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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20909289 No.20909289 [Reply] [Original]

Earned: $18.3
Liquidity Provided: $4617
Time Elapsed:32 hours
Estimate earn per day: $13.72500
Estimate earn per year: 5009.625
Current Yield: 108.503899%

>> No.20909311

>only 13 a day
i can make more by playing shitcoin roulette on uniswap kek

>> No.20909314

we all know you're a faggot

>> No.20909337

Did I mention I suffer no impermanent loss as a result of providing liquidity?

>> No.20909348

kek no kidding. you can buy a red candle on anything and make that in an hour

>> No.20909432

listen here nigger, its because i only put in $4600 worth of liquidity. if i was a whale it would be a lot more impressive.
the impressive part is 108% APR

>> No.20909502

Liquidity pools give you income on transaction fees. Even if the ratio skews to one side, its fine. If your token goes up the liquidity will shift to ETH, which is a guaranteed gain. And if ETH goes up you get additional tokens. As long as your trade pair is solid like ETH/RLC or Link/ETH you're gonna make money long term no matter what. Might as well put crypto to use while it sits.

>> No.20909702

my friend, i experience no impermanent loss.
I put in 1500 TKN, I pull out 1500 TKN + fees.
no matter what happens to the ratio.

>> No.20909750


>> No.20909790
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>I know something you don't know

>> No.20909812

im planning to do what you have done as soon as im done setting up my new wallet scheme, congrats fren, we're almost there