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20870072 No.20870072 [Reply] [Original]

Why should people buy this? what are some breadcrumbs? I NEED to start gambling some ETH on a semisolid project.

inb4 muslim dev/raped by jamal in alleyway etc

>> No.20870140
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dether has everything needed to pump to around top 100-200 market cap.. With the momentum who knows, could break into top 100. The use case and technology is brilliant. Decentralized cash to crypto.. What else do we have for cash to crypto? We got Bitcoin ATM's, Coinbase, lots of KYC and regulations etc... All centralized with single points of failure, the government and criminals can mess with them, not reliable. Dether does for cash to crypto what Bitcoin does for money and what Torrents do for file sharing.

Plus it took them like 3 years to create the tech and they just released it a few days ago. This is a top project.

>> No.20870194
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It is a World Bank Project (Blockchain for Social Impact) in order to eliminate Social Inclusion. Follow the breadcrumbs.

>> No.20870292

216 u say? This is fucking huge. 42 get in here!! Im summoning your schizo expertize

>> No.20870293

thank you anons. hope the devs start a marketing push of sorts since they have a working project. Any idea why i cant use the app itself in USA? i know the protocol is open.

>> No.20870549

Bumping for more crumbs

>> No.20870607

FUDers will come in and say the app is pointless. It’s not, but more importantly, this is a protocol that allows other development on top of it. Anyone who isn’t buying this now doesn’t deserve to make money:

>> No.20870749

This x10000. Imagine buying some vapor wear sack of shit coin when you could buy something that already has a legit, working protocol and app to back it up. "but he's muslim!!!" racists gtfo

>> No.20870764
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>> No.20870845

Watch the whole Interview. They worked with CoinBase together and are listed in the CoinBase DappStore with Logo Description and everything.


>> No.20870876

Here’s an angry vaporware consumer now.

>> No.20870953

Ask, could you see yourself using it?
Be honest with yourself, would YOU, a crypto enthusiast, use it?
If you wouldn't use it, there's zero chances any normie would use it.
Don't be retarded

>> No.20870970

I don't think most niggers know what ethereum is, I'll take my chances

>> No.20871001

>really low market cap
>dedicated dev team
>actual nice, usable, useful product
>actual solid use case for the coin
fuck this coin is there any trendy pnd i can get into

>> No.20871009

i could see myself using it for traveling. arrive in new country, visit teller, swap some crypto for local currency and not get fucked with fees like normal currency exchangers

>> No.20871014

Yeah because localbitcoin/etc never had a single user. complete failures! fuck off retard

>> No.20871026

its a target on your back you retards

>> No.20871040

Nothing 4channel hates more than a solid product. Bring on the powerpool antiample tendie scams

>> No.20871062

solid samefagging lmao, but thanks

>> No.20871096

is there anyone living in a major city that can tell me about the usage so far?
i have a small bag wondering if i should get a big one
ive been wanting this app forever

>> No.20871098

Why would you risk getting rob by niggers over a .1% fee?
Normies don't care about a .1% fee kek

>> No.20871141

how else would i anonymously donate to andre wang lin

>> No.20871181

The FUD here is hilarious.

“We hate working protocols and apps!”

>> No.20871228
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Hasnt really taken of on the usage side yet. Hopefully it will be full of wendors when the normies flock to the next bullrun. I really want to cash out a bit via this app for my daily expenses like I did with localethereum

>> No.20871230

There's been plenty of projects with working protocols and dapps that have failed because they fail to understand the "general consumer"

>> No.20871257

why do they block normal web browsers from using it

>> No.20871278
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I found 5 buyers/sellers so far

>> No.20871322
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>> No.20871328
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Its a mobile web app. You use your phone

>> No.20871362

Omg meta mask is doing the same thing! FUD is weak today.

>> No.20871379

such as?

>> No.20871673

Are you new to crypto?

>> No.20871847

thank u eurobro

>> No.20871995

Where do I buy into this scam

>> No.20872203


>> No.20872509

>5m cap and 90% of coins are circulating already
>only 2/100 top wallets have been selling, rest stacking or dormant for years
>whale purchased 3% of the supply with zero liquidity, paid a massive premium. Could be a youtuber or influencer fag
>the app works and looks fucking sick, built in messaging app etc
>slowly being mentioned
>huge youtubers made vids about it years ago while it was in beta, I expect several to revist
>app listed in the coinbase wallet
>product is actually useful for me
>could be the best way to cash out anonymously (BTC atms have huge fees and take your ID usually)
>connections with huge DeFi platforms like makerdao

Everyone wants to call it stupid, but they all know it's going to take off. These devs are super well connected and have kept low for 2 years. If you wait for more "certainty" you will be paying 3x the price. Liquidity is so poor right now.

>> No.20872591
File: 889 KB, 1840x3009, makerdaodether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MakerDAO Partnership

>> No.20872706

Moon mission initiated. It’s surging.

>> No.20872844

Its on. Fudders on suicide watch

>> No.20872880

You found a buyer?

>> No.20872898

only new enough to not know about other cryptocurrencies that have what dether has.

>> No.20873064

“But does the app accept AMPL??”

>> No.20873290

you can add any token including AMPL via Staking DTH


>> No.20873402

what exactly does this do? just allows me to trade said token for cash with a small staking fee?

>> No.20873455

It's craigslist but for crypto.
That's it

>> No.20873511

Still waiting on you to answer that other guy. What other project has something like this in app form with encrypted zksnark wallet messaging and a sleek looking map

>> No.20873651

Game changer $5 end of august

>> No.20873690

Here's a important one, COSS

There's plenty but you're just being retarded

>> No.20873763

Coss was made by a known norwegian scammer. I know because i fucking 20xed on that shit when it came out.

>> No.20873786

Rune was a Romanian scammer

>> No.20873839

I would use it..and I am (white English partial normie in London uk)

>> No.20873871

>I would use it
>White English
lol sure
haha sure

>> No.20873903

Because I would like to exchange cash for crypto without using a bank..are you retarded?

>> No.20873915

How to make passive income and support the system?

>> No.20873921

Why not just use a bank?

>> No.20873948

>bunch of 2017 shitcoins that will never touch dths power

Thanks for the laugh anon

>> No.20873969

>Game changer $5 end of august

>> No.20874158

Did you just link a bunch of obscure 2017 shitcoins and hoped people would take your word for it? I just went through most of them and you are so full of shit

weak fud man

>> No.20874183

everything you listed does something that's either too niche for anyone to care about, and the ones that do offer peer to peer don't deal with fiat. on top of that, all but one of them have a shitload of money invested into them despite having hardly any recent activity while dether is only at 4 mil less than a week after going on hotbit and 9 days after releasing the protocol.

>> No.20874290

...either too niche for anyone to care about, or so coated in jargon that most people won't understand it.

>> No.20874321

These Pajeet rebuttals are starting to get pathetic.
The list was just a SMALL example of the hundreds of shitcoins that have managed to do what your Nigerian shitcoin has done.
I know most of you are part of your shill team six, and know it's a shitcoin but will keep shilling to try and make profit.
I'm off to go get some tendies.

Any newfags ITT, take note. This is what a shill team looks like.

>> No.20874404

What would a non pajeet rebuttal look like?

Not a single one of those coins have apps that allow people to trade crypto for fiat. You are full of shit and this is theatrics.

>> No.20874515

You're fucking retarded.
My original statement was here.

I know some of you might actually be newfags/retards shilling this project because you fell for the shill team.
I warn you guys, leave this board. Your IQ is too low and you'll lose a lot of money.

>> No.20874527

<Dether is a shitcoin, goes to get tendies
And yet I'm the pajeet in a shill team. fuckin lol

>> No.20874552

Real tendies
Get fucked pajeet

>> No.20874591

You can't even fucking green text correctly.
Go back to your village, they need you.

>> No.20874607

I bought LINK for 9.5 cents in the pre-sale ICO. If you think I'm full of shit, let's both enter our wallets into a smart contract. If I sign a message from my ICO wallet within 1 hour, I get all your eth. If I don't, you get double whatever yours is worth. Sound good? Can have it ready by morning.

>> No.20874636

Sure, let me know when it's set up

>> No.20874643

Why do you care so much about “protecting people” you fucking little faggot. You’re fudding because you missed it at 2c now fuck off.

>> No.20874662

All you had to do is give me a good reason not to go all in on this, but all you got is calling scam like a pajeet would. My only reason for not going all in on dether is that there isn't availability for it in really big countries like the U.S. because getting that locked in is far from simple, and I'm not 100 percent certain about if that will even happen because the powers that be will go the extra mile to prevent that. Christ, I like dether and even I can come up with a better fud than you.

>> No.20874700

Pajeets have no reason to call something a scam.
You're obviously a newfag and don't understand that this project has no potential

>> No.20874761

>Mad because i'm "protecting people"
Am I causing issues for you PnD?
Also answer my earlier question

>> No.20874776

K I'm going to get my old laptop fixed with the UTC file saved. 72k LINK received from the contract address in october 2017. I expect you to dodge me afterwards, but I'll be sure to chase you out of every thread thereafter, because you will never enter the contract.

>> No.20874812

What are you invested in?

>> No.20874818

Yeah, I'll be here.
Just let me know

>> No.20875033
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I Hope you are real anon. Join the telegram if you use telegram. Top 100 wallet here.

>> No.20875647


>> No.20876329

Nice, bought 100K

>> No.20876690
File: 128 KB, 800x800, detherchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
