-15.

Will drop 2k into the best suggestions.

>> No.2101373


>> No.2101397

$Miln it's a etf that follows millennial trends, would be a great buy because milenials are the largest generation now

>> No.2101467
File: 66 KB, 856x863, acti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the consensus on Activision?

They absolutely murked the last two ER and have some very popular games out Q2/3 this year but even with that in mind they've had unsustainable growth: up 50% YTD and like 6-7 consecutive red days for 1 red. I've been waiting for a dip forever and it finally happened yesterday.

>> No.2101537

Market will be down again today, wait on it

>> No.2101555

NOK bound to rebound either today or tomorrow

>> No.2101561

seriously is this Lol posting just bots or what

if its not bots then fucking stop.


>> No.2101578


>> No.2101602

Don't fk me gold

>> No.2101622

RNN no

>> No.2101630
File: 89 KB, 700x900, C-1qycaWsAAIZkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I turned my USD into GBP yesterday

feels good

now that 1.30 has been broken through it feels like the sky is the limit

>> No.2101649


>> No.2101675

Getting back on this UVXY. I'm retarded for only taking 25% yesterday.

>> No.2101775

GLYC anyone?
SNDX also posted good results...

>> No.2101794

Daily reminder that you have until the 26th to buy into Mack for the dividend.

>> No.2101797
File: 93 KB, 528x729, IMG_0863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got $9.40 left, meme me

>> No.2101801


no you dont

the date was yesterday

if you didnt own MACK yesterday then you arent getting the dividend

>> No.2101804

at least that was my understanding....

>> No.2101814


>> No.2101826

Daily reminder you have until the 26th to lose your ass by picking up some MACK before the great ATTACK ON MACK PUSH BACK of 2017.

>> No.2101840

things are looking to clear up already
id hold back on more UVXY

>> No.2101845

What do I do with SHOP?

>> No.2101848

Too late for GLYC.

>> No.2101852
File: 123 KB, 1080x1920, mack true dividend info.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, yesterday was the date for outstanding shares.

It's a bit confusing since it's a special dividend and the ex dividend isn't before the record date (like it usually is), but you have until the 26th to buy and receive the dividend.

>> No.2101864

thank you

>> No.2101872

sold all my UVXY on open. today is not the day after all :(

>> No.2101883

can someone post that smug pepe wearing an AMD shirt or hat?

>> No.2101884

ETRM squeeze happening

>> No.2101906


Well fuck.

>> No.2101924



>> No.2101931
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or is the reversal the true fakeout

>> No.2101951


>> No.2101963

10.50 before end of day
calling it now

>> No.2101979
File: 317 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-18-09-50-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres crazier volatility in Brazil right now

Check out some of their etfs...


>> No.2101981

Why is today such trash?

Markets too unpredictable.

>> No.2101984

I have $90 what do

>> No.2101985

yeah I keep tabs on a couple brazilian steel companies (GGB, SID)

they are both down 15% today

>> No.2101991

Buying JDST again today... what is wrong with this market?

>> No.2101997

buy bottled water, ice and a cooler and sell it on the corner.

>> No.2102006

Set a buy limit on NAK for 1.67

>> No.2102010

buy RPRX it might go lower but don't miss an ez 100% gainer

>> No.2102023

Wow I'll never break even again

>> No.2102028

glu going to return to former glory

>> No.2102031

what happened

>> No.2102034

Im just waiting for a bloodbath.

Would love it if markets suddenly turned sour and i can buy the panic.

>> No.2102040

Yesterday I got up to 16 percent down overall on my portfolio and now I'm back to where I was before last week at 22% down. Kill me

>> No.2102042



>> No.2102044

what are you holding

>> No.2102048


>> No.2102058


>> No.2102059

I just want to break even again :(

>> No.2102082

stop trading memes and start investing in actual companies

>> No.2102095

>not trading memes

>> No.2102106

I've traded nothing but blue chips for over a year and I'm balls deep in the red

>> No.2102112

I fucking knew holding NMM through the losses would bounce back

>> No.2102118

>he fell for the blue chip meme

>> No.2102120

you mean the incredible bull run over the past year?

how can you possibly lose money in that setting

you need to reevaluate some things. diversify better, take profits off the table sooner, cut losses sooner, study your entrance points and question why the fuck you got in there

>> No.2102134

Anybody else excited for these new memes coming soon?


>> No.2102138

How do I start winning and stop losing

>> No.2102140

these are going to wipe out so many accounts

>> No.2102154
File: 120 KB, 1543x1360, 1471531433609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in OCN quick mah niggas it's goin to $5!!

>> No.2102159

kek this is great

>> No.2102162
File: 92 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170518-102035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I held TVIX. Never hold TVIX...

>> No.2102171

why faggot

>> No.2102173

sleep in today buddy?

>> No.2102180

Tvix is literally voodoo magic.

>> No.2102192

I'm in the same boat with UVXY, except I'm the idiot that bought at open. Probably bought Faggy's shares.

>> No.2102204
File: 114 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170518-091207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually up about 10% but there's been a ton of pullback in almost every sector recently.

Yesterday only solidified my losses.

>> No.2102212
File: 84 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me

>> No.2102215

Sell all your memes

>> No.2102222


>> No.2102241

How low do you think ALT will go?

I wager it will drop to $3 before it starts to climb back. It will never be at 6 dollars again this year.

>> No.2102262

X showing considerable strength the past half hour

>> No.2102267

DMTX will moon in June

>> No.2102283


Futures were down, people keep tossing around the impeachment word, obstruction of justice, I held through after hours with gains, decided to keep going... it's like the world's on fire and no one cares.

>> No.2102294

all the impeachement talk is nonsense

>> No.2102295

>it's like the world's on fire and no one cares
I've been thinking this exact thing for the past 8 months lol

>> No.2102324

>he didn't buy the CARA dip yesterday

>> No.2102361


Well you've got some morons on the Dem's side of the isle who are so thirsty for Trump's blood that they can't see Pence would replace him. I bet there's probably quite a few conservative never Trumpers who would actually like to see that happen. It's like a fucking soap opera.

>> No.2102370
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I suppose shorting things just isn't my talent. I should just pick some comfy ETFs, maybe semi conductors, dividends, and dare I say. Play the waiting game.

>> No.2102388

I got in glyc at open price :^)

>> No.2102394

this is the dip I was waiting for brzu lol its too big to fail

>> No.2102399

the washingtonpost has a tape of the house majority leader and the speaker of the house laughing about how donald trump is getting russian money

scroll to page 5

this one implicates pence too

you dumb fuck rednecks are fucked regardless if you want to squeeze fingers in your ears or not

>> No.2102404

im giving it a couple more days before diving in long on my brazil picks

>> No.2102405


>> No.2102418


>taking this as hard fact

I bet you think Trump grabs women by the pussy too

>> No.2102424
File: 93 KB, 600x851, donald-ivanka-trump-throwback-photo-ftr-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his defense is """FAKKE NEWSSS!!!"

>I bet you think Trump grabs women by the pussy too
Especially his daughter's

>> No.2102437

Ladies, please.

>> No.2102440

Allright folks, the dip youre waiting for is here.

Buy the TOPS dip, sell for 5-10%+ gain later today.

Its bottoming out now, dont tell me i didnt warn you.


>> No.2102443

im not saying that conversation is fake or didnt happen

im saying its not important and that line was said as a joke

>> No.2102448


>> No.2102450
File: 33 KB, 400x388, 1316055734236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went all in on GLYC at $9.50

how fucked am I

>> No.2102458

>shipping memes

not even once.

>> No.2102463

and you're basing this on what?

j-just locker room talk r-right?

in at market open, wishing I bought more memes

>> No.2102466

ARQL to da moon

>> No.2102468

>>and you're basing this on what?
>j-just locker room talk r-right?


>> No.2102473

The thing is, DRYSHIPS is wayyyyy below it's book value. It's fundamentally a good trade that can make a lot of money, but you never know when they're going to dilute next

>> No.2102481
File: 478 KB, 504x677, 1493745689437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TOPS is already a sinking ship. their market cap is only 25 mill and they just borrowed 5 mill. they are also going to have reverse split soon. you might just get a small squeeze but i don't think you'll get enough gains to justify the risk on that play

>> No.2102491


He says he thinks Putin's paying Trump. It's purely speculation, and just goes to prove my point that there are still conservatives who want to see Trump get replaced. Can we get back to sharing memes? Please?!?

>> No.2102500

Hottest, freshest memes: VVUS, ARQL, RPRX

>> No.2102505

Dont believe me just watch..

TOPS is hitting $0.80+ before today ends.

>> No.2102563

Trevor Noah detected

>> No.2102579

can you expand a bit further on these

>> No.2102583


Set a stop loss at 8.50 dingus and hold

>> No.2102603

anybody in OTC check out MYDX and SGBY

i know this is a robinhood thread, just seems to be the only thread about stocks

>> No.2102605

> massive losses in all time frames
> widely missed Q1 projections
> now issuing warrants
What in the world are you suspecting will be a catalyst for price growth?!

>> No.2102626

How does a dividend stock like MRRL work? I just buy shares and hold them and I'll get monthly payments through RH? What are the downsides of dividend reinvestment?

>> No.2102631

and X goes green

feeling really happy about my buys at 18.70

>> No.2102639

I want randoms to lose money by skimming the thread.
This 7

>> No.2102655
File: 57 KB, 604x377, 1489007545095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see...

>> No.2102665

That looks like one of the maps in cod4

>> No.2102680
File: 47 KB, 530x750, C1DrxoBWIAAtBRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just your typical eastern european commie-block

>> No.2102698

its not a stock its a ETN (exchange traded note)

>What are the downsides of dividend reinvestment?
instead of putting money back into the company, the company gives that money to shareholders which could slow down growth.

With something like a REIT or a ETN you have the principle decaying from the underlying asset that is paying the bills. If the company or fund is not careful they could fuck everything up by not reinvesting the little bit of money they have and therefore lose out on assets that are paying the dividend, then divi drops then stock price drops.

Think of it as a mortgages or bonds that are bought, if they don't keep buying those investment vehicles the principal is gone. When a bond matures they cash it out, pay share holders, or if a mortgage gets paid off, or if people just don't pay their mortgage.

tl;dr the down side to high divi payers is
>not enough money flowing back go company for growth
>the principal on the companys assets that pay the bill can decay.

Look into preferred etfs and stocks

>> No.2102703

anybody witnessing this DRYS pop?

>> No.2102725

im too heavy in NMM :( but NMM is up today.. for once.

>> No.2102738

You're a dick

>> No.2102740
File: 76 KB, 576x768, 6bb0df88-9d74-4e87-92e3-673023c9848c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the price touches your order but you dont get filled

>> No.2102745

No I mean what is the downside for me, the investor. Just slower growth than trying for moon shots?

>> No.2102751
File: 62 KB, 450x800, 1428450339991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immediately bounces away hard

>> No.2102757

you won't lose all of your money and get to complain about being poor on a taiwanese basket weaving board

>> No.2102758

I need a meme

I'll buy the first reply

>> No.2102761

slower growth and the chance of the price per share falling

the best way that works for me is to wait for a divi cut or a massive drop in price from high paying dividend stocks pick it up at the bottom and swing trade from there ORC is a good example of that

>> No.2102764

post proof

>> No.2102765


>> No.2102772


>> No.2102773

My pp goes wild when they cry

>> No.2102785

Thanks for this

>> No.2102827

any programmers in here? i bet we could make a crypto coin called memecoin all of us in here pick up the coin and then we will go everywhere and tell people about how its going to be the first currency used on the moon.

>> No.2102848


Already tried this with bitbean and it didn't work

>> No.2102856

I was serious about $MEME it's volume is so low we could probably pump it ourselves

>> No.2102871 [DELETED] 


Can I be the Mayor of the first sanctuary city on the moon? Honestly who's going to buy the scam coin?

>> No.2102893

I got a guy who's getting his computer science degree like next week. I'll see if he knows anything, will check back in eventually but in the mean time pls shill MEME

>> No.2102918
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>> No.2102943

jesus christ

>> No.2102949

prayin 4 u

>> No.2102969
File: 94 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-18-09-14-26-742_com.robinhood.android.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2102978
File: 498 KB, 1141x632, screenshot.540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ just fuck off already

>> No.2102983

Well would you look at that, my UVXY actually turned green. I thought I was going to lose 40% today.

>> No.2103029

i can't believe you're making money right now. I specifically picked dryships so you would lose money

>> No.2103054
File: 21 KB, 640x480, 1467581669500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


HA that was nice of you

>> No.2103073

i bought 1900 GLYC at 3.91 and sold it at 4.50
I dont much care to live any longer

>> No.2103111

>maskes 15% day trade
>wants to kill self

>> No.2103129

AAAAND its red.

>> No.2103162

you've made 400 dollars in under an hour by taking malicious stock advice on an anonymous origami enthusiast board

>> No.2103189


This place is great.

>> No.2103267

thanks :)

>> No.2103273

Quick! Post a penny stock I can gamble $40 on

>> No.2103277

GOP leaders """"speculating"""" a year before this news was getting mass coverage?

holy christ you're brainwashed LMFAO :^)

>> No.2103279

SPEX serious this time

>> No.2103292

Pick a stock that I can lose money too

>> No.2103296

Will AMRS continue climbing? I'm considering doubling down.

>> No.2103302

DRYSHIPS there's no way it keeps climbing

>> No.2103319


DRYS is a moon mission, just throw it in Snapchat.

>> No.2103427

you jinxed DRYS
The market makers moniter this thread and crash everything that says moon mission

>> No.2103428
File: 57 KB, 600x450, enhanced-buzz-13545-1365118358-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm over $700

i love you man

>> No.2103444

I'd say you're welcome but I was trying to meme you into losing money

>> No.2103489

Take off the tinfoil hat dude lol

>> No.2103676
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