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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20853889 No.20853889 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know much about this coin to be honest, I see it mentioned a lot and it has memeability, thats all i know lol but... I'm lookng at it now and this thing looks like it's about to pull a rocketship move...

>> No.20853915

Unironically, Defohub is legit as fuck.... and the mafia fud is some of the most entertaining fud in a while hahahaha. I really think this is going to $20mil or $30mil sooner than we think

>> No.20853957

no shit faggot.
buy buidl or die poor you stupid fuck.

>> No.20853978

Hold me tight Luigi

>> No.20853989

What would that put price at

>> No.20854023

$6.50 to $10

>> No.20854030

Like $12... that’s first target for me

>> No.20854035

you guys couldn’t be any dumber.
if you actually think that it’s going to run after actually running, you’re a verified retard.

>> No.20854067

mama mia

>> No.20854096
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The worlds first decentralized equity

>> No.20854105

end your life retard

>> No.20854113

guys should i sell my arte to get buidl or hold arte for a bit. it seems to be pumping alongside buidl

>> No.20854122
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>> No.20854123


So unbased

>> No.20854182
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have most of it in buidl, arte is just a side project. buidl is going to be worth a billion dollars one day and you can cap this. you have no fucking clue how big of a market share they are actively cornering while people still don't even comprehend that the market they are cornering can exist.

>> No.20854202

>people still don't even comprehend that the market they are cornering can exist.
ah yes. thats me. kek. i just buy cuz it has the comfy feeling

>> No.20854356
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it decentralizes DAOs
>b-but DAOs are already decentralized!
kek the governance program is as old as smartcontracts and they solved it. not theoretically, they launched the platform that solves what was basically assumed to be an unsolvable problem. I mean, I get it, and even I have no idea what sort of shit will get built on this. SO MANY RESTRICTIONS in smart contract dev are GONE

plus, since this involves decentralizing the front end by putting it on-chain, it literally allows you to host entire websites on chain, INCLUDING IMAGES AND VIDEO LOL

fuck, it still gives me goosebumps. I now know what it's like to buy ETH at $0.50

>> No.20854414

>host entire websites on chain, INCLUDING IMAGES AND VIDEO
How much would that cost in gas fees tho?

>> No.20854594

if you read the pic related they pivoted to ROBE to improve gas fees for DFOhub, they do have this in mind. but if you want to store anything on chain it is expensive, for sure, and we won't see an on-chain youtube, at least not on ETH 1.0. but before this point hosting the front end of a DAO on-chain was virtually unheard of, and being able to host a front end on-chain AND have it trustless AND still leave it upgradeable and, well, flexible, was simply impossible.

>> No.20855330

Bike to Ferrari

>> No.20855554

Fuck, the pennies dropped. I didn’t fully understand the implications of robe and this part of DFOhub. This is absolutely huge. Combined with ETH 2.0 this opens the gateways to the fully decentralised web 3.0

>> No.20855587

>fuck, it still gives me goosebumps. I now know what it's like to buy ETH at $0.50
just out of curiosity, what was your entry price for BUIDL?

>> No.20855615

I sold a portion of my stack, but some thugs were waiting outside my car when I left work... they broke both of my pinkies.

Devs need this to pump for a bigger exit

>> No.20855710

my cheapest buidl was probably 0.0016 eth but I accumulated most between 0.002 and 0.0025

>> No.20855733
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pic of the thugs was just released

>> No.20855769

Missed .80 bc coinbase sucks. Think it's still worth it for me to park some neetcoins in there?

>> No.20855897

Ooh okay, we entered about the same time. I made a big mistake and only bought 800 though. :/

>> No.20856146

>this opens the gateways to the fully decentralised web 3.0
yep, they even made this as a meme with ROBE, a totally censorshipfree webpage
now combine that with DFOs and it's a whole new world
I am still accumulating dips and swinging a bit on the side. I can't say when this will take off again, but it will. It's still so damn undervalued
Almost two sui stacks anon, you are going to do just fine

>> No.20856447

Buidl is the new Neo, but it solves an actual problem and has already delivered.

>> No.20856532

i want to believe the hype in this thread so bad. the project certainly sounds phenomenal

>> No.20856538

Gonna be massive

>> No.20856547

Did you buy anon?
>Almost two sui stacks anon, you are going to do just fine
Really? You think a sui stack is 500? What do you think this is really going to then?

>> No.20856657

First crypto equity and conglomerate. $100-200 EOY if crypto bull run continues

>> No.20856660

i just bought 1K to get my feet wet and we seem to have taken off... do we think we're going for a ride now? should i double down?

>> No.20856705

wow, 1k BUIDL just now? damn playa, you're definitely not afraid to get your feet wet
Jesus christ, that sounds like high hopes. I dont know about that dude, but I'd sure be happy as fuck.
do you know about the inflation rate of BUIDL?

>> No.20856715
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sui is 420, make it is 4200. max diluted supply is 42m, so that would be equiv to having 210/2100 btc, or like 800/8000 ETH in supply terms. something like that. 21m, 42m, 110m+, idk check the math yourself lol. (not going to get into how circ supply is only 2.8m right now and how bullish that is). anyways, 800 is not a bad stack, only seems small because we are so early

>> No.20856744

What's the deal with the inflation rate? I dont get how that works. 3.5% inflation rate means only 3.5% of max supply can be unlocked per year? Is that what that means? Thanks anon.

>> No.20856797

Max supply is 20 M
Because+-22 M are locked forever.
Inflation just 3 % year.

Agree suicide stack 420
Make it 4200

>> No.20856818

yes but everything is flexible so the community can vote to change that. I think it's 1.5% right now from staking. in 16 months or so the dev wallet opens and that is a "risk", although they are not the type of people to dump a project they have spent years of their life working on years on. the rest of the coins are governed by community vote so I don't think you'll see many of those get dumped

>> No.20856865
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>Because+-22 M are locked forever
anon the largest wallet, the dev wallet, only has 16m. where are you getting this 22m locked number from?

>> No.20856900

>primed for a fucking run

it already fucking ran you fucking retard. stop shilling coins that already popped.

>> No.20857620

It’s going to rocket today. Cap this. Refuelled and consolidated nicely yesterday, now It’s going to show us what it really can do.

>> No.20858156

fuck you

this shit boutta run to $50

>> No.20858174
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Buying dips since 0.9$ im soon out of ethereum

>> No.20858195

So here are all the current MCs of the projects speaking at EDCON, in order:

$0.6m ARTE
$6.7m BUIDL

$35m DATA
$60.6m GNT
$67.4m AVA
$80.7m RLC
$113.9m CKB
$121.8m STX
$125.8m LRC
$209.7m UMA
$402.9m AAVE
$845.8m ETC
$2,865.5m LINK
$37,065.9m ETH

And here are there peak MCs, in order:

$0.6m ARTE
$6.7m BUIDL

$67.9m AVA
$121.7m CKB
$135.1m STX
$220.3m UMA
$308.2m RLC
$307.8m DATA
$446.1m AAVE
$920.4m GNT
$968.2m LRC
$3,308.6m LINK
$4,395.4m ETC
$149,491.5m ETH

If our two were to beat even just AVA:

ARTE would do a 108x
BUIDL would do a 10x

If they were to beat half, and sit between DATA and AAVE:

ARTE would do a 491x
BUIDL would do a 45x

Truth be told, they can do even better than that. $BUIDL and $ARTE confirmed for meg moonshots

>> No.20858226

i'm not buying this it already did X% in X days!

see aleph, after doing 200% it did another 150%, retards like you will stay poor for not understanding pumpamentals

>> No.20858434
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reminder fuck all Julians in the whole world!

>> No.20858803
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>> No.20859000

This stuff made more than 1000x in the last few months and it doesn't look like it's stopping. Get in or stay poor faggot.

>> No.20859166

Looks like it's forming a Batman to me. Sell that shit immediately

>> No.20859475
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>> No.20859543

Scam scam scam

>> No.20859695


>> No.20859731

so early on this one boys

>> No.20859800

>hasn't even re-branded yet
this is why you dyor anon.

>> No.20859818

Huge! Arte and buidl are undervalued GEMS

>> No.20859835
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Damn, looks like without pinkies you'll only have money to buy PNKies. Enjoy, pajeet.

>> No.20860005

His helmet needs a logo. Where can I see the new logos?

>> No.20860717

I imagine it's going up after EDCON. Normally I'd say wait for a dip, but we're too early to take that for granted.

>> No.20861051
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What do you anons think is the ultimate MC potential for dfohub? Could it be in the billions?

>> No.20861152
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Literally HOO

>> No.20861172
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>> No.20861187

Damn son we finna 10x e z p z