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20854037 No.20854037 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20854140


This guy, right at 200m MC

>> No.20854166


Nice. I got in at about 210m. I'm gonna sit on it and probably go for a 2-3x.

I might swing it at obvious trends.

>> No.20854171

i bought nothing but I am happy with my 0.01% stack, and here for the ride

>> No.20854197

Bought 17k @ 0.64

>> No.20854225

i bought $1k at $1.60

>> No.20854662
File: 664 KB, 774x669, Golden Bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things be getting weird Biz...
Satoshi Nakamoto Found Describing Ampleforth and Chainlink in this 2009 Email

>> No.20854673

i sold at the bottom AND rebought, never swinging again

>> No.20854957


Well, others had worse plays with AMPL the last few days.

I expect a sudden big dick candle soon bringing the price close to 1$ as everyone follows the market and fomos it past 1$ soon.

>> No.20854996
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literally went all in today
no more LINK

>> No.20855362

AMPL: A Mathematical Programming Language
Practical large-scale mathematical programming involves more than just the application of analgorithm to minimize or maximize an objective function. Before any optimizing routine can beinvoked, considerable eÆort must be expended to formulate the underlying model and to generatethe requisite computational data structures. AMPL is a new language designed to make thesesteps easier and less error-prone. AMPL closely resembles the symbolic algebraic notation thatmany modelers use to describe mathematical programs, yet it is regular and formal enough to beprocessed by a computer system; it is particularly notable for the generality of its syntax and for thevariety of its indexing operations. We have implemented a translator that takes as input a linearAMPL model and associated data, and produces output suitable for standard linear programmingoptimizers. Both the language and the translator admit straightforward extensions to more generalmathematical programs that incorporate nonlinear expressions or discrete variables.

This is what Ampleforth did with words
(vs) numbers...?

>> No.20855713
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Patents for Mind Control Technology

How did Ampleforth (1984) do what he did?

>> No.20855990
File: 197 KB, 420x420, FKCVFDt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, I’m actually poking fun at my own ignorance because I didn’t know much about the symbol or character. I’m an elastic supply brain mooching off the big ruffle-brains here.

It’s also just a fun thought puzzle. Especially the logo and name. Which, in my opinion, are captivating. The best in the space. Because it’s so thought provoking. That's why I want to ask you guys this stuff.

>how is Ampleforth in 1984 like Satoshi in 2009.

My interpretation is that it metaphorically describes the birth of the concepts and their alignment with economic and political values.

Ampleforth’s poetry was his life. He wouldn’t sacrifice his principals and payed the price. My unsubstantiated vision of satoshi is somewhat similar. He probably worked on a some big government/corporate project, realized the implications and bounced. I bet the same for the ample guys too, we could ask them, but reading their blog material is a good for me.

Now the Lambda. I don’t know shit about that coin, but if it hasn’t pumped in a while it will. At some point. It’s kinda the law.

Anyways…on to Spartan army. Again, I’m burger. I knew 300 and I knew Hodl. So I asked myself why the fuck is this their logo? (It’s so simple and ugly at first but then it grabs you and you just can’t look away…wtf, is that really a logo? No. Yes? No! Whatever, Ok. Then late one night some euro fuck said “It’s a Lambda you Burger!” and I realized my ignorance.) I end up down a hole reading about Alexander The Great ,coinage, debasement, wars and the division of the Roman Empire. It was all too familiar.

And for me, the Lambda is a cheeky reference to all this and more. Ample is designed to attract traders at first and bring the market cap up asap. But, the logo is saying that it’s not a traders coin in the end. It’s controlled by the plebs who Hodl. The traders support it’s value. The ultimate right.

>> No.20856281
File: 125 KB, 1300x724, slam-dunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love your mind Anon; Respect!!!

>> No.20856525


>First we break 80 cents
>Then the fomo comes
>More fomo