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20873082 No.20873082 [Reply] [Original]

>In the case, the court found that the lead plaintiff failed to provide the necessary evidence in the courtroom to support multiple claims regarding XRP’s non-security status, Brad Garlinghouse’s personal holdings and monetary intentions, XRP’s sale strategy, as well as the company’s software products.


>> No.20873104

BTC shaking in its boots

>> No.20873128


lol I remember uncle oldfag saying no one was interested in xrp because they were gonna lose the lawsuit.

xrp is officially fudless

>> No.20873172

How come the meme numbers aren't true yet...$589 should have happened by now...this news is like 20 minutes old already.

>> No.20873222

Fagoot old uncle has been strangely quiet lately...some anon said he committed sudoku with a serrated edged steak knife...

>> No.20873252
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>> No.20873263

Could you blame him?

>> No.20873268

rip oldfag and xrp to the moon confirmed

>> No.20873357

Lol. Faggot old uncle...steaking confirmed.

>> No.20873394
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Wait... The article actually has no source proving its claims. God dammit. Oh well, more time to accumulate.

>> No.20873472



>> No.20873486

XRP Ranks:

500 - Private

1000 - Corporal

2000 - Sergeant

5000 - Staff Sergeant

10000 - Master Sergeant

25000 - Sergeant Major

35000 - 2nd Lieutenant

50000 - 1st Lieutenant

75000 - Captain

100000 - Major

250000 - Colonel

500000 - Brigadier General

1000000 - General


>> No.20873540

August 26th it will be dismissed. That is the last lawsuit. Then major announcements in September.

>> No.20873548

Corporal retarded broke nigger reporting in

>> No.20873585
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That article does not say anything about the cases being dismissed. Only that Ripple has filed a motion for dismissal. Would not be surprised if it causes a small pump since its being spammed on twitter, and people will believe it because they are too lazy to sign up for the free-trial to view the full document.

>> No.20873719

I work for Zeus Capital, AMA.

>> No.20873737
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Is coffee good for you?

>> No.20873804

God fucking damnit.
I still bought another 1500.

>> No.20873828

Depends on the price of Chainlink.

>> No.20873842

That was weak 2017-18 fud, you just fell for it. XRP is an iq test they gave you 6 years to pass. You still can...

>> No.20874172
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>That article does not say anything about the cases being dismissed.
From the article, last paragraph:
>The court hearing has today dismissed all of these statements as false. The impact that will have for the future of Ripple as a company and a legal entity, as well as XRP, is perhaps more propitious than before.
Lern 2 reed.

>> No.20874587
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If dubs $589 EOY

>> No.20874846

So why isn’t it mooning like crazy right now?

>> No.20875012

it's going to be pegged to gold once the us dollar collapses a little more in a month or two; the signs are all around. eu abandoning, us dollar crashing lately.

i assume via eo trump will reset debt and allow people to trade in usd for xrp at a favourable rate to us citizens.

nesera is coming, all the schizos are trying to tell you but you refuse to listen

>> No.20875055

That’s a little much anon..
How could that happen in such short of time when XRP barely has any function as it is?
And why XRP?
Why not some crypto already tied to the dollar?

>> No.20875081

Also, it would cause mass civil unrest (the collapse of the dollar will anyways).
Just can’t see that happening anymore..if it goes down, “they” go down with it. And go down hard..

>> No.20875127

I do not think XRP is going to become the next world currency or whatever. But as it stands, it is one of the only projects in the space that can scale to VISA levels already. Its incredibly fast, and it is made in the US. What would you suggest as an alternative?

>> No.20875278

I have no idea. Just hope that it does..
Very few people even know what it is as of now. I’m aiming for a 10k stack this week. Also considering telling my parents about it so they can get involved. Still torn on the idea..

>> No.20875417

they'll just belittle you

remember that when you make it

>> No.20875497

I gave them the chainlink spiel..they didn’t scoff and were interested.
I couldn’t in good conscience suggest that shitcoin to them though.

>> No.20875582

Good for you. I’m ashamed to admit that I fell for the chainlink scam before doing my own research and getting into xrp. Mods should ban link threads so nobody falls for it anymore.

>> No.20875728


>> No.20875906

If it breaks .40 soon I’m going to get them in.
They could easily put in $10,000.

>> No.20875963

Also I’m trying to find recent and informatIve YouTube videos explaining XRP that a boomer could understand easily. Any suggestions?

>> No.20875981

You'll still make it Corporal. Keep fighting!!!!

>> No.20876057

Cripple faggots are so fucking deluded.
You will not get rich holding something minted out of thin air then sold to you for fiat. XRP has no network effect. It does not do anything. It will never do anything except be dumped by its creators.

>> No.20876070

XRP a goldmine for boomers. Unlike other crypto projects the basics are easy to understand. Boomers are going to eat it up once the mainstream media starts talking about it more. I remember during the 2017 bullrun there was like a 2 week period when the media was talking about crypto and they mostly talked about XRP because boomers love it so much.

>> No.20876226

Boomers are still talking about it. Boomers talk about it at my workshop. They think it's going to go to 389 dollars EACH because they are all part if the same retarded boomer social media cult. It's like linktards but boomers. One even told me I should buy it because "one ripple will be worth more than 300 dollars someday!!" I asked him how he knows and
>a professional trader showed his technical analysis that shows xrp is ready for a run greater than bitcoin!!!
Wow, fucking dumbass boomer.

>> No.20876434

no reason for unrest when people are told all debts are forgiven

>> No.20876448

The bank of Brazil and soon Canada forgot that part I guess?

>> No.20876478

>stories that never happened

>> No.20876481

I think there is more of a chance of society collapsing due to an asteroid strike than the kikes forgiving trillions of debt.

>> No.20876563

Happened two months ago. They were talking about crypto. One was trying to shill the Pi coin app to the other boomers and get them to use his ref code. He was sure pi would be worth several dollars each someday also.

You remember the PI shills right? Well that conversation turned into litecoin and xrp shilling.

The dumbest part of all of this is they were quite certain their microscopic bags (less than 1k) were going to "moon" and make them nigger rich.

>> No.20876610

>2 million XRP wallets across the world
>Boomers at my workplace were talking about it! They were also talking about PI and Litecoin
Why are you lying? Why are you posting in all XRP threads?

>> No.20876698

Hes afraid.

>> No.20876870

Fine you little nigger you don't have to believe me. Everyone I work with has crypto, even if it's just left over from 2017/18. You're not part of a super sekrit club holding lunch money amounts of #3 market cap "crypto"(xrp is not).

Watching you cunts bleed our vs btc and eth has been pretty funny to me.

>> No.20876989

I thought it was 2k

>> No.20877037
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Just got pay pay so put 2 hundy down. It's all I got.

Am I saying all the lingo right?

>> No.20877075

You’re so desperate to prove a point, but everyone here with a rational mind knows you’re trembling thinking this shit is going to moon and the boomers were right. This is the year XRP market cap will double BTCs. You’re not gonna make it anon, just keep on buying your linkies. I heard they’ll be on discount next week.

>> No.20877146


>> No.20877211


Is this ironic posting? Are you guys actually big LINK holders? Lol

>> No.20877237
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>> No.20877324
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Holy fuck. It is going to happen. Trump is going to drain the swamp.

>> No.20877392
File: 452 KB, 2048x1318, matthewmellon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't read the Mellon threads then.
Even if the Mellon threads aren't true, the debt wouldn't necessarily be forgiven, but it could be placed into something such as bonds, paid off over 100 years or so.

pic related.

>> No.20877609

just got promoted to corporal
feels good man

>> No.20878326


>gains a billion in market cap to gain a penny


>> No.20878385


>> No.20878476

Why not a fucking FedCoin in the first place. Unless they were to nationalize xrp.
>Today we're handing world reserve currency king status to Brad Garlinghouse. The fed and swift approve of this

>> No.20878499

Thanks for letting us know. I'll delete the thread now. Excellent counter-arguments like yours are hard to refute.

>> No.20878548

FedCoin is built on Stellar. XRP is used for cross border transfers in a global economy. The value of FedCoin, as well as all other CBDCs, is inherently captured by Ripplenet. How many times do we need to go over this?

>> No.20878576

What kind of faggots actually sue FOR something to be labeled a security?

>> No.20878610

People who are paid off to help keep the price suppressed.
t. Schizo

>> No.20879205

Nice fantasy story. You don’t even have a job.

>> No.20879869

1st lieutenant bought in at 22

>> No.20880060

Master Sergeant on deck! TEN HUT MAGGOTS!

>> No.20880103

XRP Ranks:

More than 0 - Reddit Cringelord