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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 83 KB, 1080x825, moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20907054 No.20907054 [Reply] [Original]

my body is ready.

>> No.20907074

Too bad it's on that coon exchange.

>> No.20907112

too bad your too scared to use livecoin.

missed out on the literal bottom of XSN.

>> No.20907153

>too bad your too scared to use livecoin.
>missed out on the literal top of XSN.

>> No.20907535

scam imma start dumping rn

>> No.20907680

There is only one sane thing to do and that is keep accumulating until release and then its probably over for the avg guy to get a node.
From there only whales and high worth finance guys might be the only ones able to keep buying up coins for new nodes.
But that's also when the price will go even higher then anyone would imagine possible.
No one is getting my bags.
Piss off!

>> No.20907707

Post a screenshot of your fake XSN wallet right now LOL.
You are too dump to even figure out how to buy any crypto.

>> No.20908159

fake fud stay poor

>> No.20908478

Volume so pathetic: Literally can go 30 minutes wo anyone buying a single XSN.

>> No.20908855

selling my nodes due to spelling

>> No.20909414


yeah because livecoin sucks ass and is constantly down. its down right now..

>> No.20909855

xsn is a scam and milhouse is a meme

>> No.20909919

How do I join the discord?

>> No.20909973

I wanna do some no kyc trading when it opens on some exchanges burgers can't use and I'd like a discount

>> No.20910332

Stakenet.io scroll to bottom and click discord.

>> No.20910503

Wait. This is a lightning and raiden based dex?

Da fuq is this voodoo

>> No.20910520

Why do you think there has been spam fud/shill threads lately?

>> No.20910577
File: 9 KB, 274x184, Fused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead serious question. Not fud. Why is the volume not exploding with this announcement? this is the first time I have seen another coin listed under max volume on Livecoin other than XSN.

>> No.20910589

Because no one is selling. Over 60% of the supply is already locked up. Livecoin has less than 1% of the supply FYI.

>> No.20910658


At risk of sounding like the brainlet I am. Locked up in MN's?

>> No.20910689

Both in nodes and in staking, stakenet.info. I think there is more in staking that this site doesn't show FYI.

>> No.20910761

Can't wait for that buy pressure to increase and supply to dwindle once they start using the dex fees to buy and burn xsn. If you don't have at least one masternode by now you're going to regret it really soon.

>> No.20911288
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>this activates the almonds

>> No.20911956

CZ must be REEEEEing right now when Stakenet sucks up all the liquidity and plants it on lightening network

>> No.20912186
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>> No.20912334

I sold all my Tezos and bought XSN. I only have 3000 XSN, but I've already made more from staking that for 3 weeks than I did in 6 months of Tezos on Coinbase. I know you guys say you need at least one masternode, but will 3K XSN at least net me a couple grand?

>> No.20912362

once the exchange is out do I still have to buy with livecoin or can I just go through the dex

>> No.20912390

Yes. This shit us a top 10 anon.

>> No.20912399

you can just buy through the DEX(at a 2x premium)

>> No.20912432

live coin is surprisingly not as shitty as it initially looked to me. I love that there is no KYC.

>> No.20912489

Livecoin has been going for years with no hacks, it has 2fa.

What the fuck is wrong with you bitches who can't use it? NEVER keep your coins on a CEX anyway. Immediately withdraw them to your wallet.

I've sent and taken 10's of thousands of dollars worth of coins from livecoin over the years without issue

>> No.20912506

the key to livecoin is to get in, and then get out. fast.

>> No.20912589

no one wants to set up an account in yet another cex and manage yet another set of credentials to get a single coin, when livecoin literally has no volume on anything else or value.

>> No.20912608
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They’re pussies. If they can’t get their way they moan and groin.

>> No.20912659

only 1/3 of circulation is in MNs.

rest is probably mostly in staking, with like 8 mil left on exchanges.

>> No.20912661

i need 2-3 months to accumulate. wait for me /biz/

>> No.20912674
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It comes down to wether you want to make money or not. Proceed with those steps and you buy cheap. Refuse and pay a higher premium. Up to you. How much do YOU want it nigger!

>> No.20912728

16 months from now this coin will flip ripple.

1/1/2022, this will be top 5 guaranteed, possibly top 3.

>> No.20912803

lol my stack is already bigger than yours bro.

All I'm saying is it's not an easy buy, which means you're only invested if you see the value in the product (anyone who reads up on the vision/roadmap and tests the dex does).

>> No.20912850
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you had 2 years

>> No.20912923

>2-3 months

i-im sorrry anon. see you at $5

>> No.20913072
File: 139 KB, 1233x978, 1595247831520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are only 2 projects in crypto that matter right now.

Chainlink and Stakenet.

I have ample reserves of both.

>> No.20913282

what makes staking worthwhile? I have my small bag sitting on Livecoin

>> No.20913385

It's like gaining interest for holding. You get rewards/more xsn DYOR

>> No.20913459

Staking is the same idea as mining.

You get paid to verify the network.

>> No.20913523


>> No.20913798

Scam. Buy Verasity or lose everything in Q4.

>> No.20913849

>Wait. This huge chunk of metal with fake wings can fly??
>Da fuq is this voodoo
That's what the early 20th century kids said when they saw the first airplane.

>> No.20913929

There's a few million stuck in Cryptopia which is now considered burned because nobody not even the exchange devs could retrieve any of the coins.

>> No.20914411
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Sorry anon, it's happening this month.

>> No.20914456

Checked. Praise Kek and heil Hydra!

>> No.20914513
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hail hydra!

>> No.20914578
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>> No.20914652
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We have newer improved uniform fellow fren.

>> No.20915061

ironically militant

>> No.20915121

>cuckistan shit

Stakenet is a white nationalists investment.

>> No.20915577

I believe you are misinformed about Kekistan. We are all white nationalist.

>> No.20915885
File: 159 KB, 893x836, howtobuyxsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Livecoin, beaxy coming this week.

>> No.20915904

2nd biggest wallet

>> No.20915931

any instructions for installing on linux??

>> No.20915940

>bags on CEX
Are you retarded? Get that shit out ASAP.
Use the staking calculator, stakenet.info

>> No.20916064

Checked and truthpilled.
I can't help you with linux, best to ask in the support chats in the discord. Stakenet.io (scroll to bottom for discord link)

>> No.20916107

ok thanks

>> No.20916659
File: 130 KB, 545x472, comfyxsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the pink wojaks on /biz/ and XSN chads are sitting comfy

>> No.20916678
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Feels good man.

>> No.20916712

If you have a smaller amount you can send it to XSN Cloud. That's the easiest way to stake.

>> No.20916892

Xsn cloud does pooled staking.

>> No.20917235

Correct. I strongly prefer staking from a private wallet and TPoS wherever possible. I used TPoS for some time and it was an excellent experience.

>> No.20918040


>> No.20918073


>> No.20918090


>> No.20918168

Thank you for the bump Rajesh, but I believe you have stumbled upon the wrong website. Please allow me to direct you back to the depths from which you came.


>> No.20918206

>He's still going

>> No.20918208

Depends how much xsn is being staked.

>> No.20918298

imagine having money in this redditshitcoin when link is mooning

>> No.20918296

Isn't the lightning network unsafe? Like when the transaction fails, your funds are lost forever....?

And why do Stakenet frens care so much about LTC? .... I thought the majority of /biz/ knows it's a shit coin that marketed itself as silver to bitcoin's 'gold' where the lead dev exit scammed?

Why is this blowing up on /biz/? Is trading BTC/LTC on a dex that big of a deal? Eth 2.0 will come out soon making gas fees irrelevant, and you can already get your btc onto eth with ren and whatever else. No fud, just curious why some people think this will be the next big thing, we all wanna make it of course.

>> No.20918325

its blowing up because they are all in a disc and they make threads together. go join their disc you can see they post all their reddit memes they use here and talk about how to refute fud a fud b CRINGE

if you fall for this you will never get out liquidation is impossible

>> No.20918407


This anon has been relentlessly fuding stakenet for weeks on end now with little success, no that the DEX is just around the corner he knows he's on borrowed time

>> No.20918425

Eth2 wont be ready for ages.

>> No.20918487

It's blowing up because it's 2020 and we still don't have a good DEX. But soon we will have not just a Dex but a non custodial multi currency wallet where we can store and trade all of our coins safely, privately and near instantly

Also REN and bullshit like it is not decentralised. We have no way of securely swapping BTC for ETH until Raiden is Implemented into this DEX

Kek there are literally going to be anons who sell because of this guy and will inevitably commit suicide when XSN is in the top 20. Sad actually

>> No.20918494

definite success your coin sits at 20 cents and it literally already pumped and dumped a long time ago aswell as ur other failed project posw
go scam noobs on reddit not here faggot

ponzi sage in all fields

>> No.20918513

notice how he says we because he is probably literally paid by them to shill here none of the xsn shilling is organic at all and only noobs fall for this


>> No.20918586

I can distinctly recall /biz/ saying the same exact thing about LTC when it was $3.

>> No.20918660

>tfw only have one masternode

>> No.20918666

Yeah I'm pretty sure that was before Lee got off will millions though, right? What does LTC do now? It's only in the top ten (is it even?) because it was around when crypto blew up.

>no good dex

I feel you on that one, I do. And lightning is the only way to do it? There seems to be quite a large fud on the lightning network, I hope they can get past that.

>> No.20918775
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>And lightning is the only way to do it?

no. its just one mechanism. you can just trade to and from the DEX itself normally. but have no fear, lightning network has had a lot of FUD, but so has every single innovation ever

>it cant scale! it will never be adopted!

see pic related

>> No.20918803

The ability to talk does not make you intelligent, zoomie.

>> No.20918815

There are a lot of coins that do significantly less than XSN in the top 20, even the top 10.
Litecoin has a lot of different markets that are relatively well-established. LTC/BTC alone has seen $140 million in 24h trading volume.

>> No.20919111
File: 3.25 MB, 2048x1970, drawyourlastnodexsn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok satan listen up.

>Lightning/Radien Interlooped DEX
If this alone doesn't make you think then I dunno wtf you are doing in crypto.

>> No.20919154

Checked and based.

XSN gets all the digits

>> No.20919188
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>> No.20919311
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>> No.20919467


>> No.20919540


>> No.20919541
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God damn, checked. Binance on suicide watch.

>> No.20919880
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One master node checking in....

>> No.20920589
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>I have ample
Hmmm, really parses those oracles