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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 268x268, dave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20909546 No.20909546 [Reply] [Original]

just settle down and get a 15 year fixed rate mortgage NO MORE than 1/4 of your take home pay, max out your IRA and invest in index funds. You'll be a millionaire by 65!

>> No.20909615

he's unironically correct.

>> No.20909635

Sure, a millionaire when it literally doesn’t matter anymore.

>> No.20909646

65 lol Wife and I are damn close and I’m 25.

>> No.20909658
File: 9 KB, 400x400, bleak futures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a mind for family legacy his advice is quite good. Once you part with the idea that you deserve to be rich tomorrow and start to think about the future of your bloodline his ideas start to make a lot of sense.

>> No.20909672

Imagine thinking the dollar will exist when you're 65

>> No.20909731

C O M P O U N D interest is the real deal. He doesn't give people advice on how to make the most most money possible, but he is just trying let people middle class people know they need to think about investing more than the bare minimum for their retirement.

>> No.20909744

I'm gonna be a millionaire by 30.

>> No.20909807

Your son will waste it all on hookers and blow cause he never had to earn it to begin with. You'll die with a bad back and having lived a frugal, boring life.

>> No.20909809

>just settle down and get a 15 year fixed rate mortgage NO MORE than 1/4 of your take home pay,
lol I make $82k a year and if I followed that rule I wouldn't be able to buy more than $100k of house. So basically I could buy a rotting mobile home on a quarter acre lot in the middle of assfuck, nowhere.

>> No.20909816

ok lovely jubbly, and what proportion of the population do you represent, you solipsistic amoeba?

>> No.20909847


Any decent home in good area is at least $350k

>> No.20909863

very doable if you invest with his recommended mutual funds which return 12% per year!!!!

>> No.20909867

That or he'll become an autistic weirdo and the second you die a gold digger will dig her claws into him and drain out all your hard earned dollars. If I can start with nothing and make millions, so can they.

>> No.20909868

palpable asshurt

>> No.20909875

This sort of shit only works if you have a high enough income to begin with. Poorfags need not apply.

>> No.20909947

>just do this list of completely impossible shit

>> No.20910187

Dave: hey it's the dave ramsey show!
Guy: hey, uh, how you doin, dave?
Dave: better than I deserve, what can I do for you?
Guy: uh well I have a bunch of credit card debt and a bad job.
Dave: wow youre a stupid fucking idiot! spend less and pay your minimums and get a second job.
Guy: okay wow thanks dave I never thought of that!
Dave: rice and beans! get this man a copy of my free book

>> No.20910297
File: 29 KB, 600x600, Pepe #666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL maybe pre-2012

We're in clown world now
>USD is losing value fast due to BRRRRR
>people on this refrigerator review forum are haggling bits of data worth millions yet will never physically see any of it
>half this country dissented over some criminal N who held a pregnant women at gun point and got what he deserved.

Shits fucked, everyone on /biz/ can see it, so fuck that old boomer.
Half of us just want to make it and get the fuck away from all this crazy, and the other half want to to use their gains to instill a new 4th Reich and Im all fucking all for it.


>> No.20910305

Dave Ramsay's advice is a HUGE leg up for the average American, who lives beyond their means and saves nearly nothing. Many Americans will retire with nearly their entire net worth in their house.

He provides clear, actionable advice that is mostly solid, and will put low/middle income people ahead of their peers. He misses the mark on never using leverage and on which types of index funds to invest in, but the lion's share of his advice is enormously helpful for a swath of people who are basically financially illiterate.

Teaching people to dig themselves out of consumer debt, not overleverage on dumb shit (like super fancy cars), to pay themselves first, basics of index investing (again, he misses the mark a little here since he primarily recommends actively managed funds instead of extremely low cost broadly diversified stuff like VTSAX) is enough, and is a great starting point.

>> No.20910606

Your math sucks

>> No.20910871
File: 1.07 MB, 1440x832, 1574227609631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your right! Why doesn't everyone just YOLO with options on the jew york stock exchange! Everyone is dumb but me!

>> No.20910989

>1700 a month isnt enough
Thats a two story house in some places, even a shitty house outside an expensive city. Definitely can make that work

>> No.20911112

>for 15 fucking years
You would probably get tired of your already lame neighborhood finally turning to actual shit way sooner than 15 years and then wanting to leave and realizing you could have just been renting that 1k per month apartment a couple blocks over.

>> No.20911336


just get your income up bro. just deliver pizzas.

>> No.20911413

what is the point of being wealthy at 65? You're too old to enjoy life at that point, after 65 you just spend time waiting to die. Fuck that

>> No.20911432

so you arent a burden to your children or community and so you dont have to eat cat food in a cardboard box. Getting rich sooner is obviously preferable.

>> No.20911510

this every fucking time lol

>> No.20912075



You'll be calling into his show before you hit 31.

>> No.20912096


>what is a dynasty trust

>> No.20912117

>better than I deserve
i cringe when he says that.

>> No.20912196

>hey dave me and my wife have 500k in student debt and we can’t afford our lambo payments

>> No.20912207


He's right though, he is doing better than he deserves. He always comes across as a sourpuss to me, very negative "life's hard, get used to it" Boomer faux-tough vibes. He'd probably mellow out and lighten up if he had taken a punch once in his life.

>> No.20912218


In 2 years 1 Million Dollars will buy you a Big Mac.

>> No.20912229

Rich get richer with debt it’s called leverage

>> No.20912263

you mean to tell me you got a LOAN for a depreciating asset? I'm gonna depreciate you right off my show you son'na bitch
you better wageslave 2 jobs until you're 60 so you can buy that outright.
rice. and. beans.

>> No.20912371

>I'd rather be poor at 65!

>> No.20912619

I'd rather be dead

>> No.20912655

His "philosophy" is great for brainlets but I'd rather die than spending 40 years to have a NW of $1m and sleepwalk into a mediocre 10 year retirement

>> No.20912793


that's still better than 95% of people will ever do