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20838789 No.20838789 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20838818
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>> No.20838832

they're huge though?

>> No.20838838


>> No.20838871

omg they partnered with the biggest corporation in the rising global technological power instead of with a corporation from a nigger ridden brasil? wow, this sounds great to me desu

>> No.20838878
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>> No.20838903
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>> No.20839245

BABA Market Cap 675.815B

very comfy iexecute

>> No.20839593

Price is literally dumping

>> No.20839619

if youre not invested in china you literally hate free money

>> No.20839636

smart money knows. who cares about a little correction

>> No.20839663
File: 406 KB, 1268x722, 1596130304776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not being bullish about this.

>> No.20839697

Get Gorged, insect!

>> No.20839719

>little correction
But It's dumping

>> No.20839736


>> No.20839771

Repeating yourself in a thread doesn't make it magically true lmao

>> No.20839813

It doesn't change the fact that it's still dumping.
I might buy back in at $0.50

>> No.20839824

Yeah but ARPA with JD.com so fuck off

>> No.20839828

Nvm you fudders just got assigned the same gay id color kek

>> No.20839896

They're chinks, it means nothing. Notice how the scammiest nation is only really "adopting" crypto? Same with link, it's a joke

>> No.20839897

That's not a fact schizo. I've never been more comfyyyyyyy
You're going to rope yourself when you think back on these threads

>> No.20839943

Ah yes, I forgot China's is entirely made up and their GDP and Growth are made up too
You will Rope yourself when you think back on these threads....

>> No.20839962

It's dumping. I have no emotional investment in RLC. I'm giving you impartial facts. Its going lower than $1. I still wouldn't buy this at $0.75. There no hype to look forward to Chico only shilled RLC as a quick p&d to dump on his followers. Chico crypto is unironically the new Mcafee. He shills shit gets people hyped and excited and then dumps on them for a guaranteed x2

>> No.20840341
File: 32 KB, 800x464, pamp_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so it's you Chico. Lmao how are ya you fucking bundle of sticks? Did you know if you weren't retarded you could consistenly 10x your money without nignogging on jewtube?

>> No.20840993


>> No.20841029

Alright, where the fuck are you pajeets at? Show yourself. I was told there was going to be a big announcement. I just watched an hour and half of a bunch of losers wave their hands and talk about literally nothing. Fuck these guys. I'm going to go buy to top of LINK specifically because fuck everything their shitty conference stood for. Absolutely fucking nothing.

>> No.20841231
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The partnerships are not ever real.
"Technical" partnership is the most effective euphemism for a nothingburger.

They "partner" with Microsoft because they use Windows as a PaaS.
They "partner" with Alibaba because Gilles once ordered dresses off taobao for his tranny harem.

>> No.20841551

>rising global technological power
china is not that

>> No.20841641
File: 354 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200730-130640_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. Literally anyone can sign up for Alibaba cloud services.

>> No.20842061

>to dump on his followers
to dump upword

>> No.20842130

>"Technical" partnership
it's always a partnership between devs

>> No.20842169

this news is from like last year dude

>> No.20842187

The "partnership" is from 2019 you absolute autists.

It consisted of iexec registering on alibaba cloud and uploading an application on one of the servers
> Specifically, on Alibaba cloud, iExec deployed a medical application that allows a hospital to ‘rent out’ their medical data to a neuro research center.

AHAHAHAHAHA get rekt with all your "PARTNASHIPS", 90% of them are literally just that iexec is using the companies product (sgx) or cloud

>> No.20842210

Its microsoft

>> No.20842307

>"Technical" partnership
it's always a partnership between devs

>> No.20842329

Suuuure. Confirmation from Microsoft ? Nope.

Just iexec putting big tech logos in their slide deck if they by chance part of a large team that also contained an employee of microsoft, working on a third-party proof of concept (hyperledger avalon) that has nothing to do with either iExecs marketplace or microsoft

>> No.20842383

If I'm a graphic designer I can buy a Macbook pro
download photoshop and put on my website
"powered by apple" "in partnership with adobe"
And everything that I've just done is completely legal as I'm only stating facts.

>> No.20842551

This is bullshit, if you use Photoshop and claim you're "partnership with Adobe" you're in for some serious shit.

>> No.20842560

If you upload an App to the Apple App store and Google Play store, you technically have more of a partnership with Google and Apple than iExec has as you are both joined in partnership to generate value from end-users.
Of course its still laughable to say you are partners with apple & google if you have an app on the store, but what is even more laughable is that iExec doesn't even have that, they literally sign up for "partnerships" on google betas and have "partnerships by association" all just to make the price pump before releases because they then can tease "big tech partnership announcements" for weeks.

>> No.20842948


>> No.20843585

yeah buy link normie go ahead