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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 136 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
207921 No.207921[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>207030

>> No.207924

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 149 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.207933

Second for Crayon Pop

>> No.207927

doge is dead

>> No.207929

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.3): http://bamboohouse.info/bin/pandacoin-qt-win32_1.5.3.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/

Want to help PND?
Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: admin@mail.bter.com
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d/please_add_pandacoin_pnd_to_coinedup_0_premine_3
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND
Cryptsy votethread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882

Services that accept PND:

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

Pools can be found in the bitcointalk thread.



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)
Forum: http://forum.bamboohouse.info

Also test my tipbot script for 4chan:

>> No.207938
File: 1.05 MB, 1579x714, santagrill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Santa is also a grill like amDOGE.

>iconic yet distinct ":)))))))"
>talks about and likes dogecoin
>sings about huge sums of wealth (santa is very rich)
>travels to europe (London)
>is from SANTA Monica

>> No.207937
File: 1.44 MB, 1800x1800, PND_Design-option2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.207942
File: 1.45 MB, 1800x1800, PND_Design-option3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.207946

If you want to fhug then, yes.

>> No.207944

Does it really matter what gender people are?

>> No.207950 [DELETED] 


'does it matter what you think', what you think?

>> No.207948


>> No.207949


>> No.207954


looks made of piss

>> No.207956

I take it the PND pump didn't happen, right?

>> No.207955
File: 17 KB, 654x144, 1394649688981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, day trading for us normal humans is over.
It was fun while it lasted.


>> No.207957

so is the bamboohouse tipbot for pnd?

I "registered" my doge address there anyway now..

44 .. neat!

>> No.207965

not really

>> No.207964

It's for any type of address. The script only recognizes btc, ltc, doge, pnd and mona right now.

>> No.207966

cool, thx for the info

>> No.207969



>> No.207974

Go away Miles / Mile's bf / Mile's ex bf/gf hybrid

>> No.207981

> “The Perseus Digital Currency Initiative is providing governance strictly supporting KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) principles.”
psh, no.

>> No.207986

Whats the difference between PAND and PANDA?

>> No.207991

i would sell hopes of the price going up after reward decimating if i were you

>> No.207989


Nah, nobody got involved really. I think whoever that rich anon was was either lying or trolling.

People got excited because coinverted were selling stuff for cheap (like £400 Amazon certificates for 10mil or so) but then the owner trolled everybody by not honouring the sales.

>> No.207993

How much are hopes going for these days?

>> No.207995

The price will explode.

>> No.207996


What do you think of this pool.


>> No.208000

millions of millions

>> No.208002

PAND is old dead coin, PANDA is wolong newish dead coin.

>> No.208004

an A

>> No.208010

What coin isnt dead

>> No.208014

DOGE and BTC are the only ones that I think everyone can agree are alive.

>> No.208019


>> No.208021

litecoin maybe

>> No.208023

Too cluttered.

>> No.208024

How could you profit from that?

>> No.208030

Buy lots of Bitcoins.

>> No.208031

>no DOGE in that list

>> No.208033

Litecoin certainly it's 15.88

Everyone says dogecoin is dead. But the reality is there are plenty of news articles about doge and plenty of people are buying. So let's not hold on our breath on dogecoin

>> No.208036

>DOGE alive



>> No.208041

isn't anyone gonna come up with ideas for a new shitcoin for us to fail with? ideas?

AIDS? install shitcoin AIDS wallet on everyone's pc, with reverse mining, whereby the harder their pc works, the faster they get rid of the shit?

KIL? very few coins are ever made, then spent solely on hitmen markets?

CUNT? MFC with cryptos?

SHIT? insert any crypto formula here?


>> No.208042
File: 53 KB, 1501x380, ss (2014-03-12 at 02.01.04).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes, this is obviously a dead coin.

>> No.208044

Get a Master's in finance with a minor in math and write a high-frequency bot with a news-parsing AI component to trade derivatives over a 100GBbs fiber line with <1ms of latency.

>> No.208045


We are already making Burgercoin and Comedy Gold

>> No.208049
File: 341 KB, 399x1123, pnds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my 2 and a variation.. and im not even doing it for tips.

>> No.208056

good thing because i have recieved a total of one tip so far

>> No.208057

blame the mods for that

>> No.208061

i mean for making logos

>> No.208068

I mean the mods banning everyone that pastes an address

>> No.208065

>tfw no tips

>> No.208073

yeah i know its annoying.
thats why amDOGE is making the tipbot tho right?

>> No.208074
File: 9 KB, 194x210, alart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LTC is just one dollar away from numerically being Hitler.

>> No.208075
File: 154 KB, 890x485, asics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone tell me what's the deal with these?
They seem too good to be true but if it is true then why doesn't everyone have one?
What about those ant miners?
1.9GHS for $50 doesn't seem very legit.

>> No.208077

Reminder to use http://tipbot.bamboohouse.info/ for that.

>> No.208079
File: 820 KB, 1800x1800, 1394584065590pnd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.208083

Reminder that I added shutterstock and the blunt.

>> No.208084


>> No.208087

Thats for bitcoin mining, it wont work on doge or pnd since they are scrypt coins.

>> No.208088
File: 46 KB, 331x473, 1353180360071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The new wallet link will appear here within 24 hours!


tl,dr: Multipools cannot selectively pick nice blocks anymore - nor can they do long lasting damage to our hashrates.

Firstly, for those of you not already aware - Dogecoin has been gamed by Multipools. Multipools were cherry-picking large blocks (which were found to be provably pre-calculable), and hammering our networks hashrate - making mining for the solo doges incredibly difficult, while dampening their payouts massively.

The end result was Multipool's having twice as much doge as the average consumer; allowing them to dump our prices down with ease.

This ends with v1.6.

>> No.208089

wdf is it not animated?

>> No.208095

where is the actual script amDOGE? the link in the op seems broken

>> No.208096

Nope, not animated.

>> No.208098
File: 383 KB, 737x736, mmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How 'bout them cookies

>> No.208101


>> No.208103
File: 64 KB, 720x650, 1394651985184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats my kind of coin

>> No.208104

Last compiled commit was http://git.bamboohouse.info/pandacoin-official/4chan-tipbot/blob/ecdd3a/addressfinder.user.js
I'll have an install page ready after I consider the script done.

>> No.208110


>> No.208114


>> No.208120

we grills rule ^^

>> No.208131

and now i cant even post the right one cuz duplicate file

>> No.208132
File: 102 KB, 376x499, danger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I feel like a nub. I put my doge address into the field on the tipbot page on bamboohouse. Fixed it now.

>> No.208134
File: 358 KB, 2298x2298, Panda-Express.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the top one.

Has anyone tried something based on the PandEx logo?

>> No.208135

You can do either.

>> No.208140

Oh, that's neat. Thanks anon.

>> No.208145

what is it supposed to do? dosent seem like it changes anything for me

>> No.208146

are we still not done woth the logo?

>> No.208149

>dosent seem like it changes anything for me
That's the point. I want to move away from bothering pastebin with the addresses.

>> No.208150

Adds logos next to the ID that allows you to tip people who have their number in the email.
Try reloading.

>> No.208151

nope. does it still not work with 4chan x?

>> No.208154

no.. were so very not done with the logo..

>> No.208155
File: 6 KB, 471x93, pandacointip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works with Mayhem's fork.

>> No.208158

:/ i have that one, tried dissableing also.
anything else i need to do to make it work?

>> No.208162

I'm using one of the Seaweed forks I forgot which one. It was working the other day but now it isn't.

>> No.208163

What browser are you using?

>> No.208166

firefox 27 on linux

>> No.208168

I dunno.

>> No.208172
File: 398 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't use https, just delete the s in this page and press enter.
Works on winblows with FF nightly, 4chan X from Mayhem

>> No.208181

Someone please say how to use this tipbot. I use Chrome.

>INB4 botnet

>> No.208183

install tampermonkey

>> No.208180

AH that worked
i had the addon https everywhere enabled

>> No.208184


are you sure FF 28 is not the latest version on linux

>> No.208186

i figured it out see>>208180

>> No.208191

yeah just read it

>> No.208197

Install the script into tampermonkey.

>> No.208193

Done. Now what?

>> No.208201


>> No.208209

Done. Now what?

>> No.208210



>> No.208211

Reload the page.

>> No.208214


refresh page

>> No.208216

It's showing your coin icons. How can I use them? When I press them nothing happens.

>> No.208213


>> No.208219

They should work. Try copying them, the address should be in it.

>> No.208220

Pressing them should open the wallet but chrome is known for not doing what the script wants it to do.

>> No.208223

Have you guys moved from Cryptsy yet? Lol the dogecoin subreddit looks like the time Wolong threw a hissy fit.

>> No.208224

Sometimes I forgot that we are no longer on /g/
For those of us that came from there it's slightly easier but for the rest of the people we need a step-by-step guide to:
>Install greasemonkey if on FF or tampermonkey on chrome
>Go to the tipbot page, click on raw then install
>Make sure you are not using Https or allow for bamboohouse.
>Sign up your address on the bamboohouse page.
>put :(your number) on the email field.

>> No.208225

I'm about to make a crypto news site, any suggestions for topics?

>> No.208230

FF also doesn't do anything if the wallet is just the extracted QT on winblows, it needs to be installed for it to work.

>> No.208232

Well, shit.

Address to the bamboohouse, please.

>> No.208238


>> No.208239

>"How do we stop all these faggot shitcoins and create some actual innovation, community and long term potential."

>> No.208241


so its not just for me that it doesnt work then in windows

>> No.208243

"Why dogecoin matters."

An installer is still on the list of things I need to do. Hopefully I can integrate it with the ci which will be most pleasant.

>> No.208246


make a new coin of the week column

>> No.208248

I signed. Now what?

>> No.208255


out that in email field

>> No.208260

Well that was helpful, thank you!

>> No.208261
File: 393 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For PND, no, but for DOGE, you should be able to clik the icon and it will prompt you to open with the DOGE wallet.
It's working now.

>> No.208265


>> No.208268

you forgot to put the :

>> No.208269


>> No.208272

>but for DOGE, you should be able to clik the icon and it will prompt you to open with the DOGE wallet.

i dont have a windows DOGE wallet just an android one

>> No.208280

why the fuck did i think wallet address shortner was only for PND

>> No.208283

test what happens with 2 addresses?

>> No.208285

would someone tip me some monacoin to get me started? i just set up the wallet

>> No.208289
File: 47 KB, 265x265, 1368742132486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tutorial to use the 4chan tipbot developed by !amDOGE/5/M

>Install the Dogecoin wallet available at: http://dogecoin.com/..

>Install Greasemonkey extension if you are on Firefox or the Tampermonkey extension on chrome
- Go to http://git.bamboohouse.info/pandacoin-official/4chan-tipbot/raw/ecdd3a/addressfinder.user.js
- The address above is the tipbot page. Click on raw then install. Accept their permissions.

>Sign up your address on the bamboohouse page: tipbot.bamboohouse.info
- Make sure you are not using Https or allow it for bamboohouse.
- Put your wallet address
- You will receive a number. Mine is 52, for instance.

>Come back to 4chan
- put " :<Your number>" on the email field. Mine is 52, for instance. I put " :52 " on the e-mail field.

>Enjoy! Tips are welcome!

>> No.208290

Also will keep it at a google blog at first until I finish the layout and stuff

>> No.208293
File: 115 KB, 1909x406, 1394655386674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move over DOGE, there's a new crypto in town.

>> No.208294
File: 302 KB, 800x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I start working tomorrow.

I am going to miss being a full time shitposter here.

I'll miss you guys.

>> No.208297

>not working on 4chan

>> No.208300

Get a load of this guy lol

>> No.208303
File: 187 KB, 400x225, yummydoge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tip RIGHT NOW or I take her yummy doge away

>> No.208305
File: 24 KB, 457x304, 1394655610222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no PND pump today and IF it was tomorrow I'll probably miss it

>> No.208307

dont worry there is no PND pump

>> No.208314
File: 58 KB, 408x632, 1389444249965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? Just get some fucking goyim to do it for you!!!!

>> No.208316

>Implying there's any other currency that gives you the ability to exchange your coins anonymously for cash and thus evade taxes

Get a load of this coin

>> No.208326
File: 51 KB, 468x520, grylls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.208328

I hear bitcoin or litecoin are good at doing that.

>> No.208331


>> No.208335
File: 62 KB, 640x480, totally not germany judge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever "exchanged your coins anonymously for cash and thus evade taxes"?

>> No.208336

I don't understand.

>> No.208338

thanks wanna tip me my first mona for them?

>> No.208339


Don't worry. Have fun with your coin.

>> No.208348
File: 145 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will we ever be able to go somewhere, for example McDonalds (disgusting) and pay with DOGE?

>> No.208350

Afaik you can do that with burgerbear and the one shop that sells beer.

>> No.208352
File: 478 KB, 672x1516, Old C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some Old C to test the tipbot.

>> No.208356


>> No.208357

id tip you some PND

>> No.208362

>McDonalds (disgusting)
>not getting McDoubles daily for dat cheap bulking protein

I would pay in Doge every day if they accepted it.

>> No.208364

at this point, worst tip evar.

>> No.208368


>> No.208374


Thank you someone!

>> No.208382

I love you /fit/ never change.
It's nice seeing you guys on the other boards.

>> No.208383

@ the rate that I mine, by the end of the week I will break 1m PND. at our precious 1 satoshi that makes me worth about $6.39. it makes me happy knowing that I am worth money

>> No.208388

but its barely worth 10 litoshi..... You didnt get the notif? Am I the one to tell you? Well..uhm... yeah PND is done.. Sorry pal

>> No.208385

Good to see other /fit/izens here

>> No.208391

>not getting McDoubles daily for dat cheap bulking protein
is this a /fit/ meme, or is there some truth behind this?

>> No.208395


>> No.208396
File: 347 KB, 1169x1767, amDoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.208398

well, tips have totally dried up and reddit hates my gifs. I'm done for now.

>> No.208399

It's true.
1 McDouble = 500 cals and 99gr protein

>> No.208402

I like to spend content on OC but enforcing "payment" is no good.

>> No.208404

Holy shit.
Why does no one care?

>> No.208401

I believe people have been saying that for the past few weeks. You're not the first one to tell me that PND was a lost cause. Kinda figured people would be too full of BS to actually try and sustain the coin.

>> No.208405


Slow day / week.

>> No.208406


The fuck is a McDouble?

>> No.208407

Reddit should tread lightly. Vern might remove Doge entirely. He's not the kind of person to take shit even if it means shooting his own foot.

>> No.208413

Aww so you already knew? You just seem a bit clueless talking about reaching your first pnd mil soon etc.
Everythings alright then!

>> No.208411

Good thing doge doesn't need cryptsy anymore. There are several platforms much better out there.

>> No.208418
File: 249 KB, 444x507, gloriousmcdouble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea where this came from but a mc double is 390 kcal and 23gr protein
That's a McDouble aka your best friend while bulking

>> No.208420

He would lose his biggest /second biggest moneymaker on the site.
If he doesn't fix his shit it's better to move somewhere else anyway.
Preferably Kraken so you get FIAT/DOGE.

>> No.208415


>Why does no one care?
>no one cares.

>> No.208421

why would he remove the biggest market on his exchange?

>> No.208426

It's not an opinion.

>> No.208422

Cool opinion dude

It just feels very out of character for the Doge community.

>> No.208423

no shit sherlock.
too flipping late anyway. 12000 miles away from my PC. I can't stop it from mining.

>> No.208425

The fuck is your problem? If you are already typing 'Mcdouble' into quickreply you might as well type it into your adress bar

>> No.208429

You're not going to keep character when you're getting fucked in the ass because of the platform.
You can let it happen once, twice but after that you need to move on.

>> No.208430

>12000 miles away from my PC. I can't stop it from mining.

Sorry....cant stop laughing

>> No.208432

take less time anyway. QED captcha

>> No.208438

well making people laugh is one of my few talents

>> No.208446
File: 147 KB, 512x360, amerifat red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.208443

Almost perfect, add:
For firefox users
For chrome users

To make it even easier for everyone

>> No.208450

did somebody say BURGERS

>> No.208451

There's nothing wrong with caution, and Cryptsy has been through some hiccups. It seems like they have systems in place to prevent a glitch from fucking them like with Gox, but some reassurance and an explanation of how they are maintaining security would help.

What is out of character, though, are the Redditors saying to dox/intimidate/slander Vern on his social media accounts. I don't know what they expect to accomplish there other than outing themselves as a very immature and vindictive crypto community.

>> No.208456

>You can let it happen once, twice

What about the third time a lady?

>> No.208463

burgercoin needs devs, until then it is in 'planning' phase

>> No.208461

FUCK now I'm hungry.

Burgercoin and comedy gold when?

>> No.208468


>> No.208469

I thought you guys printed money with your mining rigs.

>> No.208472

>Printed money
>with your mining rigs


>> No.208473

mind you, some bretty gud plans are being made in planning

>> No.208475


Burgercoin on 4th July for maximum burger :DDDDDDDDD

>> No.208477

Yeah I noticed there were like 2-3 people that made these threads, I didn't see the posts promoting harassment though.
You're right, that's pretty unreddit like, especially /r/dogecoin and could be because of a few butthurt people but if it makes BigVern fix his shit or brings more volume to other exchanges I think the outcome is positive.
Worst case scenario is Vern telling us to fuck off, I think we would take a hit but survive it somewhere else.

>> No.208481

I don't even have a mining rig.

My card is burnt at the store, waiting for a new one at the moment.

It's been one hell of a week without mining.

>> No.208482

i cry everytiem

>> No.208487

okay then, we start a burgercoin thread and leave PNDOGE to rot in the despair of having pretended to want to pump PND

>> No.208493

begin the burger oc cannons

>> No.208494

> people were selling doge at 104 yesterday
top lel

>> No.208495

How much DOGE per day?

>> No.208496

No need to be rude about it, you can toast with us.

>> No.208501

Do we at least have the coin? Or are we on the hunt for that?

>> No.208502
File: 83 KB, 378x270, burgercoin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.208504

the very first iteration of the logo, design burboses only :DDDD

>> No.208505

at my hashrate , 15/hr.
Doesn't matter if the coin's worth is so volatile

>> No.208508


>> No.208512
File: 13 KB, 250x194, 1373345352354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on it already. also tempted to mine for more trips.

auto btc cashing multipools, while profitable, are so bland. i kinda miss chasing shitcoins. went after some aphrodite earlier, it has 75% premine! FUG :DDDDD

>> No.208514

Ok, I was expecting to have a burger or a B on the coin instead of sprudo, but hey, still on the design phase, right?

>> No.208518

I have a plan.

>> No.208522

>lets make another memecoin
>what could possibly go wrong

>> No.208524

take a look at this guy
he knows nothing about marketing

>> No.208529


>> No.208530
File: 23 KB, 600x440, 1394659899146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just heard Russia banned dogecoin

>> No.208533


>> No.208539


I saw someone posting about it on facebook and came here to check if it happened

>> No.208540

You mean another 2 right?
Because it's not going to end with Burgercoin, there is also comedy gold on the way

>> No.208559


can we make them 100% premine and distrubted here? Don't want anyone to waste hashrate for this

>> No.208566

Well they "banned" bitcoin months ago but nothing has really happened

>> No.208571

>100% premine
Yeah, no, if you want to scam at least make it 50% like AuroraCoin did or 1%, though we may receive backing by google if we make a 100% premine, i mean look at Ripple.

>> No.208575

At the moment it reached an exchange it would be dumped.
Nobody is going to hold something that they got for free, you can't trust anon.
If you did a 3% premine though that gets unlocked gradually by the percentage of coins mined people would have incentive to hold.

>> No.208581

No, no, no

I would go with 0% premine, no IPO or shit like that.

Fredumb liburty, and the equal pursuit of burgers

>> No.208579
File: 25 KB, 482x720, amerifat suit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

berhaps u are interest in business brobosition :DDDDDDDDD

>> No.208584

good start, needs a power tie and maybe a briefcase :DDDD

>> No.208591

6 million block reward?

>> No.208587

It's not true Burgerclap if you don't have Zionists controlling things though.

>> No.208593

It would never get on a serious exchange and there will be no buyers for so theres no incentive to dump.

Havent you heard of the coin 'Premine'? It was 100% mined and shared through btctalk. Its quite successful.

I want my burgers for free! Wheres my freedumb when I dont get coins for free??

>> No.208595

Has anyone used Kraken yet?


>> No.208600
File: 43 KB, 256x256, cryptoshekel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should take over cryptoshekel.

>> No.208603
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You can bet your ass it will get on an exchange.

>> No.208604

dont you mean
coinmixing with cryptoshekels?

>> No.208607


>> No.208622

block halving every 91101 blocks, 17trillion market cap, symbol:

>> No.208628

Why 17 trillion?

>> No.208633

US National Debt

>> No.208634

American debt

>> No.208640
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>> No.208648
File: 49 KB, 482x720, amerifat suit tie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burchased a tie from greatest ally


>> No.208655

is dat the beginning of a ebin new maymay

>> No.208656
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>> No.208659


>> No.208664


>> No.208667
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I know this feel

>> No.208672
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>> No.208683


im making bestkoreacoin

>> No.208684



>> No.208692

i only use semicolons, anon.. back to the drawing board ;)))))

>> No.208693
File: 201 KB, 620x720, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right

Anime reminder to donate to Doge4Water so we can follow up wallet 1.6 with even more good news and keep the gravy train sailing


>> No.208697

They cost 1.59-1.79 in Germany. They are okay for bulking if you don't have time but you can do a lot better with home cooking.

>> No.208705
File: 129 KB, 482x720, amerifat suit tie burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who needs briefcase?


>> No.208717
File: 98 KB, 600x600, Burgercoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of this alternative burgercoin logo? Is it not glorious?

>> No.208722

Needs to show more the burger, I don't like it when I can't see my burgers

>> No.208728

I want comedy gold first.

Just imagine it being on Cryptsy.

The LEL/BTC market

You can trade like a few million lel for a bitcoin. After a certain amount of lel it becomes kek

>> No.208729
File: 76 KB, 600x600, Burgercoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.208732
File: 5 KB, 184x197, 1392685319600s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello bolice?
he make burgercoin look like vegetable

>> No.208733
File: 28 KB, 604x556, burg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this

>> No.208734

Yes, but add some text to it

>> No.208737

Piss yellow, no distinctive details -yet?-, may look bad when downsized.

>> No.208738

of course. We're still indev right?

>> No.208740


>> No.208749

maybe a bit more silvery, unless we want it too look like it's made of tungsten

>> No.208746

Will dogecoin 1.6 keep DOGE from dying?

>> No.208751

This looks better
I want to try to add green to that like our mighty dollar.

>> No.208756

Well, it will keep it from being raped by multipools, but I don't know how much good will it make.
Also regular pools always shit themselves when a new version of the wallet comes up

>> No.208755

true. or make it completely green like an oxidized copper coin

>> No.208759
File: 137 KB, 400x400, burgercoin logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who said coin logos must be in the shape of a circle?

>> No.208762


>> No.208763

You gave me an idea.
Do we have a pic of sprudo as the statue of liberty?
To add that with a burger instead of the torch, and burgercoin in the other hand.
That looks fucking delicious and I'm hungry

>> No.208765

the fact that it follows the concept of a COIN, which are usually circular.

But you're right. Maybe we could make it like a japanese coin and put a hole through the middle.

>> No.208768

Fuck that, in the Mighty America we use Bills, we can call it burgercoin but still use bills as our logo

>> No.208771

or like, a pokemon badge style. those things always look like ''daaymm gotta have em all''

>> No.208776

Wasn't lurking for a few days.

Do peoples still support PND?
Or did this peace of shit finally die?

>> No.208783
File: 11 KB, 269x187, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, excuuuse me, princess

>> No.208785

i want that
still alive

>> No.208786

For some reason amDOGE still thinks he can salvage it. or he was just bullshitting us all.

>> No.208792


he is, hes already wealth from ltc and doge

we see you amDOGE, you and wolong are 2 peas in a bag

>> No.208793
File: 109 KB, 599x539, Put a tip on it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like it then you should put a tip on it

>> No.208794
File: 8 KB, 234x216, whats happeninges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do we have a pic of sprudo as the statue of liberty?
i've seen that around but so far have been unsuccessful in locating it.

might just make one.

>> No.208801

hashrate just dropped to zero on bamboohouse.

Either someone shut down my pc, it overloaded and died or the power went out.

>> No.208808
File: 141 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm giving my time, energy and a few servers for a coin that I believe has potential and for others to work on or not. Everyone that wants can help make it grow. It's up to you to accept the offer.

>> No.208811

it's just you.

>> No.208815

To be fair, PND is more like a sand playground for the next 4chan crypto.

>> No.208817


Which coin are you talking about?

>> No.208819

I know it's just me. None of those things had anything to do with anyone else. Don't really care though. My PC's a piece of shit anyway.

>> No.208820
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>> No.208822

Excuse me?


Your deduction is completely out of place.

>> No.208831

Less then a month I believe.

>> No.208825

When is the halving?

>> No.208826

he thinks PND has potential

so did everyone else for the first couple of weeks.

Then Wolong gave up and PND became worthless piece of shit. Now the diffs around 4 and is worth 10litoshis

>> No.208827
File: 106 KB, 500x589, 1393467826580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are a good guy, so is wolong. I'm just saying we see you.

>> No.208832

PND is just learning how to make a coin. When learning you make mistakes. Mistakes you won't make when doing the next correct one.

>> No.208834


>> No.208835

*than even

>Mistakes you won't make when doing the next correct one.
Few people learn from mistakes.

>> No.208837
File: 79 KB, 722x502, dogewinsalways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doge was dead, huh?

>> No.208840

Are you one of those few?

>> No.208841
File: 66 KB, 640x426, 1394665462982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.208848

maybe not with this community, amdoge.
other coins have been died with better communities.
maybe pnd should leave their focus from 4chan

>> No.208858

What is your opinion on the fact that people who follow you are just like wolong's followers?

>> No.208860

asking the hard questions

>> No.208862

>all enthusiasts are like all enthusiasts
what is tautology

>> No.208863

Let's see if ?he has has the balls/? to answer it.

>> No.208864

lel, look at all of those bagholders. anyone who's buying in now is going to be pissed when doge hits 50 satoshi soon

>> No.208868

doge will hit 50 satoshi
when bitcoin hits 1 million

>> No.208867


Please let it die. You just want us to shill it for you because you have 250M+ to dump

>> No.208869
File: 35 KB, 310x310, 1284472814441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing satoshi will drop under 100 ever again

>> No.208871

When Wolong was pulling the fuck out and his coin was crashing and wolong's followers kept saying it was gonna go up, everyone in those threads called them sad and delusional, and with amDOGE milking his supposedly not dead coin and his followers going with it, i'm dying to know amDOGE's opinion on the matter, of course ?he is not gonna answer but still.

>> No.208874

Doge, not satoshi.
I need sleep.

>> No.208875

Is that your shibe though

>> No.208880

wolongs followers throwed and btc they could rake at him. has amdoge ever asked for even 1 satoshi? has amdoge ever been paid 1 satoshi by anyone of you?
your argument is invalid.

>> No.208881


Thanks, I've still got around 7 mil PND lying around so I do indeed hope we take off.

>> No.208882

I agree that PND has served it's purpose. To defeat Wolong, even though I believe he'd fall by himself.

I believe that we need to create a brand new coin. We have the know how now.

>> No.208887

why waste energy for mining pnd? why summon shitstorm from anyone who bought into pnd? why not effording success for what we have already?

>> No.208888

You can really tell when the majority of posters ITT consists of Americans.

>> No.208889

But, since we have that know how, why aren't we using it to actually make money by creating endless pump&dump coins, rather than trying to "make it big" with one serious project?

>> No.208894
File: 69 KB, 437x480, 5075891135_43282279e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.208900

DAXP, what do you know about this:

Spain coin

>> No.208901
File: 630 KB, 828x1484, statue-of-liberdy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.208905

That may be so, but why are we still milking a liteclone that is trading at 13 litoshi, if we really want this to rise, what do we have to offer to your average cryptominer that any other dead shitcoin doesn't?If we wanna make this a thing we gotta came up with something or just let it die already.

>> No.208909


>> No.208917

remember that guy who traded all his doge for pnd yesterday? he wanted to scam coinpayments with it. i wonder how is he doing right now

>> No.208919

I'm not asking you to invest money in this thing. I'm not asking them to follow me either but the cause and or direction. If they need to follow me that's something I can't change.


>> No.208920

what does your coin offer? theoretically anything that makes sense can be hard forked into pnd too.
so when there is something pnd misses beside a new logo, why not state it and try to convince? why creating a new pnd?

>> No.208921


>> No.208925
File: 128 KB, 281x222, 1392388289525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably pondering suicide.

>> No.208931

do we have any contests with pnd prize?

>> No.208936

Have you seen http://www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/comments/1ylxd1/pnd_bounties_and_charities?

>> No.208942

Funny because i was actually making a coin but i can't understand your statement, are you saying to me i should say what PND is missing?
Will you ever let PND die already or have you came with something?Maybe get on Cryptsy, they have a voting page don't they?

>> No.208946


>> No.208950

What about Cryptsy?

>> No.208952

if you make the new mooncoin you'd need to know what pnd is missing, or?

>> No.208954


It's another exchange that enables dumping.
It's something we don't need right now.

>> No.208958

Well, i actually spent the last few days coming with features for the coin i was creating, i came with something but not nearly enough to compete with LTC/BTC/DOGE, been trying to brainstorm the next feature but so far nothing.

>> No.208963
File: 84 KB, 475x500, oVQEk1wb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like how you are dealing with this. But I'm still split into you are megalomaniac passive-aggressive power-hungry neet or a naive well-intentioned neet.

>> No.208970

you said you are making a coin. why not bringing your brainstorm into pnd that is already there and has already interest since there are a few bagholders for it?

>> No.208974

Maybe she/he is a friendly neighbourhood stubborn but well-intentioned NEET jew?

>> No.208982


hmmm, it does not sound that bad.

>> No.208985

The thing is, in this market we have BTC, who is at the top out of sheer experience and drug dealing, LTC is at the top too as an alternative to BTC, and DOGE is backed by it's evergrowing community and it's a funcoin see reddit for more info on that one?DOGE on freefall?Remember goys 1 DOGE=1 DOGE, i can't think of anything that would be able to compete with the drug dealing coin, the secondary and the brainwashed funcoin cult.

>> No.209002

>Funny because i was actually making a coin
>i dont know how to compete with the other coins

>> No.209006
File: 48 KB, 319x203, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just say I don't hate anyone.

>> No.209011

It's hard and nobody understands.

>> No.209013
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>> No.209018

maybe you should get yourself right before you start something. a clear aim and blueprint of a path would be a good start...

>> No.209085

Well, i'm making the coin primarily as an experiment, but i'm working on another feature besides the one i already made, to attract people to mine the coin to begin with.