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20854668 No.20854668 [Reply] [Original]

I work as a bank teller in Vancouver, today some rich chink came in to withdraw 250k cash. We were unable to fulfil his order and had to go in full damage control mode explaining why my manger looked really stressed about it. Canadian banks are suffering a cash shortage right now.

>> No.20854764

I keep hearing about coin shortages specifically in US banks. Is that happening in leaf banks too or is it just all cash in general that's short?

>> No.20854838
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As if the Canadian man didn't have enough trouble simply putting food on the table as it was...

>> No.20854870

There are no coins in burgerland. Seriously.

>> No.20854894

we didn't print enough money.

>> No.20855012

It doesn’t make sense why all of a sudden are there no coins? COVID lead to the shortage? How? More people using laundry ? Like what the fuck. This is all a big planned ordeal

>> No.20855054
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>> No.20855071

Dumb zoom zoom. Think about it for a min youll get there. Fuck zoomers lack life experience.

>> No.20855102

Please explain then... Are people hoarding coins?

>> No.20855333

Do you have any proof of this anon? I'd like to believe you but....

>> No.20855580

you dealt with a vietnamese gangster looking to re-up on some kush to bring out east nbd

>> No.20855603

I love the smell of hyper inflation in the morning.

>> No.20855656

People aren't going out to places where they would typically use cash so the coins aren't circulating.

>> No.20855662

Sometimes ATMs are closed , they will leave 1 open.

People are actually holding on to cash. I'm not an economist but it's actually starting whatever is happening it's starting

>> No.20855673

People are betting that the value of the metals will be worth more than the face value of the coin. And history shows that they are probably right, there are very few coins which have not been eventually outstripped in value by the underlying metal.

>> No.20855678

No you fucking idiot. The fed is printing paper money like it's going out of style and not coins. So, more and more people are getting change but not using it. Meaning...there a shit ton more coins in your drink holder in your car because you don't sift through that shit and pay for shit like sally sue the 90 year old woman. You're not hording it, but your not using it. Fun fact: self-serve car wash owners are getting more rich cause you tards suck up change in the vaccum like its old mcDs french fries.

>> No.20855703

Taking out more than $10K in cash requires all but the largest branches to special order the hard currency and wait several days. This has been the case for a couple of decades now. You are dog whistling or know fuck all about the bank you are tellering at.

>> No.20855727

LARP. no banks have an extra 250k cash on hand, major liability. They maybe have that total for all the customers per day.
t. canadian

>> No.20855749

Did some banks lower it a while back to like 7-8k? And they started reporting it to the feds as well if you did?

>> No.20855783
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>they don't know

>> No.20855790
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cashless transations seem like the way to go as long as your governments and companies wernt completely capitalistic kike niggers who would sell all your private info to the chinese without a second thought.

>> No.20855811
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we're going to war. and soon

>> No.20855821

To be fair most of the Mexican pile is high fructose corn syrup processed crap

>> No.20855837

Now it's $100. If you take out enough to eat a meal you are reported.

>> No.20855933

I work as a cashier (or at least I do while I'm not locked in) and it's insane man. Families will come in and pay like $200+ per trip on average.

>> No.20856068

Shit like this pisses me off.
>deposit my money into bank
>go to withdraw my money
>they dont have my money

Yes yes, I understand the practical reasons behind it. I can understand why its impractical to have such large sums of money. I can understand how such cases are so rare that it's useless to prepare for them and liability outweighs it. It just pisses me off regardless. If i put my money into your god forsaken bank, you *should* have the money. The only reason why YOU wouldnt have the money is because to minimize YOUR liability and maximize YOUR earnings potential you don't keep enough around to fulfill MY money.

The problem would be exponentially worse if the guy called in days in advance and they still didnt have the money either.

>> No.20856088

they own the money. they own you. you are just a debt slave.

>> No.20856092

that Canadian pile would probably only be about $40-$50 in Australia and our countries are so similar economically

>> No.20856093

my grocery spending has gone from avg. $200 to $350 and thats just for me and my girlfriend.

steak has become a luxury we eat 2 times a month max. Its fucking insane.

t. Albertafag

>> No.20856111

Lol the guy in that image died. hahaha

>> No.20856155

Who the fuck pays cash nowadays?

>> No.20856197

I’ve been pulling my limit just about any time I’m near an atm. I’m sitting on several tens of thousands of leafbux in 50s. What do?

>> No.20856267

This. I once got bitched out from RBC for taking out $1200 for rent a decade ago, a large cash withdrawl like this is done pre-arranged

>> No.20856270
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Pic related

>> No.20856337

At rbc I can now get 5s 10s and 100s. They're creating a shortage on purpose and it's going to be eliminated by end of year.

>> No.20856350

why would you take out money when its pretty much unusable everywhere anyways

>> No.20856353

From ATMs I should add. Cooked.

>> No.20856357

Mental illness

>> No.20856385

To buy drugs and shit on craigslist why else. Honestly wondering how nwo drug dealers are going to survive. Worried about my Surrey buddys

>> No.20856391

>why do goyim horde useless papers during an artificial pandemic
good question

>> No.20856393

its baseless panic, your money isnt going anywhere. you can swipe a card and buy what ever the fuck you want. the only downside is kikes will make more free money

>> No.20856458

Yeah, and that’s enough for me to pull cash. I don’t like the system very much, and appreciate the irony of hoarding the intrinsically worthless slips of plastic paper the system tells us has value. Mental illness is generally not rational I’m afraid

>> No.20856475
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>Honestly wondering how nwo drug dealers are going to survive
they shouldnt, they should all be fucking killed for poisoning the people of our nation, that goes to the fed niggers who run the hard drugs. your day will come mark my words

>> No.20856480

And it’s not panic, I’ve been doing it systematically for months now

>> No.20856553

Kek. No need to be so hostile towards pooks. I agree drugs are degen and I need to quit. But I dont regret, it's just part of my story...they have helped in many ways but now they're played.
>10k link
>100k xrp

>> No.20856596

if drugs became a taboo would you willingly quit for the good of your country and social cohesion?

>> No.20856650
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to be fair if we lived in a homogenous society with socially cohesive goals and views i doubt people would be turning to and using drugs on such a level as is now prevelant in the current cult.ure

>> No.20856687

I do not care what society tells me to do...I know drugs are pook and in my life I want to be sober. NWO will be rid nationalism anyways, so fuck social cohesion when I have to kneel down to the Jewish agenda. When I make it, and when it is necessary, I'm gone brother. I'm not taking the mark of the beast. I believe in the real Jesus and his message. I will not worship the Antichrist. Xrp and link without a doubt will allow me to provide a place for myself and others to try and survive when tribulation gets next level.

>> No.20856709

In 4d and 5d consciousness we get there. I believe more likely 5d. 3d is pins and we all fight like apes. Fucking rh positive humans.

>> No.20856719
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>> No.20856755

I withdrew 10k incriments in a suburban bank after inheritance check with no issues, though this was 4 years ago

>> No.20856757

It's the Canadian soup mafia's fault

>> No.20856792



Let’s get this trending on Twitter

>> No.20857429
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>> No.20857479

krave jerky is pretty good

>> No.20857552

Cope harder incel nazi

>> No.20857579

t. KUcK

>> No.20857647

Fuck I hate Canada.
This is exactly why I'm a NEET.
I'm not going to be a wage slave for some Commie Jew to fuck me at every opportunity.

>> No.20857695

And he was a Jew that caused hyperinflation, attack Western Europe AND the Russians, and he isn’t even blonde. Lmao heil hitler, whitepower. Lmao, Nazis are the dumbest of the dumb.

>> No.20857697

Good luck putting that back in the bank without getting reported to fintrac. Heck they’ll report you even if you put in $500. Fuck this country.

>> No.20857718

>hitler was a Jew
Nah the paternal haplogroup of his dad Alois was ev13 which is Balkan. 10% of Austrian males are ev13. Hitler is germano-Balkan.