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File: 3.60 MB, 280x280, 1596002325220.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20854683 No.20854683 [Reply] [Original]

Made a giant leap towards my $85k job today guys. I thought I would have to go for $50k, but I'm shooting for $85k now.

>> No.20855336

income is for the serfs. net worth is for the gentry

>> No.20855512

this cat thing isn't even real

>> No.20855518

how is that cat doing that?

>> No.20855901

yeah i was shocked for a sec, but can totally see this is edited

>> No.20855918

It's real retards

>> No.20856106

youre the retarded one if you think this is real

>> No.20856134

this >>20856106

>> No.20856153

Bruh, my cat does this all the time. Most cats can if they're trained properly.

>> No.20856166

You are both so fucking dumb and blind. I hope you're trolling, for your own sake.

>> No.20856180

Really? Tell me how the fuck your cat does this then
You're clearly trolling

>> No.20856198


Are you guys trolling? You can tell it's real by looking at the shadow, I cannot believe I share this board with you luke warm IQ imbeciles.

>> No.20856223

The fuck I thought my cat was the only one who could do that. We should start a circus bro.

>> No.20856257

I took my cat to a fine Japanese lad who used catnip and passion fruit to train him.

>> No.20856258

this is a legendary thread

>> No.20856260

Dude shadows can easily be faked.
I'm calling bullSHIT on your cat being able to do this. how can a cat even do this at all

>> No.20856285

THe pepople who think the cat is really dancing like that are trolls right? It's clearly not fucking real

>> No.20856310

the meme is to pretend like youre having trouble with deciding if its real or not

>> No.20856316

I remember several years ago hating the dat boi meme and thinking stupid memes couldn't possibly get worse, but here we are repeatedly asking if a cat gif is real. It's been around for what feels like months and the only evolution it's had is a fucking wojak edit.

>> No.20856318

How can people walk or dance? They just do. It's in their dna.

>> No.20856319

don't listen to them, they're clearly trolling. pics or it dindt hapen

>> No.20856342

Confirmed as trolling.
Nobody has ever been able to prove that this cat dancing shit is real.

>> No.20856399

Do you REALLY need proof that a video of a person dancing is real? Think for yourself. Jesus.

>> No.20856452
File: 243 KB, 446x396, Screen Shot 2020-07-30 at 10.15.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more i watch this video, the more obvious it is to me that it's edited. look at the shadows and the way the cat jumps and lands on the ground. gravity doesn't work like that

>> No.20856478

He real

>> No.20856491

It's pretty obvious that it's cgi. People actually think this shit's real? FUCK outta here.

>> No.20856519

The image is too blurry. Enhance! Zoom!

>> No.20856576

Post proof it's not real. We literally have video evidence of the cat dancing.

>> No.20856608
File: 38 KB, 221x268, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what you guys get out of this, but whatever. I'm an animator and work with CGI every fucking day. I know what I'm talking about and you wouldn't be able to replicate this on a rendering program. Pic-related

>> No.20856610


>> No.20856676

what are you even showing? i can draw random circles on the cat and say your argument is invalid too. you proved nothing. this shit is fake

>> No.20856688
File: 46 KB, 828x501, its real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20856771

I'm saying go try to recreate this. Then go work for Disney because your talent is needed. You can't. It's never going to look quite right because you're trying to 1:1 a real life video with software you absolute troglodyte.

>> No.20856786

I highly doubt your credentials. I have built software for cinematics and graphics rendering that are at the cutting edge of modern day technology development, and have worked at Lionsgate, Warner Brothers, and Pixar within their particle animation and special visual effects divisions.

After doing some frame-by-frame analysis, I can tell you that this cat is not real, but rendered in in after-effects. You can tell by analyzing the pixel compression difference in the foreground vs the background, frame by frame. We can see some inconsistencies throughout this gif, making it clear that this is a fake. It was made up, never happened. Just a clever visual trick using cutting edge software.

>> No.20856814

You're saying I'm a retard because this can't be replicated? Seems like you just proved that it's not real. Hence it cannot be replicated in real life. Fuck outta here dude

>> No.20856842

You people are stupid

>> No.20856855


>> No.20856866
File: 47 KB, 368x368, 1595196011938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid fucking cat

>> No.20856907

Look at this video. >>20856842
IT'S THE SAME FUCKING CAT IN THE OP'S VIDEO. and the entire video is cgi shit. what more proof do you need that this isn't real? IT'S EDITED. FAKE. FUCK OUTTA HERE

>> No.20856948

fast forward to 4:46 - you'll find the cat dancing part
The video is a compilation of his work

Let me re-iterate...you people are stupid
How can anyone even...ugh
Why bother

>> No.20856969

Allow me to clarify that >>20856907 isn't stupid; I was referring to the rest of you who thought this shit was real

>> No.20856993

yeah, i watched the whole video. the entire video is edited clips. pretty obvious
i knew this shit was fake

>> No.20856997

Very low IQ. Some being fake does not = all of them being fake. You just haven't seen a well-trained cat before, it's fine.

>> No.20857014

thank you anon