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20893798 No.20893798 [Reply] [Original]

Any advice on portfolio? What should I cut or add?

>> No.20893838

nothing. you already pucrhased a 1 way ticket to the moon.

>> No.20893864
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Convert everything to XRP.

>> No.20893895

I am going to give you the best advice you will ever hear as a charity. By reading this you have won the lottery and you wont even know it.

Sell everything on that portfolio. Literally everything. None of them will make you rich.

Ethereum doesnt have huge multiples in it anymore. Its too known and has an uphill battle to pull 100xs. Get rid of it.

The rest are utter useless shitcoins.

Pour EVERYTHING you have into handshake and when ur rich remember this post. Screencap it. Frame it. Because I just set you financially free

>> No.20893906

Please use a wallet. I'm not impressed.

>> No.20893908

jeez thats all i want when i make it

secluded spot, maybe an island...

and hot teenag- i mean women to keep me company.

>> No.20893922


>> No.20893935

>Get VI or you're NGMI

>> No.20894015

I wish I got more under 20 cents for sure. Will probably add to position on pullback

>> No.20894040

Literal Norman wallet

>> No.20894060

Sell LTC, XRP, and REQ. Ltc is abandoned, xrp is lacking upside potential and req is articifially pamped and will damp soon.

NEO and BNB are pereonal preferences, im neutral on these. Also good to keep some ETH.

Use your USDT and funds from selling the above to slightly increase your position in BTC and my personal recommendation to get some IOTA, which is about to pamp in the next few weeks and months. Have a look at its weekly and daily chart if you dont belive me, and comnine that with their massive mainnet improvements being rolled out in ghe next couple weeks with +1,000 ctps

>> No.20894081

My honest advice in case you are legit:
Trade everything for either BTC or LINK. At the amount of money you have in, you need to stay 50/50 link/btc

>> No.20894191

i hope these are short term trades...NOT YOUR KEYS = NOT YOUR COINS....if shitcoins help you accumulate more BTC...so be it.... be very careful.... goodluck and all the best....

>> No.20894215


>> No.20894217

Pretty 2017-tier, BTC, ETH and LINK is all you need right now

>> No.20894395

So far handshake has proven to be nothing more than a gimmick and slight improvement over namecoin.

The one place you can actually spend this shit: Namebase, doesn't even allow you to withdraw HNS because they claim the network isn't secure enough from double spends.

Coinbase did initially say they might list it, however yesterday they put out a new list of shit they might list, including AMPL, but no HNS.

Handshake is nothing more than a VC chain with a somewhat fair distribution. Sure it might be cool tech to play around with but I couldn't see this as a good investment.

HNS is a useless utility token, it only has 1 purpose which is to buy domains.

Come on, how can this shit ever moon.

>> No.20894543

Sell REQ right now, tis hot steaming garbage. Why on earth would this crap be your main holding?

Get rid of LTC too, its had its pump.

We're due for a dip in the next week or 2 so it may be wise to hold more USD, preferably USDC.

>> No.20894626

I didn't buy link at 25 cents I didn't buy it at 1 dollar 2 or 3. At this point I'm very sceptical and too scared to touch it. But hey stinky linkies got their gains. And I'm happy for them, I remember threads where people were saying it will never reach $5.

Been holding req since 70cents... At this point it doesn't matter. Ltc and xrp are potential gainers imho, but I only base it on 2017 peaks have stop loss just in case. Got 1k iota will add more depending on price action. Thanks

>> No.20894659

this. you should be weighted 70% to btc 25% eth 5% shitcoins
anything else is practically suicide formula.

>> No.20894674

Brother I have like 30$ in req lmao how is this main holding. But ya crash is coming imho. It's been running like crazy. I had 120 ltc at one point when it was 35~ sold most at 45~ ;(

>> No.20894712

Dude sell everything and just focus on BTC/ETH/LINK. Anything else is noise.

>> No.20894736

Alot of this "noise" is having x5 x10 gains since March

>> No.20894768

Exactly my point. Why buy something now when it’s already up 10x? Take your 10x profits and put them somewhere else.

>> No.20894783

Just in case anyone wonder I started with 2.5k back in November of 2017. I saw my portfolio go all the way to $1.2k during major crashes.

>> No.20894851

Because btc dominance is 65% and most of shitcoins are stil -90% since previous highs. Imho shitcoin like req (3cents) will hit 30 cents before btc will hit 100k

>> No.20894974

My bad, thought it was sorted by USD value. A lot of these 2017 coins have been due for a pump so that's why they're up, but it will be very short lived for most of them.

If you buy back in just stick with the majors, 10-20% BTC 80-90% ETH and maybe 5-10% on some random moon bag.

>> No.20894988

most alts will bleed when bitcoin makes a run to its previous ATH some time next year. it would be pointless to be in alts during that time. better to consolidate into bitcoin, ride that wave, and then pick a few alts to diversify into when bitcoin hits 20k again.

>> No.20895022

Sell everything.

>> No.20895115

you need to get over the fact its memed its an actual future investment unlike ltc which will never have any further impact

>> No.20895375

I only like the look of ETH & BNB there fellow poorfag. REQ might get you a decent return