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File: 10 KB, 400x400, AMPL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20856330 No.20856330 [Reply] [Original]

Insider here. Buy now or buy above $1. Easy 40% get today. Go.

>> No.20856389

Jokes on you I already bought when it was 2.40, before we got fucking dumped on

>> No.20856398


Thanks just bought 10k.. Will I make it?

>> No.20856428

Yes. 10K is the suicide stack for AMPL. Round 2 coming. If you thought it was over, wew, $1B cap waiting room.

>> No.20856488

Tooth anon here, I have learned that almost everything on this board is larp but I want to believe this is true. I got my my covid test came back positive, so I can't go to the dentist now until I'm done being sick. I don't know if its possible for my luck to get any worse, but hey, here's to health.

>> No.20856528

why would I want to buy a scam

>> No.20856556

On a scale from nigger to pajeet what level of scam are we talking about?

>> No.20856603

if my id is green then I'm going all in

>> No.20856618

i hope you recover quickly long

>> No.20856632

anon* not long

>> No.20856664
File: 31 KB, 618x496, 1595464204554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely JUST'd
It'll come through just have to hone those steel hands, anon

>> No.20856702

People are realising that this isn't worth buying during a dump.
Hitting the lowest price = biggest chance of a loss not a gain like traditional markets.
Buy above a dollar and sell above a dollar = fucked economic

>> No.20856703

Yeah. I know I'm not supposed to obsess about the price of this but its hard not to when its the only thing between you and a new set of chompers.

>> No.20856733

ultra fud force out tonight

>> No.20856905

I hope you heal well

>> No.20856953

As soon as the price starts moving up everyone is going to fomo.

Whales are pushing the last of the weak hands out and buying them out as much as they can before the price starts moving up eventually.

>Break 80 cents
>break 1$
>more fomo

imagine NOT buying sub 70 cents keks

>> No.20857010
File: 534 KB, 480x201, Iloveyoutoothanon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That antiample is such a buy signal.

Shit sucks man. Stay as healthy as you can + CBD. Meditate. Focus on just finding enjoyment in life when you can. You can come out the other end better off, money isn't everything, as you know with the teeth, but it will sure help. Much love anon.

>> No.20857017

covid bro? this cant be good for your mouth

>> No.20857074

nothing is fucking happening right now for hours, like shouldnt people buy or sell this hot stuff ?

>> No.20857103

When lots of shares change hands and the price goes no where. The price is about to go somewhere.

>> No.20857106
File: 1015 KB, 779x900, 1594792030768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive lost so much

>> No.20857122

Meanwhile xamp did a 75 x in 10’hours

>> No.20857153

The fact that ampl couldn’t spend more than 5 minutes creating their logo tells you all you need to know about this shitcoin

>> No.20857197

maybe getting into bancor quickly if they actually launch today could fix you, tooth anon

>> No.20857228

>Nike logo sucks

>> No.20857246

I'm scared to take any other risks right now, Bancor has been moving up in price and now I'm just scared everything is going to dump on me. I can't make good financial decisions because I'm emotional. My gut is telling me I need to realize my losses and try and pick up the pieces but I'll only have $2500 to spend if I sell at these prices.

>> No.20857293

they just want more liquidity to empty their bags

>> No.20857300

Gl, here's hope you make it.

>> No.20857314

AMPL is unironically going to 0. The amount of shill posts the last 2 weeks shouldve told you that

>> No.20857388

There's a lot of good anons that bought into it this man, I feel terrible for all of them right now because a good number of them bought into it based on the project and aren't wise enough (like myself) to understand the market for this. I seriously don't think anyone was expecting a 400mm dump and say what you will but it is a legit project.

>> No.20857405
File: 74 KB, 1065x991, 1497916519738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here anon, I'm almost selling. Will have only $1300 right now

>> No.20857418

$1b cap by EOM.

>> No.20857422

I hope you don't die, fren.

>> No.20857441
File: 509 KB, 1173x1025, Capture+_2018-09-21-18-42-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying.......theres a chance?

>> No.20857484

I want to believe there is. I've never seen any project raped this hard since Bitconnect (I'm not trying to fud but at this point this is the only thing it reminds me of in terms of backing and support).

>> No.20857516


Get well soon, anon

>> No.20857547

It could stagnate like this for days until some kind of announcement though, right?

>> No.20857567

Thanks fren. I have a really bad cough and mild fever but its not so bad. Hopefully I don't have to be on a ventilator in a hospital. :^)

>> No.20857588

Not really. Not all $100k AMPL whales have $100k ETH to go into the geyser. MAYBE 2 days of negative rebases, but we hit $0.85 on $20M vol.

I say $1+ within 3-4 days.

>> No.20857601

It's not "raped", just because it's -50% in price doesn't mean it's -50% in your holding value.

SO MANY OF YOU STILL DO NOT UNDERSTAND. It's still 30x off bottom idiots.

>> No.20857640

I understand what you're saying. I get I own a percent of the market. My buy in was very high and unfortunately I have health conditions that I have to worry about now so I'm just assessing my risks. Mcap is down so AMPL value is less, I understand it will raise with time but AMPL has scared a lot of people straight away from crypto at this point.

>> No.20857665

nobody has been scared away from shit. quit being a sad sack anon, it will improve your health

>> No.20857672

It’s not that bad desu. I say just wait and be patient and this will continue to go up over many cycles and years. Too early to sell anything in my opinion.

>> No.20857674

why tf would you buy this shitcoin when you can buy something that will actually make you money

like XAMP

>> No.20857676


>> No.20857689

bro its over

>> No.20857698

I bought more today. I told myself if an opportunity like this were to arise I would buy more. If I didn't buy now and it rises back to 1.00 in a couple of days I would not forgive myself.

>> No.20857699


AMPL is going to be huge fren. All bullshit aside they are crashing the price to buy as much as they can at a lower price.

Check the top wallets, they are accumulating more.

Make of this what you will. And get the fuck to thailand and get your teeth fixed.

>> No.20857710


Brainlets it's 50% corrected. Get in.

>> No.20857743

Actually a scam. Buy the real revolutionary coin, AMPL.

>> No.20857760

Thanks for being empathetic, not sure why the other guys are calling me a pussy and a bitch. I wasn't expecting any get rich quick scheme but from my perspective things are looking grim.

>> No.20857773

Also I will get to Thailand when I can afford it, for seriously.

>> No.20857786

>everything on this board is a larp

>> No.20857802


This is 4chin. That's what people do here.

Let me tell you a story.

I bought btc in 2015-2016 and had about 20 BTC. Time goes on and mid 2017 just before BTC broke 3000$ i quit my job. Shortly after that my BTC was taken off the exchange i kept them on and everything was taken. I did some digging and it turns out my email was in a big list of email/pw's that get leaked on the darknet.

I then watched btc go to 19000 without being able to sell any because I had none.

Shit sucks fren. You made a bad trade, people do that everyday.

>> No.20857934

I recognize your syntax, I've seen your posts here and there. Thanks for sharing, that really puts shit in perspective for me. I know I shouldn't need validation for my purchases but crypto is a deep, dark place that I thought I had a grasp of and apparently hadn't even scratched the surface.

>> No.20857947

Rolling for toothanon and my amplestack

>> No.20857949

dude, you bought the top of a 45 day 100x. how did you think it would end well? hold.

>> No.20857984

I just liked the project man. I thought it was going to level out there for a bit with a bit more dramatic correction than last time, I really don't think anyone expected the cascade that happened. Obviously hindsight is 20/20.

>> No.20858008

Was 100k up at the peak, now only 20k up. Should I hold or nah? Don't really feel like bleeding out. Will ample recover? I'm hurting.

>> No.20858045


>> No.20858059

Get well soon my fren

>> No.20858080

As someone who refused to cut their losses I can assure you that you should cut your losses as soon as possible

>> No.20858097

Get well and rich tooth anon

>> No.20858190


>> No.20858385

Oh shit. Good luck. You'll make it.

>> No.20858406

Imagine holding this virgin shitcoin and not swapping for xamp

>> No.20858452

>tfw put my life savings (2 eth) into this at $2.65
Not gonna sell till I can make my money back, I dont care at this point ill just let it sit

>> No.20858551
File: 13 KB, 271x240, ralph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Regarding this asset, we need to know three important things.

>what type of shoe does anon wear
>have you picked a hot sauce
>will you follow through

I expect pictures

>> No.20858629

Big buys. I think we're back.

>> No.20858739


Get a tripcode toothanon. So we can celebrate when we all make it.

>> No.20858747

Imagine buying an asset that is hard wired to produce diminishing returns

>> No.20858769

If you make it out of this, I will go to Thailand with you, toothanon.

>> No.20858776

When will this fucking coin reach 1.0 again

>> No.20858826

explained to me why $1 isn't the only price worth buying ampl for.
Buy cheap get negative rebase, buy high and the positive rebate will reduce price. Buy and sell at $1 an you could make bank, other than that its either a cycle of pump and dump or it will never reach $1 again.
Hope you all win guys but this economic seems broken to me and I'm high iq

>> No.20858850

dont go on a ventilator theyre literally killing people

>> No.20858969

Taking Xampie profit to buy back into Ampie

>> No.20858979


>> No.20858987

praying for you bro

>> No.20859006

Toothanon vs Anti-Ample

>> No.20859073

For example at .70 you are making money as long as it takes 10 days or less to reach 1 dollar.

>> No.20859118

you obviously dont remember ESH/ghost hitting 30 cents from 2.50 a lot of people ruined their lives over that

>> No.20859337

XAMP + AMPL can't go wrong DESU