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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 250x250, BUIDL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20859832 No.20859832 [Reply] [Original]

Daily BUIDL thread, when do you guys thin we'll touch the $10 valuation?

Will EDCON do a lot for BUIDL price?

>> No.20859864

10 usd before edcon 2020 (09th -11th august)
Mark my words.

>> No.20859872


>> No.20859913

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, i was serious, there's no way it gets to 10 before EDCON right?

>> No.20859922

Ugh, when new logo selected???

>> No.20860035

First part ending 5th of August, then there's the BUIDL holders and core team voting until the 22

So i guess by end of august we'll finally have the new logo: https://brandcontest.dfohub.com/

>> No.20860059

uniswap is its biggest barrier to entry right now, seeing lots of pajeets struggling to throw their rupees at it

>> No.20860109

Good! End of August seems so far. I hope a logo without a ghost wins.

>> No.20860406

scam scam scam

>> No.20860453
File: 23 KB, 400x300, Lahey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still salty julian

>> No.20860516

your momma is scam, butthurt faggot.
Now, C O P E

>> No.20860632
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>> No.20860674

I think it will hit $10 this year, possibly after EDCON but who knows. It could start crabbing again for a few months.

>> No.20860675


>> No.20860683

>DFOs mean you can simply edit a contract instead of having to make a new token
>makes new token

>> No.20860687

BUILDL and ARTE are gonna pump for sure

>> No.20860718

If one cant use uniswap, how is one able to feed oneself?

>> No.20860729
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>> No.20860804

So here are all the current MCs of the projects speaking at EDCON, in order:

$0.6m ARTE
$6.7m BUIDL

$35m DATA
$60.6m GNT
$67.4m AVA
$80.7m RLC
$113.9m CKB
$121.8m STX
$125.8m LRC
$209.7m UMA
$402.9m AAVE
$845.8m ETC
$2,865.5m LINK
$37,065.9m ETH

And here are their peak MCs, in order:

$0.6m ARTE
$6.7m BUIDL

$67.9m AVA
$121.7m CKB
$135.1m STX
$220.3m UMA
$308.2m RLC
$307.8m DATA
$446.1m AAVE
$920.4m GNT
$968.2m LRC
$3,308.6m LINK
$4,395.4m ETC
$149,491.5m ETH

If our two were to beat even just AVA:

ARTE would do a 108x
BUIDL would do a 10x

If they were to beat half, and sit between DATA and AAVE:

ARTE would do a 491x
BUIDL would do a 45x

Truth be told, they can do even better than that. $BUIDL and $ARTE confirmed for mega moonshots

>> No.20860831

idk but i cant see the value around ARTE (yet). care to shill?

>> No.20860849

would it also not be possible to fix contracts like the uniswap routers?

>> No.20860883

How to solve governance problem without token and still be decentralized brainlet?

>> No.20861042

At this point it’s not even worth worrying about the price. There is no way this isn’t going to at least 1 billion MC and it will get there a lot faster than you’ll think. It solves a huge problem with smart contract development and with robe allows decentralisation of the front end. This is the definitive decentralised Web 3.0 developers framework. It’s going to make all of the pipe dreams we’ve heard talked about over the last few years finally become a reality. It’s beyond huge.

>> No.20861579
File: 20 KB, 400x300, 4564564564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a comfy bag but you're making me fomo for a bigger one

>> No.20861595

Fucking this

>> No.20862261

Amen. Need to buy moar.

>> No.20862695

uniswap only might be ok for now but at some point it needs exchanges, but the team doesn't seem to care about that at all.

>> No.20863056

exchanges are so 2017, those cunts throttle progress and manipulate the market for themselves, CZ charges millions for listing a coin and a large chunk of your team tokens. DEX is the way forward. hope binance die this year.

>> No.20863477

They don't, but if the trading volume is good some exchanges might list without having to pay

>> No.20863779
File: 109 KB, 1200x675, EeMA9g-WAAIirtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

countdown to EDCON 2020

>> No.20863840
File: 165 KB, 900x506, EeMigEHWAAEEcsL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BUIDL is the project with the lowest market cap of EDCON 2020.
It has ENORMOUS potential if you ask me....

>> No.20864140

You just know Vitalik will be watching. What time/day is he speaking?

>> No.20864326

Def with leverage where?

>> No.20864443

It will get listed on bigger exchanges. Im so comfy to be in this gem before all the redditcucks find out about it.

>> No.20865501

09th August.
Vitalik will be watching
But not only Vitalik.
Its a huge event.

>> No.20865540


>> No.20865610

I am ready, pamp eet

>> No.20866043

Some of the guys running it look like scammers from Italia

>> No.20866303

they're respeced og eth devs

>> No.20866669



>> No.20867175
File: 11 KB, 628x129, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh trannycoin

>> No.20867191


>> No.20867313
File: 539 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20200801-011532_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you to buy ARTE

>> No.20867432

my MANNN - got in from a thread yesterday, idk if it was you
randomly checked my phone to a comfy 3x this morning - the only thing I regret is that I didn't buy more desu

>> No.20867569


It was probably me. It corrected violent after mooning just now but that's fair enough lol. Enjoy the ride

>> No.20867738

wait it out, move to a dummy wallet and sell there to send them off on another hit

>> No.20868556

censorship resistance works both ways, nazi's or tranny's.....interesting you immediately thought of the trannys

>> No.20868599

So it's still going to have the shit logo for edcon? This is going nowhere

>> No.20868608


>> No.20869391

I am buying so much $BUIDL

>> No.20869607


The logo is a pleb filter, people at EDCON aren't so retarded as to judge a book by its cover

>> No.20869746


>> No.20869939

mornin /biz/, just entered back in let's gooooooo

>> No.20869948
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>> No.20870007

Reminder: devs own 400% of circulating supply. The circulating supply will inflate by 400% when they sell it in one year. This is priced in and will prevent this from going above $5 ever

>> No.20870041

Zoom out

>> No.20870043

reminder if the devs ever start dumping we can vote to redistribute funds to user wallets and strongly mitigate the teams ability to control the price

>> No.20870106


Reminder: the is asshattery with no basis in reality, your facts and figures are nothing more than lies, take your meds julian

>> No.20870139

Cope. Theres nothing you can do when they immediately sell them all OTC the first day its unlocked.

>> No.20870183

And then a few VC faggots will have more voting power than all of you combined and can vote to redistribute all of YOUR tokens to their wallet. Lmfao

>> No.20870242

we can start working of the functionality to distribute tokens based on withdrawls from the dev wallet today if you want. I'm not the best solidity dev but if you guys know your shit we can probably build it in a day or two

>> No.20870268

VC funds are only sold on condition they are locked lol imagine trying this hard to fud and being named Julian must fucking suck for you

>> No.20870395

You know the project is good when mafia fud is the only thing we can't prove lol

>> No.20870792

Nice logo. Yeah im not going to trust my money with a pixel rainbow ghost. Is the ghost going to vanish like all the money soon will?

>> No.20871154

How retarded do you have to be to not know they have a rebrand going on with a contest that has been shipped 100 times in here?

>> No.20871191

he just wants to get in under a dollar but it's literally never happening

>> No.20871196

it's a Mafia money laundering scheme. They made the logo as gay and innocent as possible to not be suspected of any malicious intent

>> No.20871241

Is that so? Honestly asking. Iam at the verge of buying huge amount.... FOOOMMOOOOOOOO

>> No.20871248

Oh i know. Why would you promote a unfinished rushed project then? Seeing the shitty rushed logo makes me think the entire operation is a rushed afterthought. What a complete joke. If you want to be a zoomer go ahead and buy the shiny gay rainbow coin. I will choose not to because i cant trust anyone who doesn't care about their professional appearance

>> No.20871303

it's true. last time I tried to sell I was cornered outside my office building and a tall man in a green suit literally jumped on my head screaming "BRAVO ARRIVEDERCI LINGUINI GOOMBA" fuck this shit I'm changing my identity and moving to Canada

>> No.20871330

>the entire operation is a rushed afterthought
they were working on it for at least 18 months before it was released

>> No.20871451

honestly, why don't we have mafia memes
I'm shit at drawing but it would be hillarious to have mafia tuxedo pepes along the channels of Venice with BUIDL logo on their suit tying rocks to the legs of a red wojak that had apparently sold

>> No.20871769

it might have been me if you were the dopamine anon in the bzr thread kek

>> No.20871789

Could BUIDL holders vote to hire a professional graphic designer to design a logo with the community funds?

>> No.20871825

i have grown to like the logo - something comfy about it, i think its the colors in the back

>> No.20871839
File: 65 KB, 1140x1140, photo_2020-07-30_21-22-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nu buidl logo already decided

>> No.20872056

is this yours anon? if it is, consider making the weight of the lines thinner. it looks heavy right now. (to me) other than that its awesome.

>> No.20872106

there is a better version floating around without the rainbow, the artist is a /biz/ fag he's in a lot of these threads. I think we should all agree to support his design, whichever one of them we decide on (pls no rainbow it's too noisey, looks bad when thumbnailed)

>> No.20872152

i have been seeing his logo. i like it, just needs a tiny bit tweeking

>> No.20872249

no not mine but the one ill be voting for
the monotone version is good too but this one strikes just the right balance for me.

>> No.20872325

What if just the eye was rainbow

>> No.20872434
File: 44 KB, 1140x1140, Qmerx8o6U9suWWhvvP3wwACwV6bNzhxo1XvMVGmVt2yubq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof we have a new contender

>> No.20872470

idk why it darkens when enlarged

>> No.20872539
File: 78 KB, 869x867, 97447544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took a screenshot, i think this is my new favourite

>> No.20872670
File: 34 KB, 300x300, 585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new logo

>> No.20872782


>> No.20872943

I still kek everytime I see that in the voting options

>> No.20873108

Comfy, very comfy. Can’t wait for the future of this gem.

>> No.20873167

About Vitalik Buterin and Buidl;

“It's not about whether or not other ETH dev is aware of DFO project; he is aware of (or will eventually realize) the need for a flexible governance protocol to control DAOs and fully-on-chain dapps (also storage of all data on web3 potentially [think about it]).

DOFhub is "the protocol of protocols" and will become an essential layer of sorts for the entire Ethereum ecosystem (which will be at the center of the internet-of-internets). Watch every dapp (and company) on Eth (for now) cede control to DAOs; then watch those DAOs get a DFO layer for flexibility and future-proofing. Also this theory suggests that yes, Vitalik Buterin is aware “

>> No.20873299

what's everybody's target post-EDCON? smallest project there...

>> No.20873364


my conservative estimates:

10m MC pre-edcon
arte 2m

>> No.20873729

Low 5 high 11

>> No.20873768

Honestly it will probably dump

>> No.20873813

Probably $6-7

>> No.20873943
File: 693 KB, 1200x627, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20873966


>> No.20874056


>> No.20874100


i see you Julian ID. see >>20873943 for your impending fate

>> No.20874141


>> No.20874306


Zoom out

>> No.20874373

I actually regret not putting my money into this when I was shopping on 28th. I picked DEV instead because I was unaware this existed, which yielded 0% gains. Not that I can complain about DEV's returns, atleast it wasn't less

>> No.20874442

And after 18 months they decided a ghost emoji over the gay pride flag is a good professional logo. Even worse

>> No.20874597

they are severely autistic anon, not artistic

>> No.20874784

There's a difference between unprofessionalism and autism. An autist just creates a text-form website like TRND does it. It's does the job without feeling the need to impress anyone. But it isn't necessarily unprofessional like, for example, hosting your meetup in a rented backroom belonging to a sex club or whatever...

>> No.20874843
File: 280 KB, 1400x1200, 1592707807050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine making money off an unprofessional logo
fuck all the Julians in the whole world

>> No.20874945

Anon, gays don't own rainbows.
Also they're super trendy for "professional" logos anyway, if you saw any corporate Twitter accounts last month.

>> No.20874997


fuck ALL of them to the bottom of the lake

>> No.20875402
File: 807 KB, 784x1100, 955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20875617

This. Like holy shit guys get it together. Is the team made up lgbt zoomers?

>> No.20875640

Rainbows can be aesthetic, just not the piece of shit one they chose. What a fucking joke

>> No.20875677

It looks like they made the logo in minecraft and then put the snapchat ghost on it. Im fucking rolling right now

>> No.20875838

18 months not a year

>> No.20875850
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, EeG7GSwXgAERk9k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From their Twitter.

>> No.20875860

give it too me straight boys... I threw 1 eth will I make it?

>> No.20875895

sui stack is 420 but you will be glad you bought

>> No.20875899

I was thinking of buying this coin but I'm not anymore I actually did my own research, looked at etherscan and 95% of supply is in 3 wallets.
Be careful anons, rug pull is imminent

>> No.20875923

I don't think this thing will ever sustain a mcap over 50M.

It's like DAOstacks, it's not that better.
It's a niche inside a niche.

What's the mcap now?
Maybe a x10 possible

>> No.20875929
File: 33 KB, 645x573, 1591725660672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy back in Jules you can still make shitloads

>> No.20875949

>fartghost is winning
Democracy was a mistake.

>> No.20875954
File: 262 KB, 1080x1099, Screenshot_20200731-094202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is DAOstacks admitting they have no idea how to solve the governance problem

>> No.20875983

are you retarded? you did "rsearch" and still don't know that the tokens are locked till 2022? And the token holders vote on how they will be released?

Get the fuck outta here julian

>> No.20875982

this is just a crowdfunding sale for the artists to generate art, the actual vote for the logo takes place in a couple weeks

>> No.20875987

the top #1 #3 #4 are good but the best is the 2nd on the top row. The little space ship one. If they started with that i would be a long time holder. Its all about the logo to me.

>> No.20875991

Think bigger.

>> No.20876080
File: 259 KB, 1500x1500, 1592060780170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get the fuck out of here julian

>> No.20876122


fucking tard stay poor

>> No.20876175

I think that one is alright, definitely one of the most unique and gets rid of the rainbow. Personally I hope pink wojak wins.

>> No.20876187

Still have no idea what this shit is. Im just here for the logo FUD. That being said, GODDDDD DAMMMMMMN! What were they thinking?

>> No.20876201

I like the rainbow. I can take or leave the ghost.

>> No.20876324
File: 22 KB, 500x500, QmS2CkBSfNLbQXxwnkwCvFZKYAYicfeSeFfqhbZ7JDTc81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked this one at first, there are some good options, but I think we need to vote strategically to make sure something good wins rather than making factions and splitting the /biz/ vote. remember, we might be the deciding factor in the vote as one of the few sizable communities holding buidl

>> No.20876338

you do realize that's a guy voting for his own submission so he gets the eth buidl and arte prize right? real vote is Aug 5 to 22

>> No.20876382

whoever created this one can you edit it so it's white when enlarged like >>20872539 ?

>> No.20876413
File: 104 KB, 898x722, BUILDTISTIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys i took a try at the logo contest. Its my take on the rainbow ghost. I really tried to get in the heads of the devs to create this and really tried understand their thinking. I feel like I did an alright job. I know I wont win but im thinking top 10 would be reasonable

>> No.20876457

I'd honestly take this over the piece of shit that has the most votes according to >>20875850

>> No.20876482

So I just took a look at the no. of holders and thought to myself it's growing fast at over 700. Then I took a link at shitlink for comparison and saw there are 178 THOUSAND wallets. Damn boi we are still so early.

>> No.20876494
File: 46 KB, 1140x1140, 1596220119364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just put a white background in

>> No.20876505

The ghost you are talking about looks smug and its farting. Mine is aristocratic

>> No.20876595
File: 42 KB, 550x550, QmSs88RJmfNAc2zbqJjPJrGNzuWRvSAbbKdMVjYG97PvR6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like that one too. Or maybe playing with the color scheme it could look even better. Not like pic related, but I just really like the way the ghost looks in yours or pic related + the hammer for "building" is really well done. I think some form of yours or pic related is really my personal favorite, if we can find the perfect colors it'd look the best.

>> No.20876620

Honestly why are there so many ghost designs? It just looks meme-y and scammy. Really think they should take a different or simpler direction if they want to look like a serious project.

>> No.20876640
File: 14 KB, 429x389, logobw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20876710
File: 4 KB, 216x233, abc123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but dfo

>> No.20876765

Someone make a hammer with a blue checkered flanell texture and submit it to them

>> No.20876766
File: 514 KB, 873x505, 1591665599696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brand is a ghost because no one is in charge of startups or it's like anonymous or censorship proof idk they are autistic who cares, we vote for something professional looking come time and moon because the tech has no competition. the logo is just drag to be eliminated, literally anything acceptable = moon

>> No.20876973

With programmable equities, does it mean you can basically program every single token?

Btw, I know none of you can predict the price movement, but I hope ARTE reaches a $2 million market cap atleast this month. I bought gold with all my savings so I want to atleast recoup what I spent. But now I just rely on hopium for this to ever happen

>> No.20877188
File: 2.97 MB, 1000x4150, 1585789170107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my fav projects once you look into it. other ones are focused on defi like ren and snx. trying to look ahead anons

>> No.20877554
File: 64 KB, 1140x1140, Qmerx8o6U9suWWhvvP3wwACwV6bNzhxo1XvMVGmVt2yubq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20878112
File: 1.73 MB, 2658x1554, 1595886976694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't program on the tokens themselves. the tokens are your share of the equity, and all of those equities are programmable. I want to post two images so this will be a two part post. so first off this is the structure of a DFO, each of these DFOs has governance tokens, so those tokens give equity in the DFO. this is a lot like most investments so far. you could have equity in bitcoin in the same way. but, if we look at the pic again, the equity IS the voting rights over programming. it's as if you not only have equity in the sense of ownership over a % of the supply, but ownership of the development of the equity itself. 1/2

>> No.20878184
File: 16 KB, 893x585, dfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this pic related shows me accessing the DFOhub DFO, where I can upload proposals which can be voted into the protocol itself. since they moved buidl to v2, DFOhub is now ONLY programmable through this proposal platform. the devs don’t have any special access, all their updates need to be approved by the community. in a really real sense, you are in charge of how your equity is programmed. the community doesn’t like the 1.5% generation fee? we can change it. we can remove it. we need more liquidity? program a proposal to open up more space in the 12 mo staking period and if the community supports the idea we can implement it. and that generation fee I was talking about? 1.5% of every DFO is owned by the holders of buidl, and how that equity is used is, of course, a matter of community decision 2/2

>> No.20878216

>Image may contain: one or more people
Truly autism at its finest, buying more

>> No.20878429
File: 132 KB, 893x1300, 12561973-attractive-naked-girl-with-hard-hat-isolated-on-white-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that the clone of ampl, a token which itself doesn't even work, has a higher market cap than buidl after 2 days. buidl hasn't even begun to pop off and everyone itt is early

>> No.20878483
File: 446 KB, 1415x733, 1590422060993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fools chasing fool money. no reason to pay them any mind