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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 494 KB, 612x692, weAreTheXampions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20876490 No.20876490 [Reply] [Original]

Ampleforth tries to replicate fiat. We want to destroy it.

Rather than attempting to recreate traditional financial structures on the blockchain, we should be developing structures that serve as their antithesis. Otherwise, the same problems inherent to the modern financial system will only be replicated once again.

We are seeing this happen in the crypto space already. Projects are no longer deemed interesting without the backing of top tier VCs. Speculators clamor at news of big banking institutions and governments allowing their technology to operate within their system. Is there no more dignity to the crypto movement?

Antiample is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike a regular ERC20 token, Antiample has a constantly reducing supply. Holders of Antiample own a portion of the total supply of the token rather than an amount of Antiample themselves. When the value of 1 Antiample token decreases, the supply is decreased by at least 1%. This causes each Antiample to be worth more.

While Ampleforth issues more tokens based on supply and demand, we constantly destroy it. Cryptocurrency was born on the concept of deflationary assets. Antiample takes this concept to the extreme.

How will the free market behave? How will traders react to a constantly reducing supply? Who knows? What are the limits of our current concept of what a financial system is?

We don't have an answer, but if this intrigues you, you might want to join us to find out.


Previous thread >>20866426

>> No.20876583
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Have a good day.

>> No.20876618

guys GET IN BEFORE IT HITS $0.02 millionaires have already been made and I swear biz will make it if they stop selling at retarded prices

>> No.20876644
File: 96 KB, 1024x782, 2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting room

>> No.20876647

500k stack reporting in

>> No.20876664

I see people on etherscan selling for like .002 ETH like WTF are you even doing in an extremely volatile and brand new shitcoin if you’re scared to lose a few bucks

>> No.20876731

May you make 100x my friend

>> No.20876738

you know what, you're right.
i'm going all in, fuck ampleforth

>> No.20876749

please don't even get me started, I see people selling dribbles and its like ok I am not even hating on u for buying 0.002ETH worth but selling for 0.002ETH, are u a smooth brain? you could actually make some money off that 0.002 if u just left it for a bit fucking hell

>> No.20876768

We can't all make it, that's the sad truth.
Someone has to have weak hands and sell, and other buy in order for the price to rise up.
If everyone hodled then it'll never rise.

>> No.20876787
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“Look I made a profit of $10 even though I just paid $10 in fees to get the xamp” faggots

>> No.20876826


>> No.20876883
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>> No.20876924


people know it's a scam, but they also know that they can make money off of it, so they're being overtly precautious and the result is they're not actually making any money.

>> No.20876958

hahahah yeh fucking spastics man, biz actually helps this time but i think some ppl are just destined to lose

>> No.20876961

But what are they doing here? Crypto is about flipping shitcoins, otherwise I would buy boomer stonks

>> No.20876963

What's end of month price, anons?

>> No.20876970

push past the .01 resistance.....focus everyone

>> No.20877000
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 1596049365826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to smoke a joint, when i come back this coin better be .01
or else.

>> No.20877035

Nice anon, I'll join you

>> No.20877076

Gonna go smoke some crack

>> No.20877122


>> No.20877135


>> No.20877159

smoke another one so we get back to 2c

>> No.20877173


>> No.20877186


>> No.20877209

I’m still showing .0092 wtf

>> No.20877232
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 2165D8EF-0C55-4AAD-A402-D50A20D1D3D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. I’m smooth brain

>> No.20877343

Pathetic. A circlejerk by faggots who think they’ll find gullible ones to pump their bags. And then you have audacity to call them ”frens” on tg or discord, at the same time having no problems to dump on them. The underbelly of crypto

>> No.20877394

>dump on them
>dump on them
>dump on them
what is flipping shitcoins

>> No.20877422

Are you new? Either new or absolutely SEETHING

>> No.20877543

how is it a scam? how? As shitty as AMPL is for supporting FIAT, AMPL isn't a scam either. You think Brian Armstrong from coinbase would be invested in a ponzi?

>> No.20877670

he didn't make any easy money

>> No.20877696

is this the most updated thread??

>> No.20877786


>> No.20877864

shouldnt the next rebase happen already?

>> No.20877901

big billdrummond rebases when he wants to

>> No.20877939

Satoshi Nakamoto about to rebase us

>> No.20877973

Rebase me my body is ready.

>> No.20877981

Why is everyone buying in Ample clones?
Just found Newample, no website, no team, no discord, no whitepaper and just like 10 token holders. But people are already buying it and keep sending ETH.

Why aren't they sending me their ETH if they want to get scammed?

>> No.20878018

why do people buy litecoin? the see shit with a similar name and think 'ooh, cheaper!' at least XAMP is legit code and not a copypasta rugpull

>> No.20878034

Is the hype for this coin dead?

>> No.20878101

I refuse to believe that people are that stupid...

>> No.20878102

we need a lebbit brigade, bois

>> No.20878114

is there a set time for burns to happen?
theres like no info of it on the website

>> No.20878205


>> No.20878297
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>> No.20878331

uhhh i choose the first one...

>> No.20878676
File: 359 KB, 1300x844, 1578807645347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy the dip

>> No.20878720

exactly price appreciation imminent tonight

>> No.20878743
File: 129 KB, 630x630, DA3B96C2-1BCE-491D-BFB4-2ED7B2C11A5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the dip

>> No.20878831

Comfy as fuck right now. Might sell half stack at ten dollars, don't know yet. If ya know you know.

>> No.20878835

I hope this shit isn’t a scam I got 4K dollars into it, and the way it goes sideways makes me want to sell fast!!

>> No.20878860
File: 182 KB, 828x777, 49A69065-D481-4917-A9E1-C1532DD05EF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t be a bitch my man

>> No.20878872

they dont know about the rebase, they got nervous like you

>> No.20878884

Ya know what? That it was named and trolled after another failed coin? I’m just being real I hold 400k xamp coins

>> No.20878904

is it over?

>> No.20878919

I’ve been through the first rebase, price feel in half and I lost thousands of xamp coins out of my wallet

>> No.20878934

Doubt it, based on recent PnDs, we'll see this thing pump tonight and probably tomorrow as well. This coin only launched yesterday.

>> No.20878989

just bleeding so much rn

>> No.20879005
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Can’t wait for this to get to 5c or 10c

>> No.20879062

2.5c tonight

>> No.20879065

Yeah I’m about to dump 400k coins if it don’t go back to 1 penny, guaranteed before rebase. After rebase coin value drops by half as

>> No.20879158

buy now or wait for rebase?

>> No.20879176


>> No.20879241


>> No.20879313

Crypto pajeets arent a meme. 0.02 eth is enough to keep family fed for 3 months

>> No.20879406

rebase going uppp

>> No.20879422

the rebase is supposed to decrease the supply why did the price drop?

>> No.20879438

>the rebase is supposed to decrease the supply why did the price drop?
Because it scares the shit out of traders who have no idea what they're trading and try to exit

>> No.20879442

How do you know this?

>> No.20879461

Rebase function has a pause built into it.

>> No.20879496

Antiampl can’t pump more. It literally reached top of the hype, I’ve made 3x off it and got out. Watch out for 10x onboarding in the other thread - powmcoin.com

>> No.20879501

That’s what everyone thought would happen, but everyone looses money because they burn coins inside your wallet too, I’m so oissed I even got into this shitcoin right now cause NEET Did 30x in the past hour.

>> No.20879507

u can buy now guys

>> No.20879547

I’m gonna dump as long as volume and transaction don’t go up

>> No.20879557

Midwit logic be like

>> No.20879598

We still bullish?

>> No.20879602

guy last night sold 90ETH worth at 0.9 cents and it boomed to 1.3 cents literally within a half hour after
Please be that guy for tonight's game

>> No.20879604
File: 278 KB, 828x1792, F43D4721-A24A-4534-9866-07EC34617E88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine literally selling the bottom chasing other pump n dumps

>> No.20879618

EXACTLY, this still has a few days, if not a week before flops

>> No.20879640

ill comment on yt videos shill it up

>> No.20879641

It’s not going to flop fren. This is going to go on a bull run almost as violent and as similar as ample did at first.

>> No.20879647
File: 27 KB, 1124x253, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just warming up again bois

>> No.20879713

2 shitcoins shitting it out to see who's the shittiest of all time

>> No.20879718

we need bitboy to make a video on this, he literally just made moonshots of the week and left this out/.... hes the biggest shiller ever so if he had any of this he would 100% shill and make us all millionaires in the process or if a whale paid him like 1k (he's cheap) he would make a video anyways

>> No.20879748

He left it out probably because this shit is not even really a day old

>> No.20879767

That was unironically the completion of that cycle. That right there is exactly what the chart looked like At the end of the two previous bull run cycles. If you buy in now you will be sitting pretty by tomorrow morning.

>> No.20879774

yeh ur right, he might just be accumulating. he shills absolutely everything and seconds after upload they expload

>> No.20879788

Let’s all comment on his latest video about it and make some cheddar

>> No.20879804


>> No.20879824

Whoever made this can exit the fuck out and make INCREDIBLE amounts of money

>> No.20879852

Isn’t this getting to the time that it burns? I’ve been watching etherscan and it’s still 989

>> No.20879861

I'm hoping he keeps it up for another week, then I'm backing out. I 100% expect him to fuck everyone over but I want to make money before it happens

>> No.20879867

It’s night time burn and he decides when to do it

>> No.20879879

it happened!!!

>> No.20879886

We’ve been over this so many god damn times. I hope you are just playing dumb.
Can tel this thread is all newfags.

>> No.20879978

DO NOT SELL RN, only morons are selling here look at the green

>> No.20879995

Bug bitboy.

>> No.20879996
File: 82 KB, 188x197, ring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for lokinfg out for newfags, i think hes blatantly playing dumb

time to concentrate

>> No.20880003

As much as I’ve been wanting to get rid of this coin I’m still holding

>> No.20880066

Magic?! Maybe we are gonna moon xamp chads!!!

>> No.20880108

Yea my initial plan was to be in and out within the same day but with the retarded volume and attention this shit is getting I'm giving it up to a week to reach 3 cents. I'll fund my other shitcoin ventures with a fresh stack of ETH instead of using the gains from this like originally intended.

>> No.20880116

This is about as early as you can get in this shitcoin game. Literally the same fucking day the coin comes out

>> No.20880125

If you sell anywhere before 5 cents you are going to be sorely upset. Seriously none of you have rode moon missions have you?
It goes 80% dump->66% dump(you just finished this)->50% dump (probably at 5 cents) then 33% dump(probably at 30c)

>> No.20880136

looks like a lot of speculative nufag money coming in, normies?

>> No.20880138

It doesn’t mean nothing because at the end of the day it serves no function and is essentially a shitcoin

>> No.20880147

lurker FOMO

>> No.20880150

It launched yesterday late morning EST. The first hour was hilarous. Price doubled, halved, and then doubled again within a span of 16 minutes.

>> No.20880156

im bullish but literally so wrong, in "this shitcoin game" early is the first 10mins and hope it takes off like this did, the people getting in at 0.0012

>> No.20880197

Better than getting in days after it already died like AMPL

>> No.20880207

wheres the fucking token burn

>> No.20880224

it happened

>> No.20880236

Make it happen /biz/.

>> No.20880241
File: 595 KB, 640x635, 1584944388078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it literally is im only 100 usd in, testing the waters in crypto

>> No.20880248

You’re testing the water in crypto with THIS pump and dump? You’re an idiot honestly

>> No.20880300


NO you FUCKING CuCk it did not

>> No.20880313

When the moon mansion, sirs?

>> No.20880325

>When the moon mansion, sirs?
Do we build this after the moon mission?

I don't know when, but I'm fucking more than ready, stob crabbing people and let's pump this shit to 2 or 3 cents tonight.

>> No.20880391
File: 6 KB, 225x225, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry what did you say? the sound of my -very expensive and loud thing- is deafening Anon! can you speak louder?

>> No.20880432
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>> No.20880469

check here for burn history. looks like it hasn't happened yet

>> No.20880474
File: 15 KB, 300x300, Trevon-James--300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need Trevon James

>> No.20880517


>> No.20880529


>> No.20880558

higher lows every time retard
everyone is taking a nap for the weekend PUMPERINOOO

>> No.20880559


>> No.20880589

That’s what every single paper handed fag is gonna do

>> No.20880590

Calm the fuck down, everyone, lol. This is literally day two of the project and it's likely ran by Satoshi himself. It isn't even dumping, it's just fluctuating so whales can accumulate. Wait for the debase and chill. 100k suicide stack will be worth $100k.

>> No.20880608


>> No.20880617

It’s a joke

>> No.20880635

This is perfect to test the water. This is the wildwest of defi.

>> No.20880641

Satoshi??? What how?

>> No.20880658

Debase is happening in the next 5-10 mins, strap in

>> No.20880675

Can we get a new thread for this?

>> No.20880681
File: 33 KB, 320x320, Dont move.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20880692

>250K removed
Yup, it's over.

>> No.20880721

Scan the QR code in the profile picture of the YouTube channel on the antiample.org site

>> No.20880764

I'm honestly fucking ruined

>> No.20880767

Are you retarded?

>> No.20880776

(1) post by this ID

>> No.20880784

not unless you sell dumbfuck. weekend is when swingtraders come out and fomo in on the new weekly gems. hold my son

>> No.20880788

You may think it's over, but the $XAMP creator justt verified himself.



>> No.20880821

Just don’t sell yet silly

>> No.20880823

XAMP isn't something to joke about

>> No.20880824

that was the bottom and what people were waiting for. hope you didn't sell

>> No.20880832
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>> No.20880866

Tweezer double bottom. Hope you got in.

>> No.20880885


Welcome brother, im down 13 eth.

>> No.20880889

another 10-20x incoming. Load up the bags before the big guns chad this to .02

>> No.20880931

this shit almost hit that yesterday aim a bit higher

>> No.20880933

>another 10-20x incoming. Load up the bags before the big guns chad this to .02
I'm looking forward to tonight's pump. Only day 2 baby.

>> No.20880948

I’ve been in and I’m not selling, but now there are people desperately trying to dump their bags in this thread fuck you “hope you didn’t sell”

>> No.20880974


>> No.20880993

lovely green sticksssss

>> No.20880998


>> No.20881005

look at all that green

>> No.20881008
File: 130 KB, 1027x754, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selling is over. get in now if you havent yet

>> No.20881021

Alright I sold. It's done.

>> No.20881029


can you please link me that

>> No.20881035


>> No.20881046


Christ your hands are like baby hands

>> No.20881047


KEK don't fomo back in

>> No.20881054

Dumb fuck say goodbye to your tendies

>> No.20881057

Why would you sell right after he verified himself as the ETH genesis holder? There was no debase today because the value went up.

>> No.20881073

i want those niggas who were throwing 150eth at a time back plz

>> No.20881109

is there a way to transfer fiat to sendable eth same day? coinbase takes 5 fkin days

>> No.20881132

Rug anytime soon!

Get ReKt Anons...

>> No.20881134

He’s the one dumping on us, the so called whale genesis, whatever that means, is dumping on us everytime we go up just a bit

>> No.20881136

should let you if you use debit card.

>> No.20881141

when those chinese people wake up?

>> No.20881153

download Argent pay with fiat and withdraw immediately

>> No.20881156
File: 3 KB, 398x68, westillbullish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you post this and then dump? you deserve it

>> No.20881187

There’s stupid people here in America that will buy this stuff to become one day as rich as Jews, like us, but Chinese aren’t that stupid.

>> No.20881198

with debit on coinbase i can buy and trade eth right away but cant send it for up to 6 days it says. need it in metamask.

>> No.20881199

Debit. Careful though your bank might warm card you for it. I had to physically go in and make them approve the payments and I haven't had an issue since. Also you'll have a spending limit which goes up every few hours or so

>> No.20881201

let the soft hands fold..I watched so many fomo back in at top last night

>> No.20881218
File: 121 KB, 640x457, C1F004E6-E598-4CDB-AEFC-97CCE071C188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese aren’t that stupid

>> No.20881219

I use debit and coinbase and I can transfer it to metamask immediately. What country are you from?

>> No.20881220

USE ARGENT!! you can send your ether same day to meta

>> No.20881231

US. do i need some kind of wumbo verification?

>> No.20881232

cash app -> btc -> eth -> shitcoin -> broke

ThE CiRcLe of CrYpTo!! !...

>> No.20881240

Realistically, how high is this going lads

>> No.20881249

thank you, dloading now

>> No.20881250

5 cents by the end of the weekend and 33 cents top within a month or two.

>> No.20881252

Depends on how much you're withdrawing. <$300 is pretty safe same day on CB

>> No.20881264


>> No.20881294

Sounds based, how much u holding anon? I'm a stacklet with just under 100k.

>> No.20881304

"> dev traces back to ETH genesis wallet with thousands of ETH in transactions
> highest volume on Unswap reached in less than 15 hours
> CT is all over it
> rebase incoming tonight
while ampleforth tries to act like the fucking FED by increasing and decreasing supply of their shitty stablecoin.
Anitample only decreases its supply if the price decreases.

“Rather than attempting to recreate traditional financial structures on the blockchain, we should be developing structures that serve as their antithesis. Otherwise, the same problems inherent to the modern financial system will only be replicated once again.
We are seeing this happen in the crypto space already. Projects are no longer deemed interesting without the backing of top tier VCs. Speculators clamor at news of big banking institutions and governments allowing their technology to operate within their system. Is there no more dignity to the crypto movement?
Antiample is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike a regular ERC20 token, Antiample has a constantly reducing supply. Holders of Antiample own a portion of the total supply of the token rather than an amount of Antiample themselves. When the value of 1 Antiample token decreases, the supply is decreased by at least 1%. This causes each Antiample to be worth more.
While Ampleforth issues more tokens based on supply and demand, we constantly destroy it. Cryptocurrency was born on the concept of deflationary assets. Antiample takes this concept to the extreme.
How will the free market behave? How will traders react to a constantly reducing supply? Who knows? What are the limits of our current concept of what a financial system is

only available on uniswap at the moment, will be listed on huge exchange in the coming months https://uniswap.exchange/swap/0xf911a7ec46a2c6fa49193212fe4a2a9b95851c27

This project is 2 days old and you are very fucking early, this is your only chance to make it"


>> No.20881309

jump back in AMPL this shit will pump again

>> No.20881333



Contract creator address: 0xb869E26f664dD96B9822374508c16119382277Cd

Genesis wallet:


>> No.20881339

100k make it stack.. I had 500k last night and have swinged a few since last night.. holding my 350k so I can pay off my new truck and house

>> No.20881349





>> No.20881379

$3.33 coming the numbers say so

>> No.20881398

climbing back up fast broooos

>> No.20881415

Sitting on 400k m, just payed off my truck almost done paying off my property but it be nice to be fucking rich as fuck for a few years

>> No.20881436
File: 9 KB, 195x258, E95B66E5-E969-4F11-835A-83550F4DC504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20881466


>> No.20881470



>> No.20881485

can't believe I just used uni for the first time yesterday and found this unicorn.. This plus my linkies is generational wealth

>> No.20881495


damn, tryna find my next link

>> No.20881499

nigga rlly?

>> No.20881526

Yeah I was slow at work and started fucking with Meta and Uni and then found this on Biz now I'm 10 eth richer

>> No.20881561

New thread CHADS lets fucking pump this into Sunday >>20881424

>> No.20881569



>> No.20881792


>> No.20881976

That may be it. You have to do the photo ID verification

>> No.20882712

I cannot fucking imagine how much of a brainlet you'd have to be to sell the low like this

>> No.20882777

It’s not us, it’s the dev. It’s a scam you fucking idiots. And I’m an idiot for listening to you guys and buying 4000 dollars of this scam

>> No.20882800

the dev has more than 400MM, he aren't selling at all, he even doesn't need.

>> No.20883460


>> No.20883684

just sit tight buddy and ride it out. Either it goes down and you lose or it comes back up (more likely) and you can have a great week

>> No.20883706

not tonight anon, go to sleep, weekend buyers will FOMO based just on superficial shit like 38% increase over 24hrs, then dump again because of the rebase and some anons have mentioned easy .05 EOM, many shitcoins have gone up quite a bit and this one has rumors of Satoshu being behind it

>> No.20884139

Y'all are pussies, just bought another 0.5 ETH worth of this shit.

Weak hands will make you poor.

>> No.20884184

I'm black and I think XAMP is a scam

>> No.20884559

this comment makes perfect sense

>> No.20885377

You do realize Don spent that entire episode thinking of him and realizing he lost his touch

>> No.20885578


>> No.20885750

Imagine not holding xampies and ampies right fucking now

>> No.20885794