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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20913352 No.20913352 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts/analysis on KNC/Kyber Network?

>> No.20913376

You need at least 2k or it’s not going to be profitable.

>> No.20913384

Solid project otherwise

>> No.20913416

>You need at least 2k or it’s not going to be profitable.

What do you mean?

>> No.20913444

I have 3200 knc staked trying hard not to touch it.

>> No.20913479

It's profitable just hold on Binance and get the rewards that way. You can't vote but the voting is mostly a meme at this stage anyways.

It's my biggest holding but I feel it's falling off. Not much liquidity and the fees are so high due to how the contract was implemented it priced out people trading less than 10 ETH although some still use it for small orders for some reason I can't understand.

Volume is decreasing though fees are definitely chipping away at the userbase and if ETH 2.0 won't be here for real until late 2021/2022 Kyber will be long dead by then.

>> No.20913557

Does binance take a % of stake reward? Idgaf about voting, and the network fees eat into profit. I hope the team finds a way to auto reinvest rewards in KNC instead of eth.

>> No.20913608

Overpriced. Buy ARPA.

>> No.20913629

i don't think so but don't know for sure. just moved mine over today after keeping them in cold storage. they're also running a promotion where they're paying out 100k USD worth of Kyber over july/august/sept for staking on there so once you consider that and the gas savings no way it's not a better alternative

>> No.20913691

>Kyber will be long dead by then.

Really. Because I don't see how it can't be revived if that happens. It's not like liquidity will go obsolete.

>> No.20913830

First mover advantage is huge, which is probably the only reason volume is still as high as it is now despite how terrible the fees are. They're already losing a ton of volume and liquidity to Uniswap. Once people are comfortable with something they don't change unless there's no alternative.

It's like if everyone migrated to some other smart contract ecosystem because ETH became unusable. They wouldn't go back once ETH 2.0 launched.

>> No.20913868
File: 20 KB, 709x311, bancorlogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related mogs kyber out of existence in the next 6 months

>> No.20913913


But Kyber is more than just it's dex, it's also something that can be integrated into, say, online shops.

>> No.20914023

Yeah that's why I haven't sold. I think that drives a lot of the volume on the ecosystem. I think enjin alone accounts for like 15% of the monthly volume on the network. But the dex is still probably the most important feature of the kyber ecosystem.

>> No.20914341


I'm thinking in the long run that will be more important than dex's are. Right now the dex is king because crypto hasn't yet been integrated into mainstream use yet.

>> No.20914489

Yeah but I feel with that how easy would it be for a major player to set up their own Kyberlike network and cut them out of the fees? Meanwhile with the dex nobody could just straight knock that off due to volume and liquidity issues. But if I'm Walmart and just running BTC/ETH/USD conversions I wouldn't want to pay Kyber that cut and would just fork the open sourced code. I dunno nothing is certain in crypto I just feel a lot worse about the project today than I did a couple months ago.

>> No.20914730
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Same. But let's be real, walmart and Amazon was always likely going to make their own crypto knockoffs. Kyber is independent of them.


Isn't it more like Kyber is getting integrated into Bancor, rather than competing? I'm under the impression that Bancor and Kyber are mutually beneficial rather than competitive.